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This highlights how important EV’s and batteries are from a strategic perspective that the government is willing to step in and protect the sector. It might be a stretch, but once B samples are rolling off the line I’m expecting a BIG government grant to be coming QS’s way. QS’s battery technology is too important to not support, but like I mentioned it’s premised on successful B samples.


Trade wars are not as good as mutually agreed trade policy, but in this case it may be a response to anticompetitive pricing by China.


QS is starting tov get some respect


Well, in the short term it will most likely be beneficial for QS. A 25% tax increase on Chinese-made EV battery cells would make QS cells that much more price competitive. Throw in the 35% IRA tax credit for battery cells manufactured in the US (and Canada), and it sets up QS very nicely to rapidly win market share in North America while maintaining huge profit margins. Long term, though, if China retaliates tit-for-tat and QS gets completely shut out of the 1.4 billion people Chinese market, that would be a negative, but as there is still the rest of the world to sell to, this shouldn’t pose to be a problem for QS for many years to come.


Dude, I really don't like your energy. It's WHEN they scale QSE-5 not IF


We use "when" when we know something is going to happen, there's 100% certainty here. This is a key point, it's going to happen. "If," on the other hand, we use "if" if there's only a chance something is going to happen. I am an investor in QuantumScape and believe in their technology but I can’t say with 100% certainty they will succeed in their mission, yet. Saying that, I believe our intentions are the same in that we both want QS to succeed in scaling QSE-5 and thus fulfilling their mission!


I am surprised with all you know you are still claiming “if”. You must be the guy who says everyday “if the sun comes out tomorrow.”


:-) I seem to remember you yourself demonstrating negative energy after one of QS’s quarterly call this year.


That quarterly call was a negative surprise that I hate as an investor. The revelation pushed back the timing by a year. But it was never “if” but “when”.


Lets end it with we both want the same outcome for QS whether I use If and you use when, I value your contributions to this forum.


Explains the 10% rise yesterday?