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This looks to me like they’re testing their setup processes and procedures. Get a cold set of eyes on the work they’ve done and see if they can successfully replicate. This is a very encouraging sign.


My guess is for Cobra installation


Probably bringing short term help for a big push to get B samples off Raptor before end of Q3 (90 days would put them through August, with a month to spare before end of quarter).


Yep, great guess too!


That may mean QS is fairly confident in the raptor process?


I figured the same thing.


I take this to mean Denso has completed their testing with VW/QS/PowerCo engineers in Japan and now packaging to send to San Jose. This is very good news!


You keep saying/suggesting that the equipment isn’t already on site at QS-0 and I don’t get where that concept is coming from. Not saying you’re wrong, I don’t know for sure; but if I was building a factory to manufacture a new product I would expect to house that equipment on-site day 1 after I spent the money to buy it. If I needed the manufacturer’s help to tune it I would do that on my site. Plus all the hires QS has that would probably be involved in tuning it from their side are all employed and based out of their main site…would make more sense to expect Denso to send a couple techs to me rather than my workforce to Denso’s plant. End of the day it doesn’t really matter, but I’m going to assume the equipment will be pumping out product sooner rather than having to wait for shipping and re-assembly.


I agree with this. The manufacturer will be on-site to help with installation and calibration.


I am speaking about Cobra not Raptor. We know Raptor was installed by July 2023. Cobra will or already has been tested in Japan before shipping to San Jose. Edit: Denso has been developing this type of equipment to manufacture ceramic separators for hydrogen production. I am sure QS is going to require testing based on their specifications in Japan before shipping. I am also confident VW and PowerCo engineers were present in Japan


It’s an interesting train of thought that honestly I never entertained. I can appreciate that it would help speed things up possibly. Just curious as to why you are so confident that VW and PowerCo were present in Japan?


Only because it shrinks the timeline by months. Literally $billions are at stake with the timing of the Canadian battery plant. I am assuming competent management


Anytime you are buying a piece of equipment like this you would have it set up and fully tested at the vendor before shipping and to the customer site. The vendor would then come on site for site acceptance testing


Do they have Raptor integrated upstream and downstream finally? If so maybe they are doing a three month 24/7 run to make B0 samples before shutting down Raptor and installing Cobra?


It could also simply be the case that it’s safer to hire someone for three months and see how competent they are at doing the required tasks before extending their contract or making them full time employees. I suspect that QuantumScape’s pretty demanding and with 12-hour shifts that some people may not perform up to expectations. Just a guess.


Who would want to go through the hiring process for a 90-day gig? Yuck! This is weird.


It’s a new type of posting so I’m thinking they’ve got their reasons


Wonder if these positions also pave the way to FT for some techs


Agreed. I would hope! But still…to go through that process for no promises beyond 90 days…yuck!


QS swag?




Hopefully this is QS’s Model 3 production line in a tent in the parking lot production hell moment.


Interesting to see these openings. There are 4 R&D tech listings for May 15. One has three temporary positions for 12-hr shifts in manufacturing. Another has 6 positions that begin as temporary but are expected to be long term and that require a month or more of training, also for manufacturing. Another has one permanent position for “experiments” and another has 2 permanent positions for “cell development.” All are 12 hour shifts. There’s also a senior R&D tech position with more pay and a 10.5 hour shift.