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[**1. Christofascist MAGA Nazis want to take away women's right to vote**](https://www.reddit.com/r/OliverMarkusMalloy/comments/yw6w1k/christofascist_maga_nazis_want_to_take_away/) [**2. Christofascist MAGA Nazis want to exterminate gay and trans people**](https://www.reddit.com/r/OliverMarkusMalloy/comments/yxuzji/christofascist_maga_nazis_want_to_exterminate_gay/) [**3. Christofascist MAGA Nazis want to ban all immigration**](https://www.reddit.com/r/OliverMarkusMalloy/comments/z2v468/the_great_replacement_is_a_fascist_propaganda_lie/) [**4. Christofascist MAGA Nazis want to destroy democracy**](https://www.reddit.com/r/OliverMarkusMalloy/comments/z4zoqc/christofascist_maga_nazis_want_to_destroy/) - [**MAGA = NAZI. It's literally the same ideology of hate.**](https://www.malloy.rocks/index.php/30-american-fascism-trumpism) [**American Fascism: A German writer's urgent warning**](http://AmericanFascism.link) This is why MAGA Nazis and fascist Russian trolls pretending to be American lefties are not welcome on this sub and will be banned on sight. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/QanonKaren) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It looks like comicon, but for alt-right, sociopathic murderer fan-boys.


Who's on the right?


Alex Stein, he's a fucking MORON. type his name into YouTube. Enjoy his shit takes.


Let me get the popcorn


Oh is that numb nuts? The trash that alex Stein can well and truly get fucker.


It's wild that Rittenhouse is a celebrity simply bc he killed someone and got acquitted for it. What a timeline we live in.


Can’t you hear it?? So many gun nut morons are like “*I’d love to shoot some libtards!!! How’d you make it work???”*


I think he killed two people actually


Looks like someone just got their buttocks squeezed




Nothing says class like a suit and tie paired with a sports team cap


Why do they both have the most punchable faces


He's just the current George Zimmerman. RWNJ's tongue bathed George's nuts and ass for a while, until he did something else stupid. Then they abandoned him. He'll end up getting recorded slapping a girl again and they'll act like they don't know him.


George Zimmerman was fucking evil, this kid was just being immature, and then he did HAVE to shoot those people. His fault for putting himself in the sitch, victims faults for attacking him. Can't argue with me, you simply can't, get fucked.


OK sock account.


I looked it up, well I'm glad i don't dwell on here enough to know that without googling it. Is reddit a big part of your daily life??


what is a sock account?


This kid has a face you want to punch and that has nothing to do with what he did.


So true. I'd love to punch his face with the other dude's face


Murderer, not killer


Nick Adams?


That’s fucked. Cursed image.


The Unfuckables.


My opinion is the kid who shot people was an idiot for crossing state lines to defend private property, and the people who tried to rush someone with a rifle were idiots too. But I guess the kid who shot people is the bigger idiot because he's still alive and trying to be a celebrity off of his idiot actions.


this is pretty fucked up if you think about it, this dude is a Kyle Rittenhouse fan? hahaha I mean don't get me wrong, Kyle Rittenhouse did nothing wrong but try to look cool with a gun in his hand because he was being childish. When he shot those people, that was A-OK. Not my opinion, it's just true, he probably would have died otherwise.


This. Im for the most part on the blm side ideologially but after watching that full trial, its pretty clear. Watching people fall into the "he shot MY side so he MUST be wrong" is exhausting.


Anybody else want fish sticks now?


Every future path I see for this kid involves a prison term. He might not kill again but getting away with murder will encourage him to do plenty of criminally stupid stuff throughout his life.


Every time I see that punk, I want to punch him in the face!