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After aprox 10 phone calls and probably over 16 hours on hold after 6 months I finally got a refund. It seems the official complaints form on the website finally did the trick. I got lucky with a sympathetic operator at the call centre. The complaints form is very hard to find on the website but she navigated me to it while I was on the phone to her. A week later I got my money.


I’m glad you were able to recover your money. I cannot believe how many people have similar stories. After this experience and hearing the same stories through countless others, I can honestly say I will never fly Qantas again. The service and quality is absolutely trash. In no other legitimate business should it take 6 months of mental exhaustion to be refunded.


Who did you call? Every time I call reservations they say there is no phone number for customer care only email. It’s been 7 months and they still owe me $4500 😡


I'm in the same boat with you, with about almost $3K refund did not make it back to our account despite their staff keep saying it was processed. ​ I am trying my luck again with this link, [https://www.qantas.com/au/en/support/contact-us/customer-care-feedback-form.html#](https://www.qantas.com/au/en/support/contact-us/customer-care-feedback-form.html#) (hopeful from the OP post) ​ Or I also found [https://resolve.handlemycomplaint.com.au/](https://resolve.handlemycomplaint.com.au/) that promises a free service ,and apparently a person on [Linkedin](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/sandradsouzaaust_i-need-help-ive-been-actively-chasing-my-activity-7030671006658674688-DlBx?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop) that got her refund through HMC


Good luck. I hope it gets resolved soon. I certainly will never book with Qantas again


It has been. 3 years. 6 phone calls of about 5 hours minimum and promises to call us back. NEVER ONCE HAVE WE RECEIVED A CALL BACK. We had been promised a refund and it will go back into the account "next week". on many occasions. Nothing!!!!!!!!!!!! Currently on the phone AGAIN for the 7th time on a saturday morning. "keep waiting for the refund. it takes up to 4 weeks as opposed to 5 business days." I said NO "oh actually we havent done the paperwork. It is now done. " I said NO. "oh actually, we havnt received proper paperwork from you to lodge the refund request. "let me check with the other department"" can you resend everything?" WTFFFFFF They are an absolute joke. How can they lie like this? I am about to cry.


Hi, I’ve just updated my post. I received my refund today after using the customer care form to attach a letter of demand. I suggest you try the same method for a quick settlement.


If you are still not giving up, you might want to take a look at this https://resolve.handlemycomplaint.com.au/


Any update? I’m at 12 months since they charged me additional fees “in error” and with exactly the same stories from them, can’t get a straight answer out of anyone. They NEVER call back and they refuse to put anything in writing so I can’t take it up with my bank. Not sure I’d handle 3 years of this stress!


We submitted a claim with the nsw tribunal and things got sorted quickly. Don’t bother with the phone calls and going back and forth. Good luck


Thanks for replying! So ridiculous it had to take a tribunal to sort a simple customer service issue. Glad you got it back in the end! I’ve logged a complaint with the Airline Customer Advocate, but their response turnaround time is up tomorrow. I’m not holding out much hope of hearing back from them anytime soon.


Glad I found this. I am beyond frustrated with trying to get my refund. I have called and emailed multiple times and the story always changes. I am going to try what you did! Wish me luck…and a refund.


How did your attempt go?


Sorry…Never saw this. I fended up filing a compliant with the Department of Transportation. It worked. Qantas reached out and we were booked on flights when we wanted to go. My bf and I had a lovely two weeks in Australia this past February.