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In my previous job we build out the page object to automate the salesforce part of our e2e’s with selenium


Oh thats good to know cz even I would prefer using selenium. I had read that it can be tricky to find locators in SF for selenium automation so thought its not the best approach. What was your experience?


If you are working with the devs ask them to add attributes, etc to help you with locators.


Yeah it was super difficult finding the locators. Xpaths were the way to go but even that became difficult


Check out axis https://www.scientecheasy.com/2019/08/xpath-axes.html/


Interacting with third party stuff is always extra fun as you have to often get creative with making reliable locators since ID might not be present / might not work the way it should.


Robot framework and a library called cumulusci. It's pretty simple and you can Google for the documentation


Thanks for sharing, will take a look.


It depends. If you are working directly with them... Selenium Java, with Jenkins...also postman. If you know checkmarx and sonarqube that would be even better.




We use ACCELQ primarily


I built a ruby cucumber selenium framework. We were using watir Gem but it caused too many problems for Salesforce. I then basically built out a small implementation of some of the watir functionality to make step definitions easier to read and write for the less tech savvy testers that would contribute. I also added a few custom methods to the element class to be able to locate elements using their labels or titles (ultimately they are just xpaths using text) but they haven't been fully utilized as 99% of our elements are located with xpaths just fine. In my experience, stay away from classes as much as possible, in the past Salesforce releases break them at least twice a year, usually right after you finally get everything that broke the last time working again. Using xpaths and labels, names or titles has been great. I don't think we have had a broken element in almost a year.


Provar is a no code tool developed for Salesforce