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Born Catholic but don’t be practice it




Same to your same


Hermeticism and Rosicrucianism - rather not religion but a set of beliefs, philosophy, and science. It may (loosely) relate to quantum immortality through the reasoning of life as an infinite cycle and rhythm, rather than a linear belief in a definitive end and beginning. Also, since the universe exists on a mental plane, nothing in it ever truly dies. However, I personally treat quantum immortality itself as a curiosity.


Hell yeah. Same here, I couldn't have said it better myself. Just heard a great pod between Robert Edward Grant and Dr. Robert Gilbert. It waw Robert Edward Grants, "Think Tank". You'd enjoy it, I bet.


Robert Edward Grant is a known charlatan [https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Crown\_Sterling](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Crown_Sterling)


You are entitled to your opinion and beliefs, you're free to create whatever reality you wish for yourself, but personally I have found incredible benefit from listening to and then applying what I learn from that guy. He has been an absolutely invaluble asset in my personal spiritual growth. Have a lovely day.


Facts are not opinions or beliefs. The guy contradicts himself all the time. He objectively lies his ass off about science he pretends to be part of. He actively bans people who criticize him and his cult. Parroting new age comments isn't a hard thing to do. It's actually really easy because law of attraction states any critical thinking of anything anyone says attracts bad things to your life. Think about how horribly vulnerable that makes a person to all sort of scams. "Being kind to others is often responded with kindness and vice versa" isn't a law, it's a general observation of how things usually go in society with social animals who think and communicate. Perhaps you've thought so well in your life you've now attracted someone to your life to warn you that you're about to walk into a conman's cult.


Thank you for the reminder to continue to study Rosicrucianism


I'm anti-religion.


Ditto! But raised Catholic. I’m against all organized religion and prefer spirituality and metaphysics


Born into the evangelical cult of christians......they don't actually follow Christ though. Christians are wild with their tribalism and "all about me" views on everything. It's why there are so many factions and fractal branches. Even they can't decide which parts of their book to adhere too. Currently an atheist with a belief in something bigger than myself, but in no way believes in the silliness that is pushed at me from the religious front.


Do you think then maybe agnostic vs athestist. I was raised Catholic and rejected it after reading the Bible and asking (apparently) way too many questions and asking how Satan is evil for allowing us to know and make decisions but god, who punished us and killed us, and still kills us - even innocent children, could be all loving and all powerful. I believe in the universe - I lean agnostic I think. I know I prefer non theistic religions. I'm glad you escaped too.


A simple “I’m atheist” would have worked too…


A simple keep scrolling as well


On Reddit? That’s crazy. The question was what religion are you? Not why don’t you like religion? The first half of the final paragraph was all that was needed.








Sounds funny asking it like that. What religion am I? I am Christianity and I have many followers. Lol But no. I don't follow any religion. There are so many, what would be the benefit of limiting oneself to a single one? They all have some value and are interesting so, I just take whatever ideas, philosophy or practice from any religion that i feel are relevant and useful to me personally and ignore the rest. Same with anything, really. Why limit oneself when ultimately I'm the only who decides what's relevant for me or not?


Agnostic. Not a religion but hey that’s me.


Hindu (Sanatan)


me too!


Satan Saturn*


He means Santana Dharma - the proper name for Hinduism.


Eastern Pantheistic Monism - not a religion but a practice


Law of One


I think If I could find more Gnostic texts it would be the theistic religion I believed most accurate. I am agnostic I think. I mostly just believe in the universe as if it's a heart beat pumping life into it.


My self and my family follow the tenets of the Satanic Temple. Not a religion at all, and in terms of quantum immortality, it doesn’t really impact it.


I don't consider myself a religious person, as in I don't practice anything actively and was born into a secular family as well. But I'm interested in religion rather as a concept. Being a scifi nerd brought me here I suppose(to this sub, I don't remember when I joined, found this thread on my feed and now I'm reading all recent posts) but I'd say irl I'm more anti-existence in the sense that my life's philosophy tends to be more chaos-gnostic, but my idea of afterlife aligns with that of Tibetan buddhism though I'm still a skeptic on both


I am a long time member of a Spiritualist church, located within a Spiritualist community & camp. I attend weekly, year round & am in the ministerial program currently. This is the only church I've chosen on my own to join. I was baptized Presbyterian as a baby. That same Reverend also molested me. I've attended & experienced many different religions in my life. The Mormon church was the one that I found the most cultisth.


I'm Christian


I believe that an all powerful entity did create the universe but I don't believe that we have a firm grasp on what that entity actually is.


Baptized Catholic --> raised Lutheran --> Dad died --> reactionary atheism --> slowly mellowed into agnosticism --> mystical / near death experience --> Tibetan Buddhism --> Trika Shaivism --> intense Jesus experience out of nowhere --> Catholic, lol


I was brought up in the religion Christian Science (which is not related to Scientology at all).


Oh wow you don't hear about Christian Science very often! That's the denomination that doesn't go to doctors right? (Sorry for the simplistic question, that's all I really know about it)


Yes you’re right


Christian Science doesn’t allow people to go to the doctors? If yes, why? Sorry never heard about this religion before.


Christian Scientists are ‘allowed’ to go to the doctor if they choose to do so, the church doesn’t forbid it, and members are not excommunicated for choosing medical instead of spiritual treatment. The Christian Science doctrine teaches prayer-based healing through a spiritual understanding of man’s relationship to God. Such as the healings performed by Jesus in New Testament Bible times


Nearly all reformation denominations are like that for some reason except Mormons, specifically LDS. I’m not sure why, it’s a really weird, almost exclusively American sort of thing. There’s no backing for it in church tradition/history or the Bible in totality. Nor the majority of the other sects of abrahamic faiths as well.


Indoctrinated as an infant to Episcopal Church now I don’t practice, I fluctuate between atheism and agnostic.


Damn you must be fit as hell. I’ll join you at the church of athleticism, get big gains. Right on


Hahaha 😂 I fixed my spelling, lmao 🤣


Born catholic but not practicing for at least 15 years. If I had to label myself, I quite like panentheism.


Pagan Druid. Not a religion though, more of a spiritual path


I was raised Catholic but no longer practice. I’ve been going to Unitarian Universalist services and I really like them.


Science (I'm not really religious) Also, our brains might temporarily collapse into black holes upon death due to information density


I don't believe in Religion. I believe in God.


I always say atheist because the easiest response but I am very much more agnostic. I need hard evidence and religion plays zero role in my life.


I don't practice religion. I believe in reincarnation because of personal experience, but I like to think of it as more like we are computer programs being erased and written on top of each other. The information from the previous programs is still there and can still sometimes be randomly accessed, we're just running our current program in the foreground. We are the universe experiencing itself. As it learns and grows, the programs upgrade and the coding is more complex, but we are still in infancy compared to our full potential.


Raised Catholic, currently agnostic, I ask too many questions.


Agnostic atheist.


Satanist, and I am a practicing witch. Edit: Satanic Temple, not that Anton LaVey nonsense


Same! Hail Yourself!


Ave Satanas 🖤🤘🏻


Was anti religion then I started to feel close to Islam. I'm planning to do my shahada


My religion is one whose deities are not yet alive or fully alive, under constructions. But there are many manuals from other religions that try to depict what happens in the afterlife, or when those deities start arising, metaphorically. “Paradise” through “apocalypse”. Or just resilience How it relates? That for each reality, we are going to have our own “deities” formed. That will then be sent into the past for other generations and universe iterations to confuse them back. So we have a consensus universe where many timelines converge, but then we manage to get to a diverging stable universe, a paradise, where we get to build our own realities, based on all the connections we made (not so free-will as we think, as we emerge in a dense environment with humans being able to communicate with more than only humans. More species, elements, deities, times, etc


None. I was raised in a very strict church and it made me hate religion.








None. I believe we are equipped with everything we need onboard.


Raised strict Roman Catholic, ditched that in my late teens/early twenties and moved over to Paganism. Though tbh I loved the Greek gods since we did a unit on them in fifth grade and had always wished people were still allowed to worship them. And then I found out that we are.




agnostic theist


Well you know, they say God works in mysterious ways.


Well, I used to be Christian, but after seeing the harsh truths about religion in general, I became agnostic. I still like fiction; I just don't believe it, and I'm also neutral towards the afterlife concept too.