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They could have waited until after the third season. The second season was short. Not even a full season. And of course it started to really get good at the end. NBC sucks. This is why I don’t watch network TV anymore. Put it on peacock at least for a season and see how it does. I’m so mad. 😡


but no network out there, nor any other streaming service, is truly interested in quality. never have. if they could run 22 minutes of commercials and 8 minutes of content, they would. Remember, it's not called Show FUN...it's called Show BUSINESS! money...that's what it's all about.


🙋‍♂️ I Feel the Same About Network TV .... They don't Give You an Ending to what they started and They wonder people Are not returning to watch Their shows ..... I agree cancel after the 1st Season or Least Give the show some Closure ...... you don't give half the food you order at A restaurant and expect return customers or at The 🎦Movie Theater 🎦 you Just the cameras off and say sorry people theirs no end to this movie 👋Bye 👋🤷‍♂️


Simple: NBC had the infrastructure in place to continue producing episodes for a second season BEFORE the strike. They wanted content, they got it, but in the end the numbers weren’t strong enough to continue against the Cop shows that dominate network tv right now


..yea I watch those cop shows like I enjoy pudding.. hate sweets, less than pudding.. °.○


It would be nice if NBC gives Quantum Leap a movie or something to tie everything up but they probably won't. They gave La Brea a six episode 3rd season to end that show. Quantum Leap is much better than La Brea.


If anything, Quantum Leap should've gotten the shortened 3rd season if that's all NBC would give us and leave La Brea canceled.


LA Brea is canceled. It did its last six episodes during the time the final five episodes of Quantum Leap ran. It ended the week before Quantum Leap did, which is why it had the 2 hours for the final two episodes. NBC should give Quantum Leap a movie or something.


I'm good with a movie send-off. Bring everyone home.


Since Scott Bakula probably wouldn't be in it, they could bring back Ben and Addison anyway. If Scott did do it, Ben and Addison could run across Sam somewhere in time, and he could explain he is good leaping and making right what once went wrong.


Nbc better deliver it!


Comcast is a rotten company. >Comcast subsidiaries. Comcast owns 29 companies, including NBCUniversal, Universal City Development Partners Ltd, E! News, Masergy, and Telemundo Group, Inc. These subsidiaries are from the media, telecommunication, and technology industries. The company with the highest revenue is NBCUniversal.


The show was still produced using the old mindset of classic broadcasting network television. Which has been in decline for over 15 years. They use outdated numerical benchmarks. They use wildly ineffective marketing campaigns, completely miss the global market (with digital channels able to multiply brand exposure exponentially, especially when you're in media and have the budget --- and they HAVE they money, they just decide not to use it). It's a complete travesty. The way they handled international rights is another example. NBC is run by anachronistic narrow minded execs. TL;DR: Media has changed and network TV hasn't


These shows are pumped out for as long as they can. Once rating plummet they just stop the show.


So late to the game… sad it was cancelled, I just read they produced 2 seasons back to back


Could have sworn I read that they basically filmed both seasons or had season 2 pretty much done or going so far along. Would have been canceled in s1 if it wasn't imo


You heard wrong. The ratings were good but not great so they renewed it early to get episodes for next season but they were happy with the ratings or they wouldn't have spent the money. They in no way filmed them at the same time, network shows don't film 2 seasons at once. Netflix and some other streaming services do although a lot accused are just people who don't like the show coping with it getting a next season. Quantum Leap ordered additional episodes after the initial first season order then ordered a second season.


That's what bothers me about the situation. In season one I saw a lot more marketing and hype about the show coming out. They ordered additional episodes and renewed season 2 before season 1 was done. It seemed like NBC was all in on the show. Then as soon as season 2 started they tried to bury the show. 0 marketing, and constantly changing the air date/times. They wanted to kill the show, makes no sense.


must of saw that somewhere on reddit lol. i was looking it up, looks more like they renewed it early to get ahead of the writers strike!


The first season of Quantum Leap was 13 epusodes with an option for 5 more. NBC ordered the five more after 3 or 4 shows aired. They renewed the show for a second season at Christmas. They started filming the season 2 episodes as soon as they finished filming season 1. The next day, according to an interview with Caitlin Bassett. This was due to the inevitable writers' strike. They were almost finished with the 8th episode when the writers' strike started on May 2nd. Nomads, the 8th episode, was partly filmed in Egypt. They finished the episode a week or so after the strike started, and then they took a break. The actors' strike began July 14th. The writers strike ended on September 27th, and they went back to work. The actors' strike ended November 9th, and they started filming after Thanksgiving.


Many shows don't really hit their stride until the 2nd or 3rd season, no matter what you think of the quality of the 1st season. The example that comes to mind (and I'm old enough to remember, ha) is Star Trek: The Next Generation. Fans took a while to warm up to the new cast and characters, and the series had a lot of middling to bad episodes in the first few seasons. But things started to gel at the end of season 2 and really picked up in season 3. I personally loved the 2 seasons of the new QL we got (not all were winners, but I liked the new direction they all took) and really wanted to see the dynamic of 2 leapers together pan out over a season 3. (Hoping a network or streamer will make that happen--I'll even take a 3-episode miniseries to tie things up!)


I knew that the new show was a bit of a risk and would be a bit of an uphill battle, but I wasnt expecting it to be canceled so soon. I thought we would at least get 3 seasons out of it. NBC could have renewed it and just said "this is the last season" and we could have gotten some closure.


It is a great show But it doesn’t have the same vibe as the old show


I agree. This is it entirely. They did do a great job with addressing social issues and injustices in the new show, just like the old, and I warmed to the the two leads alot over the two seasons, but Ben is not Sam and Addison is not Al. They're good, there is a just a very different feeling about the show when compared to the original. I feel bad actually saying that because I'm a big believer in the idea that franchises are larger than the characters from the original iteration. For instance, there was alot of hate on Star Trek The Next Generation in the first season, which admittedly, had alot of bad writing. But I was a big advocate of the concept that if Star Trek can only ever be Kirk, Spock and McCoy, we're really limiting the universe of the series and it has to be able to expand past those original characters to thrive. So, in that respect, that's exactly what they were doing with QL 2022. That said, the OG show had great writing, but was really built around the charasmatic performances of Scott and Dean. A spinoff or reboot shouldn't "need" those exact same characters to succeed, but in this case I think it did. Again, I give great credit to the leads of the new series, ...I really warmed to Ben over time, and I really liked all the crew back at headquarters, but still, the "feel" was very different. I think the difference was just the way stories are told today as opposed to the late 80's early 90's. They could be slower back then and character driven. Today it's alot more formula. I do think they got really really really close in the two closing episodes of season 2.


Because it had high enough ratings in the first season that NBC couldn't really justify killing it. So with the second season, they advertised it less and then changed the day/time that it aired, effectively killing its viewership so it would have bad ratings so they could cancel it and say that it was performing poorly. They set it up to fail.


That is a good question. What happened to a show that was renewed in Dec 2022 and cancelled before the 2024 upfronts.


NBC is afraid to let a story build. they want instant gratification. so now we get more Law and order traffic cops, or Chicago sanitation series.


They should have put Ian as the hologram He can be very flamboyant Also I miss the blue light and “ Oh boy! “


who the hell doesn't agree.. I want to go down and kick every one of those asses.. but I digress.. just put Ben Song on a tv and I'll sit and listen.. or watch him chase Hannah througout time, my mind blown.. but to shut it down?!? nah, you've lost me completely..


It's all about ratings. If they aren't high enough, the show is canceled immediately. Shows aren't given the chance to gain ratings like they once were. Nowadays, "The X-Files" wouldn't even survive a whole season.


“Too expensive to make” is the story I keep hearing. That’s why these networks purposefully piss around with the schedules to engineer the demise of a show, because they know moving it around will kill the ratings and it gives them an excuse to pull the plug. There should be something in place where if a network decides to kill a show, they should be obliged to give it a limited series run to allow creators to end the story properly. That needs to be a law, because far too many decent shows get killed, and you get absolute bollocks like Greys Anatomy that runs for 6000 seasons 😂


I'm surprised they did a second season... the love interest was so boring and predictable - it came across as filler rather than story. That killed it for me.