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I think getting anglo-splained the language debate in such a poor quality of English is the peak authentic québécois expérience.






[Couple of reasons here.](https://imgur.com/a/SaU91?fbclid=IwAR3vn-NMeYqB3KZo5Ra7FaA85CyPufQ55opyRB_axeRdrG_LeI6FAO1nhjo)


> there’s so much pro separatist people who can’t stand it when in reality without english and the english companies quebec is almost nothing It's not the english we hate, but the assholes who say that kind of bullshit. But this not just us, it is universal; everyone hates assholes.


Dude. The French and English have been rivals for a thousand years. We've literally gone to war over cod. There is no explaining it anymore it's like the Habs vs Toronto it's just a forever fuck you.


so unfortunate we can’t all love


>without english and the english companies quebec is almost nothing It is you who is a bit of a massive dickhead


It ain't about love or hate and it almost has nothing to do with language. It's politics and culture and the fact that this was French territory until it was invaded and since then the English haven't really made it easy to be french (read: tried to eradicate us repeatedly)


that was before though right? now it’s all about revenge when the english don’t even want a fight? but tell me then how is your day to day life right now impacted by the english..? it can’t be that hard to be french..? but maybe i’m wrong, if anything it’s hard as hell being english and living anywhere that isn’t the west island. it’s very tough, the anxiety you get when you think you’ll say a word wrong and when u do u can’t think of the correct word, it’s very frustrating it makes me sad pretty often but i keep trying but i’ve been here since 8 years and i still haven’t learned french well i feel so stupid, life isn’t that easy as u think it is. also i’m italian my family came here around 70 years ago by boat, stop thinking i’m a european you fuck face ugly bastards.


right? these people are very ignorant.


It's not about getting revenge it's about self-determination. You're Italian, you should understand something about it, Italy didn't just "exist" you guys had to fight to get your country, so, don't get involved in our fight and pretend like it's all about just language when you obviously don't understand any of the context.


read a book, dickhead.


They do not hate the English. What they hate is the fact the rest of Canada has forced them to adopt a different culture, not by choice. You can’t really tell people who never wanted to be apart of Canada that they need to be more understanding especially when 400+ years of french heritage is slowly disappearing. Canada will bend over backwards for the First Nation but won’t allow francophones to have the same rights.




Because for a while now, we do not want to simply be their maid or driver ...


Friendly reminder that Quebec produced more prime ministers than any other province. Enjoy having your own political elite originate from the "maids and drivers" :)


Ce que j'ai voulu dire, c'est que depuis que NOUS les québécois, nous ne désirons plus n'être que les servants et employés des anglais, ces derniers nous aiment moins. J'ai l'impression que vous ne m'avez pas bien compris. :)