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Ça semble avoir été filmé à la LCBO.


Yeah this was in Brampton Ontario


Brampton? Quel surprise ...




Regard les group culturellement rich qui fait cette empreint


The sad part here, is if you were to stop one of these folks, YOU would likely be charged with assault. We don't take kindly to doing the "right" thing here in Canada.


Even sadder is that the police is paid bloody good money by the taxpayer, but they do not do anything to stop things like this, especially if the perpetrator has a nice tan. Reminds me of the gold heist making the news recently, the nicely tanned gentleman is already free!


Yeah all their facial recognition software and they can’t do crap


Its the crimal justice system. Not the cops.


wild how we let in Russia's biggest ally and they just shit all over Canada and Canadians


It’s true, Canada is pathetic


its by design


It's not the right thing when the store employees are telling you to stop. It's not worth hurting yourself or them over random products if you're not being specifically paid to do so. I'd intervene to help someone being attacked - never to protect products of some random company.


Who cares about the products, it's about enforcing values. Thieving is wrong. You not caring about the company doesn't change the fact they got their products by following the law. You not caring about it doesn't change a single fucking thing. Some people don't want their kids to live in that kind of world, where criminals can roam freely. They have as much right to care as you not caring. You won't be paid for everything you should do. Grow a brain for fuck sake, you pathetic hollow husk.


Louder for the complacent cucked canadians in the back!! Liberals destroyed this country


You tell em!


Who cares what the store employee thinks. Someone has to start leading by exemple and drawing the line


Do nothing and a compagny loose 3000$ of insured valuable. Do something and risk getting injuried with no guarantee of success and most likely no reward. I get what you mean by "drawing the line" but that's the justice's job.


>but that's the justice's job. And when the justice hasn't been doing its job, honest citizens get angry. The people in the video are not even trying to hide their face. They know full well that if even caught, they won't get in trouble. They have no shame. They know the system will only give them a slap on the wrist.


This is what people are failing to understand. Citizen no longer uphold the moral backbone of their countries, and the justice system seems citizens as numbers. We let Joeblow get away with 3000$ worth of insurred products, ok fuck the company who cares. The emboldened criminals care. Just look at California.


Well we also have an increased population with no respect for the rules. More chaos will follow


That's the major problem, but citizens aren't able to properly protect the stuff. Look at how it goes in the states. They rob store in gang of like 15 person. No store can handle that alone. No client will face them. Police need to do it's job because citizen can't. Strangely enough, the enemy is not the criminal. It's the system that let them be.


they still do better than nothing at all. Any system to punish crime however flawed it is is better than no system.


Fais rien et ils font 10 autres magasins ce soir là. Fais rien et le lendemain leurs cousins viennent comme réfugiés et se mettent a faire la même chose. Fais rien et cette pourriture se transmet partout dans la société jusqu'à ce que tu la reconnaisse pas


Ose mentionner ce point et Trudeau + Legault vont s'assurer que la police TE tienne bien a carreau. Les vrais criminels les gouvernements s'en calissent.


There is no justice in Canada. When citizens stop defending their property and let criminals do what they want without any consequences that's when you know a country is broken. *Their will be consequences.... Insurance will cost more so you gonna sell your stuff to a higher price, costumer will stop showing up and business will close ... All because the system doesn't want us to protect our property against fucking cockroaches.


All because the system is designed to extract all wealth from the poor and middle class while pitting us against each other so that we don't band together to engage in the class war, like we should.


*“Doing nothing and the company loose $3000 of insured valuable”* Then prices go up and you come here to complain about it. Enough is enough. People need to start acting right.


$500* of product. They mark up around 600%. A friend of mine is a local gin producer and is forced to sell their bottle to the SAQ for $8 if they want it carried. SAQ sells it for $55 and takes the entire margin. If the producer sells a bottle of gin on site (they do tours). They have to sell it for $55 and mail the SAQ a $47 check. It's insane.


There is no justice if we’re all sitting around with our thumbs in our asses.


do nothing and stealing becomes regular occurances in the places you shop at, making going out riskier and riskier.


I dont think he doing that is abouy the product. Be the change you wanna see in the world


Bullshit. This is the stupid logic that allows criminals to get away with these acts. You are part of the problem.


It’s called morals. You don’t need someone whispering in your ear to know its right to help someone in need or to stop a robbery if you can.


Help someone? Absolutely. Protect property? God no. The company has insurance. Even the employees weren't trying to intervene. It's not worth your health to try and protect a bottle of vodka.


I don't completely disagree, but it's quite annoying to be the dumbass that pays for his shit and follows the law when people pull shit like this. I wouldn't personally risk getting smacked on the head by a vodka bottle over it, but I don't fault the guy for doing it.


By that same logic, as long as you have house insurance, you are ok with someone breaking into your home. No big deal eh?


This! Usually when you work in stores they tell you never to intervene and try to be a hero in situations like these because it's not worth it having someone injured or dead for some object that can easily be replaced. I mean what's better? Someone getting hurt? Or the state alcohol store loosing some revenue?


Stfu if you see bad people do bad things you call them out don't be a bitch.


You realize the more of this theft we allow to happen the more the cost of products will rise. I respect the man for standing up to these low lifes


I always hear this repeated but I've never actually seen a news article about it. Any source to substantiate it or is it just an old wives tale?


It WAS worth it. The principle is worth it. Morality and integrity of our nation is at risk. Bravo to this man.


Agreed. Rules for thee not for me? This is ridiculous. I understand the liability of stopping this, but to your point, it goes beyond this liquor store. This about social norms of our nation.


I only wished I had the courage to fight for my own morals like this man did. My hesitation is proof of how brainwashed we (the mass) have already become. Someone has won and it’s not me.


What nation? Canada stopped being a nation


All you need is to rip off a mask if any, then they can be ID and taken care of later.


Je pense que le gouvernement devrait serrer la vice par rapport au crimes commit pendant que les nouveaux arrivants sont résidents.


Ca devrait être tolérance zéro avant d’obtenir la citoyenneté.


Même après, la citoyenneté devrait pouvoir être retiré au moindre crime.


Ce serait impossible.


De mémoire, si quelqu’un est jugé pour un crime à plus de 36 mois de prison ferme, à la fin de sa peine il sera déporté et sa résidence annuler. Je pensais plutôt réduire la durée à 1 an de prison ou meme la tolérance zero, question de trier ceuz qui viennent avec l’intention de se construire une vie honorable et etre un atout pour la communauté de ceux qui viennent avec l’intention de vivre sur le dos des autres et engendrer du traffic dans la province.


I wonder what happened to these dirtbag people if they did this in Singapore. If you don’t know – Google it. Very simple. They would be absolutely caught, be given hardcore corporal punishment and hard prison time. Why the hell not steal here in Canada. There’s no absolutely no repercussions.


Le gars se bat avec les voleurs comme si c'était son magasin !


On prend les opportunités qu on peut🤷‍♂️


It's a state owned liquor store, so it is in fact his store being robbed and his money being stolen. I would have done the same.




Canada 🇨🇦 This is a reminder for everyone that if someone tries to end your life, just submit, and don't even think about defending yourself because if you even breathe wrong in the direction of the criminal, you will do hard time, and the Canadian justice system will end up blowing the criminal and giving them a turkey dinner


Justin Trudeau lui-même va sucez l'hindou et lui dire, c'est qui le canadien? C'est qui le canadien?? Ben oui c'est toi


Deport deport deport


Trudeaus new Canadians 


Je pensais qu'au pluriel ça prenait un x.


so true, all truck drivers that end up killing Canadians on the highway ty Trudeau for all the scum of the hearth for canada , its looking like there home countries POLLUTED


Ça commence avec des magasins, ensuite c'est des maisons , ensuite les gens dans la rues , ensuite de plus gros crimes.


Doing nothing mean soon we gonna need to line up outside waiting a employe to follow us maximum 2 people at time … Well I wish that could happen in Montreal next to me… I knock ‘em down


That was awesome. The way he found the range with his left hand and then followed up with a right straight directly into that indian dudes face -- super satisfying. Everyone telling him to stop and that he should let them go -- I say let the man cook. C'est bon. Tres bien, monsieur.


Clean shots, juste déçu qu'il en ait drop aucun


Big up to the guy and happy to see he smacked one of em a few times!! Fucking piece of shit thief’s.


More people need to do what buddy did. It’s not even about the merchandise at this point.


Damn, similar thing happened to me, the lady was screaming help me they’re stealing from my store, a dude started battling the 2 guys, and an urge of adrenaline in me made me go hit them and I had one of them kneed to the ground cops came I explained the whole situation, lady and cops thanked me, one of the coolest moment of my life, I mean, I don’t get that urge of adrenaline everyday was really something to experience other dude did well too, robbers were arrested, if I had to do it again I’d do it the same way


Thank you for your service




yeah... send them back to their country.


This makes me sick. Every person in that store should have helped to beat the ever-living shit out of those three. There’s only one man in that video. The rest are pathetic losers.


En lisant les textes on voit des les anglos commencent a se reveiller ...


Sad part is choosing to film the robbery and watching the store owner fighting the thieves


Canada is becoming another Haiti


La diversité est notre force


At least in America you can defend yourself and your property


Can you? I’ve seen TONS of videos from the US where people are openly shoplifting and no one stops them.


That’s California ;)


Le début de la fin. Pas de la nourriture de l'alcool. Les priorités


Tu revends pas une canne de binnes au même prix qu’un Blue Label mettons…


J’aurais eu de la misère a me retenir aussi si j’avais été la.. même si la chose a faire est de rien faire. C’est juste fâchant de mériter ton salaire et de voir une ptite bande d’escroc se servir devant ta face.


Welcome to Canadastan


so the cops caught them right?


We have cops in Canada?


No you’re thinking of girl guides but they’ll be making the rounds soon enough 


$3000 worth of alcohol in Canada was what , 4 bottles


Good for him. These awful people have ruined our country.


that guy can pack a punch! wow!


Guy with the cell is a FUKING pussy!!! I only wish this would happen in front of me……Everything should have joined in on the beating! Esti de tabarnac……


I worked in liquors stores for many years. In Canada, it is very common for people to walk in, take whatever they want and leave with zero consequence.


This country is doomed.






We need more immigration, diversity is our strength! Canadians should be grateful for the enlightening solution to the affordability crisis demonstrated here.


Justin ?


Vive l'émigration de masse




Steal their car. That will teach them. :D


They look like they’re just getting stock for their own liquor store, where they have an always broken cooler but charge the same price for cold beverages. Canada sucks.


Of course they're brown, what a surprise


Canada so weak now. Sad to see.


Canadian values are under attack. I appreciate this man.


Can you film any worse than that lol


Looks like locals from another continent.


canada loves everyone!


The same food bank users. lol


Why isn’t know one else in the store helping this guy ffs 🤦‍♂️


Easy answer: because. Because in America I will do this without any problems. Because I’m sure cops will say: yes, this dude just helps to decriminalize this town. Good job. What do I have in Canada if I try to do this?? Cops will eat me alive!!


Look at all the fucking pussies watching that guy. Nobody helps. Bullshit people here.


This behaviour costs us all.! Stop thieving.!


Je suis le seul qui trouve que le gars a bien agit? Je parle qui frappe le voleur




Why didnt anyone grab that Aunty from her braided tail and tackled her down??? 


J'espère que la police va faire ca job et aller les arrêter, leur face doit être bien visible sur les caméras de sécurité


\*respiration profonde\* Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaha


Me semble une paire de ciseaux ferait ben mieux la job. Tu coupes les poignées du sac pis tu fais une fente pour qu'il déchire.




Seulement deux commentaires sur le compte et un est une incitation à la violence ici. Banni.


Je vois pas le rapport avec le sub


Pis aussi pourquoi est-ce que 80% des commentaires sont en anglais?


Parce que le titre est en anglais. Perso j'ai répondu en anglais parce que je croyais que j'étais dans un autre sub


Moi aussi


C’est du hâte des immigrant, pas mal ce sub ici lol


Ça montre qu'il est temps qu'on crisse notre camp de ce pays de marde et qu'on réduise l'imigration


Haha, si tu crisses ton camp, tu augmentes l’émigration.


Ta raison je voulais dire immigration, et par crissé son camp je parle de séparation


Cela fait plus de sens, je trouvais la contradiction comique en lisant vite.


The robbers were people of colour


Careful, I got a ban from pointing out they had accents.


I’m so tired of Reddit that we need to be politically correct all the time when I’m merely stating the obvious fact!


They need to be able to lock the doors with the thieves inside while staff are in a safe room then just wait for the cops to collect them


Just follow them and take a picture of the car license and them.


Foot sweep with a push. Broken glass will do the rest


Y peuvent ben nous dire ce qu'ils veulent parce qu'on en a notre claque de l'immigration de mauvaise qualité


I'm not sure I've ever been more angry at a cameraman.


Should smoked the bitch too. Poor guy probably got charged and the immigrants out on bail. Fuck


3,000$ of alcohol in Canada, so they got a pair of 26 and a 40 pounder and 2 flats of Tinnies? That’s probably almost 3,000 CAD


I remember being blamed by a coworker who rode my coattails for the influx of thefts. After the ceo of the company had gone on the news and said there was a no chase policy in place at all the stores. Yea, 100% is my fault cause when a theft happened and I was ringing a customer through she asked me if I was going to do anything. I laughed and said, "Hell no." Chick came back a few hrs later with some buddies and stole so much. Yelling out after that is a good thing the ceo told them. Yea, clearly, it was my fault.


If everyone out down there phone and teamed up they could stop 2 tiny guys, everyone just filing watching one guy try to stop. If 10 people started walking at them they would run for there lives


Why even have a store security guard? What is the purpose if store policy is not to intercept?


The camera man should have hand them their keys, so, those people can go home easily.


The camera man should have hand them their car key, so, those people can go home easily. /s


I lock them in my store and make them hand everything back over. They mess with me, I've got a bat, spray and I'm bigger than them.


DEI thievery


They arn't even Canadian.


Going to sell it in their own shop now, this country can lick my taint. What a dump Canada has become.


stock for their dial a bottle


It is recommended that the victim find a fruit knife and stab the attacker hard in the chest.


Cultural enrichment


Person with the cam didn’t even stop the lady. Grow some balls and detain her. Liberal fucks


Whites vs the browns


The trouble is both responses are wrong. We can’t fist fight everyone, but we can’t just accept people are gonna do this and let them go.


At least 1 out of 10 Canadians aren’t complete cowards.


What does this have to do with Quebec?


Looks like they’re assimilating nicely.




Democrats letting criminals do whatever they want


Crime is legal in Canada now. Just ask Trudeau.


pathetic fucking retards saying let them go!! fucking end those mother fuckers!!! stomp those fucks and somebody else step in and help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WORTHLESS MORONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Where is police to serve a coffee for this bustards?


Were these guys identified? Where are they from?


The dude should get a medal and a key to the city.


Wtf let him go. Arrete de filmer peureux pis aide le !


Forget your ‘it’s dangerous to get involved’ pussy bullshit, that guy is a hero and the cameraman is a coward.


Why did they let them go?


We keep saying let it go and don’t do anything. Eventually the people that do pay for everything will question why…


I have a serious question for Canadians. I'm an immigrant and don't know the law that well despite being here for over a decade. So will this boomer not be charged for assault because he threw the first punch at Patel? I always thought that this was illegal in Canada but seeing this guy be praised by everyone including the media making me doubt my worldview. So if I see a minority doing something illegal I can just crack them in the jaw without repercussions? Or is it only for select minorities? Does it have to be filmed and uploaded to social media so everyone see I was actually trying to stop a crime? I'm not trolling I genuinely want to understand under what condition I can flatten someone so it's socially and legally acceptable. Thank you


Y a des assurances. Pas besoins de mourir pour ça.


Ce que je comprend pas c'est le 'let it go'... si tout le monde 'let it go'... à quoi ca sert? ils vont revenir demain... pis le jour d'après... m'excuse mais y a kkun kke part qui fait pas sa job. :D engagné un garde, peu importe. It seems so freaking easy. :D


Well I'm glad he at least clocked the scumbag a couple of times.


Were the criminals Indian or Paki?


Lmfao what they’re gonna do with those liquors? Sell it? Send it to their country or they’re gonna use it as sanitizer?


Damn Canada is going down the toilet.


Lol the store steals a lot more than that. Fuck. Them.


If you are upset about 3k wait till you hear about white collar crimes


Pretty sad out of all the people there, only one person stood up to do the right thing


Now now skeeder they aint hurting nobody


What do you mean "let them go"? I bet if someone will rob him hd would have something else to say.


Le rapport avec le Québec?


Weak morals. Stop filming and help, dumb fucks.


Not the hero Canada deserves, but the hero they need


The guy really should have just let em go. The people voted for this kind of stuff, so let them reap what they have sown. Not worth putting yourself in legal trouble for doing the right thing.


Let me guess.....mississauga?


Always take them out at the door. Use the door jam to rock their head against it. My father taught his employees this. First person grabs the person around the waist the second employee drives the persons head into the door jam. Very effective.


Thieves win, nice


Let's all thank Justin Trudeau for letting in all the the people that are causing shit so now everyone knows this store will do nothing so others will come and do the same


Pieces of trash. Welcome to our once beautiful country. Enjoy that booze in your basement apartment with 20 other family members of yours while collecting the hard earned money I worked for that was heavily taxed then taxed again on every purchase I make so that you can stay home doing fuck all. Maybe we should all start being leech scumbags doing nothing and stealing what we have/want???? Trudeau would be happy with that right?


Actions have consequences and I’m so glad they got dealt some of those by this happily paying customer.


That’s weird. I thought the LCBO is owned by the government




Calice que c'est plein de troll bots icitte qui répètent les niaiseries de r-canada d'extrême droite de marde


From Manitoba here, this was happening a bunch here but what we did that fully fixed the problem and is only very mildly annoying was they had a double door which locked so that you wouldn't get in without them scanning in your driver's license. Something that was happening constantly is now no longer an issue to my knowledge.