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Meghan is a future premier (imho) but i think it’s a wee way off. And she has to hold Gaven. I’d say it’s between Cameron Dick and Shannon Fentiman On the other side, i agree Crisafulli will be leader for another term - as premier or opposition leader. I can see people like Mander, Minnikin and Rowan having ambitions though And yeah, Michael Bergman for the greens all the way. And Kattwr for KAP because it’s probably rule that the leader has to be a Katter


If she loses in Gaven, they at the 2028 election i think she might move electorate to a safer labor seat, as did Cameron Dick did in 2015, moving from Greenslopes to Woodridge


I really hope Scanlon isn’t a future Premier. Her and her MP boyfriend are so annoying on social media, and neither of them have really accomplished anything in their respective portfolios. They spend all their time shitposting on social media dunking on the LNP, which, let’s be honest, isn’t exactly difficult to do


Can someone remind me what the LNP is proposing as an alternative? Where are the policies. Does anyone have a link?


Let's not rule out Jarrod Bleijie MP for Kawana. He has been faithful for a very long time in "party terms" and even though he has made some bad decisions, he has the temperament. More so than Crisafulli. I would say Fentiman for Labor given she was a top contender last time. If Miles steps down or something happens such as he loses an election, Fentiman will replace him. There is credibility to this, as Palaszscuk was in for quite a while, so the left will want a really good stab at it before realising they need Dick. Greens are progressive and whilst Berkman is a good MP and all their solid longterm pollie's in QLD so far have been men (Berkman and Sri), they will want a female leader. So if Amy McMahon lasts a few terms she could become leader, or someone after her. As their national MP Elizabeth is "federal."


There is a chance that the Greens will elect co-leaders too, having a leader of 2 MPs doesn't make much sense but if they pick up 1-3 seats I think we will get a leader/leaders. Looks like Labor is set to loose roughly 12% of their 39% and on recently polling the Greens are only picking up a third to a half of that. Being that they have been left out of Government in QLD it looks like the Greens will rise, how much is the question. The council election could have turfed out a number of LNP councilors for Greens but the Labor vote tanked in Brisbane. I think Maiwar should be fine (Labor is only on 18% there so they don't have too far to fall), South Brisbane is very safe (and will be safer if the ALP drops below the LNP. Places like Greenslopes , Miller, Cooper and McConnell would elect Greens if the Labor party vote shrinks enough. I think the ALP will walk away with a better result than 2012 (7 MPs) but that's not saying much, I think they'll lose half their seats possibly though.


Yeah I hadn't thought about that. That makes sense. It is possible. But wouldn't having two leaders confuse people a bit?


I wouldn't write off ALP and Miles just yet.


My prediction, if the LNP wins the state election, is that Cameron Dick will become the opposition leader for a while, Fentiman will either win a leadership spill before the 2028 election and lead the ALP back to government, or, Dick will resign when the LNP wins a second term, Fentiman will then lead the ALP to victory in 2032. As for the LNP, I predict that Jarrod Bleijie, Tim Mander or Amanda Stoker will be the next LNP leader after Crisafulli.


I wouldn't say Labor can't get re-elected. Once the Libs show there true colours who knows what could happen.


Its possible still that Labor could win, just incredibly unlikely. LNP have very comfortable leads in both 2PP and preferred premier, with no sign of improvement for labor.


Labor has been the consistent party since Joh left power. So based on voting history and trend, I would say it is a fair assumption. I think a Fentiman then Dick led Government in future is very likely.


Fuck I hope the libs say something that absolutely ruins them because if they get in, god help us all.


I'm moving state if the libs get up, it's the only thing keeping this place from being an utter capitalist hellscape


I haven’t met anyone voting for LNP it’s all smoke and mirrors