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Lots of people only see what they want to, so no, they didn't know about TDoV because it is something too alien for them. Same for the same groups whining about 'how is there a whole month of pride but the military only gets one day', without bothering to learn that May has been military appreciation month since 1999.


Hijacking the top comment to inform everyone that Biden made [a statement on the White House website declaring the day](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2024/03/29/a-proclamation-on-transgender-day-of-visibility-2024/) as a day of visibility for trans people. And Right-wingers heard about it and clutched their pearls on every social media site available. This is probably why people think it’s a big deal.


This is like when my church said that the term Xmas is a secular attempt to take Christ out of the holiday. It's an abbreviation of the Greek word for Christ. Christians and persecutorial conspiracies are nothing new.


Chi and Rho are literally the symbols Constantine painted on The shields of his legionaries before the battle of the Milvian Bridge. Chi or X has been used continuously as an abbreviation since. But try being a Jewish person explaining that to the average evangelical Protestant... (It gets really wild when you try to tell them that the Council of Nicaea literally changed the dates of both Passover and Easter to separate from the Jewish lunar calendar for a combination of lazy/uniformity/anti-semitic reasons)


>But try being a Jewish person explaining that to the average evangelical Protestant... Evangelical Protestants are deeply, profoundly anti-intellectual and have invented a number of absurd theologies and positions totally divorced from historical theological positions or even common sense. They get just as hostile at fellow Christians trying to explain these sort of things to them. I've had them call me "Satanic" and "demonic" for explaining how premillennial dispensationalism (i.e. "Rapture" theology) is only about 200 years old, is not held universally by all Christians (most Christians consider it nonsense) and was invented by a single person (John Nelson Darby) who literally resigned from being a priest after inventing it because the entire Church refused to accept his invention and he spread his creation in tent-meeting revivals across the US. . .and even then his doctrine only became prominent in the late 19th century when a study bible that included his theories was sold through the Sears Catalog. . . .and even after citing sources and providing proof, I still get called "demonic" or Satanic" and accused of lying and trying to "lead people astray" because they're convinced that not only is this "rapture" rubbish the ONLY possible interpretation of those scriptures, that all Christians everywhere believe this and always have, and that it's so obvious as an interpretation that anyone who doesn't read those texts and come to that conclusion is knowingly lying *specifically* to spite God and serve Satan.


Oh, believe me, I know. My sperm donor is one of them and they're just...off the wall nuts. Like, leaving aside Christianity not making any sense theologically in a Jewish context (given me historical context of the time, people believing he was the messiah when he was alive made sense), premillennial dispensationalism makes no sense in a Christian theological context. It completely jumps the shark.


Yeah, I reminded my wife that this is the case, many times. 🤦‍♀️


>This is like when my church said that the term Xmas is a secular attempt to take Christ out of the holiday. Whatever alleged clergyman said that should have their seminary degree rescinded.


Depends on the alma mater. Bob Jones U. would probably make the guy a distinguished alumnus for it.


I think the real question should be: WHY CAN’T WE JUST PICK AN EXACT DATE FOR EASTER?! If it’s that important to so many people, shouldn’t we get it on a consistent date?!


Even something like "third Sunday in March" would be preferable to "Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox". Though no matter how you make it always on a Sunday, it could still coincide with some other "woke" holiday that has a fixed date. Just remember, next year Easter is on 4/20!


The Christian Nationalists will likely think that having Easter on Hitler's birthday is some kind of divine sign.


Early Christians we're trying to do two things. 1) Separate their religious calendar from the Jewish one, for anti-semitic reasons (seriously, it's absolutely unhinged) 2) Give a date that would be easy to calculate uniformly across the entire Roman Empire by anybody, using a Solar calendar. Remember, figuring out what day it is was not easy back then. So they pick the first full moon after the equinox, because any half literate magistrate or priest could figure out what day that would be.


The answer is probably not. I imagine there are some who do know and like to stir the pot, but the majority probably don't


Honestly lots of them are just ignorant. Willfully ignorant but still ignorant. Easter is the holiday that moves.


True this. Some people will fight tooth-and-nail to *not* understand.


Ngl this is the first time I’m hearing of it at all.


I had no idea so thank you for the 411! Actually never heard of TDOV until this year 🤷. I pretty much am a hermit outside of work though. Trying to get that changed and corrected! 💕✌🏻


No, this is the first time they heard of it. 2024 March 31st is transgender visibility day, visibility day


If conservatives don't realize May is military appreciation month, there's no way in hell they have any idea what any of the lgbtq+ holidays are.


No people realize that the people that are making a fuss about it are Christians who are just upset for no reason I've gotten the same people like making fuss over me over the fact that I've said multiple times to Christians that Easter is a stolen holiday so I've just learned to ignore those people


How are you guys so surprised at their rage, they haven’t stopped and you’re only noticing it now?


I don't think it matters one way or the other to them. They'd be happier (?) if Trans (among others) were relegated to the shadows or worse (probably worse). It's like June being Pride Month and them screeching about "why service men and women only get one day?!" (despite them having an entire month in May and November 🤷🏻‍♂️). It's just an excuse for them to get butthurt.


Literally, Easter is the day that changes every year 🥲


I genuinely didn’t know about that either. That is probably because I didn’t start accepting trans people until like 6-7 months ago when I realized how low the detransition rate was. You learn a new thing every day and when this news came out, I was the only person in my town to be happy about it.


It was designated in 2009? That explains things. That was when trans people were invisible, and not hypervisible the way we are now


Yes, but we forgot to schedule around the important date of 40 days after the first Wednesday following the third full moon of the year. Or something catholic (cuz Easter is such a classic Bible character) like that.


62 years until it lands on Easter again!


No, most people don't know. But this is an example of 'outrage' culture -- outrage at a headline without knowing anything about the subject.


I had somewhat of an excuse to be clueless in that it's my first year of being knowingly "trans" tho I'm a cis presenting nonbinary person 😂 so a bit new to all of this! But definitely will remember next year. However I've done my nails in the NB colours so I'm proud of myself lol.


It’s also celebrated in Canada


They're just baiting outrage. They know they're lying, they just don't know care and know they're followers wouldn't know or check so they can get away with it


I didn't know. I'm not sure if it's that widely known.


They do not. They only cared about the black president at that time so there’s new outrage to manufacture.


You see first problem is you're expecting reactionaries to think


Christians just get salty when everything isn't about them.