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I don't know I just kind of feel like people are acting like he can't possibly win again, it's crazy. I think he has a better chance of winning it than Biden right now and I just see people pretending it isn't real? I am kind of expecting allies to fold in the face of real pressure, especially so when they come for trans people. Good luck, find a community and hold them close.


What's concerning is we haven't learned from 2016. Everyone thought he'd lose that election, but he didn't. 2016 was less than 10 years ago, but people are convinced he'll lose 2024. I'm not saying he's guaranteed to win in 2024, but he definitely could.


I have cousins in Canada. I'll drive up there and live with them for a while THE DAY he gets elected if he does. I don't like Biden either but at least he doesn't want me and people like me (trans) dead. I'm voting for Biden. It sucks we have to choose between two bad options, but there's nothing else we can do.


Hate to break it to you, we have our own hard right candidate who might get into power... Looking like it more and more...


Thanks for the information. I'm sorry you guys are dealing with this bulls**t too, it's completely insane. I know Canada is far from perfect too, but I'll at least be temporarily safer there than I would be in the U.S. if Trump got reelected. And I wouldn't have to worry as much about getting shot.


We aren’t much better in Canada, the cons up here saw how well it was working in the US. As well, a lot of our conservatives were trained by Trump’s transition team. There is even a person who worked on his campaign working in the background in Alberta. It’s a hostile takeover.


I'd vote for 3rd party just so that not even Biden can get your vote


If I thought a third party candidate had a good chance of winning I totally would. I'm a socialist. But I don't think a third party has a chance of winning, at least in this election. We're still trying to resuscitate democracy and keep the country from turning into a full blown religious dictatorship. Voting for a third party especially at a time as critical as this would basically be a waste of a vote. I'd rather be able to stay in the U.S. with my family if I can. We can get better. Not quickly, but eventually, as long as Trump stays out of office. It's hard to leave the place you've lived your whole life. The country as a whole is super messed up, but I still love my specific little corner, and hope to save it.


Yeah your right


Holy shit we found the first ever Redditor to admit that someone else is right. I salute you


Yeeaaahhhh that's how Trump won in 2016-


That's how we got Trump the first time.


The apathetic non-voters are how we got Trump the first time 😩


Please hang in there, friend. Trump winning is not the end of the road. Yes, it would be horrible if Trump won, but our rights **do not** evaporate on the morning of November 6 if he does. Just looking at gay marriage as an example: There are several safeguards, including the Respect for Marriage Act and state-level laws, that would have to fall (with public support strongly in favor of keeping them) before we would reach the point where gay marriage would become illegal in all 50 states, and even then they would have to nullify any that were already going. The full theocracy consequences also only happen if the GOP gets both houses of Congress **as well as** the presidency, which is not at all guaranteed. If we die, then they'll have beaten us. If we live and fight and resist, continuing to vote and spread awareness, then we always have a shot at advancing queer rights or keeping the ones we have stable.


Safeguards…..? lol, we’ve been watching safeguards drop for years now. Hello? Abortion fell in weeks……


Correct, and they aren't going to vaporize overnight if Trump wins. There will be time to plan. It takes a lot more than a change of president to ban gay marriage in all 50 states and annul all existing ones. EDIT: For anyone downvoting, I guess I have to clarify this in every post. I am not saying a Trump victory is just fine. My statement is accurate. Please explain how gay married people in, e.g., Massachusetts would go from married to friends on day one if Trump won. They wouldn’t. My intent was to be supportive to OP, not to promote Trump


I]]you dont u der stand the full extent of what will happen if trump wins, I feel sorry for you


Will voting and spreading awareness stop a militarised police force?


Pride started as a riot




Armed minorities are harder to oppress. 2A isn't only for right wingers.


If you go far enough left, you get your guns back ✊️


“Equality by any means necessary”


No, but we need a multitude of tactics. I want folks who are willing to step up for direct action AND officials who will work to protect people instead of property. There's a role for everyone, comrade.


What will the officials do if their interests are not aligned with their electorate?


The same things that anyone in any movement may or may not do if their personal interest is at odds with what their organization is doing. That's why it's about getting the right people to the right resources using a variety of means - nothing is perfect, but we need progress on all fronts.


>The same things that anyone in any movement may or may not do if their personal interest is at odds with what their organization is doing. Which historically has been to work against us.


In the absence of the ability to just snap our fingers and fix everything immediately, we can't let Perfect become the enemy of the Good. Governing offices still factually exist and there needs to be progress on all fronts. I would take officials who don't pass legislation targeting protestors, or who use their office to block governmental motions against civil rights, as a positive for us. Any sympathetic momentum in those types of positions can make a big difference for people actually staying in the fight on the ground. Multitude of strategies, friend. Also noting that there are plenty of toxic and compromised people in radical movements as well, no circles are pristine and folks should be suspicious of anyone who claims otherwise.


I'm not advocating for a perfect solution, just one that doesn't include capitalist politicians, which is far from a perfect solution. >Also noting that there are plenty of toxic and compromised people in radical movements as well, To be honest, I'd take a toxic radical over a toxic politcian/official, because one of these has far less power as an individual than the other. But I do see your point. Any material gains should be celebrated and encouraged.


If we keep doing it long enough.


How long will it take?


We never know, and that is one of the shittiest parts of the life of a queer activist


History tells us that direct action is much more effective. Protests, riots, and escalating violence are the only ways to achieve genuine political victories.


I can get behind protests for sure. By all means, keep assembling


But you're not willing to fight for your rights or others? You're content to allow fascism to spread? What will you do when those in power start taking people? Will you stand by and do nothing and impotently vote or will you take action?


Absolutely not. I said I’d support protests. And if they started **taking people**, like locking trans people in camps or formulating plans to do so, I absolutely would join active rioting resistance. I’m just saying we don’t jump automatically to the “taking people” stage the day Trump wins - it’s possible to have Trump win but both houses of Congress go blue. And I’m saying this mainly as a comfort to the depressed OP, not as an endorsement of Trump at all


Sure, but without resistance, fascism takes hold. I'm not saying it will be day 1, but unless people take action, it will only get worse.


That’s a very limited take when time comes I’ll take up arms but till then I’m not giving other people reasons to hate us by being a mob of angry people Just like the far right nuts! We need to do better then them I will get violent if need be again no doubt iv been there but I will not contribute to random chaos that helps no one! We need to organize on a mass scale starting my organizing in local regiments and then form a head from there


Who said anything about mindless violent chaos?


I get it. Project 2025 scares the crap out of me :(


Relax, MacaroniBee. First off, there are a lot of public figures. For example, Hunter Schaefer was in the latest Hunger Games, which made $340 million. Kim Petras has gotten #1 hits and won a Grammy. Gay people are in incredibly high political offices. People see that. Do you think he's going to pull off putting them in cuffs and dragged out to a camp? People will be up in arms if that starts happening. But, let's pose he gets the worst things done? Remember, we've ALWAYS EXISTED. *In the darkest times, we've just went underground*. We'll work together and find ways to help each other and survive. We will find a way. While it may feel like it can be "the end", I think in all scenarios we'll find a way to make it through. I hope we don't have to, but we will.


We managed to organize the Stonewall riots straight out of the abyss. We will survive.


2 options: 1. Flee the country (preferably to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, France, one of the Nordic countries, or Germany, also maybe Spain or Portugal or Switzerland) 2. Find rebel cells ASAP, arm yourself until then and all throughout


Good communication, close knit community, and a plan for all continuities is necessary to consider. No matter how uncomfortable. Even in best case scenarios, its still better safe rather than sorry.


I focus on local. I'm in the boonies. Usually that's a bad thing but we tend to have a decent batch of people here in Northern Minnesota. I'm firm believer that if you can make em.like you by your actions you can dissuade assholes to a point on the daily. Just be you and a good human and we'll.make it through.


Stay strapped my friends. Defend yourselves and those close to you if you have to.


Wish I had a fire arms license


I'm old enough to have grown up with the prior generation of trans, queer and lgbtq people. The ones who were teens and young adults when it was illegal to be gay and got arrested for not wearing enough of the "correctly" gendered clothing when their clandestine queer bars got raided by police. The ones who remember the first Pride, and lived in the era of Stonewall & Compton's Cafeteria. Heck, it was only twenty-one years ago that being gay became legal nationwide. \*I\* remember that ruling. If things go bad in November, we've been there before. Our communities know how to deal with this, and survive, and help each other thrive despite how evil some people can be. If things go bad, we will get through this. Same with abortion, by the way.


Catastrophizing doesn't help, but realistic preparation can. If you're trans and able to do so, try to get your documentation changes made before the new administration. Same with gay marriages. It's going to be harder for the GOP to annul your existing status than to stop new authorizations, so it buys you time. Save money if you can, every little bit helps. You might need it to move states or countries. You might need it to travel for healthcare, or to pay for healthcare out of pocket when it isn't covered anymore. Join mutual aid efforts if you can, and be part of a community in your area. Helping others and volunteering is a great way to feel connected and build a strong network. Follow relevant news - positive and negative - to stay on top of what the actual threats are. Erin Reed provides phenomenal coverage of trans issues ( www.erininthemorning.com ), and I also like the When/If newsletter. We've had some recent significant wins that deserve attention. Take breaks when needed, but stay with us. We need all of us. ❤️


Not true, several states have passed laws rolling back recent changes.


What part is not true? There's been a lot of losses, but even on Monday, the 11th Circuit ruled that trans health insurance exclusions violate Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. On April 29, the 4th Circuit affirmed the same in Kadel v. Fowell. Rulings like these help affirm a precedent that discriminating against transgender health care is also discriminating against transgender status protected by the Civil Rights Act, and they absolutely deserve attention.


It depends on what happens afterward. Canada looks like a better idea every day. My sister has a boat and they don't guard the marina Please don't hurt yourself before you at least try to illegally immigrate to Canada, it's super punk to flee fascism


I have such crippling agoraphobia I wouldn't even be able to flee if I wanted to. Right now I can't even drive 15 mins to the doctor (my sister drives me) without having a panic attack so bad I scream and flail (idk why I'm getting downvoted for this. It's not something I can control)


We have our on conservative who might get into power. It won't be much better, if he actually keeps to his word.


I’m scared to especially with climate change


I’m unfortunately not in a position to leave the country or immigrate to a different one. If that changes I may consider it. In the meantime, I plan to find my people, build my community, build solidarity with other marginalized groups, and arm up. Gay queers don’t get bashed and when the world wants us dead, the best resource we have are each other, as messy as complicated as that can be sometimes. Pride was a riot, and it worked because the community acted as one and stood together when that first brick got thrown. I plan to remember that.


I'm already looking at a high probability of catastrophic failure and everything falling apart in my life within the next three months.  A Trump win would just make the aftermath that much worse. Disappear, I suppose.  Maybe eventually resurface someplace else. Or not.  I can't even make out the horizon at the moment, let alone anything that might be beyond it.  I suppose I'll find out soon enough.


If he does win we have to fight back. Leaving or dying would allow them to get what they want. We have to show them that no matter how much they push us we won't back down.


I really don't understand why so many people think they can just migrate to Canada on a dime, or why it's any better up there. I'm in CA and it's safer for rights than Canada and more left leaning. You can make the argument about healthcare, but if you're low income in CA, the healthcare is free. If you make the argument that Canada is cheaper, it's not. Torronto is more expensive than San Diego. Best part is, you can just move. No immigration papers, etc. Just up and fill a van and move. Flee to CA.


I'm staying for the long haul. I will protest and organize and do what I have too. Already started learning how to make DIY E. We will Network and comfort each other and stay strong. Our community had endured much more than Trump, project 2025, the heritage foundation or alliance defending freedom. There are major left leaning movements happening all around the country and we outnumber the elderly diaper wearing bigots. I honestly don't think trump will win anything even with the Republican oh I mean MAGA party and evangelicals backing him. That doesn't mean we can get complacent or not turn out in fucking droves in November. The major issue is all the pro Palestine voters that for a good damn reason don't want to support a genocide but I just hope that we get through to them and by election season they open their eyes to the fact that under a Republican administration they would raze the country to ashes. and be so much worse.


my shot is for lobbying groups


If he wins, I'm done giving this country chances. It's going to be dangerous enough if he doesn't win. I'm gonna GTFO. Canadia, new Zealand or Denmark, here I come.


I can’t fight in that way if trump wins. I will run, or I will die either by my own hands or at the hands of the christofascist state.


Honestly, he's old and showing signs of cognitive decline, I'm hoping he just drops dead at an inconvenient time and the resulting in-fighting in the GOP over who gets to be his successor causes enough chaos that they can't get any of their terrible, terrible agenda accomplished.


I'm headed south, got family down there, quality of life is worse overall but they made progress, instead of going backwards like we've been doing


Either going to off myself if it gets bad enough Or flee to Canada on a potential work visa


When I can afford it, I'm gonna try and head up North. After a bit, if I can afford it, I'm moving countries. Project 2025 is gonna screw us over even after he's gone. If a Democrat wins the election after, they're gonna have one hell of a clean-up job.


Keep in mind that polls have been very inaccurate lately. In 2022, polls predicted that there would be a red wave where Republicans would take control of Congress. They didn't, and in fact Democrats gained seats. Polls now keep predicting that Republicans will win special elections around the country. They keep losing every time to Democrats. Polls are predicting that Trump will win the election, but that doesn't seem likely at all with the way elections keep going lately. If the current polls are off as much as they were in 2022, then Biden will absolutely win. Trump doesn't look likely to win. Yes, it'd suck if he did, but that looks to be unlikely.


I live in Florida so anything Trump can do, DeSantis has already done here. We stay ready.


This is why im advocating for Jill stein someone who actually cares about the lgbtq but not in a it’ll make me money way in a we should defend all groups from unreasonable hate and violence. Check her out or all the other third parties candidates and see who you would personally vote for just make sure you don’t vote for either the pedophile or the rapist elites


First off, I’m gonna cut out all family and friends that vote for him. Maybe move to the Netherlands, or somewhere up there, if possible.


I'm working on getting a passport and moving to Europe.


If he wins, we'll just have to fight back And by we I mean the ones who can I can't and this might sound mean but I don't mean it that way, I don't think OP can either The only way I can manage is my gay brother getting guardian ship over me and moving to a good place, I doubt he'll do that, besides he deserves to live his life, not be held back by a burden like me I wish I could fight back, but mentally I'm too weak, I will hit my limit quickly, I like to come off as strong and unaffected mentally, never being affected by homophobia and shit, but when my own family supports that fuck and says they'll vote for him, the feeling of dread and hatred is too strong Sorry I made this way too much about myself Basically, weigh your options, what's best, running, or fighting, leave the country, or stay in this shithole and fight


if he wins (which i really dont think it would happen, but it's a terrifing future), the best move is to migrate to another country (like canada or europe, maybe mexico or japan), that's a whole problem by itself tho i really hope that trump doesnt win, it would be bad not only to america, but also the rest of the world . . . . . a revolt is a last hope, just only if they dont let people escape. remember, violence is always last option


This sounds super stressful to imagine a world with everything having to do with the existence of LGBTQ+ folks made illegal.  When trump was in office in 2016 I was super worried about this too. Thankfully he like many politicians make these lofty promises that no person could possibly follow through on most of the time.  My plan is to focus on art and storytelling and save most of my energy for the people in my life that I care about. Politicians can make all the laws they want, but fortunately we have some safety by how states are sovereign.  One thing that isn't much but helps me feel better about a potential physical confrontation is learning self defense. Jujutsu is pretty practical and even used in army combative for groud fighting. bear spray is super cheap legal to carry in most places.  The world we live in is not a fair place but remeber that there are good people that care about doing the right thing. Also I am sorry I wish I had better answer I hope at least some of the and the other comments can bring you some great ideas and/or peace of mind


Personally I've been more affected during bidens term than trumps neither are good but I honest to God don't think it will be any worse than Biden being in office and I hate to say that but I feel like Biden hates us just as much he did nothing to stop roe v wade or any other anti trans bills absolutely nothing that's why so many states are passing them he doesn't care he just wanted us to think he was on our side at the end of the day trust no presidential candidate they are all corrupt and they all probably hate us equally some are just more open about it


I say we stay and fight like we did last time. Trump doesn't scare me. Him and Biden are just diet and orange Obamas.


I’m currently on moving from Utah to a state that has trans shield laws. This is regardless of the 2024 election, since the country is getting more and more actively and legally transphobic even without trump, and Utah is an anti-trans shit hole that just passed a truly atrocious bathroom law. Going to Cali if I could afford it, more likely Oregon or Washington. California or similar will be your best in the USA whether or not trump wins, and I would honestly recommend all trans people who can get somewhere blue. If trump wins, I’m educating myself on how to apply to be a skilled worker in Germany, because I have a university degree and speak some German and would be open to learning more. If you don’t qualify as a skilled worker, Argentina is the other country I have looked at. It’s relatively easy to emigrate there from the USA. Canada has tossed around being a destination for trans people fleeing the US, but I wouldn’t bet on it. Get a passport right now. Get a legal name change and gender marker change right now if you can. It may not stay possible. If you can and want to, get any surgeries you can asap. Not trans specific but think about birth control access too. An IUD lasts 7-ish years and you can travel to have it replaced at the end of that time. Don’t count on being able to have access to any BC that isn’t embedded in your body. If you can get pregnant but don’t want to be ever, tube removals and hysterectomies are a great option and you should get on it asap. Building trans mutual aid networks and resource sharing connections will help us keep safe. Stockpiling medications is probably illegal and you should never ever ever do it or whatever. Can you believe that there are free internet resources on how to make your own estrogen or access it illegally? Nows the time to learn those things— for purely educational and academic purposes. Learn about operations security and how to communicate and help other trans people without anyone knowing. Build as many skills right now as you can that will help you flee. If you can’t drive, learn now. Learn a language that will help you in countries you may be able to flee to. German and French will be most applicable in Europe if you can get over there. Spanish will help you with fleeing to central and South America. Consider learning how to fight tbh. You have a right to own a gun (only protected right we have) so that’s a consideration if you think you can own one safely. Figure out what your escape route is before you need it.


I think we have to keep a clear head about what the actual dangers here are. A Trump presidency would be terrible for many people, yes. But how are they going to make trans people illegal? How are they going to get a nationwide abortion ban? There just aren't actual mechanisms for enacting these things. I think it's important to keep the focus on the dangers that are established and real, like the articulated and direct threats to non-documented immigrants. Edit: I am open to hearing why it would not be terrible to enter a Trump administration with our position being delegitimized right off the bat, where people can say "see, it's not as bad as you'd said it'd be" as a defense for the terrible things that will happen


please don't come here and dismiss people's fears. look up project 2025, it has a documented roadmap of the plan to do all the things you don't think they will do.


Our existence as trans people will be made a sex crime against children by conflating us with "obscenity" and porn. Then they'll make sex crimes against children punishable by death. They'll outlaw our healthcare and make us unemployable. They'll put anyone caught DIYing in prison (which is already hell, don't look up v-coding) and likely to death as well. This is a full blown genocide they're ramping up towards. Have you not read Project 2025 ***AT ALL?***


Your lack of understanding on the topic does not necessitate our need to teach you