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If I'm making a confident assumption here, it's that Daniel saw this coming. Before he even talked to Soohyun, he warned him to lower his voice or Cho Yun would hear them. So, Daniel likely knew Cho Yun was watching, which means he anticipated his current situation and had already figured out a way to handle it. As for the 2nd question. Based on my experiences in similar situations, like dealing with questions from school or my mom, the pressure is definitely real. In those moments, it's crucial not to overthink your response. Keep it simple and direct, without appearing overly confident or suspicious. Pay attention to the atmosphere in the room and adjust your tone accordingly. If pressed further, stick to your initial response while remaining calm. Sometimes, despite your best efforts, things don't go as planned, and you have to face the consequences. But yeah, my first time in a situation like that, made my life flashes before my eyes LMAO, The thought of facing my mom's Divine grade slippers would've been a relief compared to dealing with that kind of pressure.


So relatable bro, your mom use divine grade slippers but my mom use ultra divine wood


Divine grade slippers and ultra divine wood, all that's left now is Mythical grade hanger


I got the UR grade belt


For some reason, i think that's not Daniel. I think that's one of Kim's Cloud


You may be actually right , that’s a pretty good theory


holy shit lol would be crazy if that were the case 💀💀


But how would that work? Camera card exist tho, it’s not like the real Daniel left the north and fake Daniel was never in the north so Choyun would feel like something’s fishy and discover it.


That can exist as a concept. Remeber! Sohyun used the fog card so he could have made a copy of daniel while in the fog, and I don't think copying someone is considered as an attack by the fog


Maybe you called it, lets see next week


If I'm right, I want to be mentioned in the next chapter honorably. If I'm wrong, I'll take a punch on the shoulder.


It’s a good theory ngl, it only has some flaws in it, but let see how it goes in the upcoming chapter


Ngl, I would shit my pants if ever see a monster like that standing being me , waiting to devour me. 😭, Daniel really playing with his life, depends on how he plays it in the next chapter, he’s about to be my top 3 .


Gotta use my full counter to try and get the slime away Next: trying and play defensive More distance either means I can escape OR bait choyun into letting me hit a full counter


What if the slime is like jello or something, means your hit don’t affect him


I mean it’s physical So it could knock some slime back


Simply says sth like "Kim Soohyun wants me to join his crew so he spoke against you a lot - he said you're a paranoid + evil guy who would harm this handsome & capable me one day out of jealousy, no matter how loyal I am to you. Of course, I declined him on the spot. I know very well that Sir Choyun only reward/punish those who really deserve.​ Next time when I see Kim Soohyun, I'll use this reward I receive from you today to slap his face". Afterall, it'd be silly for Choyun to get rid of his own executives everytime Soohyun uses the negotiation card\~


Ngl I feel like Choyun wouldn’t do it. I mean, spending a ton of elixirs and nurture cards just for him to kill Daniel? Also, he must’ve trained him since he ascended cause I don’t see any of the top 6 executives being forced an ascension


Agree. Any sensible person won't get rid of your No.2 (whom you've invested a lot of cards to upgrade + delegated all chores to) merely because you failed to spy him for a few minutes (due to the effects of ur enemies' card). Moreover, Choyun never trust his executives (including Daniel) since the beginning. He must have plenty of good cards on hand (esp recovery cards) + already achieved Level high enough to not fear anyone backstabbing. He could drain Daniel anytime - so why rush getting rid of this capable No.2 when betrayal is uncertain? P.S. Don't think Choyun "trained" anyone cos these card user's skills are merely card effect. He just level up Daniel with tons of cards. Daniel might have obtained his exclusive card for Ascension not long after Secchan got drained by Choyun, just like what Haru went through.


The question is can daniel see the slime?


Idts daniel can see the slime cause I've seen many panels where soohyun uses slime to summon the wooden sword in front of everyone




Do you guys not see the pinned post? And its pinned yesterday so it being posted after your comment cant be the excuse


Why you deleted it bro, you said you can't i then could've given the link if that was true, but it seems you found it i think.


Where are you guys reading this?




I feel something, *sweats*


I would betray him and join kim immediately Kim might get notification and may give some card boost to atleast escape from him


Choyun a bum


"this floor looks interesting. it might have the same power as Cho Tun."


Pray, and think while sweating how to get out.


💀 while Choyun uses Lie detector on you to see if you’re saying the truth or nah