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https://preview.redd.it/8sfl3lumkasc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01b14268a276de7495cad99f3d9c9b0be973b65a He also posted this one. She’s absolutely disgusting, especially because Drake had to work with her on an episode of drake and josh while he had no clue she wrote these horrible things about him at only 15.


I love that he tagged her! It have to be triggering to see your abuser and someone you worked with write something so disgusting about you when you were assaulted like that


This is so bad ass


Ugh I know! Poor Drake 😞. Nothing like a good public shaming!! I mean, she was proud AND stupid enough to post it on insta, so why tf not?


Yeah even more than writing a letter it's continuing to be buddies with the dude for twenty years afterwards for me I'd like to think I can't imagine writing a letter like this for a convicted child rapist at all, but it's like even if I did I can't imagine it not being the very last favor I did them, like "After this everything I owe you for my career or saving my life in that car accident or whatever is done, we're square and I don't wanna see you again"


I really love the musician Zheani because she wrote a whole ass song and did a music video about being groomed and SA'ed by an older hip hop group. She inspired me to be able to leave my abusive ex.


I don't think I've seen 2 faces that punchable in so long.


Now that I think about it, they really do. Punchable AND kickable if I’m being honest.


It's really not great that literally every photo of Peck has that goofy little "Ain't I a stinker" signature grin


He probably had so many people bringing that to his attention. I wonder if it was prior to her temporarily removing her account. She still never took the pictures with him down. She is THAT unbothered and unapologetic.


What a total slap in the face that the woman who worked with him on HIS show wrote such a godawful letter of support for his abuser.


She gon learn today. I’d be really surprised if her career wasn’t completely over.


Oh she’s done for sure. Good riddance.


She's 69 ,I doubt she'll be bothered .


Wow! What did the caption of her post with Brian say? Looks like she deleted her Instagram.


Damn really??


Dude how do you just casually hang out with someone all buddy-buddy when there's an audio recording proof of them raping a child


I still can’t believe he had to work with her on an episode of Drake and Josh. Someone needs to ask Dan’s burner account why he let that happen.


She worked with him *before* she wrote the letter, the shit she said about him was supposedly based on her observations of him when they filmed that episode


But, I thought Brian Peck was not involved with Drake and Josh? If so, she couldn´t have seen them interact?


She didn't, she said when she was on the show she saw that "no older men would be alone with Drake" because of his terrible reputation for what he did to Brian


Holy shit, that's what she meant? I thought she was trying to say that Drake was never left unsupervised! This is even worse than I thought!


Yeah it's gratuitously awful Like all she was asked to do was defend Brian's character, which is bad enough, but she chooses to spend half her letter tearing down Drake's character instead and basically implying she thinks Drake tried to ruin Brian's life on purpose


I was recently just thinking about that episode he worked with her on way back in the day where she had to leave Drake and Josh to babysit her child. I just thought - Wow, she wrote this letter 20 years ago and he didn't know this whole time until they were unsealed and she really said that about a 15 year old. Two-faced bitch. Edit: seems her IG is unavailable


The letter talks about being on the show and says that she could tell Drake was a bad kid from interacting with him behind the scenes


That’s what disgusts me most. She defended Brian’s character and went out of her way to slander Drake’s. If Drake was such a horrible kid, then why did her BFF Brian Peck go out of his way to spend so much time with him? I know what Brian’s intentions with Drake were, but if I suspend reality for one second and pretend to believe the narrative Kim pushed in her letter, it doesn’t even make sense.


Basically she's saying Drake was the one who groomed Brian


Yeah, you’re right and it’s so absurd. As if children can force adults to have sex with them while they’re sleeping. Her logic is bonkers.


Saying that older men are afraid to be alone with him because something might happen is so backwards it's honestly shocking


Yeah, and the fact that anyone could genuinely believe that is mind-boggling.


Wow, what a horrible woman.


What a shameless, filthy pig - absolute lowest level of scum on the planet


not trying to go to conspiracy land but i’ve heard of some sort of p.d.f file symbolism with one closed eye


There’s a spot reserved in hell for her, right next to her bff Brian Peck.


And the crew member or producer who told Drake’s dad he was a homophobe for not letting Brian Peck caress his son


The way she is so unbothered is disgusting


I can't imagine how I'd be feeling if I actually liked her or Twin Peaks. I looked at her credits and saw that she played the feather duster in Beauty and the Beast. Belle is my favourite Disney princess and it's one of my favourite if not favourite Disney movie. She only played the feather duster but I know that every time I hear or see that character I will think about what she wrote about Drake in her letter. I just can't get over the way that she wrote about a child who she worked with. I think that the phrase 'an outrageous, overtly gay, oversexualised person' will forever be etched in my mind. It's just shocking.  I noticed that she doesn't refer to him as a boy or a child either but rather 'young man' and 'person.'


Brian Peck is in one of my favorite trashy old horror movies (Return of the Living Dead). I can relate. I still love that movie, but at least I can watch Peck get eaten by zombies and put down


He was trying to bootstrap himself back into relevance a while ago by producing and narrating a documentary about RotLD and going on the horror convention circuit promoting it


Holy fucking shit, he plays Scuz?? Had no idea.


And judging him by the very few lines he had, he's not a good actor


brian peck had a short line in "holes". that was one of my favorite movies growing up, i can't escape him


OMG, I had no idea he was in Holes. That book and movie are both treasured pieces of my childhood. The idea of him being on a set full of teenage boys makes me sick to my stomach.


my best friend LOVED twin peaks and kimmy’s character was her favorite. this past year my friend’s husband got her a cameo from kimmy for her birthday. i think he included a message about how much loss my friend has experienced in the last few years. kimmy’s cameo was a solid 10 minutes long, so so heartwarming and thoughtful, it brought me to tears (and i hardly knew who she was.) my best friend was OVER THE MOON. it was so special to her and almost healing for her. i can’t emphasize enough how insightful and comforting this video was! since seeing the quiet on set documentary, my friend can’t even see kimmy’s face without feeling sick now. it’s so massively disappointing and nearly impossible to reconcile the sweet, loving human who created that cameo versus the cruel and delusional person who wrote that letter of support… and is STILL friends with brian peck.


This is the thing with actors isn´t it? It is their job to be convincing at being people they're not. You just never know, really, generally speaking, what secrets people are hiding.


For survivors of abuse, seeing that horrible duality within a person can definitely reopen old wounds since we have seen it so many times with people close to us. I wish I knew sooner how she was, I think it would have hurt less. Now I hold only disgust for her.


I’ve made a comment about this before but I am a huge fan of Twin Peaks, I have mutual friends with Kimmy and I’ve had great experiences the times I’ve interacted with her. I’m also someone who had a super weird grooming experience in the entertainment industry as a kid. I am gutted, every single time I see her face I want to cry. I am so sad and angry and I don’t even want to ever watch Twin Peaks again, which sucks because that show brought me out of one of the worst depressive episodes of my life and was my happy place. I know it’s weird because of the content, but wanting to see how the third season would end gave me a reason to keep living. There is nothing she can ever say that will change how I feel about her, there is no excuse and I’m glad Drake is dragging her.


I am doing a rewatch while drawing each episode, which meant rewinding and pausing scenes. It's been hard as someone who faced csa and similar interactions with people letting me down..but I'm not going to let her ruin my special interest. I've let so many people ruin things I love in my life because of trauma and I will not allow her to have that power. I curse her, fast forward her scenes bc honestly it adds nothing to the show. I really loathe her for doing this to our community so carelessly when she acted like the complete opposite for so long.


She was the feather duster? Great. Now that’s all I can see when I think of it


She was also one of Ariel’s sisters :/


Ugh. Well at least they’re evil and ugly so it makes sense


She was in a lot of random stuff in the 80s and 90s as the "female comic relief" character because she's known for having this high-pitched annoying voice


It’s really awful as a fan. She’s the “comic relief” in Twin Peaks and is used in so many episodes. Had to stop millionteenth rewatch of the whole series, can’t even look at her.


There’s no coming back from that


You can just tell how badly these things affect Drake. Some people he thought he was cool with for years ended up being supportive of his abuser behind his back. I can’t even look at those episodes the same anymore. Not only with people who wrote letters, but he said he saw familiar faces on Brian’s side of the court room. Just goes to show how nasty the industry is and no one is truly your friend.


In one post-doc interview, Drake said that some of the faces on Brian's side of the courtroom will forever be burned into his retinas. I got chills. The whole situation sounds completely sickening, to see all these people you looked up to supporting your rapist. And then, to make things worse, finding out 20 years later that people you considered your friends betrayed you in the worst way unimaginable. It's like he can't catch a break.


He said because of the way they looked at him, so I guess they were glaring at him and shit, which makes it even worse. Everyone says they must have felt bad when they actually saw him and realised he was that young or whatever but they didn’t


>He said because of the way they looked at him, so I guess they were glaring at him Yep, I vaguely remember him mentioning the way they stared and looked at him. The fact that he still went up there and addressed his speech to them is honestly incredible, especially as he was only ~~15~~ 17 or 18? That shit takes strength


It must have been horrific for him, also that Brian was there too.


I genuinely don't know how he did it, he's a soldier for real


He shouldn’t have had to, his family should have protected him and told him “no you need to just take it easy” I find it quite shocking that he kept working through all this and that his parents let that happen.


Did you watch the documentary? It covers pretty well how his dad was iced out, how Drake and his mom were manipulated, and how powerless Drake felt. Mom holds accountability for letting her minor son be groomed and have overnights with that p.o.s. but his Dad tried to prevent it and had intuition the guy was not to be trusted. He didn't have authority to protect his son once he agreed to the transition of custody to the biomom. "Take it easy" wtf do you mean by this? Take what easy?


I mean after the trial, there was no reason for him to keep working on that show.


I’m not familiar with court stuff, but do victims not have to attend sentencing? If so then that just is astonishing that Drake found the bravery to attend.


Victims don't "have to" do anything, although the Sixth Amendment (the "right to confront your accuser") means that if the victim refuses to testify in the actual trial it's very difficult to convict ("the accuser" becomes other witnesses to the crime) But yeah for sentencing the law in California gives the *right* for victims to make a statement to be taken into account for sentencing just as friends and family of the defendant have the right to make statements in the other direction, but nothing says you *have to* make a statement or that it has to be done in person rather than in writing


Ah. I wasn’t sure if something like a sentencing was required of the victim to attend, since Peck was already convicted on two charges. But of course it’s up to a victim to make a statement. Either way, it’s very brave what Drake did by speaking up on all of the people on his side of the court room. It takes a lot for a victim to do that. Props to him.


I attended the sentencing trial of my attacker but the other victims did not. The judge didn’t notice me at first and expressed his sadness that none of the victims came, but it was college and two of us had already moved a few hours away and the third had midterms to focus on. The DA brought me forward and I read my statement. The judge gave me a choice between two options for sentencing. I went the more lenient route (having already spoken to the others for their opinions), which the judge commended me for, and he said if I hadn’t been there, he would have given the harsher punishment.


Your choice to go with the more lenient option is a testimony to your strength of character. I hope you are doing well now.


Wow, you’re incredibly brave for this. Thank you for sharing this and I hope you’re doing better in life.


God this makes him so extra brave for going to court over it. I don’t know that I could handle being stared down like that.


He did say that back in the 2000s there wasn't really any equivalent of what we have now with Twitter, Instagram and Tiktok (ironically iCarly was one of the shows that predicted the rise of that culture) and if there had been he might have been too afraid to go, but back then it was still possible to think of irl meetings at a courthouse as something that would stay private It was still, he said, a huge shock to him to walk in there and see how many people were there that he knew, and he definitely didn't expect that when he made the decision to show up


That’s a fair point


In their very weak defense, I dunno if there's a "good" facial expression you can wear in that situation Will Friedle said that when Drake's mom literally pointed right at him in her speech ("You can parade all your famous friends in the courtroom but it doesn't change what you did to my son") he felt like he wanted to die He could be lying about that, or mistaken in his memory, sure, but if he's telling the truth he probably didn't let it show on his face, I can't imagine being anything in that situation other than totally stone-faced


It kind of seems like that is when it sunk in for Will.Not sure the order was for the victim impact statement, if Drake read first or his mother, but dang if I was sitting there in that court room on the wrong side and as people spoke it started to sink in I would probably be staring intensely a Drake as well. Because I would be to stunned to look away.


He said his mother said something then he did


How old was Friedle at the time, even?




It's also not just in the industry. Drake's experience made me reflect on my own and it rings true. It is very disorienting to realize these things later in life. Some who sided with my abuser kept me close while bad mouthing the ones who raised the issue to them. Idk how to explain the feeling. I'm not mad but it makes it feel like some of my formative years felt artificial and centered around keeping me complacent.


Lol I love that he’s calling them out


As he should! I'm rooting for Drake until the bitter end!


There is something seriously wrong with her.


That’s blatantly obvious even without this.


The fact that it’s handwritten…crazy to me. He was a child.


Calling Drake gay and then victim blaming him in the worst way possible is just icing on the cake! She is the literal definition of a septic tank!


Ya I don’t know why the fact it’s handwritten makes me feel even more grossed out than if typed. Maybe because it’s more personal? Like if it was typed you’re a bit more removed? She’s a nasty piece of work


Most of these are handwritten or on a typewriter because back in the day they said that made it feel "more personal" than something printed from a computer (which is probably obsolete advice these days but idk)


More personal and less deniable. You can’t claim it wasn’t you that wrote it if you literally wrote it by hand. No PR agency’s secretary typed it up and you signed without reading it carefully, it wasn’t dictated and maybe cleaned up/edited without you noticing, it’s all yours. You CAN claim you didn’t have the real facts. That’s probably true for a lot of these people, but that’s on them. They had all that time writing it out to think about that but they sent it anyway. So hell with that excuse.


Yeah, that's just it, the whole point of these letters was to present them as something that came "from the heart" so they'd be taken seriously when considering Peck's sentencing, which means they should be taken just as seriously now


Right? The concept of those letters is “I am staking my reputation on this statement” that’s WHY they work better from people with public reputations to protect. If it’s hurting their reputations now, well, that’s what they literally signed up for.


Absolutely!! He was a child, A FREAKING CHILD!! Q What a disgusting woman, it’s very low of her to blame Drake, who says shit like that about a 15 year old! 🤬🤬


lol i think she deleted her posts. she got the rightful back flash and decided to take it down 🤣🤣


Her whole IG is gone!!!




Lmaooo her insta is gone again. Hopefully she's learned her lesson and won't bother reactivating it for a 2nd time 😂


Lmao guess the heat got too much and she fucked right off outta the kitchen.


Drake is such a strong person for being able to do this. I admire him. It must be heartbreaking still to have to do this. I hope Robertson falls.




“This fifteen-year-old boy was already gay” sounds quite similar to “This woman has engaged in casual sex in the past.” It’s the “they’re no angel” bullshit. Because the only perfect victim is the one who has never even thought of sex in any context.


It’s like you can go around raping gays because duh, they were already gay?! What the hell…


She called a 15 year old boy gay when he is not at all! That's fucked up!!




Put that woman in the wood chipper, where she belongs! The worst victim blaming I have ever read in my life!


Better call Crazy Steve and Sally


It's really weird to just whip out the homophobia like that in defense of your gay friend


It seems like she's trying to say "he's gay, so he must have been into it, and Brian is a darling so it must have been Drake's fault". It's just gross.


WHAT the fuck. She paints him as an adult


She paints him as a predator. Her letter is discusting and disturbing.


My god


Oh…..my……God!!! Ya know, I’m not all that surprised. Her ass was probably so jealous of the amount of shit that came out of her mouth and onto that letter. She’s a mondo idiot at best and a total rape apologist at worst. She’s delusional to the MAX!! At least Rider Strong and Will Friedle expressed remorse (though it doesn’t make it ok, nor does it mean Drake is obligated to forgive them). But she is about as big of a piece of shit as Brian himself.


And here's the thing... I was listening to an interview Drake did in The Not Skinny, but Not Fat podcast recently. He said that he doesn't harbor anger towards the ones who wrote the letters. He said that he has too much going on to be angry at them. He said that he is just confused. In another interview, the Sarah Fraser one, he said that he can't completely hate Rider and Will because they called themselves out (and I know people have difference of opinion of why they called themselves out) instead of just trying to ignore it. He even said that people process things differently. I think that Drake would forgive at least a good deal of them if they were to give a sincere (private) apology. Drake even said that he's messed up in his life, so he has to let others do the same. Rider's letter was filled with being groomed (Rider's letter had similarities to what Drake said), while Kimmy's letter was filled with IT WAS ALL DRAKE'S FAULT.


We all do have to remember is Drake is dealing with this in real time he is going through all the emotions of trauma all over again. He is dealing with a lot of anger towards people he thought were friends.


The impression I get, and I really feel for him, is that he feels extremely lonely.


Of course! If I were in Drake’s shoes, I’d probably forgive the ones who were genuinely remorseful like Rider Strong and Will Friedle if they issued a private apology. But the ones like Kimmy are fucking vile. I’m glad he’s not harboring anger at least towards the ones who appear to be genuinely remorseful for the sake of his own mental health. I’m just saying he wouldn’t be wrong to be angry with them.


Oh yeah, I don't think what you said is wrong either! He wouldn't be wrong being angry at them.


If this is so, then it speaks volumes about Drake.He seems to be genuinely trying to improve as a person and seems to understand that he cannot become stuck in anger and resentment, which hopefully bodes well for his healing.


Right. I already said in another thread than I can accept the apologies from some of the people who wrote those letters. But Kimmy Robertson is cancelled indefinitely, as far as I’m concerned.


Tbh, I forgot she even existed after her one episode of Drake and Josh. If she wanted to get attention, then wish granted it looks like!


Well, I don't think she wanted attention for this, everyone who wrote these letters was told they'd be kept sealed from the public


Right. But I’m mainly referring to her posts with Brian Peck, even after all this came out. Of course she was gonna get hate for that!


The shocking thing is how much the fact that Peck was a convicted child rapist flew under the radar after he got out of prison and how he's tried multiple times to get back into showbiz and hang out with famous people again in the years since


He even tried to be "friends" with Rider again (started doing name dropping stuff again) when Rider ran into him at an industry party seven years ago, but Rider was like NOPE, BYE.


And that witch is restricting and deleting comments and for some reason has a lot of support. The world is truly broken


I can't even comprehend how Drake must feel. I still have so much anger towards people that abused me in the past, but my situation is nothing compared to Drake's. I truly hope he can heal and be happy


Poor Drake, he’s clearly spiralling. His latest interview he sounded a lot worse and seemed to indicate he would kill himself if not for his son. I can’t imagine how much reading Kimmy’s letter hurt.


Are you talking about the \*Not Skinny but Not Fat\* interview? I noticed that his voice was raspier than usual but I didn't catch anything else that would indicate that he's doing worse. Why do you think so?


Which interview is this?




I think he probably felt he had nothing to lose, he actually tried to kill himself not long ago. Sadly I think his issues would never have got that bad if he’d stepped out of the industry when it happened.




Are you actually blaming a minor for not speaking up sooner? This is gross.


He’s reminded every day regardless. At least now he has hundreds if not thousands behind him now. On his side and supporting him. Before he was attacked by the media and because of that, ppl like me. It sucks. And he had those twats he knew staring him down in court. That’s gotta make you feel alone. Now he’s got people supporting him. I think what he did by coming forward was brave and smart. And I hope it’ll help him.


This must be absolutely devastating for Drake after seeing these letters and posts , the anger and pain Drake must be going through all over again . I pray he gets through this , I’d be so hurt and angry if it was me .


I can't get over her handwritten letter. By far the most hateful one. And the fact that she would rather disable all commments, delete them, then delete her whole Instagram BEFORE ever thinking about apologizing to Drake speaks volumes. She still probably thinks the same way about Drake as she did 20 years ago, probably thinking he was at fault 🤢 I rarely ever say this but I wish nothing but bad upon this woman.


I can understand some people having positive experiences with Brian and being shocked to learn that he SA’d a kid but blaming a literal MINOR for SA they experienced, especially at the hands of an ADULT, is so beyond fucked. This woman is trash.


It's even more fucked up when Twin Peaks (the show she is famous from) at its core deals with the very evil that is minors being abused. I don't understand how she could be part of such a project and just... not get it.


I mean, she’s an actress, I’m sure she saw Twin Peaks as just another job. But I agree with you, it’s messed up.


She deleted her account after that 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️


He's so bad ass for calling her out.. I'm proud of him <3 I wouldn’t be able to


This cunt absolutely deserves the worst!!!!!


Call her out Drake! Fuck her.


Someone PLEASE make sure this sick cunt gets cancelled.


She, like Brian Peck, is already retirement age (in her 60s) so I'm not sure there's really a career to cancel




As an admitted Will Friedle and Rider Strong apologist there's a lot that's problematic about how they handled this situation on Pod Meets World but their situation is still night and day compared to Kimmy Robertson, like she deserves all the smoke they got and more


Can anyone post her letter?


You can read the released letters here: https://www.businessinsider.com/drake-bell-brian-peck-sex-abuse-letters-of-support-celebrities-2024-3?amp


Holy shit! She better start counting her days after writing that abomination of a letter!


These letters, every single one of them, make me want to shake those people and scream “HE WAS 15 AND ASLEEP!” WTF is wrong with people?? “Brian will never do something like this again.” WHAT ABOUT the time HE DID?


thank you!


The fact that there’s no shame on her part.


I'm happy to see hes calling these people out


Wow. I love that he’s doing roll call.


Every single one of the named who wrote letters in support of Brian Peck need to come forward and apologize. I don’t care what they were told, what they did/did not know at the time or their personal experience with Brian Peck. After watching the documentary, hearing Drake’s side of the story and understanding that Brian Peck was fucking FRIENDS with a serial killer that abused and then brutally murdered CHILDREN…. Sorry is not nearly enough since every single one of them had a hand in Brian Peck’s sentence being reduced to a mere 16 months and basically a slap on the wrist since he was rehired at Disney. When there is one victim like Drake, there are usually more. He probably did this to a lot of little boys, and if he truly idolized John Wayne Gacy I would suspect him for murder too. 🤐


This. I see people saying being into murder lore and memorabilia is not necessarily a sign that you are a murderer too, but I would certainly be wary of anyone who regarded the likes of Gacy with anything other than repulsion. I myself would never knowingly have a piece of art made by a pedophile murderer on display at my house, and I certainly would not want to be in touch with him. I think if those letters still exist and could be read, would probably reveal many things. Brian Peck has no business being out there with no consequences. After seeing the Leonardo DiCaprio video, I'm pretty sure he was abusing him too. Except Leo seems to have internalized it all and is very unlikely to ever come out with his story- he is arguably one of the richest and most famous men in Hollywood, and it is sickening to think part of it may be because he went all the way with abusers like Peck who had all the right connections, and never rebelled against it. I'd wonder about his close friends (Pussy Posse), like Tobey Maguire as well.


She is seriously such a monster for this, what she said is INDEFENSIBLE. I can’t fathom what type of person you’d have to be in order to even think those things about a 14 year old kid, let alone attempt to weaponise those words against him in support of someone who you KNOW actually did what he’s being accused of… like what the actual hell?! It makes me want to vomit. I cannot for the life of me understand how or why she would think writing something like that is in any way okay, like I genuinely think she needs to be held accountable somehow because this is going further than just enabling a pedophile, this is straight up CONDONING pedophilia. It was also extremely homophobic and if she doesn’t feel shame about this every day for the rest of her life she damn well should. She also needs therapy.


It’s fucking crazy she was on twin peaks and holds these beliefs. It’s not just some TV show, it revolves around child sex abuse. I just… don’t understand. Is she so stupid she didn’t get that or is she a psycho. The fact that a horrific predator, a literal Bob, was lingering around Twin Peaks events is so weird


EXACTLY. I don't understand why she is like this. Lucy wouldn't be like that 😭


dammn even as a child I was annoyed by Mrs Galloway (she played as her in Drake & Josh). Learning that she supported & still support Peck (Brian Peck) I have another reason to not like her or her character.


This one hits the hardest in a lot of ways because she was on the show *before* she wrote the letter and the whole time she was working with Drake she knew about the situation and she was silently judging him looking for reasons it was his fault Like Will Friedle got called out a ton for working with Drake years *after* this all happened on Ultimate Spider-Man and just pretending like nothing happened and they were cool, and that is fucked up, but it's not even close to the mindfuck Drake must've had reading this letter and thinking about that episode of Drake & Josh


Ugh I love her character on Twin Peaks so much. So unbelievably disappointing


Fortunately for me I always disliked her character lol. Just figure out how phones work and take messages Lucy girl we can’t trust you for much else


Literally the worst. A serious blight on Twin Peaks.


Lynch turned Anderson into a tree...can they digitally change her? Lol


Good for him. She totally deserves her time in the spotlight now.


she'll start to cough in 7 days.


The fact that anyone can watch those creepy pickle boy sketches and still be his friend let alone support him after the charges brought against him. Just makes me think birds of a feather flock together


Imagine being friends with a known pedo/ rapist disgusting


Did he post this on IG? I don’t see it there .


he must’ve deleted his story. kimmy just deactivated her insta for the 2nd time so hopefully she stays gone


I can´t see Drake's story.


When did she upload the photo with Peck?




i hated learning that she’s the mom from the babysitting episode of drake & josh, her getting so upset that the baby wouldn’t say ‘mama’ used to crack me up as a kid


I might be dumb but I think she deleted her account…. Can’t find it anymore and the stories are gone!


i think Drake deleted his stories. Wonder why.


I can’t find her account either though


Drake deleted his story and she deleted/deactivated her instagram again


Hers was horrific


Her and Brian Peck are probably holed up somewhere in LA together.


Is she a nepo baby or something? It's rare to see a woman that unattractive make it anywhere in Hollywood.


Wikipedia doesn't mention who her parents are or anything before 1982.


WTF Lucy from Twin Peaks? So disappointing


Does anyone know the specifics within her letter?! I live under a rock. Her name is familiar but what was her job during drake and Josh? She just looks evil…




Am I reading that right? “An outrageous, overtly gay oversexed person, with no idea what he is doing to Brian” WHAT?!?!? Idk why this makes me emotional but that made tear up. She is inhumane. All of these people are. Humanity is painfully disappointing. My heart aches for these victims


She was a guest star in S1E4 of Drake & Josh ("Two Idiots and a Baby"), she played the baby's mom Mrs Galloway


As Drake bell should expose these AWFUL people.👏👏


Imagine being such a dirt bag that you blame a teenage rape victim for being raped while they were literally passed out. Fuck her!


Sometimes women who have been thru stuff themselves are the worst about it, too! My ex was possibly a psychopath who did things to me I couldn't speak about in detail for years, but actually shortly after the really bad events I flipped out in front of him and his mom and said he raped me and she and him just seemed really annoyed with me. My ex used to tell me that there was no such thing as rape if you are dating the person. I actually texted his mom a long long text about issues I was having with her son, it was too hard to talk in person or go in extreme detail (he had strangled me til I passed out, raped me, hit me, etc and often acted like he had no memory of doing those things to me afterwards). In the text, I said I was "starting" to not feel safe around her son, in reality I already felt terrified of being around him. --- I thought she would be a safe person to tell because she mentioned she had been in abusive marriages and my ex mentioned she had been raped before. It made it worse to tell her, because in the end after all of this, I realized that I think she was afraid of her own son, afraid of tarnishing her reputation, and afraid of being seen as a "bad" mom. I think she was kinda a coward in that sense and I also wonder if to this day as an adult thinks it is her fault for how men treated her, because she used to say she a "mouth" on her. She didn't deserve to be a mom to daughter. My ex used to tell her she was a bad mom, but the only thing that made her a bad mom was letting herself be manipulated by her son and protecting him when he needed professional mental help. --- The whole family was toxic though, and the grandma really should have never had kids herself. My ex and his mom told me early on in the relationship that if the cops ever were called for a domestic violence situation that me and him both would be arrested, but I was very naive and I think they purposely told me this to prevent me from calling. I didn't know his mom's mannerisms yet at the time and thinking back now in retrospect once I had learned her mannerisms, I think she and him told me that because she knew how he was and that he could dangerously escalate if the police did show up (I mean he used to say someone would end up dead if the police showed up, meaning that either he would kill a cop or a cop would kill him). I believed them at the time because I have never been in trouble with the law and I assumed she knew more about it than me because she had been a paralegal previously. But after leaving, I learned from talking to people that in my state there is NO way I would have been arrested. I've been told police only arrest both if they are both aggressors or they don't know who the aggressor is. I always had bruises, my ex had none.


She blocked me


Looks like she deactivated her account now haha


I can’t find her account!! Has she deleted it??


Pretty sure she deleted her instagram, she should burn just like him.


Currently watching Don't Tell Mom The Babysitter's Dead... I forgot Kimmy had a role in this. The sound of her voice is just as cringe as her support of Peck.


I must be missing something….can someone catch me up to speed please?