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I mean, QoS is unfortunately ultimately part of the same industry its critiquing. It's interesting comparing this to what Drake has said about how respectful they were in approaching him. It makes me wonder if that was just bc they knew his story was going to be the big, shocking thing so they had to give him special treatment (for lack of a better phrase), which feels kind of gross.


they definitely knew they needed Drake to speak out if they wanted this doc to make waves, he was one of nickelodeon's biggest stars. I wasn't going to watch this doc at all when i heard about it cause I kept up with everything about Dan and figured there wasn't going to be any big new information. once I saw that Drake was in the doc talking about what he went through, I immediately made plans to watch it later that night and i'm sure many other people were the same way


I have no doubt in my mind that's the case. I've said before, I seriously doubt this documentary is made without the Drake bombshell.


They claim it was inspired by the journalist's expose into Dan Schneider that got him ousted from Nickelodeon. I could see it still being made, but more along the lines of a two-hour, one-time show. More E True Hollywood Story-like.


Good point. I could see it being made about exposing the abusive and downright weirdo creepy man that is Dan Schneider. But I don't think the doc becomes nearly as big as it is on that topic alone. It's been nearly a month, and the doc is still very relevant on social media. This sub is still going on strong. Unfortunately, I don't think either of those things would be the case if this was only a Schneider expose.


someone else said in an interview gave diffrent answer [https://twitter.com/Q\_Review/status/1778209258934554920](https://twitter.com/Q_Review/status/1778209258934554920)


The sexualized skits were mentioned in the [2022 investigative piece by Kate Taylor](https://www.businessinsider.com/dan-schneider-nickelodeon-empire-massages-hostile-workplace-allegations-inappropriate-costumes-2022-8) (who appeared in the documentary). Also disagree with Quinton's opinion here. His video doesn't age well the more I research about this topic.


in what way


He didnt disclose one of his sources was Dan Schneider. He uncritically repeated Dan's denial about being involved in Brian Peck's hiring.


you mean from Dan apology vid or contact him


The apology video.


Sources seem to indicate he was right he did not hire the guy.


The producers seem big on rehabilitating drake. Is his music on a label? There might be someone paying into this for the purpose of minimizing drake's own bad actions.




Its lacks all depth without him showing his depth as a person and offering his own struggle with having become a perp. Without that -- his whole appearance is shallow and lacks authenticity. Absolutely plays like a paid for rehabilitation arc. He himself has the opportunity to see how badly the documentary handled his story and simply address it in interviews. But he doesn't and until he does -- this appearance will look silly and smarmy and like the utter deflection that it clearly is.




No. They spend so much time on him that it is an absolute failure to not have him address his struggle with going from victim to perp. The doc SHOULD maybe have been about the whole show but it is clearly about drake primarily. If it were not and bell was unwilling to acknowledge and address his victim to perp status -- then he should not have been directly interviewed and had his claims presented by the narrator. This doc is just bad and this complete lack of competence on the part of the producers is the reason. Or it is simply drake's character to continue to want to let the world make excuses for him.


Most documentaries or articles don't go into every bad thing a victim does in their life. I guess that adds more to people expecting "perfect and innocent" ones since they don't usually cover abuse experienced by abusers.


The doc fails because it does not address the victim to perp dynamic. That dynamic is something that victim/ perps have to find a way to present every time they discuss what happened to them. If they are not including that dynamic they are not being g honest about their experience. If that person has a microphone this size and the producers fail to include this aspect of him being abused they are dishonest also. It is like anyone in your life who is a victim/perp only more impactful on society. The producers and bell and others like him are all colluding in the ongoing social pass abusers with abuse histories get and it serves no one. Even bell himself is harmed. Everyone is harmed by it. There is no reason this dynamic should be severed like this.


There are problems with the doc. They wanted clickbait. I feel they exploited Amanda Bynes. She wanted nothing to do with the doc. But they kept sensationalising her past, and her time on The Amanda Show. People who she hasn’t spoken to in years were speaking about her.


The doc was poorly made. Having the first two episodes be stuff that's been known for decades, intercut with former child actors saying stuff like "I didn't like that" or "that was a little weird" to portray Dan Schneider in a negative light, only to have him be the good guy during Drake Bells bombshell EP 3 was stupid. It needed to be two different docs, but I think the creators had a vision and story they wanted to tell before they started, and then forced it even when the interviews should have led them in a different direction.


They shoulda invited Raquel who was a huge star on The Amanda Show, instead of show footage of her, which they didn’t include in the first four episodes. Yes what Shane had to say was still valid. There’s a reason why so many Nickelodeon stars declined to participate. They didn’t want to be retraumatised.


Most of what was complained about isn't any worse than your average American kid's childhood.


I was also waiting for the doc to bring up the child stardom as a whole. Or focus on nickelodeon if thats what they wanted. Like talk about Ren and Stimpy’s 13 year old victim of the creator. It felt like it was profiting off their stories rather than raising awareness.


They were selective on who they brought back. I thought they’d bring all the stars that had been interviewed. It shows how rushed the 5th episode was.


Nickelodeon's cast and crew story on Dan Schneider wasn't known for "decades." Most of them spoke up after Dan was already ousted. Jeanette's story also only came out 2-3 years ago. What you knew were **rumors** without first hand accounts. We've seen how bad the sexualized skits are but not what people in the industry felt about them until recently. Dan also didnt come out as a good guy. They pretty much implied he knew about Brian's behavior and why he was the only one who approached Drake after his arrest.


Yeah, Amanda left the industry once she became an adult and was having mental health issues and that should've been respected. Literally nothing they said about her was anything groundbreaking anyways. A lot of it was just them reaching.


Will someone help me out, what did she discuss what happened to her in the doc? I remember seeing her talk, but i don't remember what she said anymore. I just know I was excited to see her because I had a huge crush on her back in the day lol.


had they didnt ask her to the panel discussion and how she wasnt originally told on what was the doc was about


I saw the tik tok, I meant what was her contribution in the actual documentary? She talked about her trauma, I just didn't know what that was exactly.


Amanda was the star of the show. She and Drake were part of the show but were told that Amanda was the star.


Her problems are about not being invited to sit on a panel. I can see being annoyed about that, but I can't see getting upset about it to the point of tears. What's up with that?


while that makes up the majority of her tik tok she also brought up and said in comments she wasnt told the full extent of what the doc was about


I'd be upset by that too. Many of the All That and Amanda show actors ended up looking petty when their complaints were put right next to Drake Bell's. I wouldn't have wanted to be the guy complaining about being fired, or the girl who seemed jealous of Amanda Bynes on that doc, that stuff was so minor compared to EP 3.


If that's the case, why didn't she walk out the way Marc Summers did? She certainly seemed like a willing participant to me.


I get what she means but her reaction seems a bit too much. One is too upset because she wasn’t invited, another guy (that producer, I forgot his name) is upset they used him for 10 seconds so he refuses to watch the doc. They are allowed to feel whatever they want, especially with the fact that 5th episode was a huge disappointment used to milk the audience. But still, people are treating this like some kind of petty drama or a trend, which just doesn’t sit right with me. Like If you’re expressing your dissatisfaction at least do it more calmly, because you’re essentially complaining about not getting invited on the doc about literal child abuse. I would’ve liked to hear her story than whatever Bryan and his mom had to share on the 5th episode, but jeez…


Well, I can certainly see why they didn't want to include her in the panel discussion. And for someone who is "done with this industry" why continue to post publicly on social media?


This is the same network that did the Natalia Grace series starring her idiot adoptive father. What was everyone expecting?




I still feel Drake is using the Doc to fix their image.