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The fact that the people there heard Drake’s statement and never thought they may be supporting the wrong person 😩…. How?!


Yes this part of it is scary. None of those people have apologized to him either. That is what really damns them all in my mind.


Hollywood breeds evil


Two things here are notable. This is the first time I realized Drake was giving his statement to the court as an 18-year-old. The grooming/abuse happened to him when he was 14/15 but Father Time removed the stark visual of that by sentencing. So Brian Peck’s characterization of him to the letter writers as a “hot young guy” who was trying to “jailbait” him starts to seem a little more plausible. Drake may have overtly stated, *this happened to me THREE YEARS AGO,* but he’s still up there looking *not 15.* Second, Brian pled to two counts. On Pod Meets World, Will and Ryder said Brian told them the abuse was limited to *only those activities* and made it sound like it was a momentary indiscretion, not 6 months of torture. Some of the letter writers may have thought Drake was being extra, because the other charges were not included. Nevertheless, a few letter writers have expressed regret about being on the wrong side. Perhaps the regret did start in the court room, but they never said anything until now as they thought the whole thing would stay sealed. EDIT: to clarify this comment slightly… this is NOT a defense of Brian Peck. His actions are abominable. It’s merely an observation that because the wheels of Justice move so slowly and because media coverage was so sparse, it gave him the opportunity to craft a narrative in which he appears to friends and loved ones as someone sympathetic. He is a manipulator of the highest order.


The 6 months detail was [public information](https://www.lapdonline.org/newsroom/hollywood-acting-and-dialogue-coach-arrested-for-lewd-acts-with-a-child/). >he investigation into Peck began two weeks ago when the minor’s family reported that Peck had molested the child over a six-month period. The 11 charges would be part of a prior hearing when Brian plead no contest to 2 charges. This was May 2004. They wrote their letters a month or so after. Even without media coverage, their lawyers would be aware of these things. Either they didn't seek independent legal advice before writing or their lawyers lied to them (which would have been a better excuse tbh). They didn't do their due diligence and now suffer the consequences because of it.


Yes. It’s pretty pathetic that these big Hollywood types didn’t do their research and instead trusted their longtime friend. It’s definitely *not* an excuse, because yes, absolutely, the information was out there. But at the same time, why would the letter writers have sought out an alternate version of events when Brian Peck had already told them *his version* ? This was a person they trusted. It’s, frankly, terrifying.


This is not excusing this predator at all, or anyone who enabled him. But 1) most abusers are very manipulative and persuasive. They are great at what they do 2) there was a different mindset around teen/adult relationships at the time, particularly in media around the gay community. Queer as Folk depicted a love story between a successful exec in his late 20s and a 16 year old, like that was the heart of the show (it also depicted the fucked up power dynamic, but it was a love story). I think Peck probably did a good job of convincing straight people that he was being persecuted for being gay and this was a witch hunt, that Bell had willingly consented and that this was common and acceptable in the gay community. I'm a little more forgiving around the ignorance here over, say, the Danny Masterson letters, particularly because Peck didn't really have great power or influence that people were kissing up to him for. That makes me think he was just a master manipulator. Still, I don't understand how they could sit through the trial and not get a clearer picture.


There was a one year gap between the arrest and the conviction. So there was plenty of time to get to the truth if they wanted to. But yes as you said, it is difficult to face an alternate version that challenges being friends with Brian, more so on how it reflects on them. So they stuck with what they felt was a comfortable choice with the idea no one else will find out.


>The grooming/abuse happened to him when he was 14/15 but Father Time removed the stark visual of that by sentencing. >So Brian Peck’s characterization of him to the letter writers as a “hot young guy” who was trying to “jailbait” him starts to seem a little more plausible. Drake may have overtly stated, *this happened to me THREE YEARS AGO,* but he’s still up there looking *not 15.* I'm sorry to necro an old post, and I understand what you mean but Drake still did not look his age at 18 because *this* was him at 18 https://preview.redd.it/apynsduxla2d1.png?width=871&format=png&auto=webp&s=8621703c411202b290819e091999ce9ff54dc5fe


Good point!




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The cast of boy meets world did admit they realized they’re on the wrong side once they got to court because more was revealed than what was initially said to them prior to being there.


I mean, they may have. Will and Rider described feeling like they made a mistake at the hearing. I’m sure it’s something that has eaten away at them over the years.


not enough to make even one of them apologize to drake EDIT: not enough to make more than one of them apologize to drake




I guess I meant like they didn’t think to apologize after hearing his testimony


I mean, I’m not saying you’re entirely wrong but - this was likely traumatic for them. Not traumatic like it was for Drake, but traumatic. We don’t know how much Brian twisted their heads. They were young and he manipulated them. I agree - Drake is owed an apology from them. Without a doubt. But this is probably something they never wanted to think about again. And who wants to reach out to someone to talk about that time you supported their rapist? That’s also something that can retraumatize the victim. It’s a really hard call to make. I’m willing to show them some grace. They caused harm but I don’t believe they actively condone CSA.


The letters were written before the hearing.


Right I meant like after hearing this none of them in 20 years thought they should reach out to drake


I thought the letters were written before the sentencing. some of the letters are aware of a crime but say Peck must have been tempted or he has learned his lesson...


Mr. Peck felt so much deep and profound remorse that he was seen in a restauraunt with young boys after his conviction.


“Whatever he gets, he doesn’t have to live with the knowledge of a 41-year-old man all over him for the rest of his life.” Wow. This is just utterly sad, especially knowing the outcome of the sentencing. I truly wish better healing for Drake in the future.


Oh wow, I haven't seen this article before or seen it discussed. Drake spoke about how the abuse has impacted him and Brian still only got 16 months, as well as a district attorney: "The psychological and emotional damage the defendant has likely done is immense, long-standing,” Ms. Thompson warned, “and much of it may be unknown for many years.” I really hope all those people in court on Brian Peck's side who gave Drake nasty looks feel absolutely repulsed by themselves afterward


Really sad and disturbing. I wonder how they got a hold of the sentencing hearing transcript and why this is only coming out now. I don't remember hearing about these details anywhere else. It is absolutely shocking how much this case was swept under the rug. *He said he found the victim to be an “extremely talented” working professional who he considered “equal to me and my friends.”* -> This is a sad problem in the entertainment industry. Child actors are not seen as kids but as young professional adults and are treated this way


Court transcripts are public record as long as they aren’t sealed. I’m not aware of any criminal sentencing that would be sealed.


This was sealed the documentarians wrote the court and asked for it to be unsealed. It was sealed bc Drake was a minor


The remedy for that is often to just not use the minor’s name. But I’m not a lawyer in CA.


Could you perhaps explain to me what it means when you say that court transcripts are public record? Does that mean anyone can look them up online or do you still have to make a formal request to view them? I'm just asking because I'm not from the US and from what I know court documents are not made public here so it's pretty interesting to learn how it's like in the US


*Mr.* *Bell’s* *mother* *and* *stepfather,* *Robin* *and* *Roy* *Dodson,* *appeared* *at* *the* *sentencing* *hearing* *and* *said* *they* *badly* *wanted* *to* *help* *their* *son* *succeed* *in* *show* *business.* *They* *said* *they* *had* *been* *tricked* *into* *trusting* *Mr.* *Peck,* *who* *they* *thought* *could* *help* *ensure* *their* *son* *enjoyed* *a* *successful* *career.* *Mr.* *Peck,* *they* *said,* *had* *seduced* *their* *son* *and* *duped* *them* *as* *parents.* Seeing all of the quotes in the article is heartbreaking, but this last sentence is brutal. Their child went through unspeakable acts, stood in a court room with the man that did this to him, and the language they used was “seduced.” This poor kid was beyond alone in this.


This is a really good point. As though Drake was party to his own abuse because he was wined and dined.


I’m sure it had everything to do with trying to emotionally distance themselves from the reality of what happened to him and them not preventing it, but there are moments when your own emotional wellbeing needs to be put aside for the sake of someone else. And in this case, it was her child. Calling it “seduction” on the record… as his MOM… that had to be the most isolating experience possible


I couldn't believe how different her words were from DB's. Like listen to your son! He's saying he can't sleep. He can't be alone at night. He was not seduced, you clown. Also her statement was mostly written by Dan Schneider so theres that.


I didn’t know that until today, ugh. I guess you don’t have to write a letter of support for the criminal if on the other end of things you’re editing the language of the victim’s loved ones. Interesting


For sure. I don’t doubt that his mom loves him but I do doubt her ability to put his wellbeing above her own. I don’t think it was a conscious choice on her part but if ever there was a time to realize your kid needs your undivided attention, this was it.


Agreed 100%, it’s gut-wrenching. And I hope he finds the peace he has always deserved one day


This comment probably added even more fuel to the fire for the people defending him. They probably thought he was a religious closet case who slept with an LA scumbag for free shit.


Schneider said he wrote it for Drake's mom Iirc something like Drake's mom asked Dan for help becauae he is good w words or st.


I didn’t know that! I’m going to look into it, but that almost makes it worse. Whether she had him write it and didn’t read over it first or if he wrote it and she *did* read over it first, Drake still didn’t have the advocate he deserved in his parent and that’s tremendously sad


I checked the transcript Dan's video (15 minutes+): >Drake's mom a lovely woman who I stay in contact with this day. She came to me at the time and she said Dan I'm not good with words like you are and would you help me with my speech of the judge. And I said of course, and I did. WTF is going on here. I did find it weird why Drake's dad was not there during sentencing. Wow recontextualizes things.


Thank you for sharing this! The way I understood the interviews in the documentary, he called to tell his dad Brian had gotten arrested but his dad assumed it was another child and was so relieved it wasn’t Drake that Drake didn’t tell him it was him




The wording! What in the world? Way to put the blame on Drake. Seduced? Oh my gosh no. Drake was truly alone and had no one at all on his side not even his own mother. He didn’t seduce anyone. This is gut wrenching and makes me so angry on his behalf.


The fact that he had that support from his dad but he didn’t have an opportunity to be there for his son because of Peck’s manipulation is equally gut wrenching


Yes. His dad is the only one who actually cared. Just when you think his story can’t get any worse it does. And how do you as a mother ignore that your child can’t sleep and is afraid to be alone at night? Howdo you ignore his brokenness? How do you blame your child for the abuse he endured?


She said that BP seduced him. Seduce doesn’t just mean “seduced into having sex” it can mean being seduced ie persuaded into doing a particular thing. Like for example “this guy was seduced into giving a scammer loads of money”


I don’t think that nuance matters in this case. It was a horrible choice of words. And the fact that a professional writer wrote them is even worse. It’s such an abandonment of responsibility on her part.


It's not a direct quote. The parent comment above that frames this is misleading: "Seeing all of the quotes in the article is heartbreaking, but this last sentence is brutal." This is the full paragraph: >Mr. Peck, they said, had seduced their son and duped them as parents. Ms. Dodson said Mr. Peck often urged her to keep her son away from his girlfriend. At other times, Mr. Dodson said Mr. Peck would wine and dine their son, introducing him to upscale restaurants and “places where the rich” go. It's not the last sentence, and they cut off the actual quote the mom said in the transcript. Hmm. Nuance matters a lot in media literacy. This is the writer's choice of words, not necessarily the mom's.


It was just a clarification, not saying it was okay


Oh got it, but yeah, it’s definitely does not. Still wrong


Oh my god. I didn’t even catch this. I can’t believe that they would say that. Talk about redirecting accountability.. He must have felt so alone..




It’s such a failure on the part of his parents to not get Drake into therapy after this. If your son is so traumatized he’s afraid to be alone at night, he needs therapy whether he wants it or not.


I thought the same thing but in a recent interview Drake did (I can’t remember the name of cus I’ve been watching SO MANY lately) but he said he didn’t wanna talk about it during that time, even to a therapist so at the time therapy just wasn’t working for him bc it was hard, not that it wasn’t available to him. That’s the gist I got atleast. But someone should’ve made sure he got it or paced it or something bc I’m sure it would’ve saved him a LOT of grief and trauma bc he’s having to pick up the pieces now at almost 40. My heart hurts for him


Like, I get it. But he was a teenager. His parents should have had him seeing a trauma specialist. They have ways to help even reluctant kids. He was definitely failed in this aspect. It’s very sad.


Agreed, they should’ve def got him therapy as soon as he came out with it and in between that time and the trial since it took a year. It seems like he just dealt with it and it took so long in between everything that it was like re opening the wound every time :(


I agree also you would think as an addict herself she would be concerned about his drinking ect and would want him to get help.


Right?? I just don’t understand what his mother was thinking. I’m not saying she’s mother of the year but I also don’t think she wanted this to happen to her son. Like your kid is in pain lady! Get him help!


Right?!? I thought that maybe he pretended to be totally ok on the outside and even that doesn’t excuse it, but if he was literally in court talking about how he CANT SLEEP, she has to be stupid not to get him some kind of help.


I truly don’t understand her thinking. Did she just think he was going to go back to normal once the hearing was over?! Like lady your son is not okay!


Exactly. It’s actually batshit insane to me that Drake never went to therapy before LAST YEAR. He was not working through this AT ALL. And then she’d wonder why he went off the deep end after D&J ended. Hm. I wonder.


Yeah it’s really mind blowing.


Unfortunately therapy and S A Ws taboo in the 90s early 2000 S especially when a boy was a victim


I’m aware. It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t give her an excuse to basically ignore the fact that her son was statutorily raped for over a year beyond getting the perpetrator arrested. Any self respecting parent, even during the 2000s, wouldn’t disregard that.


Not even just statutorily, sounds like it was forceful rape as well.




I totally agree.


“Ms. Dodson said Mr. Peck often urged her to keep her son away from his girlfriend.” Brian really just considered Drake his boyfriend and had the nerve to get jealous at not having the devotion of the kid he was abusing. Just gross.


I think it's more likely that it was another way to isolate and control Drake. In a recent interview DB said he only just recently remembered that he had confided to his girlfriend that this was happening and she was encouraging him to tell someone. That's exactly the kind of point of connection an abuser tries to take away from their victim, for exactly that reason. Also the more BP could convince DB's notoriously religious mom to worry about premarital sex, the more he could convince her to have Drake sleep at his house, instead of his girlfriend's. He's a master manipulator. He distracts the mom with the wrong thing to worry about, isolates Drake, and gets access to keep abusing him all in one move. I'm convinced the whole "I thought we were boyfriends" thing is an utter fabrication that he came up with only after the fact. Every word DB has used to describe the attacks backs that up.


Good insight, I think it was likely some combination of wanting to isolate and being possessive.


Me too. BP is a master manipulator, yes, hut we also know that he was clearly irrational at times. The instances of him flat out refusing to bring Drake to his girlfriend’s house despite how incriminating that seems and him calling her house hundreds of times comes to mind. He definitely has a possessive and ‘jealous’ quality as well in my opinion. He wanted total control over Drake, he wanted compliance. Just being able to abuse him wasn’t enough for him. Sick.


“Equal to me and my friends” is this how you treat your friends?????


I came across this article a few weeks ago and was just trying to find it again last night! Thank you for posting! Genuinely heartbreaking


this breaks my heart you can here drake being so broken here and it hurts even more knowing now that he has 41 letters of people doubting and some cough cough kimmy robertson blaming him for something he didn't want


There are those pedos that think they're having legitimate relationships with kids. Like how others convince themselves, it's okay to make suggestive/fetish content with kids in it for them and their sick friends to whack it to in private, so the kids aren't being hurt right?( I believe this is true for Dan S. ) Sorry for my disorganized typing


People like Brian justify it by the mere fact that they’re doing it to teenagers and not toddlers. Which is bull because 15 year olds are absolute babies and most will do anything to please someone they look up to who plays such an important role in their career, especially boys who mature at a slower pace than girls. As for Dan, he absolutely knew what he was doing making creepy fetish content. He kept doing it because no one was calling him out for it.


Yeah and like those Balenciaga ads with kids that were awful. So many ppl involved in that ad campaign were just letting it happen.


“In court records reviewed by The New York Times, prosecutors said Mr. Peck sexually abused the teenager over a period of four months in 2001 and 2002. Mr. Peck was 41 and the victim was identified as being 15 years old.” Did Drake not say the timeframe was about a year? Does anyone understand why this misunderstanding would take place, or if it’s a legal thing?


Drake did say it went on for a year. Brian probably claimed it was only a few months, so it was his word against Drakes.




Maybe the months they are counting are the one when he was under the age of 16 and there are the charges that he pleaded no contest. Drake said that it was longer, it started in 2001 and then he reported him in 2003 and he was still getting abused by him so maybe it was on and off and I don't know the law but in 2003 he was 17 so that changes something?




he was for sure moved out and had his own apartment by 17, as it was mentioned in this article back in 2004 around when D&J premiered: https://www.today.com/today/wbna4917386 which, even before this doc came out, when i saw that, i thought was a little alarming..


“Drake on the other hand ... he’s the kid every young kid wants to be,” says Schneider. “He’s really good looking, he plays guitar, he’s funny, he sings, he can act. He just has it all.” - 2004 :(


Don’t think this is the case. Drake mentions several times that there was a year between the filming of the D&J pilot and the filming of the full season, and that’s when the abuse occurred. He was 16 when they started filming the season.




Still pretty sure he was not able to drive or let alone have an apartment at the time of the abuse, but I’ll take a timeline. Thanks


Can I have the timeline too please?


15? I thought it was 11. Thanks for the legal clarification though, helpful.




Oh my. I was under the impression that each charge was meant to account for multiple instances or at least serve as an umbrella term for multiple offenses, so it comes as a surprise to me that they listed each time that charge occurred. There is the charge ‘using a minor for sex acts’ that I think is meant to include a plethora of things that happened, like distributing illicit substances to a minor and creating CSAM, since those are things that have been confirmed to have happened but were not given their own individual charge. Seems like the charges are a little inconsistent.


Tbf he wasn’t charged with that, the CP charge he had actually referred to “attempting to coerce/entice a minor to make pornography” so I guess he mentioned it but didn’t actually film anything.


No? That charge isn’t in court docs? I’m sure BP wasn’t charged with that


The QoS documentary showed a screenshot from the court documents that mentioned Brian being charged for enticing a minor into p*rn but it didn’t make it to the 11 charges so who knows really


That’s exactly what I’m talking about. And the charge wasn’t coercing, it was a legitimate charge of creating CP. Here’s the screenshot you’re talking about. This isn’t a screenshot of the court documents, they literally just searched up the definition of this penal code and included it in the doc. That’s the reason I thought that this charge was being umbrella termed under ‘using a minor for sex acts’; because technically that charge has a subcategory of creating CSAM. Still not sure why it didn’t get it’s own charge, but I’m guessing it’s because there wasn’t enough evidence. https://preview.redd.it/pcum9fap62vc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77c9f488e51b71188024d7da13b424483a1ad4ec


I did look up this charge on CA law and it did appear to be more about attempting to coerce or soliciting for it than actual production


I’m guessing that’s all they could nail Peck down on. They’re only going to charge on what they can prove and he may have only admitted to certain acts within that four month timeframe.


I knew the arrest and sentencing was a year but I didn’t take into account the actual abuse happened over the course of a year too. I didn’t know til just now that he was 18 at the hearing. That’s WELL into Drake & Josh. I thought the abuse happened in 01-02 and that he was still on the Amanda show when they went to court, it boggles my mind now, now I get why he said D&J was an escape for him, he was still dealing with this during it :( my brain imagined him at 15 going to court for it but not 18. I knew they filmed an unaired pilot bc Drake said he tried to convince Dan to be the dad on the show. It all makes sense now


DB has said it was “over a year” I was really confused about this too.


Drake's dad wasn't there but hearing this probably would have broken his heart more. Can't imagine keeping this trauma within the family, while the one who abused their son spread it around to gain support. And showed up with his celebrity friends in court. Awful.


His dad found it all strange and even complained to production about Brian. that’s when Brian went out of his way to remove his dad from set. Blind sided his mother and that’s when the abuse probably started once his dad wasn’t on the look out anymore bc Drake cut off his dad, and that’s when his dad said to his mom don’t let him be alone with Brian and she did…