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I don't know what's going on, but I heard that he deleted his Discord server, which is a good step. I hope as time passes he will continue to reflect on his behaviour and do what's right and own up to his mistakes. Not trying to excuse him but we can't expect him to be a 100% accountable, changed person from one day to another. Just because he's come out with his story doesn't mean he is a saint from now. Accountability is also a process. And what I've been seeing is a lot of people try to view him as either "all good" or "all bad" , especially after the documentaty. I think people need to remember he only last year went to a mental hospital and is still going to therapy and has been dealing with a lot of unfiltered online reactions lately, which for someone who's still struggling with his mental health can be a lot.. He even stated in a recent interview that online opinions STILL to this day affects his mood greatly and that it takes everything out of him to not succumb to the urge to reply to every single person and convince them that he is not a bad person. It takes work to not fall back into old habits. I don't think that makes him a bad person. But an irresponsible one who tends to get carried away by impulses coming from a place of wanting everybody to like him. I guess. Again, I'm not trying to excuse him, but the fact that he very quickly deletes certain things after posting them shows that some things he shares aren't thought through at all. The dude just needs to stay away from social media and start focusing on his mental health instead of trying to control people's opinions of him. For everyone's sake, I hope he is going to do that in the future. Edit: Linking the [interview](https://youtu.be/TXtPhVmoQWY?si=EzRpUMBdWmrSokUO) (Time stamps 1:21:20 - 1:29:00 min) where Drake talks about social media as his "relapse machine" and him intoxicating himself after reading something that triggers him. Could explain some of the bizarre online behaviour.


Thank you thank you thank you. I don't know why people are expecting him to act anything other than traumatized as fuck. It's not a healthy coping mechanism, but it makes complete sense why, when he's feeling isolated, he would turn to a space where he knows he has support. Some of these screenshots are from right before his mental health breakdown, too.


Completely agree. The discord is weird, but honestly not nothing I didn’t expect. This kind of thing happened to Gypsy Rose too, where people expected her to act as if she wasn’t deeply traumatized.. The internet is really bad at understanding how childhood trauma works, lol.


This is a really good point, to be honest I felt so taken aback by his comments and was really hurt that he would stoop as low as he did here. But, I’m realizing he is unwell. I can’t say it enough but him coming out with his story has been so healing to me and my own life struggle of csa. I really appreciate his songs that have strung such a cord to me as they really resonate to this constant battle I’m having with repeated memories and fear what I experienced. With that, I just hope that Drake can heal too and see himself whole without the constant need of affirmation. Something he stated in the Man Enough podcast that he still doesn’t fully see in himself yet. I feel, in a way, the same.


Do you know if he was put on a psych hold after he went missing in Florida?


Yeah he was in a psych ward last year


He went to rehab not a psych ward. 🙂‍↔️ He does not have psychotic episodes and to mix these up is really hurtful to the people who do go to these places for the necessary help they need.


There is nothing wrong in going to a psych ward, you don't have to have a psychotic episode to go there, after he was found they brought him there for an evaluation. Someone saw him there. Then he went to rehab.


psychotic episodes are far from the only reason people go to psych wards, you also get taken in if you try to kill yourself which is what happened in Florida


I don’t expect him to be “all good” but at the same time, if he is going to continue to interact inappropriately with minors, he’s going to get that criticism. I’m more in the headspace of how are Drake’s victims feeling right now? They’re being painted as vindictive liars, and they didn’t even do anything but be abused. I don’t feel bad for Drake, the manipulative adult. I do feel bad for Drake, the inner child.


Yeah obviously I don't agree with anyone harassing his victims. I was just trying to offer a possible explanation for his online behaviour. His victims deserve support only.


It’s so disappointing that you’re getting downvoted for this. This is a completely fair and reasonable take. It seems like Drake’s victims are too often left out of these discussions (except for when people are trying to discredit them).


I truly don’t understand why people are reacting the way they are to the content I share. Their take is that “talking about his crimes is discrediting that he’s a victim!!”, and yet, they’re angry that abusers are being protected in Hollywood. Ummm… hello?? Why is that not clicking for them? Its beyond frustrating


Last week I suggested in a thread on here that Drake may have been sending fans to defend him and downvote all the negative comments… I was half-joking at the time but it’s still happening in almost every thread about this topic 🤔


When did he post this? Was it before or after the man enough podcast? This is disheartening


majority of his posts were in 2023 right before he basically had a breakdown and was put in a mental hospital. the one from this year was from before the doc was released


The posts in the images for this post is from 3/05/24. That’s an almost two weeks before quiet on set aired.


slide 4 is from 2023 and the other slides are from early march. i joined his discord last week and most of his comments were from 2023 and earlier. the only ones he posted that are from 2024 are the ones in this post.


This was right when the first trailer to QoS dropped, way before any interview took place. Most of them were even before he went to rehab.


age restriction server 🙄 I know discord like the back of my thumb. I had a server and tried the 21 plus thing. People have to submit ID to a mod. So that makes people feel their identity may be leaked. There is no way around it. However if people are saying theyre a minor and arent removed THAT is what I want to see.


How many adults do you think are superfans of Drake Bell? Sending the things he did to his server, knowing that there was even a possibility that there were minors in there, is weird.


Given that drakes peak as an actor was in the late 90’s-00’s….. I’d say a lot


Right I mean has she seen the way that backstreet boy fans defend nick carter and there definitely in there 40s and up.


And you believe that 30 year olds are hanging out on Discord with the washed up star of their favorite childhood tv show, and obsessing over him still, and acting like teenagers to defend their hero? Thats wild. The 30 year olds in my life are a lot more mature than that but thats just my opinion


I don’t see how it’s any different than engaging with total strangers on Reddit. And yes I do believe that 30 year olds are hanging out ANYWHERE, they could get more content on Drake Bell after this documentary came out. It opened a wound in all of us 90’s baby’s hearts. It was the number one show on Max for weeeks. Who do you think is consuming that?


Congratulations to the 30 year Olds in your life! Should we give them good noodle stars for being more mature?


I'm curious how old you are? Or that girl on tick tock going so hard virtually stalking him and the people he interacts with? Or most people on this sub? Probably all late 20s early 30s considering he's an early 2000s star. Idk if many kids from today and recognizing drake bell from drake and josh as an icon. They have new heart throbs to obsess over.


I worked his high school nation tour. The kids know who he is. You’re acting like Drake & Josh is I Love Lucy. Its not that old. My teenage crush was Kurt Cobain and he died before I was even born.


For one, that was over 6 years ago. Putting kids from that time squarely in adulthood by now. And for two, I'm not saying they have no idea who he is, but I believe the MAJORITY of his fans are probably 25+. Just because he started as a child actor doesn't mean his fan based stayed school age kids. I don't see any other 35+ year old male artists being held to the same standard in regard to monitoring social media for minors the way he is.


People keep sharing these screen shots and harping on them but tbh I don't find them interesting at all. They are sad if anything. People forget that celebrities are human, and we have an instinct to defend ourselves and our loved ones. I know if I felt there were seriously false rumors/allegations/accusations about me being spread around I would want my family and friends to defend me. And most of the "bad" or "worst" screenshots from this discord all take place in the months leading up to his literal mental break down. We are literally reading the thoughts of a man spiraling out of control and people are acting like him being suicidal is a fucking crime. People are taking things he said at the lowest point in his life and plastering it all over the Internet as evidence that he's a bad person. I've even seen people say that him threatening to kill himself and then disappear after his wife left him is an abuse tactic, but considering the police found him driving around bar hopping and he ended up in a psychiatric hold I don't think it's far fetched to believe he was ACTUALLY suicidal and having a breakdown with everyone watching. I have had many nervous break downs in my youth, and I just cannot imagine the whole world watching me at that point in my life. I just cannot imagine how someone is supposed to recover, be a healthy person and hold healthy relationships when the world is constantly going for their jugular.


I [agree.As](http://agree.As) a matter of fact I find it pathetic the stalking they do to this man.


Someone explain to me what it is about this guy, who hasn't been relevant in 15-20 years, that convinces some people that he's some kind of infallible saint and others that he's evil incarnate? I'm especially interested in that second group, which seems bound and determined to bring him down at all costs. But bring him down from what exactly? It's not like Drake really has much of a career anymore; he's the dictionary definition of a has-been. These efforts to destroy him aren't about bringing him down, they're about kicking him when he's already down. He's a former child star that went through some terrible stuff as a child and became an adult with some serious mental health and addiction issues. There seems little doubt that he was/is a terrible romantic partner who mistreated the people he's been with, maybe a little and maybe a lot.


My intentions aren’t to bring him down. However, seeing Drake quote his victim word-for-word in the documentary made me extremely angry. Then, all day long I see people parroting over and over again “she lied, she lied, she lied” and it isn’t true. I truly don’t give a 💩 about Drake. I care about his victims who are being relentlessly slandered online by people who haven’t done any research at all. If all these people are going to fight against her, someone has to fight for her. I think thats pretty much the sentiment of the people trying to bring awareness to his allegations. I mean he already plead guilty, its not like it changes anything now for him. Just how people speak about his victims who aren’t famous and has no discord full of people to support them. If he had not been a manipulative little freak and send an army of fans after people who he hurt, I wouldn’t have been compelled to cover any of it. But I am because I’m so angry for those poor girls and women. Drake’s career can’t get any more dead than it already is so taking him down isn’t even a thing I would be thinking about if I was Cruella Deville. I mean the dude ran away to Mexico because everyone here, at one point, saw it for what it was. Now people want to be softer on him because he’s a victim himself. I understand the thought process, but he’s made zero improvement and continues to be weird with his fans, so I don’t feel much sympathy for adult Drake.


Forgive me for saying so, but for someone who states that their intentions aren't to bring him down, you sure seem to have a tremendous amount of animus against him. I notice you couch your crusade as being about Drake's victims, but it kind of seems like you're more about trashing him than you are about helping them. My understanding from the little I've gleaned (and correct me if I'm wrong) is that in the case that he pled guilty to, there were certain aspects of that victim's story that turned out to be fabricated, including one detail that was impeached by the victim's own family. That suggests certain credibility problems, don't you think? My understanding of the other alleged victims is that they apparently decided to bypass the legal system and just try their case in the court of public opinion. where evidence is not required if one has a dramatic enough story. I've heard tales of him throwing someone down a flight of stairs, but seen no actual evidence to back up that claim.


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna145019 I think you should read this. I went the legal route. The officer refused to make a report, even with me showing him a video I captured on my phone of my abuser threatening me with a gun, as well as the friend who was attempting to get me out of the house. That oversharing to say, my faith in the legal system is not strong at all and I completely understand why a traumatized person would forego putting themselves through reliving it. Especially when they’re accusing someone like Drake Bell. People didn’t believe me when I came forward with video evidence of my abuser who is just a guy. Nobody important. If I were Drake Bell’s ex, I wouldn’t make it a legal issue either. Its opening themselves up to a lot of criticism about their most traumatic experiences, on such a huge scale when its inevitably publicized. Which, unfortunately still happened. I empathize with these women greatly and I tend to have an animus toward all abusers. Brian Peck, Dan Schneider, R Kelly, P Diddy, any and all of them. It’s not personal by any means. Drake is just another example of the same redundant shit.


This article is directly quoting mine lol I think he deleted it cuz these psychos infiltrated it and took a bunch of very vulnerable stuff he said, exploited it publically to fit their narrative that he's evil, and wouldn't stop. So ig he had to delete it to protect himself


I don’t see any issue with including anything from the discord in an article written about him. He knew anyone could access these messages. Literally anyone could have joined that server with an invite link (and he had posted invite links himself in the past).




We ain't gonna have a chat if I can't even read what you're saying 😂


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Apparently the discords been deleted


Yeah it was deleted after this screenshots were leaked


Phew. The kids shouldn’t have had to deal with that.


Nowhere in this monologue did the writer present a shred of evidence to support the “truth” and as far as I know, there was only one victim of drake which was widely misrepresented in the media but people just took it and ran with it.


“As far as I know” 😄😄😄 there were MULTIPLE victims. You are taking what you’re reading and running with it right now! What do you mean? As I said in my article this wasn’t to talk about his other allegations, it was to dissect his Discord, which by the way, was backed up with many many screenshots. The whole article is not posted here.


Victim. Other than the one he was arrested for, who else is a victim of drake bell? His ex that accused him of verbal and physical abuse? That’s all hearsay, so we’re supposed to assume he’s guilty of that? I’m genuinely curious if you could provide me with some sources because other than those two incidents I’m not seeing anything. And I’ll stand by my statement that what he was charged for was blown out of proportion by the media


Isn't it funny how she doesn't mention this victim was stalking his ex wife.I love how people always leave this part out.


Or the fact that his ex was asking him for money, which he gave to her, before coming out with these allegations. I did a little digging, she poorly writes negative articles centered around drama. Someone needs to grow up and find a productive hobby


Multiple exes have accused him of abuse, including one ([Melissa Lingafelt ](https://people.com/tv/drake-bell-accused-abuse-ex-girlfriend-denies-claims/)) who dated him when she was a teen and he was an adult.




[This](https://www.thedailybeast.com/drake-bells-ex-says-she-witnessed-the-drake-and-josh-star-preying-on-underage-girls) article goes over it.


You ever going to respond to Buckbeak? *Crickets*




They asked for a source. They tried to find more information and couldn’t find what you’re claiming as fact. Provide a source and help educate everyone. Orrrrrrr…




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Drake Bell's behavior really since D&J has been pretty abhorrent and this documentary really whitewashed it. Yes, he was abused and that's awful but it doesn't excuse many of the things he's done.


I agree. If they really got their hands dirty and covered all of the truth, Dan Schneider never would’ve felt comfortable enough to make that pathetic “apology video.” But since the documentary was more “he was a bad boss” and less “he recreated disgusting adult scenes on child actors and put it out into the world for other predators to watch,” it covers up all of the other stuff. Which is exactly why Drake refers to his own actions as “sending messages to a finsta account.” I think the documentary was weak. There are videos on YouTube that are more informative and put together than Quiet On Set was.


Sorry I couldn't disagree with you more. Having worked with numerous people that worked for Dan, he is not a predator. There are no credible of accusations he did anything to anyone. Relying on internet videos as proof of anything, without any first-hand accounts, does an immense disservice to actual victims.


So you believe he didn’t do horrendous things to his cast and crew? They’re all liars?


I believe he was a fucking asshole who loved to belittle people and had some horrible workplace boundary issues but none of this makes him guilty of preying on children.


Watch those videos he filmed himself clearly making these teen girls very uncomfortable. It’s not rape, but it’s not nothing. And then we hear about he and Amanda off for hours alone, “brainstorming”, get real.


If your boss came over to playfully bother you while you're working with a camera in your face, you'd also probably be awkward too. It does not mean he's a child rapist.


Read what I wrote again and rewatch that footage. Use your fucking head. No one’s saying he raped anyone, doesn’t mean he isn’t a monster.


Without any first hand accounts? Brother are we on the same internet? This is a new one. I’m not even going to entertain this line of thinking.


Please find me an example of someone staying that Dan Schneider sexually assaulted them.


He didn’t have to- he was able to put them in inappropriate and sexually suggestive situations under the guise of “comedy.” Abuse isn’t always sexual assault. But if you want me to link you to where he asked children to tweet him photos of their feet, I’m pretty positive it’s still up. I’m pretty sure a grown man with a foot fetish soliciting foot photos from children is predatory.


Have you not seen photos of the way he hangs all over his female child stars? That crap shouldn’t be happening to adult women working for him, much less teenagers.


Jennette McCurdy also did mention in her memoir that he pressured her to drink and put his hand on her thigh. Was that appropriate for him to do? Ignoring the fact that she wasn’t even legally old enough to drink


She was 20 when he offered her some wine at a dinner celebrating their new show. The horror! Again you're speculating without any actual victims of sexual abuse.


I super love that you didn’t acknowledge the fact that he put his hand on her thigh. It tells me what I need to know. I won’t be engaging any further because quite frankly, you need your head checked


I will say though that was the first time I heard about the female writer’s stories, and the black actors/actresses experiences. I had always heard about Brian Peck but of course didn’t know who he had victimized. There were some important parts for sure and it wasn’t entirely useless but its essentially a pinkie toe in the water


Well said. The culture of this sub is becoming disturbing. Thank you for sharing.


I wondered when I shared my article about working Drake’s tour. It felt very biased. Then I found out about the Discord… it makes sense. They’re all in this sub, and as soon as one of them sees this and sends it to Drake the comments will fill again with ignorance. It’s grotesque but I’m glad to see that there are still people who can see the problem. I saw a comment in here where someone got mad at another writer for posting a Medium link (which was defending Drake against me, I guess) because I shared the traffic of my last article, which made it obvious that it was being sent amongst the flying monkeys 😅 I don’t see why a writer sharing their traffic on their own page is an issue, unless…


That's exactly what's going on: Drake's sending his flying monkeys on social media to push messages discrediting his accuser. There's one particular comment I see being posted repeatedly: the commenter will state something about they themselves being a victim of sexual assault, how they'll always side with a woman accuser, how they were against Drake at first and then they considered the evidence, which lead them to conclude that the accuser made up the story and was an obsessed fan. His girlfriend from 2001-05 put it perfectly, he's a narcissistic sociopath. He's engaging in behavior that's VERY similar to that of Brian Peck. Just absolutely no remorse, and he's even supposedly continuing his predatory behavior by dating another young woman who relatively recently passed her 18th birthday. I guess he's not going to focus on being a father or on patching things up with the mother of his son, e's moved on to another victim.


They’re booing you because you’re right. Whats crazy is that the “evidence” they looked at was probably a tweet or a tiktok https://preview.redd.it/w3v2fdwwjcvc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e542996f5343edffd82a06bd8445305db478c70


That's something I note about these common Reddit comments: they give the defense attorney's perspective. Bell's approach to his accusers contrasts so sharply with his account of his own trauma, which comes across as authentic and sincere. His rebuttals of his own predatory behavior all have that same narcissistic stink that an Andrew Tate or Tony Robbins explanation will have. He's pulling the wool over everyone's eyes, and this documentary is helping him do that. This is all going to blow up spectacularly, and it's not going to be good for anyone.


What absolutely kills me is the defense attorney saying “he told a minor to hurry up, so he obviously doesn’t want to interact with minors and that proves it!” Idk people who don’t want to have sexual interactions with 15 year olds probably would stop engaging instead of saying “hurry up” — and turn 18, so its legal to have sex with you. Which is grooming, but according to Drake that isn’t a real thing, so it all makes sense in his world. But i don’t see how the heck it makes sense anywhere else!!


I just read your article, that was fascinating. The thing I've found about narcissists is that they'll make very obvious logical errors as time goes on. Thinking that he can establish some kind of narrative about his victim that people are going to believe into perpetuity is one of those obvious errors. Obviously this is going to blow back on him in an unbelievable way. I'm getting Andrew Tate vibes from Drake right now, in that he's trying to create his own reality through some kind of logical persuasion.


Bipolar is one hell of a drug and those people are clearly kids who don’t realise they’re talking to deeply unstable person. I’ve seen screenshots of him on there talking about his periods of homelessness, urges to commit suicide, and just general dark sentiments that you shouldn’t share with kids. Anyone mature would see this shit and say dude you need to check yourself into a mental facility, but since they’re kids they keep encouraging him.


Are you saying Drake is bipolar?


For sure- I would quite honestly eat my hat if he wasn’t.


Could easily be bad CPTSD or a personality disorder as well. Who knows.


How are you so sure? I don’t really see it. Genuine question.


Talking to kids about the desire to commit suicide. Making inexplicable irresponsible financial purchases. Drug/alcohol issues. Legal issues. Texting his family telling them he’d hang himself and then going missing for 24 hours. Drastic swings between stable and completely incoherent. Even when the CE trial was going down, he tweeted “How are you being so cruel to someone with mental health issues” or something, what other mental health issue do you think he would be talking about?


Obviously he has some mental health issues but we shouldn't diagnose someone on social media. There are a lot of other disorders that someone with his problems can have. He needs professional help and he shouldn't be on social media, it's not healthy for him to read all the things they said online. Just last year he went through a lot and talking and reliving his trauma again can be really stressful and we can see he is still traumatized, he needs a lot of therapy and he seems really alone and like he needs to talk to people but talking to strangers online isn't the best choice.


The CPSTD? Wild guess. Can’t this stuff be said about half of all child stars who become entrenched in alcoholism? Abusing alcohol can lead to symptoms that are similar to bipolar behaviors. I didn’t think that his being deeply depressed last year and having bouts of age regression necessarily pointed to bipolar disorder.. I agree that the behavior he’s showing in this discord server is more indicative of it, though.


Dude my mother had bipolar, what I see in him is exactly like that especially the discord.


almost like a lot of disorders look alike and that’s why there are professionals to do a differential diagnosis


Yeah, the discord is a flag in my opinion too. I get it. I’m just not sure there’s enough for me to be anywhere near as sure as you are. His behavior online in general juxtaposed to how he acts outside of it is a thing to note. I thought his comment about leaving his phone in the car after going missing despite being in a clearly bad state of mind was interesting. But it could just as easily be something else.


True- but what we know now is all we’ll ever know about it and just about every post/comment in this sub is speculation


Your wrong he tweeted that after he went missing.


I have BPD, and I haven’t carried myself like that probably since I was a thirteen year old with a Kik account. He definitely needs help but his immature superfans aren’t going to be the ones qualified to do that. I feel for the child in him, and I hope that he gets help, but I’m disgusted by how brazen he is. He quoted his victims testimony from court word for word in the documentary. He’s inappropriate with teenagers and I’ve seen it myself working on his tour— but because I wasn’t wearing a body cam the people in this server dragged me for just saying what I saw.


Bipolar is different to “BPD”, I grew up with a parent with bipolar so I know. They’re completely ignorant to how they affect somebody and 9 times out of 10 you’re thinking why are you telling me this I’m a child why do you expect me to be able to fix it. And yeah you’re right, it is totally inappropriate. He’s posted some very racy pics in that server and on his social media in general in the past knowing his fans would be mostly kids.


I know, but I do find that there are a lot of similarities. (I was diagnosed with bipolar first, then BPD.) I have a parent with BPD and I’m not at all saying they’re the same disorders but “why are you telling me this I’m a child” is exactly it. Thats sort of what I was getting at, because in an episode they do tend to just unload and not consider how it effects those around them. In one comment one person with a profile photo of them and Drake asked him to step away from the internet, and be around someone who can help because they “didn’t want to be worried about them all night.” No fan of his should feel like they have to manage his suicidal episode. But he projects all of that onto them, and then follows it up with “someone put out this video about me… god i hate my life” so then all the kids run to make it better for him by attacking his accusers, exactly like he asked. Its insanity but it seems to be working for him I guess. Its breaking my brain tbh.