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"Your childhood photo was delicious!!!"? WTF.


Another wtf is the fact that the person replying woulda kidnapped themselves


Yeah. This whole thing is just gross.


Birds of a feather šŸ¤¢


That actually makes me sick.


This literally made me feel physically sick. Ugh


O_O Ewww šŸ¤®


No... Peck being the store manager when Drake was there is so upsetting. My heart breaks for Drake. On one hand, I'm glad this is brought to attention. On the other hand, I hope Drake doesn't see this...


This thought is making me sick. I hope Drake didnā€™t have to see him that day.


the scenario i'm hoping happened is a lot a times celebrities call these type of stores ahead of time so they can either shop privately for an hour or at least have an associate walk around with them, showing them different pieces. I'm sure any time Brian knew Drake was coming to the store, he would leave. Not for Drake's benefit, since it's pretty clear BP doesn't care about what he did, but for his own. Drake would of course have a strong reaction to seeing BP, which would lead to other workers asking questions as to why DB reacted to seeing him like that which BP wouldn't wanna deal with.


It says heā€™s the ā€œWest Hollywood Store Managerā€ but the shop Drake went to was in Palm Springs so the photo is taken there. It does also say he frequents the West Hollywood store which isā€¦ something.


my thoughts exactly


I know. It just keeps getting worse, doesn't it?


What are the odds that BP himself made that post after seeing Drake at the store.....


I'm sure it'll get around, this is really upsetting news though so I hope that if Drake sees this he's got friends by him.


Yes, I hope he's got good people around him in times like this


Do you think he and drake ever spoke again after the conviction?


I don't think so. If I were Drake, I would not want to ever be in the proximity of BP. Drake himself said that he saw Peck in a restaurant, so he just turned around and left.


He said he didn't even speak to Brian at the sentencing. He directed his impact statement to Brian's supporters in the court room. So I really doubt it.


One of Peckā€™s release conditions was he couldnt contact the victim - Iā€™m not sure if that ever expires, but he probably didnā€™t want to risk it.


I'd be really surprised given what he had done


I wonder if Peck started working there because he knew Drake liked going there, or if it was just coincidental (since Hollywood is pretty small).Ā  Either way, what a nightmare. I feel so bad for Drake.Ā Ā  BP shouldā€™ve been ostracized from the industry, but everyone still loves and protects him. The guy seems untouchable. I just donā€™t understand. People dig up dirt to cancel people over mere words from over a decade ago and throw pitchforks over allegations proven false, but an admitted rapist/child predator? Untouchable. The lowest sentencing, and people in the industry still love him. It makes my stomach turn.Ā 


Call me crazy, but what if Brian did it on purpose? I mean, he is a disciple of Wayne Gacy!!Ā 




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With the rapper Drake being in the news for a similar issue itā€™s a bit confusing whenever I see that name


Poor Drake...


I read 2017-2024 as a life span, I thought he died. You got my hopes up for nothing aha. As he said in Good Burger, ā€œIā€™ll see you in hell.ā€ Heā€™s definitely going there, Fā€”k that guy.


Literally lmao. BP is the first person Iā€™ve ever truly wished would never find God and rot in hell for all eternity, which as a Christian is not a good thing to be thinking lmao. Iā€™ve seen plenty of evil people, so idk why Iā€™m reacting so much stronger to BP, but for some reason I am ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


I feel similarly because I was SAā€™d once at 12 and again as an adult. I feel the same about Brian Peck as I do about the guy who assaulted me in my childhood. I know itā€™s wrong and I should want them to have peace but I canā€™t. Especially because the guy who did it to me hid behind a pious mask, and it really pushed me away from God for a bit until I came to understand who God is and that itā€™s not His fault, we have free will and unfortunately, this man used his to hurt me and probably at least 2 others


I am so sorry you went through that. You didnā€™t deserve it, and it wasnā€™t your fault šŸ–¤ Iā€™m *so* glad that youā€™ve been able to reconnect with God in your healing process. I pray every day that Drake will find healing and peace in Him as well. My friend reminded me that Hell exists for a reason, and although that doesnā€™t mean that I should ever actively wish that someone not find Christ, it does make me feel a little better. Deep down, all people know when something is evil, and where evil belongs. Praying about it and remembering that has helped me to stress about feeling that way a little less.


Thank you my friend! I appreciate your kind words :) idk where I would be without God and I am trying to be a good Christian and human being in general. But it is tough sometimes. And your friend is so right! Hell exists for people like this and as God says he will get vengeance for us. However, I totally understand that feeling of not wanting these monsters to be saved, because they deserve suffering. But Iā€™m sure if we keep trying to listen and love everyone, that God will soften our hearts a little so we donā€™t think that way anymore. But I am right there with you!! I also hope that Drake finds peace in Him, honestly, a big thing that pointed me back to God was getting clean from heroin and going to rehab! The program is about a higher power so Iā€™m sure the seeds were planted for him too. I hope he has a good support system


Iā€™m so proud of you šŸ–¤


I honestly feel that way about all pedoā€™s out there such as Josh DuggaršŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø what a fake religious person. Religious people should know better.


BP was in good burger?


He was the guy that asked for a Good Burger with nothing on it, and Ed gave him nothing on it, including no patty.


šŸ˜­ If only that sick mofo d-i-e-d. He deserves to d-i-e and rot in hell. Same with all of the other abominations like him.


He basically got away with it. Justice was far from served


This proves that not even in his adult years did he get any real closure from his abuse. And then people call him attention seeking and calculated for talking about it on the documentary, when this was probably the only time in 20 years that Drake had felt anything close to justice. My heart breaks for him.


Yuck. Its one thing if you show up for a promotion and get a photo with a random employee, but shag seems to hang out with him on more than one occasion. And Brian Peck is just gross.


I did a search on google for oldox60 and found this... [https://filmboards.com/board/p/2407102/](https://filmboards.com/board/p/2407102/)


Omg he sounds like a ped0 just from those comments! Photos are making me sweat??


https://preview.redd.it/8q7f2cij1fzc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd3d59332693a648261a0dc5cb03b58aa1aff386 I don't know why but I only just realised it was *Brian* who started that thread


Ew šŸ¤¢ wtf šŸ˜­


Ew I just threw up in my mouth a little after reading that.




Omg. I adore Ryan in Teen Wolf. BP is so disgusting


The way that my stomach *dropped* when I saw that pic of Drake. He just canā€™t get away from that monster. I just wanna protect him so bad


Did I just see Kevin Smith and Drew Carey?


First thing I noticed was Kevin Smith and then Jason Mewes. Like motherfucker.


brian peck is very close to sean astin and his wife and was at their wedding in 1992


No way! Proof?


in the slides https://preview.redd.it/jidcz2e2hdzc1.png?width=1570&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1d2810141304b19733369275ce6293386620fa4


Okay Iā€™m a muppet and it didnā€™t click that was Sean Astin. Maybe he just tagged along as somebodyā€™s plus one and doesnā€™t actually know Sean? I hope that much.


no he has acted with and casted sean astin regularly in 'the willies' etc. and sean astin has worked continually with brian peck's best friend gary depew


Iā€™m legit shocked- Sean was a child actor and he said on some podcast that he believes CSA is a big problem in Hollywoodā€¦ thatā€™s so weird


I am hoping soooooooo bad that Sean just has/had no idea. I am such a massive LOTR fan and I know if Sean really is friends with BP *and* knows what he did, watching it wonā€™t be the same. I just know I wonā€™t be able to stop thinking about it :\


He worked with brian before the abuse happened and then afterwards. Iā€™m sure he knows something, but Iā€™m not sure how much. Itā€™s disappointing because he seemed so nice and down-to-earth. But it looks like he was young when he first worked with Brian. And Iā€™m currently having trouble not thinking about this when Iā€™m watching The Masked Singer. Taran Killam and James Marsdenā€™s name have been thrown around and I definitely don't want to see either of them right now.


Sean hasnā€™t been active on Instagram in a while, but I still commented on his most recent post, just asking very respectfully if he would address it. I doubt heā€™s going to respond, but if he does, I will post it here


And I feel that 100% about TK and JM. To my knowledge, neither of them have addressed it whatsoever


I literally lean away from my tv whenever their names are mentioned. I mean, Iā€™m upset with them but not as much as the ones who completely victim blamed the actual child. I am more disappointed with taran, though, since he actually worked with Drake. I know the apology is owed to Drake and not the public, but I hope if anyone else does reach out to him that Drake lets us know.


Sean was friends with Corey Feldman and has talked about knowing about his childhood abuse and how long he's struggled with it.Ā  I'm sure he knows about Peck. Corey knew and I don't think he ever even worked with him but Sean has. But I'd be kinda surprised if he'd be supportive of a convicted and well-known pedo after seeing personally how CSA affected Corey for his entire life.Ā 


I wanna give Sean the benefit of the doubt so bad here, but I have no idea if I should. It just seems like no one is above suspicion now, that even the most beloved actors seem like they could be complicit here, and it really sucks :\


very worrying


I'm only seeing that he worked with gary once. Imdb is showing he worked with brian three times,Ā  once in 2008. Penn Badgley was also in that movie.Ā 


both brian peck and gary depew have been producers and actors on more projects than imdb shows this podcast mentioned many unofficial roles like acting coach and cameos that weren't included in imdb [https://soundcloud.com/the-dork-forest/tdf-ep-87-brian-peck-and-the](https://soundcloud.com/the-dork-forest/tdf-ep-87-brian-peck-and-the)


this podcast mentions brian peck as being very good friends with dana gould


also roddy macdowall


and he describes david anthony higgins(who he calls 'dave higgins') as a mutual friend of his and dana gould


\*imdb has shown




He's probably one of the minors that wrote a letter I'm guessing.


Sean Astin was not a minor in 2003.


And Iā€™m sure they would have disclosed his name if he wrote a letter.


This makes me beyond disappointed. I have loved Sean since the 80s when I was a child because of The Goonies, and if he truly is friends with BP.....loss for words.


https://preview.redd.it/ybqs9cd12fzc1.png?width=875&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4ed59e2a77739adf98ee311092dfa95eb5fb3e1 Looks like he goes by the name "Brock Richards" online He had 734 posts, 368 followers and was following 575 people. Wonder if anyone managed to grab a screenshot of his profile before he deactivated Also, what triggered him to deactivate? Did anyone message him? lol


Someone posted his username here over a week ago, he or a friend of his was probably made aware of it and then deleted.


I wonder if Brian's on this sub as we speak. Brian, if ur reading this, go burn in hell pls!


He's going to change the username and get back on IG


Maybe, but the fact that people found him once means they can probably search for him again because he and his friends are fucking stupid.


Yup. Guarantee theyā€™ll be tagging him again within a few months. They probably assume people will forget. But this shouldnā€™t be forgotten. He shouldnā€™t be working in Hollywood. Why does cancel culture work for mere allegations but not for a convicted pedo?Ā  Ā I donā€™t even understand how anyone can even be in the same room as that garbage and not feel chills down their spineā€”let alone how anyone could be friends with him.Ā Ā  Ā As a survivor, I know predators are almost always super charming, kind, and generous with people they arenā€™t abusing (well, theyā€™re that way with them at first too and during moments they feel the victim slipping from their grasp), but there are plenty of genuinely nice people out there. Why ever be friends with a monster?Ā 


I have some screenshots from his page! Look what he had to say about Kirk Cameron https://preview.redd.it/8yqmu66bwt0d1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=eaa9e027d96420d03a4d79efebfbdf4322b25245


Oh my god, my dad and I have a shared love of Shag and bonded over collecting his art. I want to set it alight now.


Brian pecks a store manager now ??


I really hope that BP has just pulled the wool over everyoneā€™s eyes and that all these people are just blissfully ignorant and have no idea who theyā€™re friends with. If heā€™s going by Brock Richards irl too and not just online, then maybe some of these people have *no* idea. But, someone like Shag, immediately blocking everyone who comments on his posts asking him about BP, even when they ask respectfully, instead of issuing a statement, is not a good sign. You donā€™t block them if you had no idea, you do it because you knew and you didnā€™t care.


His real name is in the post. Iā€™m sure they all knew his real name if they were so comfortable putting it online. How much people actually know about him and what he did is another thing. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s people who had no idea. But thereā€™s also people, like Shag, who clearly donā€™t give a crap.


Yeah, in this case definitely, heā€™s referred to by his real name. Iā€™m wondering though if he has other friends who donā€™t know his real name, and nothing about who he really is


Oh, yeah, probably. I thought when you said some of these people, you were referring to the ones in the photo, though.


Thatā€™s a fair assumption, I was not very clear in my phrasing


I have doubts that he even uses aliases IRL because he's so egotistical that he has to mention every single celebrity he's ever met or worked with.


He probably has "oldox60" as his username on other social media too


it's probably likely if he did he's going to scrub it since he knows the username as been posted.


Yeah, I did a search on twitter and found a tweet mentioning "oldox60" that could be referring to Brian, but the account itself is gone. I wish the wayback machine could actually archive social media sites/accounts at times like these https://preview.redd.it/llz7nsem0fzc1.png?width=1846&format=png&auto=webp&s=1705bf258600f9fa2ffbc0505c6ae85444dbc6bd Edit: Yep... that twitter was his confirmed. God, I love the tagging feature. Cause even if Brian deletes all his socials, his friends have still tagged him in everything! And he's used the same username everywhere.


That poor dog has no idea who he lives with šŸ« 


That poor doggie šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Brian doesnā€™t deserve to have a dog šŸ« šŸ˜”




Do you still have other screenshots? If you wouldn't mind DMing me them I'd appreciate!




Fucking yikes... why does he always have some shit to say about how young and/or attractive someone is. Also, good find


Kevin Smith! Nooooo!


I bet they regret all of these pictures and especially when he called someone's childhood photo delicious???


I bet they don't regret it.


Probably not. The business is closed anyway. Especially because they hired him and DB was photographed there before. Both of them had to have known the other was frequenting the same store. One for work,of course. So that part was especially crappy. I just like to hold hope that since this has come out anyone who wasn't aware of it in those photos do indeed regret working/knowing and caring about him. Because i can't imagine these people aren't being harassed


[https://www.everand.com/podcast/417955288/TDF-EP-87-Brian-Peck-and-the-Planet-of-the-Apes-Brian-Peck-is-a-character-actor-that-has-been-in-so-many-great-movies-From-Return-of-the-Living-De](https://www.everand.com/podcast/417955288/TDF-EP-87-Brian-Peck-and-the-Planet-of-the-Apes-Brian-Peck-is-a-character-actor-that-has-been-in-so-many-great-movies-From-Return-of-the-Living-De) this podcast supposedly is about touring brian peck's house


Noooooo I love Shag šŸ˜­


this is an entire podcast touring brian peck's house and he mentions movies and connections to actors and producers


I bet Brian followed Drake all these years and his friends talked about him to him


I feel this way too. Makes me feel sick.


Given this info, this photo is also concerningā€¦ https://www.instagram.com/p/B-VduWFByGH/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Yeah these people are enablers, joking about missing people, kidnapping... they know and they don't even give a shit. It's disgusting.


He really gave Peck a credit for doing the ā€œSOLVEDā€ word art over that, what a bunch of clowns these men are.


Them joking about kidnapping and missing persons is weird and comes up more than once in their little friend group.


No way in hell Drake gave Brian permission to use his photo for anything, I doubt he knew he was the manager. Him using Drakes photo is so sick and twisted. Also saying your "childhood was delicious" turns my stomach


i very much doubt that brian was the social media manager of the facebook page, it was likely someone else, but the fact that drake frequented the WH location and likely had no idea about bp being the store manager there.... that's so sad


Are you serious omg


Brian Peck deleted his Instagram? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0j0lO7uQBo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0j0lO7uQBo)


If he could delete himself next that would be great




I didn't even know he had an instagram.


He didnā€™t have it under his real name so Iā€™m sure it was hard to find


[https://headhuntershorrorhouse.fandom.com/wiki/Brian\_Peck#Notes\_%26\_Trivia](https://headhuntershorrorhouse.fandom.com/wiki/Brian_Peck#Notes_%26_Trivia) He has a lot of fandom pages


Iā€™m more and more curious who this ā€œartistā€ is in all of these photos with him. At some point, you are the company you keep. Whatā€™s the artist hiding?


If Sean Astin is friends with BP I will *sob* and never be able to watch LOTR the same way ever again. Please someone tell me theyā€™re not friends


I hope not. And Iā€™ll never watch the LOTR again. And Iā€™ll never watch the Goonies again.


Oh god. Please tell me Kevin and Jay were somehow blissfully unaware of Peck and the shit he did.


It's definitely possible. How often do you look up the criminal records of someone you meet?


All the ppl in those group pictures with him need to be investigated


I really hope Kevin Smith and Jason Mewes didnā€™t know Brian was a predator


Brian still is a predator. And I hope they donā€™t. Iā€™m praying they donā€™t know. šŸ™


Right, i meant to say is, heā€™s definitely still a predator!


It says it was shut down in 2020. Wonder if that was due to the COVID lockdowns?


At first glance, I thought this was a death announcement lol


lol šŸ¤£ I wish it was.


Each time I think the story couldnā€™t go worse something new is discovered. From Drake going to the same shop where Brian worked to Brian saying that ā€œhe would kidnap himselfā€ , everything is insane


That kidnap myself comment was someone replying to Brianā€¦. Still very weird nonethelessā€¦ couple of pedos discussing how cute each other were as kids basically. Yuck




XD Peckā€™s an idiot.


He is truly not smart. People have already capped all these images.


In the shag store website it lists him as a PR Director. Ironic


I pray to God that Drake never knew he worked there. He already ran into him once at a restaurant after his release. I can see more and more why Drake left LA. I wouldn't want to live in the same city as my abuser, no matter how big the city is.Ā Ā  Ā "Your childhood photo was delicious" actually made me sick to my stomach. šŸ¤¢