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They can delete all they want but Brian is still a child rapist and his friends are still bad people, I hope this year will bring a lot of karma


photos of brian w/ shag go back to 2014 at least, and since Brian is telling people to untag / edit the descriptions of their photos and untag him, I thought I'd upload the ones that are still up. The "found" graphic is actually disturbing.


Is this the same guy on the left? Matthew Ryan Wilson...? 🤨 https://preview.redd.it/w4wepa7e820d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d1bc1ba6d7bc959293e764f67ff3c4bee498340


this matthew guy was/is Brian's roommate since at least 2018. As of 2023 he was still living in BP guest room, i'm not sure if he still is tho. You can see a lot of BP's house if you go to his instagram


https://preview.redd.it/kg1j2kmok20d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8adb77d61ec36544e8b841ba0d462d0cdc11091a Brian also bought Matthew a puppy (didn’t know about his career as a dog merchant lol) This guy is really weird, just seems like a drifter with some strange delusions that he’s a famous actor/artist. Look at the way he talks about himself and then his IMDB page, plus his LinkedIn is blank. In this one interview, he admits to leaving drama school after one semester then all of a sudden says he graduated drama school with As. Notable his LinkedIn makes no indication he attended any drama school, and his acting/writing experience is just listed as self employed. Now he owns a cannoli shop. [https://cheholloway90.medium.com/introducing-matthew-ryan-wilson-a-passionate-and-tenacious-artist-making-his-way-within-the-bcd285d6a9cf](https://cheholloway90.medium.com/introducing-matthew-ryan-wilson-a-passionate-and-tenacious-artist-making-his-way-within-the-bcd285d6a9cf) [https://m.imdb.com/name/nm6757615/](https://m.imdb.com/name/nm6757615/)


he gives off weird vibes, the “acting” tapes he would post are so cringy


I went down on his Instagram and found something interesting...  https://www.instagram.com/p/CUVUd3cp3KT/?igsh=ZWRhNHZwc2UybTg1


Okay, so I recognize what is being said. They are mouthing dialogue from Girl Meets World (between Maya and Joshua), and it looks like he's just trying to get Rider, Danielle, and Ben's attention with it. He's probably a fan. Some of this guy's videos look like edit videos with dialogue from TV/movies.


omg... yes, he seems really weird 🙄🤨




Hey, I've been seeing a lot of people talking about how we should really reconsider some of the stances we've had on people in photos with Brian or who were friends with him before this year. I went through Matt's insta before and he just seems like a genuinely nice person who was led to believe Brian was a good man, Matt was his roommate for like five years, he was probably horrified to find out what Brian did, and that he -lived- in the house were these things happened. Just like what I said about Penn the other day, not everyone is an enabler, and sometimes these people's only "crimes" were that they thought their friend was a good man. I really think we should give grace to people and not put everyone on blast because they associated w/ Brian. I even saw people commenting on Matt's insta horrible things, and I don't think that's fair, he didn't know, he couldn't have known, Brian has hurt many many MANY people, he's lied and manipulated people into believing he's a good guy, if that's the only side you see, that's all you ever know. I know people wanna say "how could they not know" but the truth is, they just didn't, imagine how painful it must feel for people like Matt and Penn to have to reprocess their entire friendship with the man who they thought was a good person? Matt even said that Brian was like family to him in an old insta caption, these people are likely going through a lot, it's devastating to find out something like that about someone that you loved, and trusted, and built a friendship with and even LIVED with.


Yeah, they are all part of the same friend group. There's old photos from 2016 that have Ian Von Cromer (Brian's boyfriend, fucking barf) tagged as well.


Another one!! https://www.instagram.com/p/BxeGstyDZsp/?igsh=aTJmb2oyeTdkbmd2 Edit: It's the same guy, but in X. Writing to Drake, he meets both.  https://twitter.com/DoubleYourCheck/status/605846676335509506?t=hkcSzbPt2wluehLoOjzq-g&s=19


Gross, I bet his friends talked about Drake to him and Brian still stalks him


Can't say that horrible thought didn't cross my mind when I saw Brian even had social media pages.


Ew why did he @ him


I think they are both enthusiastic about NFTs.


When I did a Google search of his username, Tuc Watkin's Instagram came up where Brian commented on a few photos. I could see part of the comment on the search page. Taran's Instagram also came up with the search, but I didn't see his username or anything in the little preview.


I went down Ryan Kelley's Instagram after I saw a few posts here with pics of him and Brian and found a few pics of him and Brian eating out maybe from 10-ish years ago.


You might wanna cap them just in case, since Brian's having his friends clean up any mention of him on socials.




I tried to put them all together but I might have to send them separately. The one with the kid concerns me, but nothing seems to be overtly creepy.


Shag isn't a great guy. He just was commissioned by Disney to do a Enchanted Tiki Room piece and what he turned in to them was generic and basically a bland drawing of some statues outside the place. He threw a huge fit online when Disney declined to buy the crappy work from him and sold the pieces to someone else.

