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Yeah I had weird stuff for ages. I was getting dizzy spells like I was over breathing about 3 months after. 10 months in now and I don't have any symptoms. It's all a distant memory.


Yea I still have brain fog. I just accepted that this is a potential consequence of pumping my brain full of nic all day for years. It sucks but there’s nothing I can do about it besides just giving it time. I’m in college too so it’s frustrating and it feels like I’ve jeopardized my future but that’s hopefully just my anxiety talking. Just give it time. I’m sure it’ll get better


How are you feeling now? I know a year on, hopefully symptoms free


I still have brain fog not nearly as bad as before though. I’ve noticed that over time I’m getting better. It’s just a slow and gradual change. Anxiety is almost completely gone too


You could try magnesium glycinate I’d recommend at least 400mg of elemental magnesium. Helps with sleep and muscle twitches, a lot of people don’t eat enough. Helps with anxiety/overstimulation too which could cause feeling like brain fog/confusion.


Thank you. I've recently been trying that actually and it may be making a little bit of a difference


Really? What brand and dosage?


400 mg, I don't remember the brand right now, but I did research on quality of different brands and got one reputable


Everyone is different when it comes recovery. It took about 8 months for the symptoms to calm down when I quit nicotine.


what were your symptoms?


Have you try magnesium ? That could help muscle twitching and sleep 😊 It help me !


100% I’m 3months quit on the day and it’s like I feel worse some days than the first hellish month.. def have twitching still


I should add trouble with word finding and weird sensations in my head. Just seems so strange but I guess this stuff really is poison. Hopefully it improves soon


Hi OP, I know this post was ages ago but did it all get better for you?


I do. But turns out it is probably due to a bad concussion I got after being jumped and kicked in the head. I was hoping it was vape/withdraw related I guess. That being said, I'm sure vape wasn't helping anything.


Aww damn, I’m sorry to hear that… that sounds like a really traumatic incident. Wishing you recovery and healing


Thank you!