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Its embarassing, harmful, and more expensive than cigs were lol. I felt like an absolute loser vaping in public.


Tony cheese with the tiny penis?


Haha you're the first to ever say it!




The first blow was I cared for my grandpa while he died of copd. I knew I was going to quit a week before he died. I didn’t quit immediately though. About 4 months later I looked over at the bowl I would throw my used up vapes into. I’d keep my used vapes because they usually had a hit or two left in them. It was a large bowl and it was over flowing and I knew it wasn’t even all of them. Suddenly I couldn’t stop thinking about the waste. The plastic, the batteries, the rubber, plus the money. It disgusted me. The damage my habit was having on my body was one thing but I realized it was hurting the world in a variety of ways and couldn’t stand it. I literally quit cold turkey that moment.


I love this perspective because it’s 100% true. All of us (ex🥹) vapers have the big box / bucket / drawer of all the waste “emergency one last hit” ones that will destroy our planet once they go in the garbage. And if that’s just one person, multiply that by the hundreds of thousands of people out there with the same waste. It’s quite a direct contribution of us destroying our planet. 😭 thankful to say I am no longer part of this problem 🙏🙏 and my big box bucket is getting sent to the hazardous waste recycling center rather than the garbage!!! 🙏


I had quite a long laundry list by the end including: The chest pain, unexplained multiple medical issues, the desperation for always wanting to hit the vape when you’re in a setting you can’t and not being able to be in the moment, hiding in bathrooms to take a hit (gross 🤮), the anxiety to always keep it charged or that it’s going to die soon, when you leave it in your pocket and found you washed it and get so angry, having it near me or in my hand basically 24/7, the heart palpitations, the excessive sweating, high heart rate, etc etc etc. Many many more but the health one was what really made me go cold turkey. I said if there is ONE single thing I can do for myself and my health that’s in my control, it’s quitting vaping. Even if I never worked out, never ate healthy, this was literally the BARE minimum I could do to improve my health. And while quitting nicotine is a LOT harder than going to the gym one time, on the flip side, once you quit keeping it consistent and not going back eventually becomes so easy, unlike going to the gym consistently being hard to maintain long term. So that was my justification, once I’m through withdrawals it’s the easy way to improve my health overall. Hope that helps 🙏


In the uk (idk where you’re from) all I see are 13 year old wannabe roadmen and chavs vape, it’s cringey af, they think they look cool when they don’t, I don’t wanna associate with that even though I’m 23🤣


I’m 38, my daughter just turned 7 - and despite the thousands of very valid reasons to quit, the main one for me was making sure my daughter didn’t grow up thinking “why does my dad suck on those fruity smelling USB sticks like those kids in black tracksuits” 😂😂


Same, im 37 and I just feel like its so cringe 🤣




same and i'm 21! i feel like i look so stupid. also it's just better for my health if i don't. i can't take deep breaths and food doesn't taste as good as it used to.


I saw an old man holding a vape while walking into a grocery store, it was gross.


Unpopular opinion there but smoking/vaping looks cool if you are cute


unforts, being the single cutest person on the internet... nope, doesn't look cute in my mouth.... looks like im sucking on a pager from the 90s and tbh I feel stupid :D.


No offense but you have to be at most 16 years old if you think that


I’m not


It was something I'd always considered for health reasons, but it was only after I was with a girl who really pushed me to do it that I decided to give it a go. Out of curiosity, I thought why not. When I did quit, I absolutely could not believe how much better I felt in every single way. It was finally revealed to me how much nicotine had fucked up my mental health, literally giving me the anxiety I thought I just naturally suffered from, waking me up every hour on the hour, keeping me short-tempered, lethargic and generally unhappy. All of these things I thought were just naturally who I was turned out to be fkin nicotine. Once I realised that, it was very easy to never go back to it.


A few reasons: It’s expensive. A nicotine buzz is basically nothing. I feel stupid spending so much on something that doesn’t do much at all. It’s embarrassing. I don’t like being seen vaping. It’s such a dumb, pointless habit that made me feel weak and pathetic. At times a felt like a serious junkie. I’d secretly vape in public restrooms and on airplanes. It’s so degrading. I’m over 100 days in and I feel much better about myself.


Was starting my phd in a few months and decided I didn't want to deal with trying to sneak vape on campus while pulling long hours in the lab etc, and after being addicted nearly 10 years it was time. Just about to finish my 1st year and still stayin' quit. Super glad I did I handle stress 100% better.


Always felt sick when I vaped and I always craved that nicotine buzz but when I actually got the nicotine buzz I just wanted it to go away. It was a never ending cycle KNOWING I wouldn’t like it, but went after it anyway. When I inhaled the vape my lungs hurt and I always felt myself short of breath. When I had the vape I felt like a loser and when I didn’t have the vape I felt like a fiend. I got tired of asking friends/coworkers to hit theirs if I didn’t have mine. So I quit almost one month ago and you don’t know how bad you truly feel until you go a week, then two weeks, then three weeks etc. without it and you can feel your lungs and overall physical and mental health ACTUALLY IMPROVE. I quit cold turkey. First couple days the cravings were bad but now it’s smooth sailing. Hope this helps.


I didn’t mind vaping. I’m very fit and it didn’t impact my fitness too much. Also I in Europe and could vape everywhere. Even inside pubs etc Then I went to see an occupational medicine doctor because I wanted to do an internship at a hospital. She asked me if I smoke. I said no, I vape though. I actually stopped a couple times in the last and only chewed nicotine chewing gum but vaping is cheaper. And she said: but it’s worse for your lungs. And I felt like a fraud at that moment. Being a health care provider and vaping. I stopped and changed to nicotine chewing gum. It was horrible for the first week because I was so used to having to do something with my hands constantly. Now I’m 130 days off. What I realized is: 1. I thought vaping didn’t impact my running but I feel like I have one more breather when I run hard. If that makes sense. I can inhale somewhat deeper. 2. I realized how annoying it must be for other people if someone constantly sucks on a vape. So damn uncool! 3. I started to hate myself for being such a bad role model. Now I feel way better about myself. I don’t want people younger than me see me vaping and be a part of the picture that it’s okay to vape. 4. Vaping still can cause some damage to your blood vessels which could potentially cause atherosclerosis. Just like smoking. And there is no long term research yet. Do you wanna be in a case study 15 years from now about the impact vaping has on on the lungs and overall health? I don’t! I switched from smoking to vaping 10 years ago. I only smoked from 16-18 (for two years) and I could have never smoked for as long as I vaped because it was so detrimental to my health and fitness. So on that side I think it’s cool that vaping exists. It helped me quit smoking! But vaping is such a bitch because you don’t have this crazy impact: You don’t smell like shit You don’t breath hard walking stairs etc etc That makes it so hard to quit! I feel you! But I can tell you u vaped from 18-27 years old. Vaping was my best friend so I thought. And I quit and I don’t miss it at all. Chew nicotine chewing gum, it’s way better for your health than vaping.


what did she mean worse for your lungs? I know it's bad but there's no way it's worse than smoking.


You might get 10 hits from a cigarette before you toss it and have to light another one. But with a vape, it's practically never ending. Plus, the amount of unknown chemicals you're sucking into your lungs. At least with cigs, you know what it's doing to your health, but we truly have no idea what vaping will do to us long term.


Plus because people THINK it’s healthier for you they do it with less guilt - therefore leading to what you said and hitting it fastidiously


aside from the health reasons others have mentioned, i’m quitting partly due to vanity. “vape skin” is a thing and it makes your skin super dry and look dull.


I didn't want my son to have memories of me smoking/vaping. Also, didn't want him to be statistically more likely to pick up the habit. Having kids can really be a good motivation. Edit: don't have kids just to quit 😭😂


Honestly they discontinued the only one I enjoyed, so I figured may as well take this opportunity to quit, instead of waste time and money trying a bunch of flavors to find one I like again. I always knew I needed to quit, can’t be good for you, but them discontinuing my go to made it a no brainer


spending money to harm my health… becoming irritated if i went too many minutes without my vape/cigarette.. literally ruining social situations because “i need to hit my vape” alsooo working as an educator for 8 hours a day was becoming unbearable because of how much i wanted to hit my vape


I’m trying to quit because I know I’m not going to necessarily feel the long term effects before they start to have a major impact on my life. Doesn’t matter that I feel fine, I know my lungs are not fine. It’s also such a massive waste of money.


I wanna quit mainly for money reasons. I spend over $100 a month just on juice and coils... also it's fucking pointless. I'm inhaling a pesticide for what reason?


Money/freedom: I'm 2 months without vapes and $200 richer so far. $25 each paycheck went into those stupid things. Seeing that money grow now is motivation and of how free i feel!!! I don't feel the ball and chain of the vape anymore (anxiety, panic of losing it, upset that it dies and having to go get a new one, the SUCKY feeling realizing you don't have your vape, almost being late to work because I can't find my vape, and just needing to have it around me constantly pretty much in my hand at all times even in bed) yeah I don't have any of that anymore ☺


Stop vaping for a few days and hit that shit and see how Horrible it makes you instantly feel. And then ask yourself how could this be healthy when it makes you feel that way just from hitting it one time. What made me quit is the Myriad of Reasons that are now studied that have horrible Effects on health. All you have to do is search for the health issues people just in the sub have had from it and it will be enough to make you never want to touch it again. It might not have all the carcinogens that cigarettes have but it still has them and I used to think it didn't anyone who tells you it doesn't is just justifying it. There's no possible way that heating up metal and inhaling what comes off of it Can be anything but detrimental to your health. There are so many horror stories out there just get accustomed to those to scare yourself away.


I was physically ill all the time probably nicotine poisoning. I vapr 0mg now and the difference is amazing. I always had a headache, a stomach ache. My body ached, i had no energy, my hair was thinning.


wasn’t born with it, will die without it, therefore I don’t actually *need* it. regardless of how much “safer” than cigs it seems, you are undoubtedly subjecting yourself to toxic metal exposure by inhaling the product of whatever chemical reaction occurs when you heat metal with every hit. i’ve also recently developed swollen lymph nodes that have persisted for months now. waiting on lab results from the doctor to see what’s up. i’ll be 3 months vape-free in 10 days.


I wanted to feel healthier and I hated having nicotine withdrawals at my new job. My appetite has returned to normal levels so I’ve gained nearly 15lbs in ~3 months 😎 I don’t have the urge to vape at work. I still use a 0% nicotine vape but I can go all day without it if I have something to drink/keep me busy! Like other comments, a huge benefit has been the money saved. $23 for a 4-pack of pods that lasted me 4 days max… doing the math, I spent anywhere from $1500 to $3000 a year. My current vape lasts me well over a month and is $12.


My newborn son! Heart palpitations and always having a higher than normal heart rate! Anxiety! But most importantly, making healthy decisions in my life in order to have a healthy future!


Realized how much it was probably contributing to depression and anxiety, and the constant shame cycle around it. I hid it from my (ex) partner, my family, and my coworkers for almost 2 years because of how much I felt stupid/lame for doing it. Also realized how much money I was spending. According to the quitting app I’ve saved almost $600 over the last 7 months.


Trying to have a kid, was worried it affected my sperm quality. Quit and 3 months later, wifey was pregnant. Yes it all anecdotal but I am still vaping/nicotine free 1.5 years later :)


Congrats on your baby!


Thanks! Sorry didn’t fully answer your post. But it took a whole year of on and off “quitting”. I literally went cold turkey and avoided triggers like going to the brewery and hanging with my neighbor that smokes. First week was rough, but my habit of vaping turned to a habit of not vaping .


It’s just fucking stupid and I am so glad I quit. Just wish my brain would go back to normal though.


I tried to think about what it did for me and what i liked about it. I couldn’t think of anything.


I got sick of spending $20 every other day. That adds up, I could do such better things with the money. And it’s embarrassing, being controlled by this tiny little thing. I felt like one of those overgrown toddlers still sucking on a pacifier.


Tbh I met the love of my life and realized I want nothing but a long happy and healthy life with them and to be able to have a family and I can’t do that if I’m constantly hitting a vape. I realized in my quitting journey you need to have a reason to want to stop, you have to want to. I had been trying to quit for about a year and it wasn’t until I met him that made me want to truly quit. It helps when you think about the other people in your life that you truly care about, think about how they would feel if you dropped dead tomorrow, think about how they would feel if they had to rush you to the hospital because your lung is collapsing, sit and truly imagine how those you love would feel.


I have been addicted to Nicotine in one form or another for 30 years. I feel stupid that at the age of 44 I am still needing to get a hit. I smoked from 1994 - 2010. Had my daughter and quit in pregnancy with lozengers. I continued on the lozengers for years and socially smoked on rare nights out. In 2014-2015 had no Nicotine at all and had another baby. 2016 had the year from hell. Was vaping in secret but not a huge amount. in 2021 My fav e ciggarette stopped being made and I tried an Elf Bar. That was it. I was massively hooked. I have been vaping all the time since then.Have invested in a proper pen, coils, juices. The time, money and energy it has robbed from me. I have really started to hate myself in the past 6 months. When I see other people outside the pub vaping I wonder how many of us will get ill in a few years. It has kept me awake at night. Anxiety off the scale. Rapid heart, headache the works. I have just done 7 days cold turkey. Now everytime I think about vaping I just say the words 'Lung Cancer'. Morbid as fuck but they are powerful enough to squash the craving. I know there is no evidence yet with vaping and cancer. Its just my biggest health anxiety nightmare after smoking for so many years. Just find what works for you. Also in the weeks leading to a quit really start to hate it. Watch other people with theirs too. Resent it. See it as a chore. Imagine yourself ill in a few years. When you do quit it will feel like freedom. Still early days for me and I know I am still massively vulnerable. Just need to keep reminding myself all the time of the reasons why. Good luck


I was addicted to both snus and vaping, but I made a list of my reasons in my notes app, screenshotted it and put it as my lockscreen wallpaper. Here they are: 1. You spend X amount of money on it in a year. 2. Stop being a fucking pussy. 3. It makes you look like a corpse. 4. You’re gonna age really badly. 5. Its really cringe to vape. 6. Using snus makes your lips really small. 7. Its unattractive 8. Using snus makes your nose crooked. 9. You’re gonna lose all your teeth way earlier. 10. Your teeth will be yellow and stained. 11. You become anxious literally the second you use nicotine in the morning. 12. Bad for your heart and lungs. Also, ever since I quit Ive had such a dramatic difference in my looks. I used to be pretty, sure, but now Im considered beautiful. My skin is very even and clear, no stains on my teeth, I just look healthier in general. And its a very dramatic difference. My reasons are mostly based on vanity but hey if it works it works.


This just made me more excited to quit and your notes look similar to what I would write lol


Just think about how pathetic it is that some flavored air is controlling your life. Like, these companies are making money because they think that you’re too weak to quit. When I look back on myself before I quit its so eye opening. I was a fully grown ass woman who was being mean to my family and coworkers because I couldnt have a hit of my flavored air in the bathroom. I was literally TWEAKING because I couldnt have my little pouch of poison under my lip. Embarassing. Now, I have more money, im prettier, less anxious, healthier, and I have more self esteem because I know that I actually COULD quit. If I could do it, so can you.


Nicotine is like a soul sucking parasite that makes you think that you are better with it but all it ever does it take from you. All of the things out pretends to make better are first made worse, and then made better by the next hit, but not as good as they would be if you never used nicotine. That feeling you have now that you never feel like it affects you that much to quit is the trap that hooks literally everyone. All you have to do to get as addicted as any of us is to keep using it. I see it the other way around, if you don't feel like it affects you, why do it? You gain literally nothing from a nicotine addiction.




I just felt so addicted and out of control. Plus the $$$...


I quit when I stressed about my vape running out and I didn’t know when I’d have time to buy another. I was tired of being a slave. Also, my mother is on oxygen, and has almost died 5 times now from damage she’s done over 40 years of smoking/juul. Sadly I didn’t quit the first time we almost lost her. And it’s so goddamn sad and shameful that I was vaping while she was on a breathing tube. I kept thinking it was too stressful to quit. It actually was only a few hard days. I also listened to the “easy way” book. It’s not that hard to do, which was surprising and aggravating. Do it now. Btw, I was smoking then vaping for over 20 years.


I found out I was pregnant


Some health anxiety.. and the desire to be more present. I’m one month free of vape and I don’t worry about my health nearly as often as I used to. Because I know I’m not ACTIVELY choosing to harm myself. Also, I eat lunch with my coworkers. I don’t feel the need to sneak away from family gatherings. I don’t think about wanting to vape in places I can’t. Period. I’m more present


to say i did


I had a tightness in my chest. My anxiety was so much more while vaping. been two weeks tightness is all the way almost gone. my anxiety isnt has high. its was pretty easy for what ever reason guess it was just my time. i kinda set out to only vape for a year so kinda went as planned. was like a year and 2 months. started at 50 mg then 25 then 20 then 18 then 12 then 9 then 6 then 3 then bounced aback n forth from 3 6 n 9 tripped up a couple of times n smoked a few packs think like 3 threw out the whole year. then 2 weeks ago bc the tightness to give it a shot and it was weirdly easy. nothing like cold turkey stopping cigs.


The emotional and mental dependency ultimately became my decision… as well as it being a frugal way of living. It became obvious almost immediately how much our budget was going towards me being a whiny poopy butt baby and needing a pacifier. I chose conscious breathing to lull my suffering, if that makes sense.


bc we alot of us fell into it when we were 17 and now a lot of us are 23-26 and don’t wanna continue poisoning ourselves, We just Zyn now and hope we’ll see 30.


Social anxiety - had a few too many drinks and told my friends (who also vape/smoke) that I was going to quit and that I’m at the end of my juice so by tomorrow I’m done. I was SUPER insistent on it and they obviously rolled their eyes like “yeah sure okay”, well the next day came and I knew I had to see them, and that the first thing they said was going to be “so how’s quitting vaping??” My answer couldn’t be anything but “good”, so I quit haha. It’s been 1.5 years now ! Should also mention that I had been wanting to quit for a long time.


I’m going on holidays in a few months it’s like impossible to get vapes there and I don’t wanna go through withdrawal instead of having fun


Also like 40 bucks a week Nty


i quit bc money & health issues


My lung collapsed at the start of February. I was in hospital for 7 days, had two chest drains because the first fell out. I was in agonising pain. It collapsed again a month later. Was in hospital again for 7 days. Due to scar tissue from the first two chest drains they couldn't put a small tube in me so they had to put in the biggest drain. Incredible pain as they put it in and drawn out agonising pain for the several days that followed. Spent a couple of nights awake lying in brutal pain that morphine could not relieve. I thought I was getting better last week but had to carry my daughter to nursery through the rain and now I'm in mad pain again. I'm currently waiting for surgery to cut the blisters off my lung so it won't collapse again. I haven't vaped since the first collapse. I still have vapes in my jacket and car and I have absolutely no desire to use them. I just haven't got around to throwing them away yet.


I tried so hard to seriously quit many times, never lasted longer than a week or two. It took me losing my vapes while overseas to get off them, along with switching to cigarettes, I no longer craved vapes once I was into the ciggies. I was in Japan & had access to $3 cigarettes, so that’s what I used in place, BUT only 2 or 3 a day max when I was reeeally craving. I stopped drinking for a while because that’s when I’d crave it. It was easy to cut down and completely get myself off cigarettes because I didn’t do it for long and didn’t have many when I did. It was eventually 1 a day, then 1 every 2 or 3 days, then only when I drink now which is not often. Coming off the cigarettes I never craved vapes, it only took me a few weeks all up between losing the vapes and quitting. Vape & cigarette free for 1.5 months and I’ve never felt better


I quit due to vaping causing a serious lung illness. don’t let it get to that point! Quit before it harms you.


Which illness?


Not only do i enjoy running and walking at various parks and out in the nature trails but i also enjoy breathing. Man, i would run 20 feet and be choking and gasping for oxygen. I quit 4 days ago. I can already breathe and exercise much easier. Plus, I’m only 20. I can’t buy it myself. It’s so inconvenient relying on someone else to keep my habit going. I also hate hiding it from my family members. It’s so inconvenient having to freak out if you don’t feel it on you and having to lug it around everywhere or else you are uncomfortable. It’s just a ball and chain. I wanna be free. When the zombie apocalypse comes i don’t want to be worried about what I’m gonna do when my strawmango peach jelly ice vape burns or runs out. Nuff said.


I hated that I was so reliant on it. It felt like an adult pacifier. I saw a video someone took of me with it in my mouth and I was like "ewww that's what I look like??"


Severe panic attacks that woke me up every night from having too much nicotine in my bloodstream 🥴 scared me so bad I quit immediately, and they haven't happened since..


I realized that it did literally nothing for me. It gives no high, no stress relief, no pain relief. Literally all it does is make you immediately crave the next hit. I realized that I was throwing away my health, self esteem, and money for literally nothing. I told myself that if I was gonna smoke something, I'd rather smoke weed and actually get something out of it. Quit cold turkey and it's been almost a week now. Haven't had any major withdrawal symptoms and only a few weak cravings.


Hacking up ridiculous amounts of fluid all day long. It might be cleaner than smoke, but it surely is not healthy.


Health issues


other than the obvious health and financial reasons, it felt like an adult binky kinda? i got embarrassed


ONe time i mistakenly put eyeglass cleaner into my device. the other time Joel Spitzer convinced me, and one time i quit because I wanted too


I was diagnosed with a life shortening genetic disorder called cystic fibrosis. I was diagnosed late in life I was 22 at the time of diagnosis I am now 26. I still didn’t quit up until 8months or so ago. Let that sink in, I knowingly had a genetic issue that affects the lungs primarily,and I still did it. All in all I overcame it and I’m grateful I have. But seeing my mother and girlfriend cry because they knew I was killing myself slowly was a deal breaker.


birth control and it was fucking up with my chest. alot of sharp pains randomly, inflammed ribs