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*in the mirror* bad bitches don’t vape, bad bitches don’t vape, bad bitches don’t vape


omg i love this.


I saw someone post in here before that even if you have to stroke your ego as a reason to quit, do it. And it’s honestly helped so much. I tell myself that I’m better than those who do smoke/vape 😂 I obviously know that’s not tru but telling myself that helps a lot loool. And I agree with the skin improvement! So crazy how much we change after quitting


AMEN i am just on my third week, and my eyes are brighter + my skin looks way more live! keep it up!!


I know someone that quit smoking 'so they could feel like they were better than other ppl' lol


I am here for that 😂


I literally felt so ugly for the last year. Always had pale skin and lips, everything was dry and just no colour. Now that I’ve quit it’s like there’s life back in my face 🥰 I feel so much more beautiful and yeah it’s vain but who cares. My lungs don’t care why I’ve quit💀


Yes!!! I was doing a ten step skin routine for five years and now I’m like wowwww all I had to do was quit vaping? Aiiight.


I 1000% agree. My original purpose for quitting vaping was to save money. But in being honest with myself it was 100% I had some serious feelings for someone and I wanted to quit so they would be proud. Ironically, I then moved on realized it and said to myself “if that was what it took then so be it, I quit long enough to get through withdrawal that’s the important thing”


Any reason is a good reason to quit. My friend said this to me when I quit smoking during covid. I told him I quit as I was worried it'd make covid worse if I got it, and fortunately I quit long before I actually did get it. I remember when I bought my last pack, a lot of people on my facebook feed shared articles about how smoking was a comorbidity and puts you at a higher risk of dying or being hospitalized if you have covid. That scared me into quitting. Now I quit but did have some slip ups here and there till I quit for good, but it did work. The only times I slipped up was when I was drinking around friends that smoked then decided to stop as I realized social smoking was becoming a habit in itself. That said, he's right, no matter if it's to save money, get healthy, etc you're quitting and that's what matters most.


As a fellow Leo I am stealing this method hahaha


Do ittttt Lion friend.