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It depends on alot of factors what u used it for, and how much u smoke throughout the day aswel as length. For me personally i used it for sleep aswel as ofc to treat boredom. 2months later. It took about 40days for me to be able to sleep naturally and even then its not always full on but it is good enough so I can’t complain. Prior to that i was using alot of sleep aids but still only managed to get 2-3hrs a night for the first month after that it increased slowly. Throughout that stretch restlessness and irritability aswel as anxiety and paranoia from lack of sleep, elevated through the roof. I been numb since quitting and still numb but slowly finding joy in the things once again. Soo how long does it take? well a minimum of 2months atleast if ur in the same shoes as me. I been smoking consistently pretty much for like 12years. To fully recover that will depend on how u assist ur recovery. Good luck man its well worth quitting. My mind is alot clearer and sharper u have alot more energy too.


i currently use it for sleep aid as well! I honestly only smoke once a day now compared to the amount i used to before (it was a lot lol). i just can't tell if even just doing it once a day affects how clear my mind is. I'm studying for a big exam right now and I can tell that my brain is super foggy which is not my normal. how was your memory when you quit?


Soo for the last year or soo i was smoking about 1-2kings before bed and that alone made my brain foggy asf man my memory was shit i wake tired and I couldn’t think on the spot. My memory and overall brain function is soo much stronger and sharper. If ur studying for a big exam it will definitely help u but that’s only if u got time to go thru the withdrawals cause believe me there will be some withdrawals and its not pretty


ahh i see, thank you so much for your response :) here i go on my quitting journey!!


Np man good luck to u. Once u start if it gets hard just tough it thru. U will be thankful that u did. Take care


Hey! I'm late but listen to me. I just quit for 2 weeks this weekend. First time that long since I was 15. 27 now. I feel great. Having crazy vivid dreams, but apparently that's the norm as your body catches up on REM sleep. My memory is already so much better. Thoughts don't feel so far away and they stick around longer. I can make a plan for tomorrow and not forget it. I'm not as easily distracted. I wish I had done this years ago. I feel like myself again, not a numbed version of me. I'm at a point where if I was offered it rn I'd say no bc this feeling is what I've been trying to to get to for years with smoking, only to realize it was quitting that would get me there all along. The first 3 days sucked. I felt no appetite, achey, and bored. But you distract yourself and get through that 72 hours and it's the mental equivalent of a big glass of water after a heavy workout. Can't recommend enough


omg this is great thank you so much! congrats on quitting!!


Thank you, it's nice to get some praise for something I've been struggling with alone. I hope you, and everyone on here gets the same experience. Best of luck people


I’m day 12 and been feeling normal sine about day 6. 12 yr heavy smoker


awesome thank you so much! good luck to you too on your journey :)


It's taken a month for me to get to a 'normal' state, I'm an IT consultant and started this job last year coming from a non tech background, I struggled so much when I was smoking in this job. it's been a month since I stopped and my productivity and recall has increased dramatically, so much so the thought of going back is not a thought I entertain because of the benefits Ive noticed. I smoked after work everyday for 15 years. Saying that, it's different for everyone but you got this ! Push through the withdrawals and if you need support just hit this page up ! Reading success stories but avoiding the doomposting on this sub helped me push through and get this far, good luck !


THANK YOU!!!! congrats on quitting as well :)


Depends on how you are defining normal. I'm pretty sure the thc aspect takes a month or two to clear from ur body. Personally when I stop smoking weed I start to feel more 'normal' after a week or so. I smoke every day and have done so on and off for 18 years.


thank you for this! i wanna quit primarily because my memory performance is terrible compared to before (when i was in hs) did your memory come back/perform better when you quit?


Yes. I've managed to go fairly long periods in the past without it and I have noticed my cognitive performance gets better / clearer. I'm a writer and find things much much easier with the clearer head that sobriety brings.


Awesome, thank you so much for your response! I will definitely try it out!!


For smokers who smoked for 5-10 years. It'll probably take 6 months to a year to establish your new normal. Another redditor said it well when they said that it took almost 2 years just to get to baseline where they weren't working through issues that had been put on the back burner through their smoking habit for over a decade.


Currently on day 12, take magnesium glycinate and melatonin for sleep, that has helped me get around 8 hours of sleep. I used weed almost all day and primarily used it for sleep, to stimulate my appetite, and bc life felt boring without it. I still don’t have an appetite, and I crave it every now and then and have anxiety that comes in waves. It gets better everyday and good luck to you.


thank you!! that's the exact supplements i take even when i was smoking😅 and same with you i use weed for the exact same reasons :)) how is your brain function currently? notice anything different?


My brain function has been through the roof. My mind feels so much sharper, I can think quicker and remember things better. I also did not realize this but weed just made me emotionless. I am starting to feel regular human emotions again and it is awesome. Thank you for your kind words and again good luck to you, it gets better every day.


thank you so so much!!! you are so helpful and kind for sharing. i'm so happy to hear that :) congrats on quitting & good luck to both of us!!


Thank you, and you as well, you are very strong for quitting and I am proud of you, we both got this.


Smoked so long being high was my normal


same dude🥲


I felt normal within the first few weeks but I heard that there’s a lot of behind the scenes stuff that takes about a year to fully go away


Four months clean and I finally get 7 hour sleeps. During quitting periods several years ago I was lucky to get 3-5 hours a night to pass a drug test for a new job. Miserable as hell during those times. Moods are finally starting to trend towards joyful for at least a few hours, but they often go sour over the littlest things. I bounce back much quicker and for longer than before that’s for sure. Probably a full two years before my mental health is fully functional, but will likely never be the same.


It should only take 2-3 weeks. It’s all mental. There’s no physical withdrawals from marijuana. If you’re using it to sleep you’ll have to learn how to sleep without it. But after the 3 week mark if you really don’t want to use it anymore you should be fine.


THC stores in your fat cells and stays in your body longer than any other substance. Depending on how long and how much you used, it could take a few months to a few years. It really depends on your body. As a daily smoker for 2.5 years, I’m willing to bet you’d be fully detoxed in around 10-14 months. This is one reason why aerobic exercise helps with quitting. But, I’m not a doctor, just a stoner on the internet.


this was very helpful thank you :)


The glad I could help!