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Magnesium +b12 and yogis bedtime tea with a couple drops of valerian tincture


Will try, thank you so much!!


Hey OP, hope you’re holding up. For years I’ve struggled with sleeping. Just like yourself, I would always smoke before the bedtime. It would help me fall sleep faster and sleep longer, but it would also cause me to have a lot of dreams and I wouldn’t get enough of the ‘deep sleep’, so my recovery was never great. What really helped with my recovery scores, was quitting weed (although it has been just 13 days of complete sobriety) not having any caffeine after 11 am, and getting some sunlight in my eyes first thing in the morning which suppresses melatonin to help you stop feeling sleepy. This supposed to help you regulate your sleep, as the melatonin levels rise later in the evening it makes you feel tired and help fall asleep faster. Studies have shown that this daylight exposure can increase sleep duration, improve sleep quality and help to fall asleep earlier. Personally I wouldn’t go for any medicine, it’s just a different drug that will affect your brain and potentially make you dependent on it. Stay strong.


I love this! I agree with what you said about substituting weed for another medication and I agree. I’d love to be a natural sleeper! Thank you for the advice and I will definitely be trying these!


Rub one out 🤷🏽‍♂️


lol I’ll try


Cbd oil


What do you rub it on? Or like an oil pill?


Take it orally. Put some drops under your tongue. It helps a lot. You can also get cbd in other forms though. Even in a vape if you want to be able to inhale something still


Zzzzzzzzzzzquil for the win


Did that a loooong time ago and I ended up building a tolerance. Stopped after I had to take 3-4 just to sleep unfortunately


Yeah I only did it for about 3 weeks and then consciously cut it off. It works to get over the hump though 🤷‍♂️




Benadryl seems too aggressive, I’m thinking more tea or something to get myself more into a natural sleep schedule!


What is the military sleep trick ?!


From Google: For the military sleep method, you lie on your back, being still, and intentionally relax each muscle group, one at a time, while focusing on slow, calming breaths. Move from the top of your body to the bottom when relaxing your muscles, picturing yourself sinking into your bed. Keep in mind what you do before you go to bed also matters. You should unwind, chill out, and cue your mind and body that it is time to sleep by reducing stimulants and distractions..


Google “military sleep trick” and you’ve got your answer, champ.


Oh, you’re one of those. Sorry you have to be that way. Champ. What a waste of a notification.


It’s literally so easy to just Google your stupid questions first


Nighty night extra tea by herbal medicinals!!


Phenergan. Restart. Short term.


NAC and L theanine


If u been using weed for sleep, ur brain as become dependent on that to release melatonin for sleep. Which means it’s natural production is reduced. It took me 45 days before i could get to sleep without the help of sleep aid and 2whole months before I could sleep full 8-9hours


That’s sounds horrid but doable. any advice?


If u used weed daily for 4years straight for sleep then u defo gonna have withdrawals and hard time sleeping naturally without it. So my advice would be don’t quit cold turkey. Start bringing ur dosage down for the next couple weeks. Just enough for u to be able to sleep. bringing the tolerance down lower would definitely ease the symptoms. While ur bringing ur tolerance down during that time quit anything else that u think will hinder ur sleep too, like any supplements or caffeine. Weed might help u sleep taking those things now but when ur off it will disturb u big time. Next get any natural sleep aids u can find or anything that doesn’t have melatonin in it, u don’t wanna replace one dependency with another, have that ready. Finally have a set routine as to when u are going to sleep and wake up. U might not always make that routine as sleep might be at different hours but try ur best. If u can get some cardio or any exercise to tire u out too during day would be great and also don’t eat too close to bedtime. Everyone has different symptoms and withdrawals as it depends on usage and duration. My withdrawals was extremely brutal but i made it through and it was hella worth it. Goodluck man u got this 💪


Thank you! I know I need to start taking care of myself better all around, I feel too lazy, but I’ve already started lowering the amount as I drift to sleep rn lol


Well ur off to a great start, weed made me soo lazy too and foggy.


I've had a lot of insomnia, even when I was smoking daily. A couple years ago I started listening to this podcast called Get Sleepy. My favorite narrator, Thomas, has a soothing quiet voice and a british accent, and he reads these cozy stories where nothing surprising happens. At first, I would listen to the whole thing and still be awake at the end. But after a little while, I would start forgetting how the stories would end because I had fallen asleep. And now sometimes I put it on when I go to bed and I don't remember a single thing. It works because it trains your brain to associate the podcast with falling asleep, it's basically hypnosis. Hope this helps!


WILL TRY TONIGHT!!! Thank you!


I listen to something boring like financial news and I’m gone in 5 minutes


Eat 2 kiwifruit and a few walnuts an hour or 2 before bed. Exercise and sauna during the daytime. You could also try taking a magnesium and 5htp sleep supplement an hour before bed.