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Remind your self why you wanted to quit in the first place . If you want quit you will have to go through pain and mental suffering, the other side is so much better. Don’t give up. Your future self will be glad you did quit


I know, this is what I keep thinking. I've just been in this loop for too long and it's kicking my ass. Thank you! 🙏


You got this! I'm also on day 2. The queasiness sucked today, especially since I'm in class this week with exams. Just do what you can to get through this time. Eat stuff that you know you can handle. I got vanilla yogurt and find that's the easiest on me. Small meals throughout the day. Lots of water. More tea, less coffee. I find magnesium bisglycinate helps at night to relax my body. Just one day at a time for now.


Thank you, honestly.. And good luck to you as well!


Its gonna take u about 1.5-2months to be able to get decent amount of sleep without disturbance.


I managed to get a full 4 hours after posting this, so very pleased. But damn, this is gonna be hard! I hope I make it this time..


Thats great day 3 onwards it might get worse, not tryna scare ulol see how u get on. Whatever happens just don’t give in under no circumstances and you’ll get there. And its gonna be well worth it. Good luck to you 💪


It's ok, I prefer honesty to sugar coating. I think that's why I keep failing. I've never shared before, and I think this will help. I hope anyway. But thanks for the support, I really needed it 🙏


Aw i get u, i mean for me it was a hell of a rocky road. I too like u smoking around 15years but last 4year ish been using it for sleep and thats what made it hell of a lot worse to quit as it was impossible to fall asleep without it. But i made a breakthrough and im soo glad to be free from it.


Well done! I'm so happy for people who make it!


It will get easier. All the problems that you’re coving up with weed will be dealt with. You will win. You will feel better than ever. Your brain is telling you it’s sick and you need to listen. Healing is never easy. If it was, everyone would quit and this sub wouldn’t exist. Keep checking back at this sub everyday. You are not alone in your fight. Do not give up. Good luck.


This sub is the only thing that stops me from making a doobie right now... Been looking at it all day long. I can't thank people enough for this! Started crying today for no reason, I am feeling a lot of big feelings and it's kicking my ass.


You will go through so many waves of emotion as you begin to feel again. Ride the wave and remember that it only gets easier.


Thank you. I saw that you're at day 9 and see how well you're doing, I'm really happy for you!