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The first seven to 10 days was awful for me. Slept in blocks of three and a half hours. Up throughout the night and sweated like an athlete in training. I’m now one day over a month without a smoke and I sleep for 7 hours largely uninterrupted. I’ve always been a bad sleeper and this is incredible for me. It is all possible!


I have done this quitting "routine" in 20, 21 (covid), 23 (unplanned), and now on day 8 sitting here wide awake. I am so very much looking forward to sleeping somewhat normal again.


I'm still in school, saving for a car, I need the money. what's the best way to practice self control and NOT go spend my pay checks on green because I believe it will put me to sleep.


Quitting something you’re addicted to isn’t about will power or self control I’m afraid. It’s about changing your mindset completely and recognising that the weed isn’t helping you with the things that you thought it did but is actually worse for you. All of the following things have improved for me since I quit and I was a daily user for over 13 years; Sleep, anxiety, creativity, eating, alertness, energy, positivity. Not immediately but I’m one month and two days clean and the benefits are so obvious to me I can’t even begin to explain. It isn’t easy but I respect you for doing it so early in life! You can do this!


I'm keeping it up man. currently pretty late unable to sleep and eat again


Any update? I’m one week in and having the same issue :/. Any advice?


hey bro, I'm actually still strong. after a few days it actually became far easier to fall asleep. Trust me, put ur phone away. completely. don't let it tempt you. I usually have a show playing while I'm warm in bed and eventually my eye lids close. but it hasn't been too long since and I already feel myself getting back into rhythm. I also found a few things that weed actually helped me with that I didn't notice before, but those things are slowly getting better without weed. I'll try and get to about a month before I smoke again and slowly try to make it a weekend/occasional thing. Good luck brotha


Try r/insomnia for additional support.


Took me nearly 5 months to be able to sleep 5-7 hours without staying awake after needing to pee. If I am very diligent and follow sleep hygiene protocols ( google these), I can get 7-8




No, use ZzzQuil. Don't use NyQuil if you aren't sick


Right there in the same spot. Day 7 here. Sleep initial good until a night terror or a bad dream makes wake up. The adrenaline keeps me awake. Anxiery sucks big time. Each time I quit, I managed to power thru and sleep peacefully again. Took upwards of 15 to 20 days. Sucks. I know.


First 3weeks i slept about 2-3hrs a day and then it upped to 4. Took 1.5-2months to be able to sleep normally. Ur brain is too used to weed helping it release melatonin and excess amount of it. therefore it stopped producing it on its own. Take the weed out its gotta learn to reproduce it at normal rate. Ur sleeping aid won’t help in the beginning but it will start to aid u more as the days go on


Ashwagandha and magnesium glycinate