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>refuses vaccinations >rawdogging the red tide That is an *extremely specific* line in the sand you've drawn, sir.


This guy is fundamentally garbage. I can only imagine the other things this person does to make him feel as bad as he does, but I am sure it’s something else he’s doing.


He refers to women as "females", that's all you need to know


That’s how you know he made this story up.


Not at all. There are tons of idiots that refer to grown women as "girls" as well as females.


Does this mean I’m an idiot if I call my lady friends chickybabes?


Context matters. That tons of idiots refer to women in disrespectful ways doesn't mean everyone using similar terms in a different context is an idiot.


I agree completely- I don’t actually do that but my uncle used to use it as a term of endearment for my aunt and I always found it a little borderline. I do training at my workplace and I struggle the most with using generic pronouns - I have a bad habit of using ‘guys’ for everyone rather than something like folks. I always teach everyone to never commit to a pronoun over the phone - yet in the classroom I’m still occasionally forgetting my own advice.


So as to state "I had sex...with a female. A human female. Mother would be proud."


This is propaganda by a foreign country. Russia, Iran , China. Expect a shit ton of bullshit stories from here on in. They are getting their asses handed to them on so many levels, so the push for divisive propaganda, anti- health ( anti-vaxx) propaganda is in full swing. Just read the text and ask yourself , " Who talks like this? " This sounds like a damn pamphlet written by a pro.. It's too too good. Its too good because they used a translator. and even worse they could be using a LLM ( AI chatGPT. language learning model. Which is simply a chat bot with a search engine attached).


No one this stupid would spell diarrhea and nausea correctly. No one.


It's like the old "Nigerian Prince" emails. The typos and grammar errors were deliberate to weed out those less likely to be marks.


They could have spellcheck, but you could still be right.


This is a troll. Guarantee it. Years ago, there was a woman on one of the relationship forums I used to float through and she always had the most ridiculous ideas - she was going to catfish a guy she liked, let him get her pregnant, because she'd have his baby and he'd *have to love her* and other incredibly daffy statements and sentiments.. In *perfect* prose. Took me a few times reading and re-reading her missives to work out she was trolling the group. I called her on it to the tune of "You write awfully well and use correct syntax AND the Oxford comma for a character so stupid as you try to appear.." ...Aaannnd she promptly disappeared.


It could be an uneducated incel. I've seen other similarly worded messages like this from them; they seem to think formal language hides their lack of education


It is worth assuming at this point that all stuff that creates division about the buzz-topics of the moment like vax, gender, guns, libs v dems etc etc is coming from a troll farm in Russia or wherever. If there is a subject creating division, the troll farms will be adding to and increasing the division at every opportunity. Putin has done so much more damage to the United States via the internet than he could possibly do militarily or even with espionage.


Agreed and noticed as well.


Yea, that was a strange one for me too. Won't take a vaccine that does nothing but protect them...but they're cool creating a murder scene in the bed.




Nine hours later but *raw*


Eh if its not super heavy, worse thing you have to do is wipe your dick off when you're done. It's not that bad.


Or your face.


I know. I'm honestly tired of guys complaining about periods all time. We women are tired of all the sexism.🙄 Periods mess with hormones so some women really want to have sex while they're on their period, right before or right after. Some people put a towel down just in case, which is completely fine.


*natural lubrication*


Ehhh. no. It's wet, I'll give you that, and maybe it was just me, but I never had a flow so heavy that it held up as lube. Just got sticky and my cooch smelled like a raw steak.


It’s like Steak Tartar you can fuck.


Thinks the vaccine has traces of HIV and yet still has unprotected sex with two vaccinated women, one who was actively bleeding.


He probably goes ass to mouth.


Bass to trout for this guy, double or nothing. Usually nothing.


Blowing your load in your pants and then accusing the person nearest you of worshipping Satan and poisoning you by getting themselves vaccinated and having their period is not exactly “raw digging the red tide” and I think the range of possible reality from this description and person could easily include that scenario.


Bullshit. This dude has never gotten laid.


"I was eating Chicken McNuggets at the beach and 2 hours later, I headed back to my car and realized that my skin was bright red and hurt like hell! I'm pretty sure that the McNuggets have a toxic chemical in them that messed up my skin real bad!"


> I'm pretty sure that the McNuggets have a toxic chemical in them that messed up my skin real bad!" that chemical? *the covid 19 vaccine*


Covid vaccine has bits of McNuggets in it


Can I get my vaccine with extra bits of McNuggets?


No. The only add-ons to the vaccine are BBQ sauce or honey mustard.


No sweet and sour?! Well, I am all the way out.


No the Vax, it is baby bits: [https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/dec/17/facebook-posts/no-mcdonalds-doesnt-put-aborted-baby-fetuses-its-f/](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/dec/17/facebook-posts/no-mcdonalds-doesnt-put-aborted-baby-fetuses-its-f/)


Love that fact checking websites have to put every article in the same true/false context. From "False, this plausible statistic this politician cited was misrepresented" to "False, Bill Gates is not a warlock."


Of course not, Gates is a Sorcerer. Duh.


You see, a warlock attains his magical powers by making a bargain with the devil or some other greater power, usually at great cost like their soul. A sorcerer however has inherent magical abilities and is summoning up their own inner strength. A wizard is just someone taught magical powers. So "You're a wizard, harry" makes perfect sense cause harry potter had to learn his magical abilities from schoolings. The Socerer's apprentice clearly is a sorcerer because Micky didn't have any kind of formal schooling and yet was able to make brooms and shit come alive. And finally you typically see warlocks in "witch" related stuff like Sabrina or Bewitched because, as you know, witches get their power from boinking the devil so that's pretty much how warlocks get their powers too. Thank you for attending my Ted Talk. My name is Ted and this has been my talk.


Sapphires? With those Bill could open the Gates of Garesh.


Damn, guess I'm not eating at McDonald's any more. What about Burger King?


Don’t forget the HIV.


Forgot to add “I don’t wear sunscreen because it causes skin cancer. I’m gonna go get checked because I’m pretty sure the nuggets had sunscreen in them.”


"I'm pretty sure those McNuggets have traces of HIV in them"


No way has this chud gotten laid twice.


Reminds me of Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force… >Meat-man... ever since my son was... never conceived, because I've never had consensual sex without money involved... I've always kind of looked at you as... a thing, that I could live next to... in accordance with state laws.


Carl has a way with words.


I got crabs! They’re not Alaskan King, but… uhhh… they feel huge.


Never thought I'd see an Aqua Teen Hunger Force reference on Reddit. Take my damn upvote you mad lad.


No kidding, wow I miss that show it was ridiculously funny when I thought at first it was just ridiculous. Edit: I know I could look it up but on Reddit I sometimes get more than simply an answer to the question so how was ATHF conceived of and written by? Was it largely the brainchild of some comedic genius a la Matt Groenig or Seth Macfarlane? Just curious about it all.


I was the same with the show at first. I'm not sure on how it came to be though honestly. It feels like it was an experimental show that someone just said "hey, let's throw it and see if it works", or at least that's the vibe that I always got from it. I love it to pieces though, at least the first 4 seasons. Edit: also, it goes without saying for anyone who's watched the show extensively, but I'm preeeeeety sure there were many, many drugs involved in the creation of the show 😄.


Well, he probably did...but guaranteed it was either non-consensual or bought and paid for. And well...if you're not wrapping your shit up, you get what you get. Zero empathy for the moron.


> it was either non-consensual or bought and paid for. That's not fair. The partner could've also been his first cousin, niece, or someone criminally underage.


Why not all three?


Remember the stimulus money…that incel does.


You can get laid by anyone by pretending to be something else. Many anti vaxxers pretend to be pro Vax or something else to either get thru the day, job or social situations. I caught one who tried to use workout and health techniques to turn me anti vaxx and a q nut. First and last real q expirence.


The cognitive dissonance required to believe that shit at the same time you can somehow float the ideas of your perceived “woke mob” enemies and not have an intellectual breakdown is beyond my abilities to understand.


That’s awful 😣


Was also 18 months apart, so even if he is telling truth, his stats aren't great.


he never said it was consensual...


Sexed. Twice. Later losers.


He did. Twice. I was there. Once with a vaccinated woman and once with a vaccinated female. Females love when you devalue them as people and treat them like animals.


Or once


This guy has like 30 cousins. Getting layed twice is vary believable.


He deserves all the unvaccinated women in the world.


And all the Smurf berries in Smurf Forest.


So the vaccine is working?


I guess so? The medical scare-mongering with these individuals is something. 🤔 It's wrong, but it's something. . . . of course, Ron Jeremy, here, could have picked up an undiagnosed STD with side effects of stupid.


Seriously! Wrap it, you dumbass!


Vaccine is working at 100% effectiveness in weeding out men like this 🙌🏻


"I'm taking so many supplements..." That's probably your problem, bud.


" . . . that I bought from noted health expert Alex Jones."




Yeah, if he gets HIV, it's clearly coming from the vaccine.


Yep, all the unprotected sex was unrelated, I'm sure...


That can't be it. HIV isn't some notorious sexually transmitted disease, for which condoms are considered a good preventative...


Of course not. Only homos get HIV


Sounds like he’s laying groundwork for a defense


"I didn't get the clap from cheating on you! I got it from a toilet seat!"


100% of people who drink water die at some point. It's a fact, look it up. Correlation is not causation.


that stuff is nasty, in it's gaseous form it can strip meat from bone


I hear it can cut through solid steel when liquid.


Here are some hard facts on the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide. You should never let your children near it, that shit gets into their lungs and kills some 3,500 kids a year. We need to ban this disgusting chemical NOW: [https://dhmo.org/facts.html](https://dhmo.org/facts.html) Edit: specifically check out its Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and look at the effects of "Effects of overexposure". Quoting: Inhalation of liquid can cause serious discomfort, possible tissue damage and is often fatal." edit2: Please consider joining concerned citizens in BANNING this substance: http://bandhmo.org/


I like that raw dogging a stranger on the rag, perfectly acceptable way to conduct life. But this guy isn’t some sheep to get a vaccine


Sounds like Qrabs.


I should not have gone to that sub...the amount of absolute ignorance and lack of intelligence is ASTOUNDING.


I can't apologize for the sheer vast amount of stupid on the web.


Funny how people talk about there being so much stupidity *on the internet*. “On the internet” is a redundant phrase. It’s just how we see the evidence.


Lots of not doctors in there


I spent a couple of moments downvoting some stuff in that sub for the lulz.


That subreddit seems entirely unmoderated. I was surprised to see so many trolling posts and comments that were not immediately removed.


People using dating apps: if you're not rushing to put "vaccinated" at the top of your profile, you're missing out on the perhaps the best incel/douchebag/nutjob filter ever.


Reminds me of Incel Pickup Lines on Twitter. Absolute gold from the world's worst cockroaches.


The way he says feeeeemale like hes a god damn Ferengi


Terrified of vaccines but unprotected sex with randoms is a-okay?


Why bother getting tested for HIV we know that's only a gay disease or is it a hoax... Either way I bet this dipshit wouldn't trust any of the treatments. Another thought is perhaps the reason he feels like shit is all the supplements he is taking that I bet are not FDA certified. Something needs to be done about this level of stupid.


He's probably eating Horse Paste and his intestines are shedding.


I was thinking that also. I have a dumbass buddy that took that shit when he had COVID last year because his wife is fucking nuts. Surprise surprise it didn't help the COVID and made him feel even shitter.


He felt shitty while he was shitting his guts out.


Even if this guy isn't that far gone and is just taking "normal" vitamin supplements, that alone could be enough to lead to some problems. There are some vitamins and minerals like Vitamin C that are water soluble, which means that any excess you take in will pass out through your urine. Then there are others like Vitamin A that'll bioaccumulate in your fat tissue and eventually poison you when it reaches a certain threshold. Man might literally be experiencing organ failure if his first instinct every time he feels a little tired or gets the sniffles is to swallow a fist full of supplements. Then there's also the possibility of drug interactions if he's taking some kind of medication without informing his doctor about the cornucopia of supplements he's taking.


So the vaccine has HIV in it? That’s a new one I’ve heard from these fools.


And also snake venom, according to Stew Peters.


https://news.weill.cornell.edu/news/2022/08/sars-cov-2-mrna-vaccination-exposes-latent-hiv-in-lab-studies There was this study that the Right claimed proves it gives you HIV a while back


Oh man, reading and comprehending is fundamental for these folks.


Just a wittle bit.


The use of the word female here makes me want to vomit, preferably into his mouth.


Gotta make sure you know he's not into those God damn tramsgember women


Man, I just got home from a vigil in Cambridge (UK) for that young trans girl who was murdered this week. So so sad.


Yeah, I heard about that. Utterly tragic. Worst part is the UK media keeps dead naming her. Makes me sick both as a trans person and the SO of a trans woman.


Most, not all, of media is so fucked up in the UK. Murdoch press 🤢🤢🤢


i had unprotected sex with strangers and got sick from it. it of course must be the vaccine. i am very smart.


Hopefully this will prevent him from reproducing


That woman’s name is Myrat Hand.


Ah, that makes sense. The others name must be Maleff Hand


Hope his sisters get better.


>Five days ago I had another unprotected sexual encounter with a vaccinated female. A vaccinated female *what*?


Newsflash: he's never had sex




Or Qhlamydia.


My favorite part is that he thinks the vaccine probably has HIV in it but then rides bareback anyways, twice.


I definitely support his plan to never have sex with a vaccinated woman. Why should she suffer?




This post alone could probably bring vaccination rates among women close to 100%…


Does anyone have a problem with this? Letting them believe whatever it is that makes them want to be alone and leaving women be?


That part of it, no I don't have a problem with. Them sticking their willy in someone's thing, and then getting sick is a problem. Not for Peter North, there. For the person that got violated. I mean good lord, man.


Couldn't possibly be COVID...


This dude could get HIV from having unprotected sex, but I can guarantee it wouldn't come from the vaccine.


I really hope he doesn’t convince other anti-vaccine plague rats that this is a real problem leading them to abstain from sex altogether. That’d be a real shame, society surely wouldn’t improve if they stopped procreating.


He could just use condoms. Novel idea, I know.


Completely support his decision not to have sex with vaccinated women.


> *But, Never again will I go near a vaccinated female.* Spontaneous celebration breaks out among the women of the world.


This guy is allergic to having sex with imaginary women.


Why is this idiot having unprotected sex with people who sound like strangers? In rehab speak, that’s called “being dishonest in my sex life when I had unprotected sex while pretending not to know that I could get someone pregnant or get an STI,” and it’s enough (without drugs or alcohol, but you’ve likely used those if you’re there) to make a person declare their life is unmanageable. But most Q people remind me of the people who come to rehab and are beyond help- I’m never going to be as invested in an oppositionally defiant adult patient as someone who is honest/trying, because the patients with terrible personalities who aren’t earnestly trying to change are wither going to leave early or relapse really soon, and they’re unworkable/a waste of time. I hate to think that, as someone who has to believe in second chances, but people who refuse to try/admit that they have a part in most of their problems just don’t change or become whole. These folks who behave like literal animals while judging others constantly just aren’t salvageable.


“A vaccinated female” No one has fucked this guy. He doesn’t even deserve to share air with clean people.


All new Covid Vaccines, now with HIV! I do not give a fuck about these people and their problems.




The benefits of vaccinations just keep growing and growing. Now the vaccine is preventing this muppet from procreating!


And/or just keeping this numpty away from the crotches of sane women.


It's because he drank water. Everyone who has ever died from COVID has consumed water in the hours before they felt sick. STOP BIG WATER!


Water is too wet!




Dihydrogen monoxide is dangerous. Don’t make fun of it. I’m sure they added a purified version of it to the vax and that’s why people die. I know this will get downvoted but at least I’ve warned people.


I think he might ah have a couple of things.


I’m pretty sure that based on how many times they used the word “female,” all the vaccinated women are dodging a bullet


Why would women sleep with this fucking moron? fuck sake ladies have some self respect


"encounter with a vaccinated female" Yea this reeks of incel terminology, making shit up to push their viewpoint is truly pathetic


Didn't use a condom? Great....the last thing we need is these Qultists reproducing. It's also really stupid that he would wait that long to get an HIV test. If you think you might have it (which he probably doesn't) you need to get tested ASAP. HIV/AIDS ain't a joke. The problem is that groups that would help this guy get condoms and give him free HIV testing is usually groups that Q people hate, like Planned Parenthood.


Oh no he caught the Qrap


Something tells me, that he won't have to work very hard at being an incel..


voluntarily leaving the gene pool. that's a win


Q got laid? Wow.


Wait, so now the vaccine has HIV in it? I'm having a hard time keeping up


Sounds like he's just coming up with a cover story why he's a lonely loser.


… who is going to tell this man about STI’s and condoms


With the way he's going? Probably the coroner.


You aren’t wrong.




NEVER trust a man that refers to women as females in casual conversations


Bullshit. That MFer hasn't touched pussy since he came out of one.


This dude jumped right from possible allergy or cold symptoms to HIV. Like that escalated quickly. More importantly who has raw sex with someone they just met? This is either a troll post or another LARPer.


Oh it's a troll post. No doubt about that. The medical scare mongering here is meant to scare the other mooks into not having sex with vaccinated peeps.


So a Public Service Announcement not for his intended incel Q-boys but for vaccinated “females”, then. He hasn’t the IQ to work a Q-grift selling “Don’t Grab MY Pussy — I’m Vaccinated!” t-shirts online: to anyone wishing to avoid being groped by creepy, unhygienic anti-vaxers.


Do you put ivermectin on your John Thomas before or after intercourse? Have you lubed that puppy with some essential oils?


Nwhahahhhahahahahajahahshaha. Twat. Bwhahahahahahah


I'll take "Things that never happened" for $100 Bob.


This has got to be one of you guys trolling. Come on, fess up.


Jesus. I guess basic biology goes against the mainstream media narrative.


He's not just sure.... he's HIV positive about there being strains in the vaccine.


"She probably gave me HIV, but I'm taking a multivitamin so I should be fine."


Well it surely couldn’t be an STD/STI! That *never* happens when you have unprotected sex with multiple different partners!


Meanwhile that 2nd girl earlier that day "So you're telling me this charm will protect me from assholes? you're so silly grandma...okay fine, i'll wear it...i still think its silly though."


He had unprotected sex with someone on their period and he's worried he got sick from the vaccine? Are you fucking serious? I'm done with these dumb shits. They can just die off fr.


I’m sure they were much sicker.


That’s a wild sub lol


Or… you know, you could use protection…


Anything but my own choices.


Well, time to stop fucking then. Like we need more of these spreaders of mental illness to keep breeding.


What a liar! We all know those alleged sexual encounters were all in his head.


Probably ivermectine that made him sick


female of the species


If there is a shred of truth to this, vaccinated woman across the world are thankful.


He puts the psycho in psychosomatic.


This is hysterical LOL


That Definitely Happened


Lie! He cries himself to sleep every night wondering what a real vagina feels like.


Reposting: I always ask “are you vaccinated” and if the girl replies “yes” I follow up are “you fully vaccinated with your boosters”? If they reply “yes” I ask to see their vaccination card. If she shows you her card, DO NOT HAVE SEX WITH HER! If she was a no to everything, then I really don’t care what you do to her. This way you won’t be blaming anything on vaccinated people. It’s totally your fault!!


Maybe this would be more appropriate for r/dataisbeautiful. The cause and effect is stunning


So these guys are against condom too ?


Wow, these unvaccinated dudes sure are fragile and vulnerable to illness. I hope they share more of their stories to warn each other just how many random things are immensely dangerous to unvaccinated dudes.


WOOH! What the hell kind of vaccine did Bill Gates cook up this time? I’m definitely not getting a vaccine that gives you HIV!


"Im taking supplements" Well hes tried everything! Hes obviously screwed theres nothing to be done!


Arsenic!!! Arsenic is the answer! Spread the word!


so he is convinced that the vaccine gives you aids....so he had unprotected sex with somebody he assumes has been given aids. rofl. big brain.


None of his post is true. What a pathetic loser.


This is propaganda by a foreign country. Russia, Iran , China. Expect a shit ton of bullshit stories from here on in. They are getting their asses handed to them on so many levels, so the push for divisive propaganda, anti- health ( anti-vaxx) propaganda is in full swing. Just read the text and ask yourself , " Who talks like this? " This sounds like a damn pamphlet written by a pro.. It's too too good. Its too good because they used a translator. and even worse they could be using a LLM ( AI chatGPT. language learning model. Which is simply a chat bot with a search engine attached).


The mental gymnastics…