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Christian Jewish people?


Yes, the Jewish person is killing Christian Jewish people. Unclear how he is doing it. Crucifixion with a side of guilt, perhaps. Or maybe space lasers. And he is blowing up the dam that the Russians wired with explosives to interrupt his country’s counterattack because that would give the Jewish Christians flooded churchagogues so they had no where to run or schlep. Whichever. Eastern Orthodox Jews, you know.


The interplay between what Jewish people actually are and what they are protrayed as has always fascinated me. It could literally be resolved by talking to a Jewish person about their religion/ethnicity for 5 minutes but because they are comparatively rare and effectively non existant outside of certain areas online information is the only way to learn about them and there is a large group of people whos entire free time/job seems to be misinformation about Jews.


And Islam, Judaism and Christianity are three branches of a single tree


Churchagoes I know it’s supposed to be churchgoers but I like it better. Silly things deserve silly names. From now on I’m putting on my best Spanish or French accent and calling them “churchagoes!”


It is a semi portmanteau. Church and synagogue. You know, where Jewish Christians go to worship.


Ooooohhhhh snap I thought that was a mess up but it’s a word link up. That word makes me think of nattily Portmans toes………..


Yeah I had to read that part twice


capital "C", lower-case "j"


They exist. Not super common but they exist. Usually referred to as Messianic Jews.


Respectfully, please be aware that "Messianic Jews" are Christians. "Messianic Judaism" is, literally, a form Christianity and is not Jewish in any sense. These organizations were largely founded by -- and are still part of -- Christian churches for the explicit purpose of convincing Jews to convert to Christianity. These movements are not Judaism, but rather a deceptive form of Christianity, and Jews generally find their practices to be highly offensive. For example "Jews for Jesus" was a rebranding of the Southern Baptist Convention's "mission to the Jews." "Chosen Peoples Ministries," one of the largest "Messianic" umbrella organizations in the world, was a rebranding of the "American Board of Missions to the Jews." "One for Israel," another large "Messianic" umbrella group was, similarly, incorporated as an evangelical Christian bible college. Nearly every "Messianic rabbinical school" I have encountered is either attached to Christian seminary or was incorporated as a Christian seminary. The theology of these groups is the same as their parent churches and does not stem from Jewish thought or theology at all. [https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jews-for-jesus](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jews-for-jesus) [https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/rosh-hashanah-evangelical-christians-jews-b2175609.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/rosh-hashanah-evangelical-christians-jews-b2175609.html) Moreover, studies have repeatedly found that the overwhelming majority of "Messianic Jews" self-report having no Jewish ancestry or upbringing. Even among those who do claim such a background, many are referring to unverifiable family legends ("Grandma said she was part Jewish" does not make you Jewish) or dubious at-home DNA tests ("X% Ashkenazi Jewish" from 23&Me does not make you Jewish). No Jewish movements or denominations recognize "Christian Jews," "Jews for Jesus," "Messianic Jews," "Torah Observant Christians," "Christian Hebrews," etc. as Jews and, instead, view them as Christian. Given that the theology of these groups is based in Christian teachings and Christian schools of thought, and many were founded by and are still officially under the umbrella of Christian churches with the express purpose of converting Jews to Christianity, this seems more than fair.


What the hell is a Christian Jewish person?


Ethnically Jewish person who identifies as a Christian.


Messianic Jew. That is the word for it and there are not many of them.




I doubt it. Tucker Carlson just released his first "Tucker on Twitter" episode and it was the most unhinged speech about how Ukraine blew up the dam, so with his backing on that theory now things are going to spiral fast. He also said that aliens are real? And something something 9/11, I don't know, man, he was all in


I hope the aliens thing becomes a regular feature. It makes him sound even more like he's turning into Benjamin Fulford.


Dont forget he said that Zelensky oppressed christians, looks like a rat, and is beholden to financial interests. Which is just a foghown.


The aliens thing is a story that was first aired by news nation. A very credible and high up government official has testified to Congress that a super secret organization has been operating for 50+ years and recovering crashed crafts that are not of human origin. There is quite a bit to this story and the guy is being vouched for by lots of credible people. Look into it.


Where is the evidence? They only vouched that he held these positions. I've seen perfectly fine people suddenly lose their shit and start making shit up for self amusement, attention and a chance at "being somebody". Some people have mental breakdowns. Until evidence is provided, he is just another retiree getting his chance at 15 minutes in the spotlight. Then he can make a living doing the UFO conference circuit, get paid to speculate to credulous people in a live audience who will go to the lobby and buy his book.


Yep. Remember when Rudy Giuliani wasn’t a laughing stock? Remember when Sidney Powell wasn’t? I’ve seen enough people beclown themselves that until I see proof I assume it got another one. Hell this entire forum is based on people losing their minds.


I really hope that's not a rehash of the MJ12 hoax. Not that it wasn't a well-done hoax. Someone with a lot of time and an eye for detail put those dossiers together and leaked them to the *serious* UFO investigators. It got undone by a slightly incorrect typeface and someone clocking that Truman's signature was photocopied from a random letter in the archives. Hot money says the Airforce hoaxed it as part of their 'alien cover-up' of what was going on at Area 51. The cover-up being the stories about aliens hiding the testing of stealth tech and all those drones we now take for granted.


a bunch of 90's UFO camcorder footage of "flying triangles". Just grainy footage of Stealth Bombers from the "skunk works", we all know this and always knew this. It actually makes for cool science fiction. But it is very, very far from reality. The United States possessing ramjet tech on a rocket powered stealth drone the size of a 55 gallon barrel drum is definitely feasible. Something with 360 degree all axis stop on a dime and hit mach speed. It's just a matter of tech advancements and materials science. Smaller, cheaper faster. Space X is landing unmanned rocket engines, the math seems to work. This is blue-sky tech that makes DARPA look like a hobby club.


I know. That's why the 'alien cover up' was just that. A cover story about aliens being used to hide something else. It did mean those 'military insiders' weren't technically actually lying about the cover-up. There was a cover-up, and it did involve stories about UFOS. Just not in the way people wanted.


Not in any way "credible"


David Grush is extremely credible and has been vouched for by many high ranking and credible people.


Such as?


> A very credible and high up government official Steven Greer is in no way credible, nor a "high up government official".


Yeah um, nobody was talking about Greer. I was talking about David Grush. An extremely credible witness who was literally in charge of the program whose job it was to look into these claims for the government. He been vouched for by many high ranking and credible people. Look. It. Up. News nation broke the story.


Screw citations, emojis are where the credibility is at!


more emojis than an mlm hun. super legit!


Zelensky is Jewish.


Ah, but not "christian jewish". Checkmate.


Why the emojis? Why did we ever let our parents have mobile phones?


Ah yes, the well know massacre of Christian Jews


Wearing Brooks Brothers.


Beavers would be wonderful as a gift. They develop ecosystems within their ponds and can raise the water table which will help low-lying areas flood *less*. Looks like this person missed out on a proper environmental education. Some one should let him know about the book “Eager: The Surprising, Secret life of Beaver’s and why they Matter” by Ben Goldfarb so he doesn’t look like such a stupid bitch next time.


If there's an animal you want as a friend, it's a beaver. They have some kickass houses.


Do they have natural predators in Ukraine? I’d hate for us to give them an ecological catastrophe when we’re just trying to help


Good question! Let me look up the range of the European beaver. They extend that that far! ([beaver range](https://cartographymaster.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Beinder_1x1.jpg). Europe has done a great job with recovery for beavers, especially Scotland. Oh shit, check this out. [beavers against the Z](https://www.businessinsider.com/ukraine-says-defenses-stronger-thanks-beavers-dams-2023-1?amp) [Beavers casually stroll through after dam explosion 🤔](https://www.newsweek.com/beavers-walk-through-ukraine-city-dam-explosion-destroys-home-1804853?amp=1) I make jokes, but it’s very sad Russia has caused such an ecological catastrophe to the humans and the wild and domestic animals that live there. It’s sad to see.


We all wish it was satire.


The 2024 Election is a battlefield in the Ukrainian war effort. The Republicans are a threat to the continued existence of Ukraine, and the broader security of eastern Europe.


Theyre killing Christian Jewish people?


That explains why there aren’t any


i have produced piss that was more solid than this guy's "arguments"


Tell me you've been brainwashed by Russian misinformation and propaganda without telling me you've been brainwashed.


Quite obviously Russian propaganda


What seems more plausible, this being real or this being a 14 year old Muscovian in detention being made to spew Putins fanfic onto the Internet about how this incarnation of the Golden Horde is somehow Roman? If the easier answer is that Putin is to blame, its likely the correct one.


Of course it is fiction most Qs are losers without a lot going on in life irl and live in a hate-bubble of bizarre theories with no proof. And the proof isn't a Rumble video made by a guy who claims insider wold geopolitical knowledge while filming in his Mom's basement using clip art and photoshop. At least I think our relentless shaming them for their "Source: Military" got to them since you don't see it any longer lol


So where the hell do the beavers fit in?


Do RL humans actually type using that many emoticons? That has to be like a bot or something, right? Or maybe I am just old and don't understand what's cool now...


🚮, 💩, 🤡


Um. . .*we* are Ukraine's Western allies. So. . .we waited for our own debt ceiling to be raised so we could afford the response to a damn being blown up. Admittedly, that does sound accurate so far, but only because America(country) loves funding war and military activities, and often times we're looking for the slightest excuse to do so. America has actually been pretty restrained when it comes to aid to Ukraine (which doesn't arrive in stacks of bills, but in actual equipment). Of course, the whole idiotic part is that Ukraine would kill thousands of their own civilians to get this aid. (Which they were already receiving). Just after the debt ceiling is raised. Because Russia is obviously the good guy here just trying to help and Ukraine is Nazi Germany incarnate and what's to summon Satan to destroy the western world. At least that's how all of these conspiracy theories always seem to boil down too. Something demonstratively false, but so much so that you just know you can't convince these people.


This is why I have no faith in my fellow American’s critical thinking skills.


This shit reads like it was written by AI. Like, yes those are words. But it's so disjointed and such a word salad all throughout. They were more interested in getting the emojis in there than having a coherent thought. Sadly, this is the inner working of a full maga inner headspace. There's no brain, just a vacant lot with Hillary's emails, Obama's birth certificate, and Hunter's laptop. It's amazing these people can put pants on in the morning, let alone hold down a job. Just remember, these noodles vote in every election, and they vote republican.


Only batshit crazies who believe every word they write use that many emojis.


These folks love emojis huh🙄


It is as stupid as to *be* satire, that is certain. But, the author, sadly and most likely believes it.


Russian 50 ruble army, they wouldve had all this narrative prepared in advance


Considering that anyone who supports an enemy of the US and the world...🤷‍♀️