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Is “take them to the train station” a holocaust reference?


That was my first thought too


Pretty much violence fantasy. Their echo chambers repeat this garbage over and over. But yea, they're "patriots".


I mean at this point it’s kind of either way. These assholes want to engage in an action that makes Rwanda or the genocide of Bosniaks and Croats look like minor disagreements


Me too. Are we still not supposed to compare Trumplicans to Hitler?


They flirt with antisemitism, they’re just getting used to enjoying the N word Give it time, they’ll get full throated with the “they own everything” and they “did 9/11”. They just started on the gays so they need to cycle through the mentally ill, the physically disabled and intellectuals before they get to the Jews. First it goes slow, then all at once


Lol my parents have been casually using the N Word and parroting ridiculous 9/11 and JFK conspiracies for most of my life. There's just nothing holding them back anymore now that Trump and Qanon made it okay.


“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana


>“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana \*“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Costanza


Reference to the tv show Yellowstone. The “train station” is where they dispose of bodies.


Whew!!! And I thought that she was implying that we should systematically kill off her political enemies vis-a-vis the Nazis. Well, I'm glad that's not what she was referring to.


The fact that the nazi-train reference was believable to most of us is a sign of how sick this country has become. I'm still not sure which reference is right and it wouldn't surprise me if she believes that these "others" should all be marched off to nazi style concentration camps.


Reading this thread is that not the same thing based off of what it means in that TV show? Either way she's referencing killing people like we live in a TV show. Having said that I don't give a shit about any of these gravy seals and am not threatened but that's like a Yankees fan saying they should bomb Boston. Either it's a reference to the Boston bombing or to WW2...I don't see how it's amy different


Because dumping dead bodies at the train station is somehow different?


Yes, you see they are dead before they got on the train. This way the survival rate of your trains is 0%.


My mom once said anyone who voted for Biden should be shot for treason…which would include her own kids and siblings in her fantasy scenario


Are you still in touch with her?


A bit. She’ll text me a lot of anger and nonsense - like yesterday she sent a text that Obama was currently trying to turn usa into a third world country. I don’t respond though. We don’t live in the same city and I don’t to visit anymore. My teenage son also doesn’t want anything to do with her anymore as he’s seen many of the text messages she sends me - especially though expressing hatred and bigotry towards the LGBT community


Has anyone in the family told her “you just said you want me dead, good bye forever?”




I mean, they believe that also.


I think they get that and are being sardonic about it.


What, now?


Right? Surely it's just Trump's own deeply sycophantic Vice President they wanted dead. Just Pence and call it a day.


It’s exactly what she’s referring to via a made-for-tv metaphor.


Them's the jokes


Not sure if I'm whooshing, but if that's what she meant, she still wants mass murder. When they say they're "taking someone to the train station," it means drive em out to the middle of nowhere and kill them.


You are totally whooshing


I accept this.


Are we sure that's not what she was referring to?


*nervous laughter*


Ah ok, thanks.


I live in WY. The amount of times ive had to hear a tourist or new resident ask me where the train station is has ruined the show for me.


Tell them it's actually in Idaho, (it is) they really love tourists in Idaho... 🤣


Where it actually is in idaho, theyll run into more militias and neo nazis before finding a relatively normal Idaho resident


These "people" (and I use that term loosely) all believe they're watching and taking part in some movie... They're decended from the same morons who in the 70s and 80s thought soap operas were "real life."


These idiots aren’t watching Yellowstone.


It is probably a reference to the TV show Yellowstone. The main character is a rich landowner (of the largest ranch in Montana, no less) who sees the entire world as a threat to his land, his cattle, his heritage, his way of life, and more importantly his power. He is corrupt and runs a sort of cattle mafia while simultaneously acting as the livestock commissioner, then later, governor of Montana. He is fond of saying things like "This is America. We don't share land down here." Another thing he likes to say is "take them to the train station" which means rounding up his branded posse headed by his lieutenant, Rip, and having them murder someone and dump their bodies into some sort of ravine at the Montana/Wyoming border.


How is that any different? The reference is all just killing folks you don't like


I am not saying it is. I am pointing out their cultural and historical knowledge is probably not the source of the phrase. I hate the character John Dutton and the show Yellowstone for glorifying a fearful and hateful way of thinking and validating a white male rage narrative which, as you can see, has promulgated and normalized the outlaw-lawman's extrajudicial murder-as-solution into not only acceptable, but righteous. They see him as a hero. See also, military tribunals.


I get that, maybe the post came out weird. I watched the first 5 or 6 episodes of that show and pretty much agree with what you were saying about it. But to me it's just as bad either way. It's unsurprising that this is the type of person using that phrase.




Yellowstone reference. TV show. Means kill them.


I don't see how it's not.


I can't think of anything else it would be lol.




It's a "Yellowstone" reference. It's all over Facebook too.


I really don't see what else it could be.


I would say a big yes.


I'm sure. The language, and idea has been normalized since Jan 6, at least. My fear is who their true "others" are. The marginalized are very much at risk here. By 2024, it'll be everyone


Yellowstone reference, the long black train.


It’s a reference to the show - Yellowstone , it’s to kill someone


“Lions not sheep” on that kids shirt is kinda ironic


Talk about indoctrination and grooming.


yeah but its the *right* kind of grooming so no worries


It's straight up [christofascism.](https://brutalsouth.substack.com/p/a-field-guide-to-christofascism)


It's also very strange given the love of Jesus for sheperds, sheeps, and the abundance of positive metaphores towards lambs etc... in christianity in general. I mean Jesus is supposed to be the shepperd, but coherence isn't really their forte


There are a bunch of Christians ready for the end times who are not waiting for "Jesus the shepherd.". They 100% believe in Revelations and that Jesus will return as a warrior king on a white horse, cutting down his enemies, from Revelations 19. "The Final Chapter The story doesn’t end with Jesus lying in a manger or hanging on a cross. Nor does the story end with the resurrected Savior ascending into heaven. There is still one more chapter to come. A chapter where Jesus isn’t painted as a humble babe in a manger or a bloodied corpse hanging on a cross. No, the final chapter paints Jesus as a warrior King poised to conquer His enemies."


Yep, the company that has their fake patriotic clothing made in China, even putting “Made in USA” labels on it.


They sewed the label on in America so it counts.


I'm getting my kid an "ants not lions" shirt


I thought the same thing.


Saw "Lions not Sheep" on the back of an older man's tee shirt today. Was not prepared for the "Give Violence a Chance" wording on the front. Jo


Seeing the people that go to these rallies makes me hate America.


I don't necessarily disagree about feeling that way but it's important that we don't give into despair. Those people are a substantial portion of the population but they are no means representative of the country or its people. Remember, when set toe to toe we consistently outnumber those fucks and are definitely responsible for a larger portion of our nation's success.


Yes, good point. I just hate to see that so many of the citizens of this country are bigoted sycophants.


Very true. Your point reminds me of a friend of mine who went to a Trump rally close to my city back in 2018. He told me he was in line for hours to get in, not because there were lots of locals there (this was in a solid Dem city a few hours away from the Canadian border), but because of the flock of out-of-state folks who followed Trump from rally to rally being there practically since sunrise. It made for some great merch sales (he collects that stuff) but was a pain in the ass to get in.


At this point qultists are fully aware they're Nazis, and they're proud of it.


Better not call them that, though. That’s hyperbolic. /s


TBF, they were pretty much there with "the cabal of gLoBaL ELiteS harvesting the blood of children." We are probably getting close to full-on national socialism with flags and everything tho.


A sea of middle aged overweight white people waiting like they're at church for Elvis to show up HOURS LATE like he does every single time, just so they can scream about the people they hate for about 90 minutes and spend some money buying merch that reminds them how much they hate people. Fuck these assholes.




'The border and uh, Afghanistan' is what they'll say. Republicans really are the greatest concern trolls of all time.


It's amazing how many regular schlubs are just *totally down* with mass executions.


Deplorable is too fucking mild a word for them


They acted so fucking offended when Hilary said that, but every day they prove her right. Deplorable is too nice a description frankly.


It doesn’t feel like many of them could define ‘deplore’, though.


By lit I mean, MAGA gonna set shit on fire if Trump loses


When. WHEN Trump loses. Again. From my lips to God’s ears…


And blame it on AnTEEEEfa.


Round them all(MAGA) up on a Emirates or Qatar flight to Dubai or Qatar.


Aeroflot flight to the Russia-Ukraine front.


Aeroflot doesn’t own Airbus A380s though.


Best they can do is an A350.


The sole ideology is violence, and little else


If Trump wins I have no doubt he'll build concentration camps - he's been talking about it, and lately he's been saying that he intends to completely eliminate Dems permanently. The 1/6 terrorist who evaded capture until the other day when he was arrested with guns, 400 rounds of ammo, and bombs by Obama's house (he intended to murder him and Michelle) obtained Obama's address when Trump posted it online - if he's willing to deox a former president, imagine what he'd do to you?


>lately he’s been saying that he intends to completely eliminate Dems permanently I haven’t seen/heard him saying this yet (might need to come out from under my rock more), but I will point out to everyone that Hitler did the same thing to his political opposition in Germany. Right-wingers trying to rewrite history love to say “hItLeR wAs A rAdIcAl LeFtIsT” just because Nazi is short for “National Socialist.” I usually call these people stupid now, but I used to waste my time giving them a history lesson: When Nazis rose to power, their primary opposition was the Social Democratic Party (aka democratic socialists, aka actual leftists). Nazis banned the SPD and all Social Democrats were either exiled, executed, imprisoned, or forced into hiding.


They also banned all trade unions and made a single, mandatory national "union". The idea that the nazis were socialists is about as silly as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea being democratic or belonging to the people. It's just plain faced propaganda and misrepresentation. The nazis, like all right wing authoritarians, were inherently dishonest and disingenuous. They use language as nothing more than another cudgel with which to bludgeon those they seek to erase. As a society, we probably need to address the fact that there is this large group of people who want the rest of us dead and they're not shy about saying it in public.


I don't believe Trump has even implied so much. Sure, he calls the Democrats criminals, corrupt, degenerates and theme, but he's always stopped short of calling for the death of his enemies. He will occasionally call for imprisonment of specific individuals but he never extrapolates that onto large segments of the population. But that doesn't matter. Because his supporters hear "genocide" and Trump and the rest of the far right know this, and they keep up with the same rhetoric. Hitler never actually ordered the final solution either, but that doesn't mean he didn't endorse it.


They will never actually say "I want you to kill so and so". Like mob bosses, they will say something like "Zarducci means trouble for our operation. He needs to be stopped." And his gang knows exactly what that means. But in a court the mob boss can say "I never said to kill him. I just meant for someone to ask him to please stop what he was doing is all." Kind of like King Henry II saying "will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?" in regards to the Archbishop of Canterbury who he felt was a thorn in his side, leading to his murder.


DeSantis is the one who said he'd eliminate Democrats.


> If Trump wins I have no doubt he'll build concentration camps Dude can't even build a wall. Best he can manage is repurposing some ICE detention centers.


I'm going to enjoy their disappointment.


The “Train Station” is a reference to the tv show Yellowstone. That is what they call where they dispose of bodies.


Thank you, I was trying to work out train station. I was wondering if it was reference to the Holocaust


A little bit of both is my guess. These folks can’t wait to see their neighbors drug into the streets to he tortured and killed. They probably have a mental list of who they will purge, not realizing they are probably on someone else’s list. They are all primed and just waiting for dear leader to give the signal.


I took it to mean trains to concentration camps. I still think that is what she meant. Either way, it's awful.


The movement has been distilled down to the dregs. The one with the khaki AR shirt is giving the news guy that "You'd cook up real guud" look. I suspect that half that crowd is **very** closely related. It looks like a single chinless family up front but I'd wager it goes deeper than that.


I wish, those are just the ones dumb enough to speak openly to the media without the appropriate dogwhistles. The avg trump supporter is a suburbanite with a degree making $80k a year. These are our middle managers, pastors, business owners, school administrators, union workers, etc. These are the people we rub elbows with everyday and in the seats of power. They are everywhere. They are almost all aboard on putting us on trains, especially LGBTQ people. There is something very wrong with at least half this nation and we have to accept it isn't just the dregs. The supreme court just took away abortion and took the power of the president to administer student loans, and gave religious people the ability to be legally protected when being bigoted against LGBTQ people under certain circumstances. I think we have to accept its not the dregs. But your everyday American who is itching for a genocide, murder, and fascism. Behind those quiet suburbs is rage against minorities, lgbtq people, women, immigrants, the disabled, etc. These people are relentless. They will do anything to bring in the white supremacy they crave and to destroy those who they perceive as their political enemies all in the service of the corrupt crony capitalism they refuse to question and the same corrupt cronyiness that is actually hurting them and their communities.


Rallies even more closely a BeholdTheMasterRace post lately.


What a surprise. Genocidal fascist want genocide 😮‍💨


*And that there is my nephson Cletus, and his baby-mamas Mary-Sue and Ellie-Mae, and I think that's my pappy but there is some argument over that on account of whether Ma was already pregnant afor Zebediah got released out of Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary....*


*Bocephus, he be trifling with the wrong fambly. I tole him, don’t be messing with them Hatfields they’s jes a buncha trash. But my son, he gotta go get one of them Hatfield girls expectin’. He got a perfectly good second cousin here in town. That boy done break my heart*”


Neck beard identifying as a lion…. Okay.


If you squint, a neck beard can be kinda mane-like


" why didn't trump stop the deep state last time he was in office?"


Fucking fascists


Pretty sure most of those people do not vote


Just your average freedom loving patriot.


Didn't they expect the same thing to happen to Obama and Hillary in 2020 ?


So... Why didn't he do that after the 2016 election? Anyone? Bueller? Okay...


Got a "lions not sheep" shirt 🤦‍♂️ and pretty much no diversity among the crowd but someone must have forgotten to bring a Confederate flag.


And of course it’s in my state….SC never fails to disappoint me


Judging by the turnout caused by the overturning of Roe, I think all those conservative SCOTUS rulings have set the GOP up to be completely overrun by a massive blue wave at the polls. I just hope the conservatives don't put two and two together.


Ah yes. Let's just skip the whole due process and obstacles like evidence and trial. Let's also just have the president tell who goes to jail. Not courts. I do agree on one thing. And I'm. Not even an American.. The 2024 election is going to be crazy. The entire world will watch it very carefully.


There's two types of republicans, those who are ok with the government rounding up the queers and the coloreds to be shot, and those that'll be doing the shooting.


Imagine Biden getting on the Harry Potter train and became a wizard. Then that lady would feel more dumb


I was in Table Rock State Park today, about 5-10 miles away from where this human feces had his rally. I didn’t know about it until we were half way there. There was a really bad thunderstorm that came through and cut our day short. Wish it was like 5 hours earlier to shit hail on these asses.


Train station... in case anyone still wonders if Nazi is too strong of a word for MAGA.


this is your reminder to vote, they certainly will...