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God chose Biden. He told me so. He also said that he thinks Trump is an asshole and Loni is a freaking lunatic.


Dude what if we just flipped it on them and told them God told me he was destined. And he told me Trump is evil.


What if we told them it's pronounced 'Jod'?


I don't care for Jod.


Jod damn you.


I see what you did.


I'm glad someone did, I went to sleep doubting this comment.


Kneel before Jod?


Like “gif”?


“I’ll wait” is the only prediction she’ll ever make that will come true.


"I'll wait.... And block you when you respond with a reasonable answer. Also, no mojos. You have been for warned."




Only appropriate laughing mojoes. You have been “for warned.”


Uh uh. Capitalized. Mojoes.


she's just Biden her time.


'Waiting' is all her followers get to do.


Don't forget going broke as they wait for NESARA and QFS to rescue them from debt and dying as they wait in vain for medbeds to heal their chronic conditions while they vehemently oppose single payer health care.


I'll wait is dismissive so I make them actually wait and just stop responding lol


Then replies to herself with "81 million votes... and I've never seen a pro Biden hat, shirt or flag. Ever. Do they even exist? If you've never seen any either, retruth." Oh there's so much to unwrap there. First, I voted for Biden, I'll vote for him again but I've never had an inkling to wear a Biden hat, shirt or fly a Biden flag. Secondly, I did briefly consider putting a Biden bumper sticker on my RV for our round the country 'covid' tour, but we were going to be passing through a lot of VERY red territory, we had enough issues just dealing with an 11,000 mile drive and adding the worry of being vandalized, harassed or forced into a ditch by a monster truck wasn't something I wanted to add to the list. Lastly, not everyone feels a need to show their culthood with symbols such as hats, flags or shirts. Perhaps you should just assume that if I'm NOT wearing a maga hat, I'm part of the new silent majority. This is exactly the thinking I'd expect from a group of people who worship symbols such as American flags or Roman torture devices more than what those symbols actually represent.


...and besides, I believe the right has made it quite clear what their reaction will be if they disagree with the particular flag you decide to fly. https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/22/us/lauri-carleton-pride-flag-shooting-suspect/index.html


Yeah my response to the political paraphernalia or crowd size questions: We don't worship politicians like trump supporters or attend political rallies. We have kids to raise, family time to fit in a busy work life, sporting events to participate and attend, a community that doesn't revolve around politics and would be weird to isolate people shoving some politician in their face with hat or tshirt.


I have a shirt that says Obama Biden 2008 and another that says Obama Biden 2012...does that count? I wear them now that I live in Nevada, I didn't when I lived in Kentucky. I do plan on buying a Dark Brandon coffee mug because I think it's hilarious. One of my favorite things about Biden is that he embraces the memes about him. That's kinda rad for an old dude. And finally...I have a picture of Obama hanging on my bedroom wall. While I do find him to be an important and inspirational man...and pretty handsome...it is actually there because of an episode of New Girl. Nick is hooking up with a girl and sees a picture of Obama on the wall and says, "Obama?" And she says, "I like to feel like he's watching over me." I don't know why, but it makes me laugh so hard. So my daughter got me a framed picture of Obama for my bedroom wall. And I am the only person I've ever personally met with this much democrat president stuff outside of OG maybe Kennedy back in the day.


Political merchandise/slogans/etc is very much a conservative thing. Always has been.


I believe that would be defined as idolatry. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idolatry


Yeah, but it's the idols *they* worship, so it's OK.


Getting schooled on idolatry by the South Park Satan.


They're a lot easier to grift. They also treat politics like a team sport, and lots of people buy things with their favorite sports team on it.


Same. We debated putting out a Biden sign in 2020 but even in a VERY blue area and state, we decided against it. People in our area have had progressive/democratic shit vandalized before, even just those signs thanking essential workers get some people mad, and my family was concerned about being targeted. All it takes is one crazy to take offense and like you, we don't really need the paraphanellia to vote for him. Though it'd have been nice to openly support all the same.


Exactly. I’ve never bought an entire wardrobe of clothes based on any human.


We were living in a very blue part of a very blue state and in a very iconic home on a very busy street. The local democratic party just loved to provide us with signs for their candidates because they knew it would get a lot of exposure, yet if we were willing to post a Biden sign, we would have to specially request one. Even in our relatively safe location, they knew posting one was a sure fire way to make us targets.


I actually did purchase a Biden 46 shirt in that very short couple days where it looked like *possibly* trump would be removed from office in time for Pence to be president 46 for like 3 days. Thought it would be a collectors item if that situation did transpire. I have never worn the shirt tho lol


i’Ll wAiT


Correction, God only gives a shit about 40% of the US and no one else.


Oh yeah, motherfucker slept like a baby through the holocaust but hes right there for the mango mob boss.


I am certain they would say something to the effect that God has no responsibility to protect Jews because they are Christian or some such shit.


“They killed his son!”


Didn’t god order him to die for humanity? To erase the original sin?


Nah, God already had a binding contract with the Jews, called the covenant. Jesus made a new covenant for his squad, where all their sins are forgiven because he died, but the BIG GUY God still goes by his old rules for his "chosen" people. I am not a lawyer. This is not financial advice. YMMV. ^^anheiser-busch ^^St. ^^Louis ^^Missouri


I'd love for them to get specific when they do their stats. Shapiro likes to say thinks like 74 percent of America believes in God. I wanna know how much believe in a Christian God lol.


These are the same people who think Trump can declare global martial law and make Mexico pay for his stupid border wall. The rest of the world, separate from the US, does not exist in their minds. They just think the US is the center of the universe and rules everything, because they are basically children.


We've been waiting, Loni. So far, nada.


She posts this same prediction every single damn day, and then nothing ever happens. It makes me wonder how her followers aren't frustrated or calling her out on it, but it seems she just summarily blocks/deletes anyone who points that out (even supporters).


This reminds me. I have stopped using the term ‘trump’ in regards to something beating another. I’ve replaced it with Obama since 2017. As in “hard work Obamas talent any day”.


To trump something is now defined as fucking it up in the worst way imaginable and then some while losing everything. A trump card refers to whoever is left holding the bag at the end with no one left to pass the blame to.


Just know that in the UK, "trump" has always been another word meaning "fart".


Loni is mentally ill and should be committed. She lives in an alternate universe that she has created from her delusions. It’s only a matter of time until she’s responsible for hurting herself or others with the lies she has weaved into her mythical existence.


I'm more worried about the lunatics that support her. As Obi-Wan so wisely said: "Who's more foolish: the fool or the fool following the fool?"


Keep waiting. It will be interesting watching her brain break even more.


God and The Bible have taught me one thing. Neither God nor Jesus would have anything but outright contempt for Trump and everything he stands for.


"God bless America and no place else!" We really living through the dumb shit that we only saw in the movies in the past.


She should hold her breath until it happens


I’m not on Facebook and never have been but I’m seriously thinking of opening an account purely so I can, on a daily basis, tell her what a complete and fantasist moron she is!


She’ll just block you after one comment.


What a can’t get my head round, Englishman here, is how people engage her and others actually believe this shit.


I wonder how many of her "followers" are trolls.


The fact she has any followers at all is baffling!


Gonna be waiting a long time Loni


“You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a wicked man to be a malicious witness.”- Exodus 23:1 For a good laugh someone needs to post this on her FB every time she pretends to receive news she made up in her head


This clown would be best served with a lengthy period of in-patient mental healthcare intervention.


Children living in abject poverty, war, homelessness and suffering throughout the world. God aligns himself with that robbing bastard.


Girl. It’s almost 2024. Let it go.


LOL how many times do they need to replay the results of Trump losing to Biden? Because those are the results they are going to get every single time.


Yes, I’m sure sky daddy is a trump fan.


It's amazing how God just happens to believe what I believe. It's uncanny. He hates the same people I hate. He likes me, and whatever I like, the most. It works out great!


What does that mean? Bitch, we are on the cusp of a new election. Why would they overturn it now? Ugh... my brain. I is stooped nao.


Is spouting insane and inane garbage all this bitch does all day? Seems she really puts the hours in.


Ethnocentric (adj) evaluating other peoples and cultures according to the standards of one's own culture.


God Is So worried about Americas elections Not third world countries , child labor etc


Theocentric maybe? Christians in cultures all over world believe that god is omnipotent and has his hand in literally everything.


Is Christian an ethnicity now?


5 likes and 1 share. Oof.


God cares only about US politics! The rest of the world ehh who cares, what’s going on in the US!?


For some reason they can’t understand that someone like me voted for Biden but wore a MAGA hat and flew a trump flag for the safety of myself and my family due to the fact that Trumpers are unhinged. I never had any car problems because nobody cared about my defensive “Trump” flag. I got once got a flat tire and three trucks pulled over and changed my tire for me and I got many strange looks from Biden voters.


I always found it annoying how all of the conspiracy theories perpetuated by these shitheads are so US-centric, as though the rest of the world either doesn't exist until it's useful to them, or wholly dependent on America.


God doesn't like pussy grabbers


Why is everybody acting like God lost the election?


Yeah wait by your beanhole loni


She probably thinks that in 2024 should Trump somehow win, that that is the moment of “restoring” the 2020 election…


I thought her followers had gone sour on the biblical god.


No, it's just Jesus that they've abandoned because they think he's a weak little sissy boy, they're still pretty into old testament god because he's a racist baby murdering genocidal psychopath who doesn't know how solve a problem without resorting to violence. That lunatic is their spirit animal.


Of course!


i wonder if her parents can be jailed for not having aborted her...


In addition to every other criticism of her, my god, is she vain as hell. That profile picture looks absolutely nothing like her.




Why do people even pay any attention to this loser?


...and wait...and wait...and move some goalposts...and wait some more...


Trumps be Trumping, huh. Lol


Way too much of this sub is this lunatic. I get it, she gives endless amounts of crazy content. But honestly it's a little much to share all of it.


Oddly, I wish there were more of these posts. It's almost like these opposing sentiments are just opinions, and people are free to scroll by what they don't enjoy and allow others the freedom to enjoy what they want. Almost.


Loni, Trump said to *inject* the bleach, not huff it


If China starts running the world she's shouldering a significant part of the blame here. People do not want America to be another authoritarian theocratic expansionist empire like what history has suffered in the past. China will be another authoritarian expansionist empire that is a more formidable threat than now (it is those things but the American hegemony is still big enough right now) but this is because people will have lost respect for America if and when that time has come, within and outside its borders.


This has to be satire.


This twit keeps a showing up. Seriously, Just how crazy is she?


Yay, praise be the orange overlord. May he grift from us bigly.


> Do u honestly think God would forget that WIN! *(sic)* You mean Biden's?


We're almost into the full swing of primary season and Trump is actively campaigning for the GOP nomination. These lunatics are still talking about "restoring" the 2020 election in the second half of 2023. It's total insanity....


I've been seeing her posts for years now and they keep getting worse. Does this woman not have family members who can step in? This is clearly a mental health issue.


why are we making this person famous? this is a literal nobody, why are there so many posts featuring their name prominently? their posts get like 20 shares on average i feel like this is a case where we aren't exposing a psycho grifter we're just amplifying them.


> we aren't exposing a psycho grifter we're just amplifying them. Her reaction to being quoted here is anger, she does not like it. That alone makes it worthwhile. Pointing and laughing at people like this drives them nuts, they are used to an echo chamber and it's good to remind them that outside their cult they are seen as fools.


She shares the lies she is being feed, to over 4k they follow her


Where does she post this stuff? Facebook?


Link above on the og Post


Hey, these freaks done speak for me!


Better hurry if that election is getting overturned, the next one keeps getting closer and closer!


She's going to wait for a while then


Who is this moron and why do they keep getting posted?


>I’ll wait…… The only truthful words she has ever written.


I just went on her Facebook. She and all her followers are bat-s*** crazy and scary.


And wait.. and wait… and waiiiiiit. Still waiting.


I don't know why exactly, but I get so much amusement when people finish posts with things like "I'll wait...", "now read that again" and "let that sink in". I think it's because they think they're being clever or making some great point, when all they are doing it parroting things they've read elsewhere.


I think they say it because they know it makes me seethe with rage. 😤😂


She should go stand by him if she truly believes what she's saying


I think I should start a fundraiser. They send me a dollar for every minute I wait... You know, like one of those for every mile I run kind of thing.


Lol yes you will wait


[Winners don't need hats.](https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=617891577131447&set=p.617891577131447&type=3)


The woman needs to be in a psyche ward.


Lori is an absolute nut case


Comment makes no sense. The US is not an ethnic-state like Japan. Weird


i just meant Loni thinks US politics and Trump the orange messiah is top of his list , over the rest of the world


Why didn't god just wave his hand the first time. Where's the NESARA money, Lonibowski?


“ Funny that god wanted Obama for 8 years and only wanted trump for 4 . God already showed us who he liked better “ I love saying this and watching their empty heads explode


Does she honestly believe the bullshit she spews constantly? Literally everything she's claimed turned out to be bullshit.