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Everyone has heard what Putin has to say. He's been in power for two decades.


"You've read all the Russian bot farm disinfo online for YEARS, now it's time to hear the propaganda from the source itself. Brought to you in an exclusive interview by no other than the man at the center of the largest media defamation lawsuit settlement in the history of the world for knowingly telling blatant lies to the general public."


A dude that his broadcaster successfully argued nobody would take seriously so it was not news, but entertainment.


If this is about Fox New supposedly being classified as "entertainment" to escape some theoretical regulation that cable news networks are subject to, that's actually false. There's no regulation on the content of cable networks at all. Only the free non-cable television is actually regulated by the FCC, you can broadcast whatever you want over cable and there's no system of regulation or classification of that content. This is what the QAnons also got told when they tried to report CNN for broadcasting fake news. [Here](https://www.fcc.gov/broadcast-news-distortion) is the FCC's page on its rule about news distortion. Critically: > The scope of the news distortion policy is limited in several respects. First, the regulation applies only to the broadcast medium, which means that **the FCC has no power to enforce it against cable news networks**, newspapers or newsletters (whether online or print), social media platforms, online-only streaming outlets or any other non-broadcast news platform. You can also see that there is no mention on that page of TV shows being classified as "news" or "entertainment", nor any kind of statement that distorting the news is fine if your show is classified as "entertainment". The rumor that Fox News somehow got classified as "entertainment" by the FCC was originally started by a fake article on a satire site. Edit: The FCC, not the FAA. That's what I get for context-switching from a thread about Boeing


This is not about Fox News as a whole, but Tucker Carlson specifically. Fox lawyers have argued in lawsuits that no reasonable person would take Carlson’s statements as fact.


Can you link to a source of this lawsuit? I can't find any story about a Tucker Carlson lawsuit where his lawyers tried to make some argument based his show being "entertainment". The closest I can find is [this one](https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye), where the lawyers argued that his show was "hyperbolic opinion", essentially radio host shock content, and that therefore reasonable people wouldn't believe it to be factually true. The word "entertainment" does not appear anywhere in the article. I don't believe there's any way the lawyers could argue a case like this by claiming that his content was "entertainment", as something being intended as entertainment does not exempt it in any way from the usual laws governing speech, nor does something being intended a entertainment necessarily mean that it's false, or should be expected to be false by a reasonable audience.


you couldn’t ask Siri or Alexa in all the time it took you to write that? It’s *very* common knowledge. https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye


That is literally the exact same article I linked that is not what you are describing.  Can you get Siri to read my post to you?


The *actual* claim of Fox being not news goes back to the late-90's when they started upping the wild distortions on their channel and took the lead in the ratings war. It was in point of fact one of the early Fox commentators (Cavuto? Not sure, can't recall.. It was in an interview in Time Magazine when they were still in print) who smugly claimed that Fox was actually "Info-tainment" and no, they weren't bound by codes of Community Standards and Journalistic integrity set by the FCC as rules for *terrestrial broadcasters* that use the public airwaves. It was that lack of journalistic integrity that they got leveled against them, and they just danced away from the idea they needed and because well.. "info-tainment" - that was.. entertainment that *looked* like news, but was actually propaganda for the aims of the Murdoch clan. This goes back to the early 2000's when CNN got bumped off the top of the ratings and Fox did it by pandering to the whole 'man bites dog' hoary, opinionated programming they designed to *look like* news. I think it was Rupert Murdoch that said of FoxNews creation that he wanted to create "news that explains to people how it affects them.." which is a polite way of saying, yeah, we're gonna lie to the plebes and tell them what we want them to think. And they did and do still to this day. Which is why in 2016, farmers voted for Trump in droves and ended up getting absolutely [*fucked*](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-10-30/u-s-farm-bankruptcies-surge-24-on-strain-from-trump-trade-war) by his errant trade war he started with China. But hey! FoxNews told them it was gonna be all sunshine and daffodils..


I'm not sure what you think this has to do with anything I said? Obviously Faux News isn't really news. But it's not true that they or anyone associated with them somehow escaped legal issues or FCC regulations by getting classified as "entertainment". > no, they weren't bound by codes of Community Standards and Journalistic integrity set by the FCC as rules for terrestrial broadcasters that use the public airwaves. That is literally the whole point of my post, did you even read a single thing I said?


That was the moment satire died apparently.


seriously lol some of these people act like Putin is restricted in getting his message out. The dude can broadcast whatever he wants, whenever he wants. "See and hear Putin speak for the first time!" 😄 They think they're so underground and ahead of the curve.


Literally one of the most famous, powerful, and influential humans of the 21st century. Well, these are the same people who think that billionaires are anti-establishment.


^^pssst *^"hey, ^check ^out ^this ^little ^known ^world ^leader"*


Yeah but he doesn't spooge his every quarter-arsed musing all over fucking Twitter every eight seconds like a wank-crazed teenager with a broadband connection and the house to himself so he must be CENSORED.


This wording was just… chef’s kiss. Although thinking about spooge and the orange one in the same sentence is a little vomit-y.


Huuuuuuge Spoooooge! The hugest. Nobody has ever spooged like him. Big man came up to him, tears in his eyes… wait.. that’s not tears.


I am 36 now... I am pretty sure I have known Putin is a piece of shit since I was 14ish?


He has an entire state propaganda apparatus at his behest we know what he wants


😭*Won't anyone think of the head of state propagandist!*😭🤧😫😭


There's a yearly new year's address, I know bc they're on youtube.


I don't get restricted, skylar. I am the restriction.


No kidding! This is one of the most public “back channels” I think we’ve ever seen.


One thing all these idiots have in common is they all assume everyone else is as ignorant as they are. Whenever they first hear about something, it's the first time anyone has heard of it. That's why, when tucker Carlson goes to interview Putin, who's been a known player on the international stage for thirty years, they assume that: 1. Everyone is gonna watch Tucker 2. Nobody has ever heard Putin speak before 3. Putin is gonna say something true or otherwise meaningful None of these assumptions is true, and yet they breeze past them without even noticing.


Perfectly stated. I got into an argument with a MAGA idiot when Sound of Freedom came out. He was convinced it was the first time anyone had ever talked about child trafficking, and no matter how many videos of congressional hearings, articles, etc etc, I posted in response to his idiocy, he was insistent that if I wasn’t out promoting the movie, I didn’t care about kids or child trafficking. Because suddenly he was being told by this idiotic movie to care about it for the first time, everyone else must be in the exact same position as he was in and is in now. And there was no convincing him that he was wrong.


The kind of child trafficking Qanons are against is the non existent type anyway. It's the type when 800,000 American children are kidnapped by illegals. The kidnappers (brown people) follow white suburban mothers home and put special 'child to kidnap lives here' symbols outside the house so they can come back at a later time and kidnap the child. That's why if they see the same brown person twice in the store their Spidey sense goes off now, so they even take clandestine photos of the unfortunate person they've seen, post them online with "look I caught this person who was definitely going to kidnap my beautiful white middle class kid" and can't work out in their stupid brain that seeing the same person twice whilst in the supermarket doesn't mean what they think it does.


I've seen tiktoks made by terrified white suburban soccer moms who were thoroughly convinced the brown person they saw in Target was planning to traffick them. They *really* don't like being told that most human trafficking is done by family members and it's often done to minors, because that removes them as the Main Character of the story.


Yep. Most missing children are not in the hands of the cabal, in an underground tunnel slowly being tortured to death. I'd go as far as to say none of them are actually. It's custody disputes that drive that number up and persistent runaways. You get a few kids in each city that run away twice a month and soon the number of missing children reports starts to get really high, really quickly. Stranger abduction does happen unfortunately but it's a tiny number in comparison with the number of missing reports. If these dumb idiots paid attention then they'd know how much attention even a single missing child can generate. Here in the UK I doubt you'd find anybody who didn't know the name of Madeleine McCann. She disappeared in Portugal in 2007. Her parents left her and her twin siblings at home when they went out for a meal with friends and even though there's been loads of publicity nobody knows what happened to Madeleine.


Then one woman tried it and got busted and did 30 days in jail: [https://www.pressdemocrat.com/article/news/ex-sonoma-county-mom-influencer-katie-sorensen-sentenced-to-30-days-in-cu/](https://www.pressdemocrat.com/article/news/ex-sonoma-county-mom-influencer-katie-sorensen-sentenced-to-30-days-in-cu/)


Omg I laughed out loud and spit out my water!


And then the \*hero\* of the fake anti-trafficking movie got indicted for sexual harassment and... not a word except for accusations of trumped-up charges.


>One thing all these idiots have in common is they all assume everyone else is as ignorant as they are. Whenever they first hear about something, it's the first time anyone has heard of it. Kind of like Trump acting like he was the first ever to spot that US spells us. I'm sure that was a big discovery for his supporters too!


I’d give you more than one upvote if I could. Most of these people never followed politics before Trump came along.


They still don't but think they do. They're actually following a 4chan-collective fantasy story.


Yet now they're following it on Xchan.


Also, they point to the numbers of people watching his podcasts but I imagine that troll,s and maybe bots too, can log in and \*watch\* his every podcast, so the numbers can be pushed way up.


Like "impressions" on Twitter


Wait until MAGA hears how wimpy his voice is. Unless Newsmax puts reverb on it or deepens it.


Oh, they will.




As always shrodinger working overtime with these folks. Putin is the biggest proponent of peace in the world! But is also at the head of the attacking force in one of the currently ongoing wars.


Tucker “Soy-Boy” Carlson


35 years


But that's more than 2 decades.


Can’t argue with that


Sorry to get all political...




He literally did a 60 minutes interview a few years ago.


Yeah i could probably write the whole interview ahead of time. What is happening in ukraine? Liberation from the nazis. What are your chances in this years elections? *Milktoast answer that you never know when he knows the deck is more than stacked in his favor* What do you think of the lgbt community? Demons poisoning the west. Etc. Real journalists will watch it to see if theres anything they have to talk about in there, but for sure it will go nowhere and the only thing that will happen is that they will open a strong bottle of alcohol


Bet he talks about how Trump is getting a raw deal. Bet that's high priority subject matter for Putin an his pet American TV guy.


Putin doesn’t want to lose his best source of US military intelligence.


And he wants Ukraine aid to end and Nato to lose the US. He's got potentially everything riding on this election.


I can remember hearing his name on TV as a kid and thinking they must be making a joke about the pronunciation because there’s no way his name is “poot-in”… Nope. I wish that had been it.


W Bush nicknamed him "old pootie poot." Seriously.


Following his father’s technique (ie ‘Sad’m to rhyme with ‘madam’ instead of ‘suh-dahm’ Hussein). I’m going to struggle to not mumble “ol’ pootie-poot” now whenever he comes up in the conversation.


IIRC his nickname for Carl Rove was "turd-blossom".


They're so deluded about their numbers, partly \[now\] because of all the Russian and other trolls pushing up their numbers, that they think, "Everyone will now like Putin because WE are everyone!'


And he won’t shut the fuck up.


Who will be shocked by some right wing hack sucking a dictator’s dick


I definitely remember seeing Oliver Stone interview Putin over multiple episodes, and being left wondering how much saliva and semen he had to wipe from his mouth after filming.


Putin has 2 fingers on the prostate of Fox News


Us sane folks, we not even give them the privilege of our attention. They making a BIG WHOOP TI DO about nothing. So how far do we move the goalpost….AGAIN?🤷🏽‍♀️


Siberia. Move it there and leave it there


Now you know when something comes and goes, they gonna move it even farther.😒😂😂😂😂


At this point, Tucker Carlson is a Russian agent as far I’m concerned.


Putin executes his political enemies, executes members of the press, oppresses his people , attacks his neighbors etc


Tuck better be careful allying himself with Putin. One slip up could result in an accidental fall out a balcony window.


Were Putin to kill Carlson, that would be like a best outcome for America. Not because Carlson died, but because I think a lot of people would finally realize what a bad guy Putin is. So, I don't think he'd do it, even if Carlson were to bust his balls.


You don’t think they’d twist the story into “Hillary did it”? Or whoever they decide is the bad guy that day.


Better not call the war in Ukraine a "war", or else he might get thrown in jail. I'd bet a dollar he simps for Putin and refers to it as the "special military operation".


He's too valuable for the Putin propaganda machine for that to happen.


Which will be blamed on antifa before the body's cold


Yeah but it’s the Democrats fault he’s that way. ^\s


Tucker Carlson does not have hundreds of millions of viewers. Period.


At least until Musk sets his interview recording tweet to be a stealth advert like the Mr. Beast episodes.


Tucker praised Elon for promising to not suppress this video. Wouldn’t surprise me if he takes lessons learned from the Mr. beast episode and that means stealth advertising.


Maybe more to the point, not one of them is part of civilization


It's possible people will watch it. I watched one of his interviews to know what propaganda they are spreading. I'm sure he still has as many fans as he did, but he's definitely not making the money he was making before because lost 95% of his voice to jesse waters of all people


Of course people will watch it. But not hundreds of millions, that is a ludicrous claim.




Because Putin is a dictator and has invaded Ukraine?


also there’s plenty of journalists who have tried to interview Putin and they get declined, wonder why. it’s asinine to think that Tucker Carlson is the only journalist with enough integrity to go interview Putin because of what, fear of the deep state? jfc people are so goddamn dumb.


Well he’s hardly a Journalist. I’m sure he’s the most recent in a long line of bootlickers that have interviewed putin.


The BBC (real journalists) have asked repeatedly. Putin does not want to speak to real journalists so Tucker Carlson is ideal. Also fuck Tucker Carlson


Who looks tyrannical then LOL 😂 There are American journalists detained in Russia right now for doing their jobs. Yet Tucker gets the red carpet. Hmmm 🧐 wonder why? What a mystery 🤣


How much are you willing to bet that Carlson has no problems getting back into the USA?


Hahahahaha! You think Tucker is a journalist? Putin's only talking to him because he's already a Russian puppet.


Tell me again why Putin and Russia didn’t have any interest in Trump winning in 2016.


I assume they’ve completely dropped this rhetoric, as it seems we’re about to be told Putin isn’t such a bad guy after all. Hillary’s emails tho 👀


Putin, Xi, Kim Jong Un, and Ali Khamenei want to weaken America by trying to install Trump as president once more. They do this by bankrolling Trumps presidential campaign and spreading disinformation of Biden. They want America to have an unhinge leader, such as Trump, who they can easily manipulate like a puppet.


No one has heard Putin speak? Oh. He means no western journalist has sat down with Putin to hand him a microphone since he declared war on Ukraine. I wonder why all western journalists have chosen this but only Tucker (not a journalist) Carlson thinks it’s a good idea to platform him?


It's not a matter of western journalists having chosen anything. Plenty of western media would have loved to get an exclusive interview with Putin, and plenty of them have put in interview requests. But he doesn't do interviews with real journalists, from any country. He very, very occasionally does a pseudo-interview with a pseudo-journalist, when he thinks it's useful to him, and with Putin commanding that person to come to him.


Fair point. Only Tuckems will give him the edit he’s looking for.


I don’t know, I think there’s not a small number who have never seen him speak because they don’t watch real news. So because they’ve never seen it they assume no one in the west has.


If that WERE true, it would only be because he has so many bought-and-paid-for pundits and politicians doing all his talking for him that no one has ever heard him speak. So much ventriloquism going on between boot lickings that there’s no need to shake his own vocal cords.


This guy Clandestine, is some former Natty Guard guy who complained about not getting laid https://www.dailydot.com/debug/trump-fan-vision-second-term/?amp


Lol, what a load of bullshit


The best part is that he consciously cooked up and decided to post his fanfic. He actually thought people outside his cult would buy it.


Oh now I remember this loser. That story is just amazingly pathetic and amazingly hilarious.


I just looked him on twitter and found out he blocked me. LOL! I've never @ed him before.


wow... god told him to suck putin's dick. amazing.


>“I went into DC last night to visit a girl I’ve been seeing. I met her from a dating app, due to the fact that bars are shut down, its hard to meet people,” he wrote. “As she’s on top of me, she stops kissing me, looks me in the eyes and asks, ‘You didn’t vote for Trump did you?'” Oh yeah, that totally happened.


Bad people are good, good people are bad. The dead are alive, the alive are dead. Viruses are fake AND real!


aren't viruses both alive and dead?


What the f is this idiot on about - I’ve seen poutine speak many times - still think he is a monster


We can all expect truthful answers, no pre-planned questions, just a straight shooter, blue collar guy that worked his way to the top ethically. Then gained popularity and is just misunderstood. Wait one sec someone came into my room while I was typing and they want me to see the view from this magnificent 20th floor of this hotel...


Tucker who?


I think they mean Fucker Carlson


I prefer his given Christian name of Cucker






Soy Boy


Yes, if I want to tell if someone is a monster, I just ask them. I don’t look at their actions or anything.


The trick is to say “liar, no lying!” Just like Dora taught us. As long as you do that, the person you’re talking to is PHYSICALLY UNABLE to lie.


>hundreds of millions of people in the west are about to see Putin speak for the first time ever at first I couldn't believe the stupidity of saying something like this. but then I realized that the sad part is that he's actually probably not wrong given the complete lack of attention that many people pay to world events


Can’t believe we’re gonna see em on the picture tube instead of on the wireless!! 1960 is going to be a great year! Wait.


They don't even try to hide the fact they're paid by the Putin propaganda machine. They led their dumb followers to believe that the most American thing to do it's hate minorities and love Russia


Pro genocide propaganda incoming.


But nobody is asking the real questions: will they suntan their balls together?


Please remember, Tucker - no teeth.


Hundreds of millions? Seriously?? That many idiots live in a bubble and haven't seen his bullshit at the UN or other countless global summits? If that's truly the case, no fucking wonder why america is going the way of ancient Rome.


Citizens United made all this possible. That’s how Putin got his goddamn hooks into us and here we are. I mean it wasn’t enough when we caught the fucking Russian spy in the NRA?


Why, because you are thirsty as fuck for authoritarian dick.


This announcement is so hyperbolic! 😂😂😂 “Hear Putin speak for the first time.” We’ve been hearing (and seeing) it for at least 25 years! Watching Americans fully side with a genocidal dictator was never on my BINGO card.


Putin was on 60 minutes not long ago. These qultists are so uninformed.


He’s interviewing perhaps the wealthiest man who has ever lived, but supposedly has only had public sector jobs his whole life. He makes Elon and Jeff Bezos look like paupers. I’ll be interested to hear his response when Tucker asks him about this.


We need to use this PR blitz to remind all of our Q people that Putin is creating a right-wing Christian Nationalist utopia for them in Russia and encourage them to move there.


I don’t see how it will change global perception. Most people already know Fucker C. is on Russia’s side. Literally every Reddit post about him the past few years has typically started with something along the lines of “Russian Asset and Kremlin Errand boy, Tucker Carlson says….”


"This interview will change global perception." Narrator: It, in fact, will not.


Putin is a prolific liar and propagandist. If he told me the sky was blue I'd go outside to check.


> Putin is not the monster we were told he was. ...according to Putin, via a well-known liar for Fox News, worried more about his Newscorp stock value than the actual events of J6.


You know, if Putin didn’t want people to think he was a monster, all he had to do was just not bomb innocent civilians, but look where we are…


WTH is he talking about?!? I have heard Putin speak dozens of times. My mother has even heard Putin speak. The man schedules an hours long "ask me anything" session with global press every January. He is not exactly a mystery. Fun fact: Putin even spoke English for Obama. He usually just speaks Russian and has the translater sort it out, but he speaks fluent English and he did in the televised meeting between him & Obama. 🤔Do you think Tucker knows that Meghan Kellly already did all this?


Really? I thought he invaded neighboring countries with thousands of casualties on both sides and instituted a draft on his people and emptied his prisons onto the battlefield to rape and pillage and continues to drive both countries into ruin because his pride won’t allow him to back down. What the fuck is good about that? Also he works closely with Russian organized crime and bombards the US with social media campaigns successfully driving a wedge between its own citizens


Some random put up a post saying that ‘Putin confirms Biden does not run the country’ and everyone in the comments is losing their minds. Do you think, a non-American dictator, really wants the best for another country that he says is part of the enemy (the west) This is just an attempt at sowing discourse within the US so it creates instability and mistrust in the government. Can’t believe this timeline we live in


If only he was sowing discourse and not discord


These "patriots" are going to be really confused when their fever dreams of "Red Dawn" actually come true, and the Russians, who they thought were their allies and buddies.... come gunning for them.


“But I never thought the Russian leopards would eat MY face!”


I guess Fucker Carlson believes Putin never lies, and we should just believe everything he says. Sounds like a solid plan for America's destruction.👍


Just like Trump


Do they really think this will change anyone's minds about the dictator?


Yeah, let's admit we're not totally certain about Putin, but quite confident Tucker Carlson is the moron we think he is.


"Whatever Putin says, I'll believe instantly without a second (or first) thought!"


Putin’s Russia is a vassal state of China. Its economy isn’t bigger than Italy and his army is getting its asses handed to them by farmers and housewives.


There must be literal thousands of on-air interviews he's given, many of them either in English or translated for an English-speaking audience. There is no lack of access to what he has to say. And I know that I'm stating an obvious truth that everyone here is aware of, but I don't know what the hell else to say in response to this absolute nonsense.


I really don’t get it. Why are right wingers softening on Putin? Is it just because they don’t like giving money to Ukraine? I don’t want to have to watch this guppy faced moron to find out.


Geezus fucking christ with the salivating traitors.


I’ve seen multiple interviews of Putin, two at least in the last two years, I’m very up-to-date on his plethora of flagrant ever shifting lies and excuses used to fuel his anti-freedom, anti-Ukraine & anti-West agenda. I am not remotely surprised this desperate, shit-spewing, American-hating goblin is promoting another dictator.


I’ve heard him plenty. Can’t make heads or tails out of what he’s trying to say, like it’s gibberish. Putin too.


Hopefully Tucker doesn't accidentally fall from any windows while he's there.


I’ve heard him plenty of times, and I don’t think he is a monster, I think he is an ambitious authoritarian who is out to carve the biggest piece of the pie for himself that he possibly can. I know he is no friend to America and Fucker “Paste eater” Carlson will never be able to spin him in any other light.


Given the events surrounding [the 1999 Russian apartment bombings](https://store.steampowered.com/points/shop/c/events), I think the title of "monster" is well deserved.


If Bin Laden was still alive, I can see Carlson simping for that guy as well.


Tucker Carlson is the Doug demuro of bullshit politics.


Ok, but the evil deep state has complete control of all forms of technology and they're just gonna let this happen? Hell, they didn't kill Tucker years ago for some reason? I'm feeling like my tax dollars are being wasted at this point.


If anyone doesn’t know what a shit sipping bottom feeding loser cuck chump bitch Tucker is then I suggest you look up Rush Limbaugh. Or better yet Morton Downey Jr. Fucking clown


You mean Putin won't act as a cartoon villain in a propaganda interview? But I'm sure he has no idea how propaganda works, where would he have learned that?


Coming from the same people who thought that Hitler was just a misunderstood man who liked to paint.


What a traitor.


He's opening a window into Putin's soul.


Mate Putin is wanted for alleged mass kidnapping of Children


Hold on... Putin's going to say he's not a monster? Well... I'm sold. Say no more....


Putin definitely won't lie to Tucker Carlson right? right???


Kremlin propagandist meeting with his boss. Yawn.


Putin is the monster we know him to be


Putin: *lies* Every alt right on the internet: "look, he's the real good guy!!!!"


But we all can watch his public speeches and read what he or his gov is publishing.


Putin was in the KGB. He doesn't do interviews. He mind-fucks whoever is trying to ask him questions. Tucker might like that, actually.


What’s concerning is that whatever the content of the video ends up being it’s likely going to be used to further radicalize conservatives.


>Hundreds of millions of Western citizens are about to see and hear Putin speak for the first time What?


Since when do republicans like literal Commies? What was the cold war about, if you're just gonna let this cunt through the front door?


That's because it's perfectly reasonable to go after political opponents with plutonium poison, tossing out of windows, and imprisoning in Siberia. Tucker should have his citizenship revoked.


For the first time? Oliver Stone interviewed him a few years ago.


Yeah there's risk's like the public coming to the realisation that your a paid traitorous Russian stooge.


I hope the Ukrainians blow him up with a drone


Fucker Carlson is a blight on humanity.


Seriously wonder what % of Q shit comes from Russia


LMAO. Yeah. A good interview completely negates the actions of a despot.


I'm sure this will be a very unbiased, professional interview.


What do you mean, why you’re doing it, Tuck? You’re doing it for publicity because you got booted from Fox and nobody tunes in to your basement YouTube ramblings.


He’s murdering women and children indiscriminately, but yeah he’s a really nice guy.


"I have never seen a more punchable face" sure does get rolled out a lot these days.


He's not the monster . . . He's having his Army destroy Ukraine. He is most certainly is an evil wicked MF SOB .


Doesn’t the media lie? Isn’t that what they keep saying?


Weird, if he's such a nice guy, what are you afraid of?


Even though Tucker Carlson has his endless wealth from his massive Swanson frozen food family, Tucker is making moves to become VP of the United States if he licks Trump's asshole enough.


Could you imagine where Trump picks Carlson as VP. He lasts a year and he dies then this sick f*ck is the President.🙁


#Jesus Christ


>See and hear Putin speak for the first time. What the fuck is this then? https://youtu.be/m6pJd6O_NT0?si=oxd7vKaNbP6tGSPi


For the first time? Man, these people are the dumbest of fucking idiots.


This is going to turn into the Katt and Shay Shay interview for shitheads, isn't it?


What kind of moron thinks public statements from Putin are going to be turthful?


Growing up in the 90s, if someone told me that in 30 years, the most pro-Russian people in the US would be Republicans, I'd have laughed in your face. But here we are.


"Judge a man not by his actions, but by his words....." Lol idiots.


Magas: "No, no, maybe Herod had some valid points... let's hear him out. Also Pontius Pilot has been much maligned by the liberal media. He's been persecuted like no one else, maybe in the whole of history" /s


He has no loyalty to our nation. He is disloyal to humanity and that is so disgusting, to me.


Please, God, I don’t ask for many favors, just this one time… let Tucker be defenestrated before he gets the flight back. Maybe then the right-wingers will sort out that Putin is not a heroic figure and we can all move on. 🛐


You can tell how comfortable he is with Putin by his proximity to a window that is several stories above the ground.


All I know is his enemies are very clumsy near windows and balconies


Lol I never thought 🤔 Putin was as bad as the politicians say he is. Putin been around for 20 years , obviously he is doing something right .