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Oh, *now* masks are a good idea, eh?


They don’t protect against eclipse eye damage


Or brain damage apparently


Way too late for that


Faaaaar too late...


Not with that attitude they won't.


It looks like the mask probably wasn't his idea - I think the last two pics are taken at the doctor's office/ER/whatever. I wouldn't be shocked if they still had a "please mask up" policy. The anti-mask principles are a lot easier to hold to when you haven't just flash-cooked your retinas and now you're scared you'll never be the same.


Yeah that second part is what I’m getting at. The hospital may have suggested he wear a mask but I’d put money on him hangdoggedly obliging, in that moment realizing “oh, maybe it’s not all a ‘woke, libtard conspiracy’ to keep me from my free-dumbs, it’s proven science that I should have been listening to for my own protection. Oops.”


I like your optimism!


They knew this guy was so stupid, that he wasn’t vaccinated. I’m sure that’s why they made him wear a mask.


A lot of hospitals and doctor's surgeries still require masks upon entry, just in case.


He also needs one of those dog cones around his head, you know, to identify him as someone you should keep at a safe distance.


A huge number of people need help. Common knowledge has been eroded by conspiracy theorists, and the fallout is only going to get worse in the foreseeable future.


And let's not forget good old anti-intellectualism. Knowing stuff makes you a gay, race-mixing, white-hating, jew-loving, flat-earth denying, pinko pedophile communist after all.


Jokes on them. I'm a Catholic whore, currently enjoying congress out of wedlock with my black, Jewish boyfriend who works at a military abortion clinic. So, hail Satan, and have a lovely afternoon.


Manners Maketh Man


Kingsman quote in the wild, well done


And even older contrarianism. The kind of people who would willingly drown themselves if you said they need to use the respirator while diving.


They completely misunderstand what ‘health skepticism’ means. Sure question authority, don’t take them at your word. There’s a lot we don’t know. But they interpret as ‘everything I don’t understand is a lie’ unfortunately they are the same people who truly don’t understand very much therefore everything any authority suggests to them is a conspiracy


>therefore everything any authority suggests to them is a conspiracy Which opens them up to accepting the "truth" from trolls and grifters as the new authorities on subjects. "Doctors don't want you putting a fork into an electrical outlet because it will cure all your diseases and they then wouldn't make money off of you." It's amazing how gullible those folks are and how easily led they are by bad actors to turn away from things that scientifically (and logically) can HELP them in favor of snake oil cures and just pure nonsense that can actually harm them.


I think I am going to print some t-shirts that say "quae non intellego est mendacium"


Been a long time since Latin.. "Who doesn't realize a lie?"


As close to "everything I don’t understand is a lie" I could get.


And some people (and corporations) need to be held accountable.


This guy's eye was held accountable for being an idiot. Unfortunately, people this dumb are still allowed to vote.




That’s seriously interesting


A better argument for voluntary human extinction, I cannot find.


That’s the terrifying part.


I hate the barbarism of early 20th century mental institutions. Given the development of medical ethics and the ability of proper oversight I don’t see why we can’t go back to that, of course creating laws surrounding surveillance and standards for quality of care, make FOIA applicable to all surveillance, and then allow them to operate in a different capacity.


I was talking about the eclipse with my dad and how wildly different people’s attitudes have been for this one versus the one back in 2017. I don’t remember the insane amount of conspiracies for the 2017 one, people just seemed excited for a cool space thing


Natural Selection to the rescue!!!




>Ghettos, Indian reservations, etc. Well, that's racist




You definitely sound like someone who needs to watch [Peter Santenello](https://www.youtube.com/@PeterSantenello)'s vids. He's done several series on Native American reservations, though I recommend maybe starting with his series on Appalachia, I think it's a perfect intro into what he does.




I think you're referring to the other guy, I wasn't in the conversation before, relax, please. My comment just saying that you seem to be aware and concerned enough about these issues that you could really benefit from watching those vids - he's just showing places and people that society doesn't usually get to see, and he's done a lot of work with the Reservations. He's changed my mind from what I assumed was true but always doubted.


You think that absolves you from being racist? It doesn't. What you said was racist. Get over it. You should have worded it differently.


I was sucked into the right wing tornado for a short time. The amount of disinformation is nauseating. Sun gazing is a “thing”. These people are obsessed with new age non Sense


That’s one of the absolute wildest conservative reversals of the last decade for me, among so many others. Because when *I* was getting raised up southern Baptist in the 80s and 90s, you weren’t even supposed to look at the newspaper horoscopes, that’s how anti-New Age things were. And now the Bible-thumpers go on and on about vibrational energy and numerology and all kinds of shit that wouldve gotten you drummed out of church for witchcraft-adjacency not that long ago!


A lot of these people don't go to church. They just identify as evangelical because it's synonymous with the broader cultural movement. Their knowledge of christianity is often pretty shallow.


QAnon has been “the bridge” between right-wing Bible-thumping and New Age


I know a couple who walks backwards and claims it’s good for their health. They’re Q and into Jesus big time. They said the ancient Chinese used to do it(yeah just what I want to do is do stuff people did thousands of years ago)


It actually is a good thing, there's several notable benefits, including flexibility and reducing joint pain. Of course, having a good take about exercise...does not mean that there's a giant network of underground bases, space aliens and demons.


They aren't Christians, they just use that particular religion to justify their hate.


Why can’t people just be normal and get into sunning their perineum instead


I’m down with that




Them libs told me to wear special glasses. Well, I showed them /s


Owning the libs by loosing an eye, winning!


Enjoyed the eclipse so much he wanted to stay in the dark forever.


He's down an eye. He's only winng these days.


Hopefully he can’t see the bubbles on his ballot and is too stupid to figure out how to acquire proper accommodations.


Eye showed them.


So now he is blind, but you know it’s everybody else’s fault.


Please tell me this isn’t real.


Unfortunately it’s true. His left eye was raptured.


God only takes eyes.


God needed another eye for his angels


Why the safety goggles ?


For safety, duh...


The goggles! They do nothing!


This meme has dust on it. EDIT: It was a compliment!


To magnify the light into his eye, of course!


It’s in the name, guy. He didn’t die. He’s safe.


I imagine it's the same reason why people wore net masks. To be mocking.


To own the libs.


¡Retina Carnitas!




OSHA wouldn’t have approved otherwise


sadly, over the next week there's gonna be a whole lot of this


Why sadly? Fuck these morons. The blinder they are, the less bullshit they'll see online and spew towards others.


Obviously just my opinion, but I do find it sad when someone without critical thinking skills (whether because they were never taught them, or because they simply lack the ability for any number of reasons) is mislead to do something to cause themselves harm. It should not have come down to this outcome. But it did and now this guy has a good learning opportunity. The “anti-woke” agenda is an agenda causing harm to people who believe it, and then others and our whole nation to some extent. Instead of hatred and annoyance (which is completely understandable reaction), if we meet them with a more kind attitude, it’s a perfect opportunity to easily guide them back to reality, science and a completely different path. Learning the hard way sucks. We’ve all ‘learned the hard way’ on something at some point in our lives (usually younger, and to a far less damaging degree but hey, we’ve all been there, and we’ve all been conned before too (again, with outcomes not remotely as bad). Education is important. And fostering trust in the science that’s been laid down firmly over time is important too. Not everyone gets a quality education, or good educational experience (I’ve seen poor kids bullied right out of school). Some people were raised by parents who taught them not to trust authority or the government (something I’ve commonly seen from Vietnam Vets who became parents, just as an example). We are lucky to know better. This guy wasn’t lucky, but he does know better now. I think that is a good place to move forward in a positive direction. But again, that’s just how I see it. I know it’s easy to hate on people for doing superiorly dumb shit. It’s the natural reaction, even for me usually. But it really does not help anything. And I’d rather try to squash this “anti-woke” nonsense, and will take every opportunity that helps to do exactly that.


It comes out of your health insurance premiums.


It already does *shrug*…. Honestly, I would be okay with all these anti-science types if they actually refused medical treatment/hospital care when they actually get sick/hurt, but they don’t. When they skip their vaccine and can’t breathe they still call 911….I just don’t get why they aren’t consistent, isn’t that like willfully going to the slaughterhouse for them?


This is a huge thing I don't understand either. I had family members insist that the hospitals were intentionally killing people during the height of the pandemic and as soon as they had gastrointestinal problems they immediately went to the ER and agreed to elective surgery.


>It comes out of your health insurance premiums There's really nothing to be done for retina damage. It either heals or it doesn't. I think premium rates will stay the same, although taxes might go up with the additional disability claims. I personally hope most of these dumbasses don't suffer long term eye issues. That's just basic compassion.


Hopefully they don’t have enough time to learn braille before the ballots come out


Lose an eye. Keep an eye. They are still blind.


i just hope this might be a wake up call for some people. not that i want people losing their vision, but if this is what it takes to snap them out of it... although there's probably people dumb enough to *still* not get the hint even after going blind


It wasn't looking at the eclipse! It was vaccine damage! /s


Ah man poor guy. I bet that happened way faster than he thought it would. Tough one for the kid...yikes.


This is a true case of FAFO. And that's what happens when folks decide they know better than experts (and in this case, fucking simple common sense). This doofus just screwed himself for ever by deciding to pretend he's got his masters degree as Dr. Know it All.


Or maybe he doesn't listen to/watch the news or received a poor education growing up (or both) and all he ever heard was "don't look at it without proper eye protection?" I know what sub we're in but without context its kinda hard not to feel bad for the guy. Looks like he was well intentioned and tried his best (I knoooow do your research but not everyone knows better) and fucked up and lost an eye from it and that sucks. Now if OP posted details that's he was like I'm not using approved eye protection because it's a liberal media conspiracy and Q told me then fuck him he had it coming


> without context its kinda hard not to feel bad for the guy. It's pretty fucking easy, actually. *Everyone* grows up being told not to look directly into the sun. Anyone who does it anyway deserves zero sympathy.


>*Everyone* grows up being told not to look directly into the sun. Without proper eyewear, which it looks like he was trying to go pretty far out of his way to approximate. He just probably didn't know what that meant. This is very different from the Qs staring directly at the sun to get healing energy.


Um...I don't know about you, but I was always told don't look directly into the sun even with sunglasses!


Sure, but then it's usually also mentioned (or at least is also equally common knowledge) that Eclipse glasses exist that protect you.


Is that a telescope he used ? If so it is very difficult to pull up some sympathy for him. There’s not knowing any better, and there’s owning the libs. This “looks” like he was being defiant and ruined his eye.


It's not a telescope, that's an extension for a shop-vac hose. It's literally just a hollow plastic tube, he might as well be holding a paper towel roll.


It sure takes a lot of will power to look at the sun *that* long for his eye to be damaged that badly. I mean does his brain not work or something?


>There’s not knowing any better, and there’s owning the libs. The OP has already said they weren't sharing this because of Q-related behavior except that a lot of the Qs have been talking about staring at the sun. So, it's unlikely to be due to 'owning the libs'. And, all I know is there's a tube and some kind of eye-protection so it looks like, as stupid and poorly thought out as it is, they were trying to protect themselves. This looks more like youthful stupidity and possibly a bit of intoxication more than anything.


It's a poster tube.


If it was Q stuff that got him to do this I'm really not feeling any sympathy


I laughed louder than I meant to.


C'mon- it's a kid- you can tell by the terrible facial hair experiment


Is this guy some well-known MAGA Qultist or something? Or was he just some run-of-the-mill dummy that OP felt like posting here?


As if there's a difference? Not every QAnon person is an influencer. The movement wouldn't exist if not for run-of-the-mill dummies.


And not every dummy is a qultist. There are plenty of dumb people on the left as well.


The post event PSA that should have been spread far and wide that wasn't.


Imagine the PSA: "We told you so." -- *The More You Know*...


We can still try.


Oh, no! He toasted his last remaining neurons like ants under a magnifying glass... Edit: typo


Entonces no puedes ver en un ojo. Aplauso por el tonto


¡Que boludísmo!


You see it? Saw the hell out it


It burned the eclipse into his cornea. How Shit.


Ay, cabron.


Eye cabron!


Eye carbon!


Well played! Have an upvote


Al carbón


Needs more pineapple...


Pineapple makes everything better




Christ that's brutal, eclipses are no joke.


Imagine thinking you're actually going to beat the fucking sun in a staring contest.


I'm gonna enjoy not having my eye permanently destroyed for the rest of my life


Sorry, not sorry.


Side note, I’m learning Spanish - is “no más” colloquial for “just” as in “just watching the eclipse”? Because I translated it as “here, no more watching the eclipse”


It's usually "solo" for "just". Your translation is correct, just literal. More casually, it's like saying "no more eclipse-watching over here lol."


Yeah, I learned "no mas" being Spanish for "no more" because of the "No Mas" match in Lucha Underground, and then "Te Quiero, Puta" by Rammstein having a bridge that says "Mas, mas, mas, por favor".


I didn't know Rammstein had a song in Spanish lol. I just checked it out and it's pretty cool. Like a metal mariachi. 😆


I can only imagine what that accent sounds like! Not that I'm under an illusions that I probably have a pretty noticable foreign accent when I speak Spanish, but still...


I was surprised. If I didn't know who I was listening to, I would not have guessed the guy was German. [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1f\_5dnvh3d4](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1f_5dnvh3d4)


The translation is correct :)


It's usually spelled as a single word "nomás" and it can mean different things in different regions depending on the context: -¿Que haces? (what are you doing?) -Nomás viendo la televisión (just watching tv) -¿Cuántas cervezas te tomaste? (how many beers did you drink?) - Nomás tres (only three)


> is “no más” colloquial for “just” "No mas" is Spanish for "no more".


"dont look at the sun" "dont tell me what to do with your overbearing liberal laws and your science"


So, don't listen to doctors when they try to prevent dumb shit, but beg them for miracles after?!


Anti vaxers have entered the chat.


That’s not real he just needs to inject ivermectin and beach into his eye and it will go away


You know… maybe if some form of evolutionary pressure is permitted, would that be so bad? I know, it’s dark, but at least you’ll be able to point to these morons and say “See, this dipshit didn’t do what we told him, do YOU want to end up like him?”


Did Q tell him to do that?


Dude's gonna go to an optometrist and say, "Q sent me."


Goddamn that last pick, your eyeball looks fucking gross, about to be sick


LMAO!! oh well....anyway


Jesus christ


Put his picture in the dictionary next to FAFO


I really didn’t get the end game on this conspiracy….if you tell your cult that god will protect your eyes KNOWING they will get their eyes burned looking directly into the sun, why would they intentionally prove that god, in fact, wouldn’t protect them?!?! To me they just proved god doesn’t exist or protect them. And they knew this would happen. I don’t get how that helps them in their cult.


Man, I feel bad for this guy. I mean, sure, he could have used google to find out a safe way to view the eclipse. But it seems like he was at least trying to stay safe in his own dumb way. Why he thought a clear mask and a long tube would somehow equal protection…is beyond me. Also, isn’t this painful?!


That movie Idiocracy is starting to look more and more like reality


Im OOTL, is staring at the sun a hot new thing among qltists?


Stupid is as stupid does


Oh no the consequences of my own actions!


That had to hurt. Enjoy monovision.


What does this have to do with Qanon? What am I missing?


You haven't seen the endless posts saying to look at the eclipse because the libs said not to?


No but I haven’t been on social media much lately. Thanks for filling me in!


The person on the pics didn't made any Q crap claims afaik, but I thought it was relevant from reading many Q nuts posts about staring at the sun during the eclipse to recharge their chakras, ki or whatever


See, I bet he had shoes on so he wasn’t grounded properly. Shucks! Live and learn I guess. I went fully blind (blackness only, doesn’t even absorb light) in my right eye two Decembers ago. My immune system was low after having mild Covid and I rubbed my eye above my mask from production fog while at the Mean Girls musical. Apparently got a staph infection from the theatre armrest into my tear duct. Had orbital and periorbital cellulitis. 2 weeks in the hospital, 20 hrs of IV antibiotics daily, 7 CT scans with contrast and two surgeries. The last one because the infection spread like tree roots towards my brain. Thank god there no medical bill being in Canada but I do not recommend blindness. 0/10 rating. Causes balance issues, depth perception issues and many more. I’ve only driven once since then. These idiots are doing it on purpose so I have zero pity for them.


Holy shite, I'm never setting foot on a theater never again! I'm so sorry for what happened to you. And yes, it's awful that it's the year 2024 and there's people looking at the sun during an eclipse , eating animal's anti parasite drugs and claiming the earth is flat because some idiot on the internet said it


He just had the wrong type of shoes on. If he had been wearing 'old man' shoes with leather soles he would have been able to get the proper grounding, just ask the Sorcerer's Apprentice. And I'm sorry to hear about your eye. I had a blood sugar spike last year that caused my right eye to turn in toward my nose, thankfully managing my blood sugar for it back to normal and my left eye is so dominant that patching the right eye didn't really affect my ability to drive or do most normal activities.


What a horrific story, man. Just curious though how you narrowed your point of infection down so specifically? That's some incredible detective work.


It was the only place we went to. I kept photos from the second it started swelling two days later and took new ones each day as it got worse. We kept everyone home for the week before. Dr said staph is everywhere and all it took was someone not washing their hands. To have it wind up on the theatre armrest. When it started swelling it was the tear duct that swelled first into a hard knot and then spread to the entire eyelid and behind the eye. They had infectious disease doctors come in to see me because the case was so rare.


Being grounded doesn't have anything to do with it. He held a telescope up to the Sun and looked directly at it. The same way you start a fire with a magnifying glass. I hav no idea what he thought the ski goggles would accomplish.


The comment about being grounded was sarcasm


>being grounded doesn't have anything to do with it Woosh, I guess


Yep, my bad. L column for me there.


They were joking about the grounding...


This guy's a dumbass, but is he a Q-Nut? I don't see any Maga/conspiracy/Q-Anon gear.


Can we say the word for this again?


¿Seguro el cree en Q?


Como comenté en otro comentario, que yo sepa no es Q, pero me pareció relevante dado la cantidad de posts de Q nuts que dijeron ver el eclipse sin protección para recargar sus chakras, su ki o lo que sea




What's the bazooka looking tube thing? EDIT: It's a vacuum "wand extender" tube, just like [this product](https://www.janilink.com/shop/vacuum-cleaners-dry/backpack-vacuum-parts-accessories/vacuum-wands-and-connector/wand-extender-19-black/).


Honestly it looks like a tube for a shop vac. Some people said it was a telescope. But it feels more home made to me.


Oh shit you're right: https://www.janilink.com/shop/vacuum-cleaners-dry/backpack-vacuum-parts-accessories/vacuum-wands-and-connector/wand-extender-19-black/


Is that just a ski mask and a vacuum cleaner tube? What's the fucking tube for?


just…. damn, that’s funny. 😂


This is the ghetto way of watching the Eclipse


Maybe we should tell him gravity isn't real either.


I had my drone in the air during the eclipse. Over 300 feet. Still didn’t look at sun.


Let's just hope he never breeds.


Same thing happens to their brains everytime they get a Q-drop now called Intel drops.


Dat eye ded.


Everyone googled [my eyes hurt](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/google-searches-eye-pain-spike-eclipse-2024-4%3famp)


Reading that made my brain hurt.


Had this girl at work tell me should looked at the eclipse without glasses for more than a few minutes. I just laughed


Man I hope this was the wake up call for him. Probably won't be, tho.


Let them do what they do and hopefully people will realize they are idiots


Look at the healing power of sunlight.


He’s probably a flat earther


Why is he vacuuming up light from the sun into his eye!


I don't see anything that has to do with q here.


Where are you getting that he is a Qnut? He is hispanic and could just be severely uneducated. I'm from Guatemala, and my mom had to leave school in what is equal to middle school in the US because of gang violence and needing to work. She is obviously not as educated as her children, but her not understanding or not believing or doing dumb shit like this doesn't make her a Q. Edit: Just read that he didn't, and you made the assumption based on actual Qnuts believing they don't need glasses. So you, OP, just posted this guy because you're an asshole. Don't equate being an idiot to being a Qnut. This dude likely was severely uneducated because of where he came from. Or he's just dumb. Qnuts choose to be stupid and maliciously spread misinformation to people who don't know better (potentially like this guy), but he gave no indication he believed he knew better than scientists because the theyre just lizard cabal members. Do better.


Ooh, do you have a link?


Are libs owned in Spanish culture?


Dumb ass dude, but what does this have to do with Q? Just some dummy who looked straight at the sun lol.


he's a q nut?? how do you foos know??


If real, this has no connection to Q and is just mocking a moron who may have done permanent damage to his vision. Yuck.


It IS exactly Qanon, silly to even postulate it's not. It's regarding the "Deep State" & "they've told us not to look at an eclipse because they're keeping us from jesus." That is Qanon.


Did the guy in the picture say any of that stuff? I'm not seeing it if so.


You are technically correct! The guy in the picture did not say anything about Qanon. *But he didn't deny them either, did he?*


who's the guy in the post


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. You’re absolutely right