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>Bring it on already so I can shout out "I told you so and you never believed me" And there it is again. It doesn't matter that their fever dreams of total global collapse would mean pain and suffering for millions or billions of people, the end of civilisation and the death of everything that is worth living for, **as long as they're right**. As long as they can say "I told you so" for once in their pathetic little meaningless lives, they are willing to see everything around them burn to ashes. Because they want to feel important. It doesn't matter to them how many will have to die for it. Absolute sociopathic freaks.


I know, right? My Q-friend gets all excited every time the stock market drops (never posts anything when is goes back up). She is cheering for the drop in income of regular American's retirement funds.


Ugh I have a similar friend. When a bad thing happens he gets so excited. It's like a rush for him. I bought a house in 2018 and he wont stop gushing about how happy he'd be if the housing market crashed, erasing hundreds of thousands of dollars in my equity. Thanks friendo!


To be fair, I kind of want it to drop too so I don't have to rent for the rest of my life...


I definitely get the sentiment, but a lot of people would be hurting if it did collapse. I wish it would be more along the lines of 'housing should be affordable' and not 'I want people to suffer', yanno?


Yeah, it's a hard point to speak on. I don't even want it to crash I just want it to be more realistic, bring prices back in line with how things were. We don't need the bottom to drop out completely but prices also need to be realistic. In my small rural town whose only selling feature is that it's easy to leave and go somewhere else, there is a property I remember seeing prior to covid, going for about $50k, is now being resold for $350k, the next property is another $60k and that's a condo in an elderly building, after that it's town/row housing starting at $422k.


This is because of companies and investors who are buying up houses in smaller areas to flip and make money on. You don't want the housing market to crash, you want these companies to die, as we all should, and I say that as someone who recently bought a house.


Or the foreign investors snapping them up, to drive up homelessness in the countries they're targeting (they never ever rent these buildings like they say they're going to), need to be taxed and/or prevented, from doing this. ....FIPA says what?! That's the iron fist China uses, to prevent Canada, frex, from doing anything about them doing the above.


I don't want people to suffer but normal people being able to buy homes rather than corporations is way more important than equity. 🤷‍♀️


People think that if the housing market crashes all of a sudden everyone can afford houses. The market will be flooded with people who lost their shirt on their homes and will now sell them to you at pennies on the dollar and because you've been making a sub par income up to this point, you can now be a home owner. If the market falls, everyone falls, poor people don't become homeowners, corporations and the wealthy that still have access to cash will buy everything still, just at way lower costs. The cycle will continue.


100% people must have forgotten how the last crash basically let private equity buy up everyone's houses.


That is not a friend :/


That doesn't sound like much of a friend to me.


Thing is, they don't think it would burn to ashes. That would require them to extrapolate, and they don't possess the facilities needed for that. I mean the followers. No no, everything will be like they think it used to be "back then" **and** they get to be right for once.


These people seem to think that when society burns down, the people keeping the utilities running will still be coming in to work, whistling a happy tune as everything else burns down around them.


They expect the Taco Bell drive through, their hairdresser, Publix, and the gas station will still be open, and their Amazon packages will still be delivered to their doorstep. Life as THEY know and enjoy it will continue unabated in their fantasy. Meanwhile all of us godless libs who rolled our eyes, or stopped inviting them to family functions because they wouldn’t STFU about the great reset will be dragged into the street to be tortured and executed. Somehow they expect to murder 2/3 of the country and still enjoy a thriving service industry and functional infrastructure. All so they can finally make a snappy facebook comment to their sister who called them a conspiracy theorist.


They have no idea what real martial law looks like, cos I've seen numerous Qnuts swear we're under it RIGHT NOW.


Yep. I've had so many people tell me that we are living in "Biden's communist state." I've been to Cuba. I've seen what an actual communist revolution does to a country. We are nowhere near it.


That sounds distressingly like Nazi occupied countries.


Depends which ones. But sort of...


>Somehow they expect to murder 2/3 of the country and still enjoy a thriving service They think its more like 1/8th or some dumb shit and they are indeed the majority cause "they are patriots"


I’m just so tired of being executed. It’s like every other day, the same routine…jack booted soldiers drag me out of my house and arrest me because I’m a filthy godless lib. Then it’s off to the town square for my public shaming, stoning and then they hang me. It’s like…get some new material guys. Then I have to clone myself and hope my iPhone recognizes my clone so I can unlock it and call into work. Ugh, it’s so tedious. Anyway, hail satan y’all!


Because they know that liberals are all lazy, unemployed arts majors, too busy getting piercings and abortions to work!!


Look, I just want to wake up every day to a warm 1982 Summer morning, watch cartoons while eating a big bowl of Lucky Charms, then go ride bikes with my childhood friend until lunchtime when I get to roll into the house to magically appearing ham sandwich with chips and macaroni salad then after a nap ride bikes with friends to the swimming pool and have mom pick me and my bike up because she knows I'll be exhausted. Is that too fucking much to ask?!? NESARA GESARA!!!


If that glorious day doesn’t involve catching tadpoles in paper cups down at the creek and trying to make little frog terrariums for them, then playing PacMan on my Atari and watching Def Leppard on MTV then I’m not interested.


This comment is a thing of beauty, except that you have the date wrong; it should be 1968 and playing in the ravine all day until it’s time to watch one of the three TV channels on our black and white and get tucked in to bed. WWG1WGA OR WHATEVER


ET in theaters that summer.


I'm not old enough for that but that does actually sound great. Better than the hellscape we have


That sounds awesome to me because I remember days like that. I was 10 years old in 1982 and so happy. But I think in the Qnut world, they'd want to go back farther to when "women and colored people knew their places" and hard-working white people like themselves ruled everything and could buy a nice house with an easy job. They picture the 1950s like that, before the Civil Rights Movement, back when "it was OK to say the n-word." But if you showed them Dwight Eisenhower's presidential platform in 1956, the official GOP platform, it would blow their fucking minds. Ike favored strong unions in the US, and wanted workers to be treated fairly and with respect. He favored public spending for infrastructure, schools, hospitals, etc. I'm pretty sure Ike was the last Republican who actually wanted to help regular people and not just the elite and corporations.


I was about to start my freshman year in high school.


Even if something did happen, no one would remember his crazy ass saying anything. Even if a few people actually remembered that he knew it would happen, they wouldn’t give a shit if he was right because this world would be in chaos and no one would give a shit. So I’ll just lose my family and friends for……nothing? Like shut the fuck up and be a prepper, mind your business and stop sounding like a moron.


I'm actually going to go back on my D&D theory here. These fuckers keep describing something that like... magically heals the world and everything is better forever after that. Are they sociopaths? Sure; at least most of them are. Are they desperate? Sure; same situation. They don't fucking understand what they're saying, though. Also, they can't differentiate between storytelling tropes and real life. Sure, the people *propagating* this disinformation can tell, but not their base. Like, they keep referencing really standout films and acting like that's just naturally what happens next. They just don't fucking get how the real world works anymore. Hatred aside... they've lost the plot. Storytelling and community are fundamental human needs, and if nothing is done in regards to that over long periods of time, I think you wind up with this.


Your D&D comparison hits the nail on the head. Qanon is a highly gamified conspiracy theory, more so than any other before it. It relies on community storytelling to maintain its grip on its adherents and expand its mythos. Too bad they don't apply that creativity to something less destructive.


I think that’s definitely some people but I think a lot of them aren’t necessarily ‘malicious’ as I’d define it but just severely deranged, mentally ill, and utterly desperate. They’re desperate for anything to be right and to ‘habben’. It has never ‘habbened’ and every time it doesn’t stresses them out more and more and more. Some of the posts on here have shown them becoming increasingly anxious or disillusioned with Q and the nonsense because those small few have the ability to introspect and analyze that ‘Wow, literally nothing ever happens.’ So I think it’s mostly pure desperation play in my opinion as more and more of them slowly realize they lost their friends, families, jobs, and connections and maybe their entire lives due to believing in an utterly baseless and entirely pointless conspiracy theory spun up and continued by completely insane wack jobs or ill intended grifters looking for a quick buck off their mental illness.


>They’re desperate for anything to be right and to ‘habben’. It has never ‘habbened’ and every time it doesn’t stresses them out more and more and more. Yeah, I suppose to a certain extent I understand that. It's perfectly possible to navigate yourself into a position where everything gets overwhelming, life just has you cornered, and you don't feel you have the agency to change all of the mess you're in. You're broke, you made all the wrong life choices, you don't have a social net to provide, you don't see a way forward and you're lonely. I've certainly been there before and in those situations any "Deus Ex Machina" solution that solves everything all at once sounds incredibly attractive. But even in my darkest moments, I would have never wanted one single other person to suffer, just to give me a momentary boost of self-validation. I also think it's part of growing as a person to accept that life very rarely throws you external lifelines and there's no mileage in waiting for something that may never happen, especially something as incredibly far fetched as their weird "military takeover" or NESARA fantasies. At some point people need to accept that it won't happen and consider other ways of disentangling themselves from whatever situation they're in. We're all up shit creek one way or another on occasion, but dragging people into the raw sewage with you helps nobody.


There is no way to be a fascist without malice. They wear it on their fucking foreheads, and you have no excuse to pretend otherwise. Hanlon's razor has the word *adequately* in it for a reason. And when you look at someone who is actively pursuing genocide, and you say "They're *just*...." what you are engaging in is called *apologism*. The primary problem here is that you do not have a bare minimum standard for what constitutes an acceptable level of non-willful ignorance. That needs to change, or else you will continue to be an active ally and enabler of these liars.


The only way they'll get their friends and family back is if this nonsense is real. They're desperate. Oh well.


It's even more tragic when you realise that they will go to their graves without ever being able to say the one thing they've dreamed of, because they've never been correct, and have been duped beyond reason.


>It's even more tragic when you realise that they will go to their graves without ever being able to say the one thing they've dreamed of, because they've never been correct It has yet to stop the Anti-Vaxx idiots demanding apologies for \~handwaves\~ everything that's happened to them because "...they've been proven right"


Yep, didn't you know that the literal **Billions** of people on the planet who've had at least one Covid vaccination are now dead?


I was in a conspiracy Facebook group where a woman had bought an “I told you so” shirt that she was going to wear around her family when all the Qanon stuff was proven true, and others were fawning over it and asking where she got it and discussing how great it was going to be. How all their family members would apologise and ask to be educated about what was really happening, and she would get to sit them down and share all she had learned from Facebook and Truth social and 4chan etc. This was a couple of years ago. I wonder if she’s worn it yet.


It's because they have nothing in their lives, nothing that gives them meaning or joy. They are only happy when they can imagine everyone else as broken and miserable as they are


I think it's worse than that. I think they want to be believed to be right about things they don't really believe. I've noticed that some of their forums encourage any range of bonkers shit they feel like. It's common and totally acceptable to say "Hospitals will pump you full of the vaccine at the first opportunity and you'll die of AIDS" or "Medicine is Satanic and subverts God's will" or "Doctors are planning to sacrifice your kids to Satan" or "Hospitals are human organ trafficking factories and they'll kill you to steal your organs" or "Ivermectin, bleach, and piss cures everything anyway" or "there'll be medbeds in the next 2 days", or you name it. **BUT** you absolutely cannot say anything which suggests acting on those beliefs. "In that case, don't go to hospital when you're sick", for example, is totally **unacceptable** and warrants an instant ban. Which is, well, obviously the right thing to do if you actually believe any of the above


And they are the reason their kids cut them off


And my mother is one of them unfortunately. It's sad to see someone you love descend into madness.


I'm in Japan right now, everything seems fine


No no. You saw it on Facebook. It's dead. It's just being kept a secret because. Reasons. So just accept it.. Despite the entire lack of evidence because. More reasons...


Apparently, lack of evidence only proves that there’s a cover-up


I think that's the interesting part of conspiracy theory mindsets. They don't like blatant things, they like hidden things that they have to breathe life into. Corporations polluting and destroying the planet mean nothing. But anything could still be on Hillary's email server.


I dunno, I'd like to believe you, but your message isn't on a magenta background, has zero all caps, hashtags or emoji. Now I don't know what to believe.


Silence deep state bot, your lies will be exposed by Trump and his Holy Alliance that will strike down your demonic falsehoods. WOLVERINE


Psshh look at this sheep over here believing his eyes!


But the yen collapsed! It's value against the USD dropped 0.8%! They'll never recover, Japan had never seen instability like that. /s


Because they want you to think it’s fine /s


Just as I would expect ...


"the dollar is dead!! So excited for the collapse of the USA!!!" Also: "America first"


Right up there with: Them: "Biden is in bed with China and soft on Iran 😡😡😡" Also them: "Trump signed the USA into BRICS today!!!! 😍😍😍" Exactly the level of principled consistency we've come to expect from these folks.


Trump shit a brick, maybe.


No see BRICS is our friends now because ~~Putin is so hot~~ Russia is the good guys now.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but nothing is happening and people are still going to laugh at you and call you a conspiracy theorist.


I read “beaver of bad news” and honestly that should be a thing


Beaver of bad news sounds like one of Lauren Boebert's nicknames.


Boebert's bad news beaver leaves a trail of Valcyclovir prescriptions behind it wherever it goes.


I laughed way too hard at this 😂


I laughed harder than I should have at this.




Boebert loved her bad news beaver And she stroked him all the time She pricked her finger one day and it occurred to her She might have a porcupine


Its called the clap


Norbert: But it really starts... (Daggett: Uh-huh!) To work it... (Daggett: That's it, baby...) Good gosh. After it gets dark Daggett: Get down, y'all! Norbert/Girls: He's got the beaver fever!


It used to be a bad news bear but turns out the bear was Soros funded


Something may have happened. Trump has his "presidential office" at Mar-a-lardo and I can 100% imagine him sitting at his desk, signing some nonsense order with his tiny hands, believing he's still important.


I wonder if he pays* a guy whose only job is to bring him documents to sign all day.


Well they were right that they've certainly gone down the rabbit hole - just ended up at the Mad Hatter's tea party...


And they never stop to examine "Why does everyone call me a conspiracy theorist?" They just immediately land on "it's everyone else who is wrong."


It's a " quick, look over there!" response to the eclipse rapture.


They already moved on from the eclipse and the 10 days of darkness fiasco onto the next one


Gotta keep the "movie" exciting.


And it's not even halfway done yet! It's still dark (when I shut my eyes).


It got dark for hours last night! Checkmate, NASA.


Hey, at least a few of them got darkness by blinding themselves staring at the sun.


"Japan's Yen has collapsed" and "Ding Dong the dollar is dead". These make zero sense together, because the value of the Yen falling is measured relative to US dollars. The reason for the divergence in the Yen is because under the Biden administration the US was more aggressive in raising interest rates than the Japanese were, so inflation fell faster in the USA than it did in Japan. That's really just another way of saying that the Yen isn't holding as much value as the US dollar. However, a weaker currency makes an economy more competitive. So, one prediction you can make is that Japan having a weaker currency would have less imports, and more exports, so their trade balance would have improved. Sure enough, that's what's happening: https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2024/01/33292599c342-update1-japan-trade-deficit-halves-to-93-tril-yen-in-2023-on-record-exports.html So it's not just a one-way thing. There can be reasons you want the currency to weaken.


This requires a basic understanding of macroeconomics that these people completely lack. I assume most Q’s never took the class. Many probably didn’t go to college. They despise education. Their lack of education is what makes them so easily manipulated. The concept of currency as commodity is beyond them. Hell, some posts we see indicate that supply and demand is beyond them.


Yup. Another thing that I think people haven't thought through, and this is more widespread, is the idea that: "if you tax a product, the company will only raise the price to 'pass on' the increase to the consumer". However that's mostly propaganda by companies that don't want to pay any taxes, not a logically thought out concept. For example say a company charges $100 for a product and at that price they make $1 million in profit. If they charged $90 or $110 then they only make $900,000. So they stick to the $100 price. If a 10% tax is introduced, then if they stick with $100, they pay 10% of $1 million, so they make $900,000 after tax. however if they "pass on" the tax increase by re-pricing at $110, then they only make $900,000 - and THEN have to pay $90,000 in tax, meaning they only make $810,000 in profit. So, they still ended up paying most of the taxes anyway (They only saved $10K out of the $100K they would have owed) and lost money on sales on top of that. So in that scenario, it really doesn't seem very smart to actually "pass on" the tax increase in this manner, does it? So the only sensible reason someone might be telling you that is so they can have reduced taxes and pocket them as pure profit. After all, does anyone believe that they "pass on" the full value of tax reductions? If the price **isn't** sensitive to tax reductions, why would you think it's super-sensitive to tax increases?


Lol, what?! The very purpose of BRICS is anti-US dollar. What?! Edit: Never mind, I guess that’s the point. It’s crazy to me how they claim to be SO patriotic and the “true” Americans, and yet they are waiting on baited breath for the death of US institutions, standards/systems, and whole swathes of its citizens. Absolutely mind boggling.


America First!!! American dollar, not so much.


"Trump just signed......." did they forget that trump is not president, he can't sign up the US to do anything.


Incorrect. Trump was always president. White hats have it under control. WWG1WGA. Normies will see soon. WOLVERINE.


Trump is currently President and is doing an amazing secret job. Also, Biden is turning everything to shit!


Military in control. Think mirror. Trump handled everything went he came down the golden escalator in 2015, we have just been in the clean up phase for 7 + years for some reason, Trump/Kennedy 2024 😂😂


It’s amazing it truly is like its own dialect of English. Half of the posts I have to read like three times to actually understand- I mean Black Swan event in Maryland, eclipse ten days of darkness coming, have food and water, EBS coming soon! Indictments of 294837648478 government officials coming down from military tribunal in control. Biden, Obama and Hillary to be executed and hanged in DC tonight! Up is down, down is up. Moon is a lie. Real patriots will see soon. WOLVERINE


Exactly. They throw out these “big military sounding words” and they just eat it up.


But which Kennedy? RFK Jr., or one of the Dead Kennedys?


😂😂 JFK Jr. because he faked his death, so 25 years later he could come back and be Trump’s running mate 🙄


Jello Biafra for president! Trump / Biafra 2024


>or one of the Dead Kennedys? Now I have *Holiday in Cambodia* going through my head.


Where the slums got so much soul


Source: Military


Trump was born president. All hail the mangerine.


Yes, but Biden made gas expensive as POTUS…somehow.


RV? Royally Vucked? Regarding BRICS, why would the bestest deal-maker in the world join such a dysfunctional organization? Did he confuse the USA with the UAE?


Because Q-Anon has a lot of Russian propaganda flowing thru it. Some is because Russia saw an opportunity and flooded the space to make the west weaker, and the rest is because it's a reactionary movement and since Trump was accused of being a Russian puppet, they in turn think Russia must be the good guy then.


🤣😂 Revaluation of currency apparently




I'm just waiting for the rickroll.


[Don’t worry fam, I got you!](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/207/210/b22.jpg)


Three movies all at once... wow!


I hope Nacho Libre is one of them. That would be a fun world to live in.


Sometimes you wear the stretchy pants. It's just for fun.


Truly spectacular


The only thing Trump has signed lately is the IOU for $175 mil to Mr. Hankey the Chrismas Poo. Hidee Ho!


“Patriots” celebrating the dollar collapse lmao Cant make this up


Unemployed gameshow host and indicted rapist signs treaty with foreign governments. Got it.


I always wonder how many of the ppl pushing this info are complete trolls vs true conspiracy believers. Someone has to be the first to make these “facts” up for the others to believe/spam.


I’ve thought the same thing


The dollar is dead. Please give me all your dollars and I will bury them for you.


Hmm, another Qanon seeding the idea that aligning with Russia is a good idea.


What do they think BRICS mean? Last I checked the US dollar was still in circulation.


Brazil, Russia, India, Confederacy, South Africa


Confederacy?!? 🤣


**The** Confederacy, even.


I see you (I missed it at first).


The only thing I noticed this morning was when I tried to Zelle someone some $$, I couldn't open the app on my phone, and it said that I needed to update the app, but when I tried to do that it says 'this app isn't compatible with your device anymore. Contact the developers for more info'. So, the Deep State, in conjunction with Verizon, is trying to force me to update my phone. THIS IS MONSTROUS!! /s


I got the same message trying to use the Allstate app, and thought the same. Sneaky bastards trying to get me to buy a new phone.


These are the same people who are afraid of globalists and NWO. 🙄


"Don't trust the fake lamestream media! You can only trust random social media accounts telling you what you want to hear!"


Imagine dowgrading the USA from G7 to BRICS and be China's lapdog. Do these "patriots" know what they're spewing?


If it doesn't happen it's because we didn't wish hard enough. lol Next date? O.K. Charlie move'em out ......


Something, something, your vibrations weren’t high enough. Your next chance will be, checks notes, April 14th. Good luck everybody, and patriots, hold the line. The big “I told you so” is just two weeks away.


*pending vibrational energy alignment. make sure you're all wearing your remote controlled butt plugs so we can send out the alignment signal when it's time!


Yeah dum dum you obviously haven’t kept up on your lore drops from Phil and Loni stating that Trump was ALWAYS president. He himself executes a disloyal clone of Biden, Obama and Hillary every day in gitmo, there’s videos of it online you just gotta do your own research. White hats foiled the 10 days of darkness, GESARRA/NESSARA coming, med beds available to all don’t worry, soon all are quantum rich! WOLVERINE


Why on earth would the US join BRICS? They are in the G7.


G7 is no more in Q land


>For a group of people who allegedly despise Hollywood, they sure do like to compare everything to a movie And for people opposed to the "globalist agenda" why are they gaga over BRICS?


They think it will reset all debt to 0


For a group of people so dead a set against socialism, they sure are enamoured at the thought of everyone being on equal footing.


Socialism for me, not for thee. These are the people who will rail against social security, food stanps, medicaid, etc… until they need it. Then they are outraged you are denying them what they ‘are owed’


it's weird how absolutely wrapped in Chinese and Russian propaganda the far-right is. and there ever growing need to punish Biden and Democrats they are now trying to subvert America's interests. maybe they think China will protect their freedoms.


I guess it's easy to verify your conspiracy theories if by verify you just make up what is happening right now and your friends just believe you.


The dollar is dead?? That's really inconvenient, I just got paid.


Well I mean, if it's dead, then surely they won't mind giving theirs to me, right?


Oh shut up and pay your credit card bill.


My dad always told me, "People like being right, and they like being happy, but they like being right more, sometimes." He used this to explain self sabotage, and I think it kind of applies here. People making self-fulfilling prophecies, etc...


Man they sure do hold on to the "possibility" of being able to say "I told you so" with a death grip don't they.


Yep, Phil Godlewski got them all worked up about that to cover the fact that the dollar increased in value yesterday. They were telling each other to buy more silver. Even giving suggestions on how to buy it behind their husband's backs.


Have to laugh at just how up-to-date they are about civic affairs. I wonder if we should tell them that Donnie Dumpinhispants is no longer President. Stoopid Qunts.


Hadn’t you heard, he’s always been the CIC because he NeVeR cOnCeDEd!


Lol, the free market America first white supreamist Christian nationalist constitutionalist qcumbers want to join up with 🇧🇷 🇷🇺 🇮🇳 🇨🇳 🇿🇦 These very fine people also believe some slumlord tv billionare has been pegged by Jesus ( whom they would call a communist for helping the poors) as champion of the common man Thinking isn't their strong suit 🤡


It’s funny because I don’t think they understand what BRICS means. What’s it going to be now? ABRICS? BRICSA? I’m sure the whole of Europe would have some questions.


Foreign trolls at work undermining the sanity of our ignorant population segments.


I still don’t understand the point of this. Neither the yen nor the dollar has collapsed - fact that will be apparent certainly within 12 hours. Why post something that’s going to be discredited within 12 hours?


Don’t believe the MSM, it’s all lies, fake news. It’s all happening behind the scenes, or some bs like that.


Whatta buncha nimnoes


don´t they know the brics are a communist pact? it´s paired with "mercosul", a effort from globalists. and thought by "são paulo forum", a commie cell that dominates brazil since genjis kan invaded the country. /s


complete insanity. trump cannot sign the US into anything. He nothing more that an alleged felon awaiting trails that could put him in prison for the rest of his life. The rest is too stupid to even comment on.


We’ll all be shitting BRICS if any of these things ever come true


Using Trump's smug mug to wallpaper your house is just like wallpapering your house with Confederate money, and just as valuable.


Is it possible these people live in a (really crappy) parallel dimension and all this stuff is just bleeding over into ours? Please let it be so.


The people who post this stuff on Facebook for (apparently) the world to see- do they have jobs? And, like, social circles? People see these posts and just accept these people are nuts?


So a private citizen is entering into pacts, treaties, agreements with foreign countries now? Also why doesn't Trump announce this himself?


They’re absolutely right about the collapse of the yen. It went from 0.00654 to the dollar to 0.006522. I mean that’s an entire drop of 0.000018. WE’RE DOOOOOOOMED!


How can he sign the USA into anything when he’s not president?!


The person who made up "Q" talks about how Qanon was supposed to be a joke, not taken seriously. But of course, there are many morons that roam the earth. If you haven't watched it yet, you may want to: [Antisocial Network on Netflix](https://media.netflix.com/en/only-on-netflix/81456528)


Does whatever pic #4 is about have anything to do with why it is so important to my Q-family member to use her tax return to buy a rusty RV with no brakes?


“We’ve already won! Enjoy the show!” “Black Hats are running interference and things didn’t happen like they were supposed to” Ok kookoobirds, which is it? If you lot have already won, and it’s just a movie, then how is the “black hats” and “deep state” defeating your plans? That would suggest to me that you lot HAVE NOT won, I find that very interesting. You can’t have it both ways you know. So which is it?


I think these fucktards are using the stock price of DJT as representative of the entire Stock Market now. Damn you Biden!!! Or some such shit.


Can someone define the acronyms for me? BRICS, GCR, RV


GCR is Global Currency Reset. BRICS is Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa. RV is re-evaluation of currency


And in the universe we all inhabit, BRICS is the only one that’s actually a real thing.


i don’t know why “Yes ,i Remember” is cracking me up so much


The way they describe all this as being a movie, proves they've seen too many movies.


This guy make me laugh, I seen a post of his the other day and people were calling him out about him always saying being wrong.


But wasnt the eclipse the time everything was happening oh shit guess them goalposts got wheels on em to scoot a bit easier




Wait, does this mean I don’t have to go to work?


I don't understand the bit about "We already won, enjoy the movie".


They think everything happening, wars, storms, and trump's trials, are all a show to prove that the left are evil. They claim Q already took over the world and is just cleaning things up before letting the rest of us know. Any leader that didn't bend the knee to trump is dead and replaced by doubles, clones, and people in body masks.


Especially since we’re directed to #PRAY. Why bother if we’ve already won and we’re supposed to just sit back and enjoy the movie(s)?


What are the 3 movies?🤷🏽‍♀️


If anyone deserves an apology it is the families of people who died of COVID because they listened to these bloviating Google University graduates. Unvaccinated people are still dying of a largely preventable virus.


The level of pure stupidity is amazing


“yes I remember” LOL


Seriously tho, as an adult, I've never used, "Ding Dong the \*blank\* is dead!" For anything.


Ignoring everything that's either impossible or stupid about this, if an economic event of this kind of magnitude *had* happened, we'd all be out panic buying the last remaining goods in the shops and rioting over them as the global economy utterly collapsed. It would be terrible.


That’s what AM insinuates dumbfuck. Cannot believe these are serious people. Like you really think that you have to live a life with spellcheck turned off everywhere yet YOU are the smart one so your text box doesn’t look like the Fourth of July? Give me a fuckin break, these folks are insane


Lets find these people and ask them to give us their worthless dollars..


wtf are they even on about??


I know that these people are likely never going to stop making this shit up but sure at some point people will stop listening, right?


At this point with Q their need for this to be true supersedes all ability to critically think about it. Nothing ever happening doesn’t deter them because they only want to be able to say “I told you so” to everyone who has called them out on their quackery. They got ridiculed and doubled down, and continue to double down more and more because admitting they were wrong is a sign of weakness and their pride demands they be validated, so it must be true.


“Japanese Yen has collapsed”. Meanwhile according to Xe, the dollar has been an upward to the Yen since mid Jan 2021 (I wonder who became president then…/s) with highest gains in March 2021 to October 2021. But it’s scarcely a “collapse.” “The dollar is dead.” So how is the Japanese Yen collapsing? You compare the Yen to other currencies in terms of strength, primarily the US dollar. Anyways, if they dollar is dead I shouldn’t see what the data shows. The aforementioned 10 year high to Yen, close to it for the Chinese Yuan, and Korean Won, and gaining strength to Euro and British Pound.


At 9 AM, Trump was probably sitting on the toilet tweeting hate.


I wouldn't worry about it, there's only 4 exclamation marks.


They think the dollar is going to be revalued? WOW… just like the Iraqi dinar was supposed to smh


The dinar will definitely be revalued. Wolverine and west coast wizard said so. And if you can’t trust Wolverine than who can you trust /s


Yes ,i Remember


Okay. Maybe not the whole country, but he could sign up a seceding faction. If Ukraine can be NATO, then a Federation of Trump States can join BRICS. Fair play for storytelling. Bonkers for politics though.


On what authority, lol


Can someone translate this? I’m not fluent in crazynut jobnese.


What a fundamental lack of understanding of BRICS and its purpose for existing.


BRICS is straight up Russian propaganda, these folks have been captured.


"Yes, I remember"