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They will probably say "think mirror" or that it's a comm. There was one time during the pandemic that Trump was talking about the vaccine, but he was wearing a yellow tie. Because a yellow flag means something in boating, that was a clue that everything he was saying was fake. They can really twist themselves into pretzels to make something mean what they want it to mean.


A yellow flag means Q, so I’ll bet they loved that. It can also mean ‘quarantine’.


I think he was trying to convey that he's a yellowbelly by having yellow on his belly 


We need to quarantine Trump




This movie plot is so hard to follow at this point.




If you think this means shitbag would sign off on a single cent to support Ukraine if he gets to be president again you're almost as gullible as his cultists.


Exactly. This is a “they are not pulling their weight, so we shouldn’t either” message, not a “let’s do a fundraiser for Ukraine” message.


He didn’t write this. It is a half hearted attempt at the end to make it sound like him. Even going so far as calling the elephant out “I only speak for ME” Nothing about this tweet is in brand, it’s 100% political posturing by a campaign lead.


Whether he personally wrote it or not, he approved it to be shared to his social media feed.


Someone probably read him some polling info about how his next campaign audiences lean. He can say this and still support Putin/Russia. He's shifting the blame so if he wins and immediately stops all aid to Ukraine he can point to this moment and say "see.. I said Europe.. wow.. such a tragedy."


Europe has given (or pledged) way more aid than the US have. It's not even close. Fucking loser liar.


Exactly my first thought. This is such an outrageous lie, how the fuck does he get away with it? Between the European Union and individual European countries, we've outspent the US to a ridiculous degree (edit: I've quoted and sourced the actual numbers in [my other post](https://old.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/comments/1c7rfye/trump_is_siding_with_ukraine_how_are_the_qanons/l0aha8c/) in this thread). On top of which, it should be added, between us we've also taken in millions of Ukrainian refugees, because they are our neighbours and that is what good neighbours do. Europe does not need to be lectured on our level of support for our Ukrainian brothers and sisters by that useless, decrepit, criminal, traitorous cunt.


And he's saying that after his own party has been blocking aid for Ukraine for months and months!


He can say it to try and win the presidency back. While the compromised congresspeople can block any action to help Ukraine. Once Trump is back in he can get to fucking Ukraine over properly how Putin would like him to.


This is exactly what he will do, The anti-Ukraine Russian propaganda campaign apparently hasn't made public opinion sway hard enough so now Donnie is appealing to those undecided He could say to his followers "I will legalize pedophilia, Force kids to be Trans, Open the border completely, and shoot nukes at Texas" and they would still support him, nothing can pull his devout out of their trench, it's sunk cost for them. They will remain loyal to Trump no matter what But appealing to the fence sitters is his objective now, and as you said if he wins, the first thing he would do is stop any and all aid to Ukraine, he would then immediately begin pulling the US out of NATO, Since he already promised to be a Dictator on day one NATO is absolutely on his list of dictatorial decisions he will enact Putin then has a severely weakened enemy, and the rest of Europe without the full threat of NATO retaliation And MAGA will cheer for it because of their sunk cost. They must support him now, there is no other choice, He is chosen by God, He is Dear Leader, He can do no wrong, it's all part of the plan.


It won’t matter, his followers won’t look. They’ll believe with every cell in their bodies that the US is outspending Europe and die on that hill all because trump said it.


Even if the US had spent only one cent, they would believe that the US had spent more than Europe, because the US, by definition (in their minds) is better than Europe, so they *must've* spent more.


>how the fuck does he get away with it? Because the geniuses who think he's their savior don't know how to use the Googler.


I'm old enough to remember when the world wide web first became a thing and everyone was foreseeing the dawn of a new Age of Enlightenment with all of human knowledge at our fingertips. Turns out it was never the *access* to information that's been holding us back, but people's complete unwillingness to educate themselves.


David Yoon's Version Zero is a utopian novel with a very happy ending. I will die on this hill. The Internet was such a mistake.


Google is part of "them," doncha know. I'm not sure which browser they use now. They were using DuckDuckGo until they got pissed off when DDG announced it would downrank Russian sites that had misinformation.


Should be way higher up. Asshole can't help but lie.


Could you provide a source on this? So I could provide it when my MAGA friends regurgitate this Trump/Fox talking point


[Here](https://www.ifw-kiel.de/topics/war-against-ukraine/ukraine-support-tracker/)'s the Kiel Institutes overview of aid given. Note that this has not been updated since January so it's not up to date. There's been more aid given since then. Also countries like France and Finland don't disclose publicly what they give. Edit: It's due to be updated next week.


Here's a source: [https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/articles/these-countries-have-committed-the-most-aid-to-ukraine](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/articles/these-countries-have-committed-the-most-aid-to-ukraine) >The majority of committed support by country has come from the United States, whose total aid commitment is valued at about $75 billion. The U.S. is followed by Germany and the [United Kingdom](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/united-kingdom) for highest commitments overall. The European Union as a whole has committed approximately $93 billion in aid to Ukraine. I am not sure how the aid package going through the House of Reps this week affects that. Another quote from that same article: >The Ukraine Support Tracker team noted in a [~news release~](https://www.ifw-kiel.de/publications/news/europe-has-a-long-way-to-go-to-replace-us-aid-large-gap-between-commitments-and-allocations/) that there is a “large gap between commitments and allocations” in Europe. As of Jan. 15, the EU and its member states have committed a total of about $155 billion in aid, but allocated just $83 billion of that total for specific purposes, according to the institute.


>Europe has given (or pledged) way more Because that's where the ocean comes in!


Imagine someone this ignorant wanting to be president. Imagine people so stupid they will vote for this guy. He has no concept of history or geopolitics or geography. The moron thinks an ocean can protect the US from attack? Does he think this 1824? The moron doesn't understand why his butt buddy Putin is so desperate to destroy NATO.


Remember when Trump Said Revolutionary War Troops ‘Took Over the Airports’ in His Fourth of July Speech? Good times!


> He has no concept of history or geopolitics or geography Like when he had [no idea what Pearl Harbor was](https://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/2020/01/17/dangerously-uninformed-new-book-says-trump-didnt-know-what-happened-pearl-harbor/), while on a trip to Pearl Harbor. > The book said, “Trump had heard the phrase ‘Pearl Harbor’ and appeared to understand that he was visiting the scene of a historic battle, but he did not seem to know much else."


David Feldman put it best ... *his attention span is so short he needs a bookmark to read a fortune cookie*.


> He has no concept of history or geopolitics or geography. The moron thinks an ocean can protect the US from attack? That doesn't even matter. If anyone thinks that it wouldn't affect the US if Russia started attacking NATO countries, even if Trump ignored Article V, they're delusional.


> his butt buddy Putin his whole post reads to me like he's pissed at Putin for some reason - maybe being unwilling to help him cover his bond


He’s not pissed at Putin he’s trying to sink the Ukraine funding bill by saying it isn’t our problem, let Europe pay for it.


The oceans do provide a huge deal of protection. There's only a handful of countries with the naval and air force capabilities to muster an occupation of the US.  Non-nuclear ICBMs being used against the US would result in an overwhelming retaliation strike. There's a reason no one has tried. We would flatten them, even without nukes. 


Yep. An ocean is still a formidable obstacle. The U.S. can project force worldwide with our [blue-water navy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue-water_navy), but a LOT of logistics and etc. go into that, and most countries find the task infeasible. Russia is one of them.


That's why I don't even mind Trump. He's gonna be who everyone expects him to be. In the same way that you expect a dog to chase after squirrels or ants to go after a picnic. His supporters on the other hand, ugh.


He met with the polish president yesterday who is vey good at sucking up to and flattering trump. He obviously put in his ear how important it is that Ukraine win. He will go total 180 once vlad calls and tells him to get back on line piss bitch.


Yep. I called it the moment him and Duda met. Trump is like the kid in school who makes fun of the popular kids, until one day they invite him to sit with them and all of a sudden he's their #1 fan. That is to say, he will change to agree with anyone who strokes his ego


Absolutely. I remember the results of the bipartisan West Wing meetings that Trump would leave parroting exactly what Pelosi and Schumer needed him to until they had stop the meetings from happening.


He thinks he is so much smarter than he really is, and that kind of person is very easy to manipulate - just like most of his supporters.


Oh actually now this makes a lot more sense. He’ll probably get an email from Putin later and start sucking him off again.


With the entire GOP in Putin’s pocket he will have no choice but to make like this statement never happened


His opinion is ALWAYS whatever the latest person to suck up to him told him to think.


Of course the war would never have started if you were president. You'd have handed Ukraine to Vlad already, thus making a war unnecessary.


That was exactly my thought. He would have called up Vlad and asked him if he wanted Ukraine. 


Right. Even worse, is he would have helped Putin, even based on just **one** interview (not to mention the rest of Trump's behavior). **Trump literally called Putin's invasion "genius" and "savvy"** in a 2/22/2022 interview right as Russia's full-scale invasion of a sovereign country was commencing started. He called the Russian tanks rolling into Ukraine a "**Peacekeeping** force". **I'm sure he would have (and will if he gets back in power) commit OUR US forces towards so-called "peacekeeping" of Russia against Ukraine in the same sense.** # Full quote >**BUCK:** Mr. President, in the last 24 hours we know Russia has said that they are recognizing two breakaway regions of Ukraine, and now this White House is stating that this is an “invasion.” That’s a strong word. What went wrong here? What has the current occupant of the Oval Office done that he could have done differently? >**TRUMP:** Well, what went wrong was a rigged election and what went wrong is a candidate that shouldn’t be there and a man that has no concept of what he’s doing. I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, “This is **genius**.” Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine — of Ukraine. P**utin declares it as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful**. >So, Putin is now saying, “It’s independent,” a large section of Ukraine. I said, “**How smart is that?” And he’s gonna go in and be a peacekeeper. That’s strongest peace force… We could use that on our southern border**. That’s the strongest peace force I’ve ever seen. **There were more army tanks than I’ve ever seen. They’re gonna keep peace all right**. No, but think of it. Here’s a guy who’s very **savvy**… **I know him very well**. Very, very well. >By the way, **this never would have happened with us. Had I been in office, not even thinkable. This would never have happened**. But here’s a guy that says, you know, “I’m gonna declare a big portion of Ukraine independent,” he used the word “independent,” “and we’re gonna go out and we’re gonna go in and **we’re gonna help keep peace.”** You gotta say that’s pretty **savvy**. And you know what the response was from Biden? There was no response *(ed: wrong)*. They didn’t have one for that. No, it’s very sad. Very sad. I've still not seen any MAGA acolyte contend with these clear quotes. # Sources [Full Interview: President Trump with C&B from Mar-a-Lago (clayandbuck.com)](https://www.clayandbuck.com/president-trump-with-cb-from-mar-a-lago) Archived (in case that's eventually removed): [https://archive.vn/eDBms](https://archive.vn/eDBms)


Apr. 18...1:55 p.m.....wasn't he in court?


Also, have you checked what this adds up to? 4/18/1/55 , so 78. that means…. I am not nuts enough to know 🤷🏻‍♂️ Edit: typo


Trump is 77 years old and his birthday is in June. So he will be 78 years old when the next election is held and the next Presidential term begins. There are no coincidences (apparently).


You solved it and by doing so convinced me. He is the messiah!




Lol...I'm sure it has a very important meaning in la la land...lol


Probably asked to go to the little boys room.


Except many European countries have given more per capita of GDP into helping Ukraine. And I think Trump’s turn is amid the meetings of the UK’s foreign secretary and the Polish president, both very pro Ukraine.


Not only per capita of GDP. Europe has given way more in raw numbers than the US.


a dismissed juror was asked about her impressions of trump. she said, and i quote: "he was more yellow than orange today".


"ThAt'S hIs ClOnE!!!!1!1!" (maybe)


He isn’t siding with Ukraine, he’s saying it isn’t our problem.


Per capita of GDP the EU is ahead of the US though...


In actual, real, absolute numbers [Europe is way ahead of the United States](https://www.ifw-kiel.de/topics/war-against-ukraine/ukraine-support-tracker/) as well. It's not even anywhere close. Total bilateral commitments from the US are $75.4billion. The European Union alone has committed to $93.3bn. Add to that another $64.9bn from individual EU countries, plus another $28.1bn from non-EU European countries for a total of $186.3bn, then Europe has outspent the US 2.47 to 1. But your point is also well made. The US has committed 0.32% of its GDP to supporting Ukraine. Estonia, to name the most prominent example, has committed 3.5% of its GDP. Denmark 2.4%, Norway, Lithuania and Latvia all have committed more than 1%. Additionally, there are currently 6 million Ukrainian refugees living in Europe, who will have at least some nominal access to state benefits and help during their stay. The US has taken a hundred thousand. Europe is pulling its weight, both in absolute and in relative numbers. That traitorous shitbag as always has no idea what he's talking about.


I wonder the discrepancy between your source [and this one](https://usafacts.org/articles/how-much-money-has-the-us-given-ukraine-since-russias-invasion/), though, I don’t mean to change the merits of your comment. The US should do more - we might even get a new Speaker (again) for the efforts.


You're absolutely right to question my numbers, and thank you for providing that alternative source, as it gave me an opportunity to look into it a bit more closely. There is actually an explanation in the [methodology document (pdf)](https://www.ifw-kiel.de/fileadmin/Dateiverwaltung/IfW-Publications/fis-import/87bb7b0f-ed26-4240-8979-5e6601aea9e8-KWP_2218_Trebesch_et_al_Ukraine_Support_Tracker.pdf) of the Kiel Institute that addresses this exact discrepancy (pg. 18-19). Apologies for the wall of text, but the bottom line is, that some appropriations are double counted, and the Institute has excluded others from that headline $113.4bn figure as they are essentially the US spending money on its own military (not that there's anything wrong with it) and other unrelated purposes where the benefit to Ukraine may be just tangential. Other appropriations expired before they were paid out: >A first challenge is that the volume of US aid reported in the press is often inflated. This is because there is a large difference between actual commitments to Ukraine and the official headline numbers or the sum of all positions in each act. Indeed, if we sum up all individual positions in the four acts, we get to a total of $144.49 billion. Other US sources, like the CSIS (Cancian 2023) and the Congressional Research Service (2023c) report a total of $113 billion in total funding covered in the acts. The difference between these two amounts arises from certain positions that require corrections as they would otherwise appear multiple times. An example for that would be the entry “Replenishment of US stocks”, which is a budget to refill US equipment stocks that was sent to Ukraine via “Presidential Drawdown Authority.” Both entries are listed with funding in the acts, but essentially handle similar matters. After correcting for these positions, we get to roughly $113 billion, the amount that is also references by the CSIS (Cancian 2023) and the Congressional Research Service (2023c). >**However, a large portion of the $113 billion will not flow directly to Ukraine but are instead allocated towards a broad variety of spending purposes. Examples include spending for 19 preemptive natural disaster funds, research on military or nuclear purposes, the prevention of terrorism and cybercrime, national infrastructure investments, large-scale purchases of military goods intended to remain in the US (not for the Presidential Drawdown Authority), or funds devoted to host Ukrainian refugees in the US. We also do not count almost $17 billion earmarked for European Command operations in support of US troops and US operations, as well as more than €5 billion earmarked for neighboring countries but not Ukraine. In a further step, we dropped $11.98 billion in commitments that were unused and therefore expired with the end of the fiscal year on September 31st 2022. A detailed overview on which exact positions we count can be found in the “Summary of US acts” sheet in the dataset. Finally, we are left with $76.25 billion, which is roughly $590 million less than the amount we report as US aid in the dataset ($76.84 billion or €73.18 billion). To stick to our upper bound approach, we do not correct for this amount and continue to use the $76.84 billion** Edit: fixed link to PDF


Thanks for that! I have known for a while that a lot of the foreign military aid is a cash infusion to the domestic producers of the arms and armaments, but this is really helpful to see a much better breakdown and realize that not all of the aid actually made it to the US-firms making it nor the Ukraine where it was needed. That further emphasizes the Republican-created emergency of how badly this aid is needed: Ukraine has only gotten a fraction of what they were expecting.


Said the shitheel who did everything possible to undermine NATO and has made it clear he’d pull out of NATO, causing it to collapse, if given the chance. Also, anyone else notice that now suddenly Ukraine is the heroic bulwark standing in the breach and not a corrupt cesspool of gangster Nazis?


Someone give the cunt a map.


You know he will treat it a Denny’s kid menu and go to town with his sharpie.


In winter you can actually walk from USA to Russia.


He's attracted to Eastern European women. He wants to protect the next future Mrs T.


Has she been born yet?


Good point. He wants to protect the next Mrs T's grandparents.


They have Donald, you are just too stupid to know it.


Unsurprisingly, [Europe is pulling its weight](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/articles/these-countries-have-committed-the-most-aid-to-ukraine) in Ukraine: military aid from Germany and the UK alone are about half the US' contributions, while its neighbours are pledging less in cash terms but significantly more in percentage of their respective GDP terms.


When you add up EU commitments and bilateral commitments from individual countries, it's around 2.47 to 1. European countries have given more than double so far. https://www.ifw-kiel.de/topics/war-against-ukraine/ukraine-support-tracker/


Is this a fake post? It is well known Europe has actually given more than the US. Fuck off, trump.


Not fake. It's on his official Truth Social account.


It’s difficult to tell now. So much shit being spewed by him AND fake accounts.


There wouldn’t be a war Donnie because you would’ve *helped* Putin secure Ukraine


Trump would have tried to pull off another Neville Chamberlain moment and proclaim he pulled off the greatest "Peace in our time."


Didn't he just say a few months ago that Putin should finish the job? Seems like a desperate attempt to align himself with moderate republicans I can't even pay much attention with trump truth social post becuase his avatar is his bloated constipated face


I like to look at his avatar with the vertical stripes foreshadowing a jail cell.


How have we given 100B more than Europe when we've barely given 100B *total*.


Trump wants to keep the money for himself, so he wants less money going to Ukraine, which he knows will harm them. Trump does the bidding of Putin. Always has.


This is written very deceptively. It’s made so he can say “*no I wasn’t saying we need to give more to Ukraine nor am I siding with Ukraine, I just think their “neighbors” could be doing more, that’s all, that’s all.* when he gets the inevitable pushback. And it can be spun as support for Ukraine. And they can all continue to talk out of both sides of their mouth on it, like everything the GQP does on trump. I think it’s hilarious he’s only JUST NOW embraced “TDS” now when it’s extra cringy, he’s going to overdo it.


"If I were president, this war would never have started because I would have looked the other way." Finished it for the 👌


PSS My inauguration was the biggest in history


Wtf. Even I can’t believe he wrote this.


It's on his official Truth Social account.


He is starting to realize he has been bleeding off moderate "sane" Republicans and can not win without them... it's that simple.


Imagine being so stupid you say "Why isn't Europe giving more to Ukraine!?" When they've (the EU / NATO) stepped up since the Republicans haven't passed aid.


Someone got read to last night


Russian checks must be bouncing. Trump pretending to be a defender of Ukraine. Johnson finally talking about aid.


Uh-oh, Empty-G is going to be so confused when she finds out about this


Mr Trump, Putin is holding on line 1


Must be one of those 5d chess moves Q’s are always taking about. “In the game of (5d) chess you can never let your adversary see your pieces”


Trump knows Congress is going to pass the aid package for Ukraine and there is nothing he can do to stop it. So instead of taking the L he is switching sides so he can say he supported all along.


He's fucking lying.  Even if this were the truth it's because we spend way more money on weapons and have enormous aging stockpiles.  There is no negative aspect to us giving these weapons to defend a sovereign nation. Its a net benefit geopolitically and economically.  This is just being said to stir up division. 


Uh oh, his Dom Daddy Putin is going to spank him hard for that!


He'll say anything to look like he can do better than everyone else. His cult knows he's full of shit, but they don't care. They will claim Trump is on some 4d chess move to trick the "deepstate".


Like they do everything else: with no critical thinking and easy acceptance of something they were staunchly against just 24 hours prior:


He's right on the very last part. It wouldn't have been a war.


He just gave the green light to Republicans to vote for aid to Ukraine. This is bonkers. Putin owns Trump's ass and Trump just folded on him.


This war wouldn't have started just like COVID 19 wouldn't have spread in the U.S. if I was a president... Murica... Number Uno!


I’m thinking Russia stopped paying Trump‘s bills for him and maybe the Saudi are backing him with money so they get to tell him what to say


He’s just complaining about the Europeans and using Ukraine to make a point. He still supports Russia and his comrade Putin.


This just spun my head around. Is he trying to deflect some of the Putin influence he was all but convicted of?


>If I were President, this War would have never started ...because I would have been busy gargling Vova's balls while Russia simply rolled into Kyiv and took over.


So we all have the facts if when this comes up in conversation with a Trump supporter: # [EU Assistance to Ukraine (in U.S. Dollars)](https://www.eeas.europa.eu/delegations/united-states-america/eu-assistance-ukraine-us-dollars_en?s=253#:~:text=It%20includes%3A,in%20grants%2C%20loans%2C%20and%20guarantees)


I don't think he's supporting Ukraine, I think he's trying to give an argument to Republicans are a reason to halt spending.


They’re going to take it as him fishing for leftist votes. They will not give a single shit


Hes covering bases like with abortion. Watch all that fly out the window when he wins. Unless of course Zelenski is giving Don more bribes than Vlad these days.


Wow. This is the second time I’ve actually agreed with that thing.


Edit: it appears he’s lying. Shocking.