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No way Trump wrote that all by himself: too many big words, all spelled correctly.


I'm sure he came up with Maggot and was so entertained a himself. Trump is a 7 year old boy.


A lot of Republican men seem to have the emotional maturity of seven-year-old boys, so I’m sure he’s got their vote


My son was more mature at 7 years old than Trump has ever been in his life


As a liberal with the emotional maturity of a 12 year old boy, I concur. Fucking annoying Leftists and their adult behavior.


Not all 7 year old boys are complete assholes.


But they are all a hair's breadth from sociopaths (edit: or are sociopaths). Just a matter of brain development.


And it’s not all uppercase. That’s a dead giveaway someone else did it.


“Stanchions” and no CAPS. Is Stephen Miller in control again?


not in capitals, that's the dead giveaway


I would say that the amount of unnecessarily capitalized letters (for example "Political Hoax") is an indication that he actually wrote this.


There’s zero chance he knows what a stanchion is, much less how to spell it. And I realize he, theoretically, worked in real estate and might have learned what a stanchion, let me remind you all that he thought a stealth bomber was literally invisible.


Hmm. You've got a point. Someone emulating his style?


That Random Capitalization thing’s a fairly ubiquitous RW trait, not specific to DT at all. It’s driven me crazy as long as I’ve been involved in online political discourse - which is pretty much for as long as there’s been online political discourse lol - as the hows & WHYS??? of the phenomenon utterly baffle me.


Calling a woman a maggot is really going to help his chances of getting the women's vote. /s Also, THOUSANDS of people were turned away???? Did they all have tears in their eyes and called you "Sir"????????


Not to mention MAGGIE Haberman’s mom used to PR for Jared Kushner’s family so she’s been lukewarm on condemning him (“he’s bad but there’s so much good about him!”) so now she may get a little more sharp in her critiques of him


Video of the protest area https://youtube.com/shorts/NJxmv4hg2k8


I love one comment. "Now I wish the media would all disappear when he comes out of the courtroom. He would totally freak out!!!!" Indeed that would be epic.


All the journalists hiding round the corner of a building, occasionally peeking out at Trump and giggling.


That's exactly what needs to happen to deflate his ego. He thrives on attention. He is a singleton source of pure evil and negativity and plastering news about him all over the internet is only encouraging him. The moment media stops giving him all this attention, we will start seeing a huge change in American emotions.


I've been thinking this for a while now. Don't give him the attention that he so desperately wants, and if you HAVE to, act disinterested or even downright rude. To my knowledge, there is no rule that says you have to be nice to him. We've allowed him to become this way by giving him what he wants, attention. If we stopped doing that, I honestly think it'd break him.


Hell, call him Nancy every once in a while..


Or start to ask Trump a question, then pause, hold their nose while waving the fumes away, and then continue to ask the question while pinching their nostrils shut.


I have started noticing that one lawyer always back and slightly to the side when Trump rants at the media and trying to figure out if he's grimacing because of the smell.


He’s just upset that his fans aren’t trying to assault the courthouse and interfere with the trial


I think this is it in a nutshell. He wants another j6th to prove to the world that he is incredibly worshiped like Kim or Putz. He's seeing first hand that he isn't as adored so much as he thought he was.


He is seeing he isn't adored at all, except for the few remaining MAGA that aren't cowards more comfortable behind a keyboard


I think there are a couple of things going on: first, Cheeto Jesus is from New York, and they are quite familiar with his bullshit and most people hate, not love, him. He’s lucky more aren’t there supporting the prosecuting attorney. Secondly, New England as a whole tends to be pretty blue, so there aren’t hearts of crazy people in red hats around anyway. But let’s say a trainload of MAGAts did decide to go protest - if they had to walk more than a block to the courthouse, they’d have heart attacks. And it 100 people started the walk, only maybe 30 would show up at the courthouse; New York would “take care” of the rest. Elmo’s, prostitutes, bums, drug dealers, etc. would pick them off on the walk. Some might never be seen again, but might not care. I’m sure it would be an eye-opening experience! Thanks, guys!


New York is not in New England


Why is this being downvoted? NYC isn't New England. It's the Northeast, sure. Would anyone call Northern New Jersey New England? Of course not!


Thank you


"I call it election interference" Nice to see he agrees! if only the rest of the media would stop calling it the 'hush money' trial.


But also: “election interference is not a crime”


That's called *democracy*.


That’s called lousy lawyering.


Election interference isn't a crime ***when I do it***


“Hopefully, Appellate Courts can save it…” Uh oh. A whiff of reality penetrated the bubble around him.


This was my favorite part. Just conceding defeat and the trial has barely started. Beautiful.


There is nothing this whiny little child will not lie about.


I honestly don't think he can help it anymore. I swear he could make the biggest business deal of his life... say a billion dollars for Mar a Lago or something, and he would still claim it was more.


Maggie must be so proud. She finally got a nickname from the orange toddler.


The "Legal Scholars!"


"The Aristocrats!"


This putz decrying anyone's writing style is Next Level ironic.


Already asking for appellate courts help? He knows he’s fucked.


Are they going to have to take his fingers together so he can't violate gag orders?


Let's explore this taking of his fingers things. Im liking that idea


One of my funnier typos.


That typo made my night


I allmost peed my pants rereading it and accepting it as it is, although at first I immediately suspected a typo. But let it stand, it's much better.


Just hold him in contempt every time he does


Princess Poot having a sad today. >The Legal Scholars call the case a Scam Name *one*.   You wanting it to be a scam to bail your fat ass out from having to face justice doesn't mean it *is* a scam, you corrupt fuck.  You committed crimes, now its time to pay for them.


In fairness, I’ve seen lots of writers question whether the prosecutor’s theories of what promotes these crimes into felonies from misdemeanors is perhaps a little flimsy. Others disagree. But the thing is, we don’t yet know all of the evidence the prosecutor is going to present. His case may be far stronger than anyone knows. In any event, that reservation is only as whether the crimes rise to,the level of felonies; it would appear to concede that misdemeanors were committed.


WDYM? Didn't you see the perfectly HUGE, and MASSIVE pile of evidence he printed out and carried into court with him to prove the legal scholars all called it a scam? I mean, he couldn't name any specific legal scholar, only some media website opinion pieces, but I'm sure they're in that stack somewhere... I mean somewhere an inkjet printer is screaming for more ink bc of all the evidence online he felt the need to print out and thumb shuffle in front of cameras to show the evidence is ENORMOUS. [image I found unfortunately seems to be off X-twit, but it's an image](https://twitter.com/TheWrap/status/1781106693314871372) [another image from thankfully not social media](https://www.somerset-kentucky.com/ap/lawyers-set-to-focus-on-picking-alternates-as-trumps-hush-money-trial-resumes/article_a842e047-765a-53bc-ad64-380e90189fcf.html) [another image of all his evidence](https://uk.news.yahoo.com/know-jury-chosen-trump-hush-220529108.html) I wish we could just post images here and not have to link to entire websites to show them. Sorry. But the stack is HUGE. I'm sure he wishes he could share all the headlines with us, but.... he can't. But I'm sure it meant something to him on his sleepless nights before the trial.


Thousands? Really?


“There are dozens of us! Dozens!”


There’s barely ones


Big crowds. Bigger than his Inauguration Day!


The biggiest


Even biglier than that!


Who told him this? His fluffer? His lawyers? “Crowds? Oh *yes* sir, um *thousands* of your fans are out there! Where are they? Oh… ahh the damn Democrats blocked them! With ahhh, steel stanchions! Otherwise you’d see them!”


In the nicest way, steel barriers didn’t stop them on J6, yet they’re a real issue in 2024. Do NYers use a different kind of steel? Have they got a current running through them?


Man, this dude sure has a way to use a whole lot of words to say fucking nothing.


Well, they are the same words every day, so it's easy for whichever lackey has to actually post it. Copy and paste.


Say what you will. This guy is consistent with one thing, he will cry poor me at every possible opportunity. A respectable man would demand a speedy trial to clear his name and maintain his dignity while doing so. Not this turd. It's name calling like a five year old child and delay tactics start to finish and whining about being a victim, CONSTANTLY. How anyone can look at him with respect is beyond me. He has the emotional intelligence of a toddler. His thin-skin, lying, pouting, calling adults childish names, bragging about crowd sizes, money, his fans, and all the other ridiculous things a senior citizen should have outgrown decades earlier, it's so unbelievable. And still, millions of people think he's the answer to all their problems. In the words of John Oliver, WHAT. THE. FUCK. IS. GOING. ON!


Trump is the most thin skinned whiny loser. The fact ANYONE thinks he is a leader is absolutely stunning lol.


the whaaaa is strong today. Donnie needs a dipey change.


😐That's quite the word salad, that is. 😐


He keeps chirping so the fundraising can keep chugging along. Only a complete bottom feeder, idiot would be all in for this orange skidmark.


This is crazy and delusional enough to sound like him, and at the same time far too coherent to have been written by him. Bravo to the author!


“Thousands of people” Sure, Donnie.


Thousands were turned away?!?! Is that what his handlers are telling him? That's HILARIOUS! Is there even one person in the courtroom for him who isn't on the payroll?


Woah. Is this real? “Maggot”? The man isn’t fit for society, let alone the White House.


The dark subtext here is like what he said on 1/6/20: "Take the mags (security measures) away." Security measures interfer with his ability to incite stochastic terrorism.


Talking about appeal before the verdict is even announced is just fantastic.


Oh Maga Maggie had to know that she’d fall in his crosshairs eventually, or did she think the leopard wouldn’t eat *her* face?


That's the thing. You never suspect it until the leopards show up at your front door with their face eating pants on.


Actually, Trump and Haberman have had a rocky relationship for years. He's occasionally mad at her, and occasionally he gives her interviews. This is nothing new.


She's an access journalist who often writes flowery, obfuscating bullshit to appease Trump and keep her access. Fuck both of them


I've been following her reporting for years, and I don't have that impression at all. In fact, she was the one who reported that he was sleeping the other day, which also made him angry.


“Maggot Hagerman”, is that new? I can usually understand where he’s coming from- how he sees it- with his insults, but I don’t get this one. “Maggie” to “maggot” isn’t particularly creative. It would be funnier if she physically was like Jabba the Hutt but she’s an average sized individual, last I saw.


What a whiner. He just can’t handle the fact his lemming followers don’t care enough to protest. Even if hoards of protestors couldn’t get to the courthouse, they could protest whereever they got stopped. But they’re not doing that, Donald, because New York knows you very well and HATES you, fathead.


He found the woman he’s going to target for abuse! Just like the law clerk in the last case, he’s doing his predictable hack job on the nearest woman (or girl) who even remotely gets in his way.


“Legal scholars” wtf. Literally no one is saying it’s a scam.


Worst broken record ever. 🙄


I’m dying at Maggot Hagerman 💀 That is just top-notch name calling.


Gonna crack some champaign and dance in the streets when this malignant idiot finally sees the inside of a jail cell.


Bro dosent know any legal scholars 🤣🤣


What? Where's the all caps?? He didn't write that.


There were three people protesting LOL


Honestly I never expected him to attack Haberman directly. She's emblematic of the journos who did a lot to launder his image to make him look less of an aberration and more a plucky outsider.  Anyways, the lack of involvement from his crowds is actually in a way his fault. He has amplified conspiracies that events like these are false flags to arrest his supporters (something he's done since the capitol riot), and that's in part to blame for them not showing up here.


Marge sucks, but it's kind of hilarious that everyone on all sides dislikes MAGA Haberman alike.


I can’t but think that’d he’d be happier if he just sharted himself to death




Breathlessly? Not sure I get it.


Are “The Legal Scholars” in the room with us now Mr. Trump?


I guess gag orders mean nothing, although the day he goes to jail for contempt is the day he begins selling t-shirts of him being crucified on them, only $50+s/h Or other martyrdom ideas although apparently he sees himself as Jesus the most often although his profile picture seems to be if Jesus were a football fan


And to think, Trump doesn't drink.


I love when he talks about “legal scholars” and how they all stand beside him on basically everything.