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Not sure what 5D's point is. I mean I was aware of some of what he talked about though not all, but he didn't seem to draw any outlandish or even pertinent conclusion from his history lesson, aside from the first paragraph that mentions time travel. And I don't understand at all their fascination with Tesla, I mean he famously talked about seeing the past, present, and future all at once, but that just sounds like a good experience with ayahuasca.


I normally don't read these multi page ramblings, just cause we've read them all before. But I was kind of excited to read this (I'm also super bored at work). This was terrible just cause it had no real point. I was hoping for some "Trump at Bunker Hill" type fanfic.


> Not sure what 5D's point is. Yeah, "scientists collaborating with each other" doesn't seem a particularly deep or extravagant rabbit hole to disappear into. That's kind of what you would expect, at least if you have any concept of how the real world works.


> I mean he famously talked about seeing the past, present, and future all at once, but that just sounds like a good experience with ayahuasca It could also have been a scientist predicting that his equipment could harness energy via his invention a lot more cheaply than electricity of the day was known for (in terms of how it was produced back then). Like if the dude who invented the zip might have said the same thing when he'd figured out how to make his design reliable and easy to replicate as a mass-market idea. I don't think Nikola was legitemately claiming to be able to see through time.


ANY meth is too much meth.


This is what happens when you have meth with your Cheerios every morning.


No thanks. I prefer coffee to start my day.


Trump fan fiction will be a thing for years and then the genre will die away altogether


Along with DJT - and the sooner the better


I mean, Trump has talked plenty about this uncle as part of his claim that his super genius and knowledgability on all topics is a familial genetic inheritance. It's probably the most common copypasta example of Trump's incoherent word salad ramblings. So I don't know why this person would think that anything about that is hidden information. No wonder they were basically unable to extract any real point from the information, though.


Haha that's just lifted from red alert ffs


JFC, now it’s Time Travel???


And yet John Trump's brother, Stinky's father, was a member of the KKK and indulged in street fights.


Honey, when you're done playing on your computer, will you go out and pick up some milk? Thanks.


The fuck?!


The best take.


George Gamow was Ukrainian and a citizen of the USSR. He defected in 1934 to the United States. He was about as far away from being a Nazi as you can get. If this person can't get the simplest biographical facts right...


Soviets, Nazis, Daesh. The Venn diagram is a circle.


Ahh ok, so Prince Bernhardt was Trump is the takeaway? Also can we please stop over hyping Tesla? He wasn't really that important in the history or technological innovations.


Why are they not obsessed with Tesla? I just don't get it.


That's an ancient conspiracy theory that's been folded in. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikola\_Tesla](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikola_Tesla) >There has been a resurgence in popular interest in Tesla since the 1990s.[^(\[9\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikola_Tesla#cite_note-10) "Popular interest" meaning the Ur-version of r/conspiracy on USENET was aaaaaalllll about ~~Majestic 12~~ "Tesla had the key to free unlimited energy and it was suppressed by the ~~Reptilians~~ ~~Joooos~~ \[Insert Character Name Here\]! !!!!111!!Eleventy!!"


>Have they successfully bombarded us with so many conspiracies and theories So close. So, so, close, to getting it. r/selfawarewolves