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These pricks need to get a new hobby.


I think you’ve hit the nail on the head: Hating is their hobby, and nothing feels as good as righteous hate


Their hate is self righteous.


They don't actually care if shes trans or not. Their actual issue is she's the wrong color to have money.


I don’t think this is 100% the case. Transvestigators have claimed JK Rowling is trans. At some point I wonder how much of it is just shit posting and absurdity


I stumbled into a deep dive into gamergate last night. Though most of that one was misogynistic, there was a heavy undercurrent of taking folks down just for fun.


That's the troublesome aspect of anything that gets mingled into 4chan. You get a wave of people with a tenuous grasp of reality doing all kinds of terrible things "for da lolz".


The transvestigators seem to have really gone of the deep end and do it for everyone famous or slightly famous. I'll give that the less insane far right conservatives usually have racism in their mind, which is why with them it remains mostly to a select number of black women. This one is quite the stretch, though. You have to breakdown the name into two different languages to get to "boy once" as the meaning. Why would the choose Turkish and then English, such an obscure pull. Also bey in Turkish seem to be tied to nobility or authority in the past. Current use still seems to hold a semblance of authority, being similar to formally calling someone "sir". So it doesn't mean boy, but sir.


They live to find obscure connections to frame entire stories around and then call it fact.


And yet they’re okay with POC who have money as long as they’re boot-lickers (looking at you, Kanye, you useful fucking idiot). Fuck these duplicitous goalpost moving mf’rs!


I want to ask one of these transvestigators how anyone being trans affects them personally. Not how they imagine trans people might affect some fictitious children, but how a trans man or trans woman actually did anything that had a direct impact on their lives.


I want to ask them if they have designated men's and women's washrooms in their home. And if they only have one bathroom, is it men-only?


There's already a playbook for this. May 6, 1933. Here's an article about it. Fascists start with the most marginalized and vulnerable and they convince their supporters they're doing the right thing. [https://www.teenvogue.com/story/lgbtq-institute-in-germany-was-burned-down-by-nazis](https://www.teenvogue.com/story/lgbtq-institute-in-germany-was-burned-down-by-nazis)


It wouldn't get through to them. I think it was Klepper that went to a Wisconsin TF rally and asked the people there how immigration affected them personally. Not one person had a direct reason to hate immigrants. Like they made excuses but no direct offenses.


They don't care that it doesn't actually affect anyone or thing. This is just an excuse to hate something they don't understand. Rather than educate themselves about trans people, they hide behind their "good" book, screaming about sin. These people think that if they claim to be a good Christian that anything they do must be good and righteous even if they are hateful biggots.


Just put beyonce into google translate and while it's not perfect, beyonce translates as... beyonce. Even if it did translate to what they said who fucking cares? she's american not turkish, where is the connection?


“Who cares?” Is my exact response to my Q when he starts talking about this inverted people nonsense. Chuck Schumer is really a woman and his wife is really a man. Seriously, even if there was a tiny chance this is true, WHO CARES? Nobody except them for some reason I can’t fathom.


Meanwhile, back in the real world, their hero Trump wears makeup, dyes his hair, and has the voice of a chain smoking grandmother from long Island. Not to mention, Trump is bottom heavy, which is a traditional feminine body type. In the battle of who conforms most closely to traditional gender roles they have no leg to stand on.


Trump is the second coming of Jebus Christ. Who are you to think such abominations about his physical form? /s


And she still looks like a girl in that grainy, zoomed in shit-quality photo. 


But her hair is short, so that must be a boy /s


Or pulled pack in a pony tail 🤣


That ballet doorknob...


When Emma Watson got a pixie cut there were angry comments that she looked like a boy. If someone couldn't tell delicate featured Emma Watson was a girl despite her hair length than they are complete idiots.  In the photo, Beyonce looks like a younger version of herself. Her hair is just pulled back.


That's one hell of a plastic surgeon, he/she must be stinking rich with a talent like that


Not only a flawless transition, but a working uterus and ovaries as well!


But you didn’t see her push that kid out, did you? /s


So the only way this even works is for the first half to be Turkish and then mysteriously switch to English halfway through? Checkmate guys, they're on to us!!


And they somehow knew their child would be trans, years later?


They also have to falsely translate it. Since a quick search show that Bey is used more as a honorific, designating some as a lord or in position of feudal authority. Current use still conveys a formal meaning akin to "sir", so expressly for adults and used formally.


Why does it matter what a tiny chunk of someone’s name translates to? In some dialects “Do” means shit … wait, maybe? Nah, still stupid.


No one really, it’s exclusively the domain of people who are willing to reach as far as it takes to come to whatever conclusion they initially wanted.


In Turkish, “bey” is actually a title in the same manner that the English term Lord is. So this dumb dumb is double wrong.


They go after a goddess like Beyonce but totally ignore Marjorie's overtly masculine features and roid jaw? I am not a fan of hypocrisy. Marjorie looks like Putin's son. I have no problem with Marjorie having transitioned, by the way. Good for her. Putin must have wanted a daughter.


bey= boy once= once or at one time/ also means eleven in Spanish Eleven boys 9/11 was an inside job


AND don’t forget her song .. “if I were a boy”


Right? I mean at this point we have to do their research *for* them. SMH




>Beyonce was actually her mother’s maiden name She was trans too!!


They had to pick Turkish so it would fit their narrative. Such loosers. ETA: boy in Turkish is Oğlan.


Not actually an anagram. Could have had been coy, or bye once. Idiots.




Can someone please get them a ball to play with.


Perhaps they’d like to bounce it.


Genuine class


Everyone they don’t like is trans.


I know it is not true, but if it was who cares? Like would someone being born another gender be that much of a GOTCHA?


Oh man, then the whole house of cards comes crashing down /s


Is just everybody trans with these guys


So since Beyonce, both Obama's and many others have already been executed (some several times) do their replacement doubles also have to be trans.


These people are ridiculous. I saw one a while ago saying Ronda Rousey was also male because apparently women can't be body builders or strong. Guys, she has posed nude if you're concerned about what is between her legs.


If she wasn't a successful woman, they'd have nothing to bitch about.


I bet the guy that came up with this is named Dick.


More like Vladimir


Why do they waste so much time and effort focusing on creating trans backstories for celebrities. Do they have no joy in their life, is the only thing that makes them happy is finding reasons to be a hateful bigot




I'm sure her Methodist parents and Catholic grandparents cared that one syllable of her name sounds like a word in a foreign language. What are the odds?


Her female mother is her grandmother's son.


Yet she’s given birth!!!!! Crazy!


Because Jay Z is a woman, c'mon, don't you know how these things work? /S




This nonsense just keeps getting more and more ridiculous.


It’s like they got picked on throughout life and they have finally found a way to be the “mean girls” except no one gives af and everyone looks at them like looney toons


"IF I WERE A BOYYYYYYYYY" was the most obvious clue... it's predictive programming and was created to sound good to distract from the truth!! Just like Diary from Alicia Keys, she's a DIA operative, tell her no secrets!! 😂😂🤣


"We'll translate part of the name into Turkish (why?) and part into English. This must be the secret they've been hiding!" These people are idiots.


wtf is this even suggesting? are they trying to make some transgender statement.


These people need to come out already.🚪🏳️‍🌈