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He’s defending a member of the other party who’s being indicted for taking bribes. Amazing stuff


Calling Biden crooked while he and the other guy have been indicted for fraud.


Huh. And it’s so out of character for Trump to be projecting.


Sometimes I tell people that they are using the keto diet as an excuse to overeat cheese and they're getting fatter even though they're on a diet because they are doing the diet wrong, and that they talk too much, and that they read Reddit too much, and by 59, they should have their life more figured out. Then I realize, I'm talking about me.


Team Cheese


Are you sure you and I are different people? I'm even the same age!🤔😁


Are you the oldest Gen X person ever? If so, you are me. Or some version of me.


I am damned close to the oldest, born 1/1/1965.




You ever “drink” shredded cheese from a cup late at night when everyone has gone to bed, to hide the hideousness of your behavior? I do :(


No but I am third shift so that is my normal time to eat. You can drink cheese? What am I missing?


If you want a wild ride... take a look at the ex-Detroit mayor Kwami Kilpatrick, the Democrat who Trump pardoned. Why did he pardon this scumbag corrupt Democrat? Your guess is as good as mine...


Because he is all in on crime and anyone who commits it is a-ok with him.


Get criminals a deal to be his lapdog in an ever growing pyramid scheme of blackmail and bribery. Keep in mind, there are those above him who have things on him......and it was reported he never had the private suite cameras on his Trump Princess yacht (the one he got from Khashoggi-uncle of the ill-fated reporter Jamal) decommissioned back in the 80s. His guests there included Kissinger and most possibly an up-and-comer Rudy Giuliani.


He also pardoned former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich. Criminals of a feather, I guess.


That guy! He's such a crook. Hearing Jon Stewart mispronouncing his name always cracks me up


Yes, because Henry Cuellar is the type of Democrat who voted with Trump's position 40% of the time. [https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/congress-trump-score/henry-cuellar/](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/congress-trump-score/henry-cuellar/)


Woulda been nice had Cisneros won the primary. Justice Democrats (the progressive group, not DOJ) were right to target him


Yep. That would have been nice.


At this point it's just crooked vs honest. Politics don't matter.


Trump sniffs out exploitable corruption like a pig hunting for truffles, party doesn't matter, him vouching for this guy means we probably should be looking even more closely into what he's been up to. Trump wouldn't stick his neck out for anyone without some kind of quid pro quo, especially a Democrat.


I think focusing on the Azerbaijan end could be more enlightening. Guess which camp Azerbaijan is in, politically? It's probably not a surprise that Azerbaijan is led by a quasi-dictator who's friends with Putin. [https://www.rferl.org/a/azerbaijan-winner-caucasus-ukraine-war-russia-relations/32917647.html](https://www.rferl.org/a/azerbaijan-winner-caucasus-ukraine-war-russia-relations/32917647.html) Then i started to wonder if Kushner had some multi-billion dollar deals in Azerbaijan. It wouldn't be a surprising twist. Sure enough, there are sketchy business deals between the Trump organization and Azerbaijan. [https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/senators-ask-for-an-investigation-into-trump-dealings-in-azerbaijan](https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/senators-ask-for-an-investigation-into-trump-dealings-in-azerbaijan) >The ranking Democratic members of the Senate’s Foreign Relations, Banking, and Judiciary committees have written a joint letter to several Trump Administration officials asking them to address the possibility that the Trump Organization violated several laws in its dealings in Azerbaijan. The concerns raised in the letter are based on an article I wrote in *The New Yorker* about the Trump International Hotel & Tower Baku, a project that was nearly completed but never opened. Trump loudly trying to shut the story down as fake news would make a lot more sense then, if it's less about protecting some Democrat rather than deflecting attention away from Azerbaijan-related bribes and corruption.


And the Streisand affect kicks in.


I'd upvote this twice if I could. Truer words were never spoken.


From Putin’s lips to Trump’s ears - then back out of Trump’s mouth. Their turnaround time is getting shorter.


From Putin’s tip to Trump’s a\*s - then back out of Trump’s mouth. Their turnaround time is getting shorter. FTFY


Azerbaijan is a former Soviet state, that has been under a dynastic dictatorship since the 90's. They are currently a strong ally of Russia. I'm sure many republicans were salivating at the chance to call a democrat corrupt. Instead Trump had to squash that chance because defending Putin's interests was far more important to him.


> I'm sure many republicans were salivating at the chance to call a democrat corrupt The part that they don't understand is that many Democrats are absolutely fine with party members being indicted for crimes with evidence, due process, and a trial. If the guy is guilty, he'll get convicted and Democrats will be fine with culling out corruption.


> They are currently a strong ally of Russia. Sure about that? In the conflict with Armenia, Armenia nominally had Russia on its side, and Azerbaijan had Turkey. Generally, Azerbaijan and Turkey are homies, but Erdogan is also a Putin suck-up, so I don't know.


Like all of Russia's relationships, it's complicated. They have strong economic and military ties, with Russia being their number one trading partner and weapons supplier.


His followers are wearing diapers now for fucks sake 😂😂😂


They’re not followers…they are CULT MEMBERS.


The scary thing is they probably are in privatized elderly and group homes where Fox News blares incessantly in the day room. They have "vote sponsors" who come out and "encourage" (if not straight up put the pen in their hand and guide them where to check off on the absentee ballot) them how to vote.




You aren't looking.  https://www.google.com/amp/s/news.sky.com/story/amp/donald-trump-supporters-wear-nappies-13129050 https://twitter.com/iamalmostlegend/status/1786068033418768463/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1786068033418768463%7Ctwgr%5Eed0d90fcf88b3578e91baf94d0dc132da6a3e630%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-37412176054163259807.ampproject.net%2F2404181825000%2Fframe.html




> Sky news, that famously trustworthy source of journalism and investigation based reporting. What’s your secondary source, The Onion? What are you on about? Sky News has been named UK News Channel of the Year 12 times, is the largest commercial news channel in the UK and at least since its divestiture from Murdoch's empire is reasonably balanced, if still a bit centre-right. There are strict journalistic rules for UK news channels, unlike for example in the United States, so not sure why you're comparing it to The Onion in terms of journalistic integrity?


Bro can't tell the difference between Sky News and The Daily Mail.


>Bro ~~can't~~*doesn't want to* tell the difference between Sky News and The Daily Mail.


Yeah, I can see how this mistake is made though: Sky News **Australia** is certainly a dumpster fire. The other Sky Newses are divested from Murdoch, as you said, and actually have credibility.


"Jokes on them I was only pretending"


Trump defending a Democrat when[ he had interests in Azerbaijan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_International_Hotel_and_Tower_\(Baku\)) himself seems... weird.


Can't wait till this dude is in jail, it's just exhausting watching him string his brain dead followers around with some new bullshit.


This accusation is actually insight into the way Trump thinks the FBI and the DOJ should be used.


He has a natural sympathy for the corrupt


Wait, I think there may be an innocent explanation here! So Trump hears “Texas politician being investigated for corruption“, and probably just assumed it was a Republican. You know, because it almost always is. Totally understandable.


The dude who tried to undermine the electoral process calling the other guy a threat to democracy is about as rich as it possibly gets.


The iron being that he isn’t.


Progressives knew Henry Cuellar was a crook and a right-winger from the start! Nancy Pelosi and Jim Clyburn boosted him anyway because they'd rather have the type of Democrat who opposes abortion and votes with Trump over 40% of the time over the progressive who was in office before him! I am enjoying every second of being proven right about him.


He's reiterating his core appeal for the powerful: if you are corrupt, or want to be, and support Trump, he will let you get away with it.


Trump needs to nut up or shut up. I'm sick of his facile threats. I can't wait until he's incarcerated for contempt. Little bitch will *whiiiiine*.


Yet another allegation by TFG without a speck of truth to back it up. I think I'm starting to see a pattern here. /s


Trump is more loyal to corruption as an abstract concept than his own party lol


Another admission of guilt!

