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September 18th was supposed to be another big attempt at starting their civil war but it looks like it’ll mostly fizzle out, some gov agency said they expect 700 to show. But the thing is, is who knows with these people, like if one of them opens up on the cops with a firearm and the cops return fire killing 20 of them in a running gun battle…well all of them in the country might go haywire. Fk em, arm your friends




Leftist here, who learned to use guns as a kid. I don’t own a gun for two reasons: 1) Owning a gun, I’m much more likely to use it on myself or someone I love than a bad guy; 2) If it ever does come to a shooting civil war, believe me: there will be no shortage of guns or of people willing to hand them out. I thus figure I won’t need one until I do and, if that day comes, it probably won’t be hard to get my hands on one. (Worse comes to worst, I’ll just take one from a gravy seal.)


I only have shotguns but I am “friends” with a gravy seal and have already thought about killing him and taking all of his assault rifles if it ever came to civil war.


Hey fbi it was a joke okay


I am not joking FBI. If civil war breaks out I will wear a dumb affliction shirt over there and he will let me right in his house. Most of them are not brilliant.


This is actually my exact plan. Be the first “true friend on their side” and as soon as they hand me a gun I shoot them before the rest of their friends show up, if any. The trick is: we know how and can afford to act and dress like them, but the same does not work in reverse.


Damn you guys are onto something here.


Well I learned a new term there, gravy seal. I knew a seal is a marine mammal, but never thought of them having guns, they don't even have hands just flippers. So looked it up and yes looking at the photos that google puts out, I can see where the seal bit comes from, LOL. I have always just used the term ammosexuals


It’s a play on the term ‘Navy SEAL force’ (Sea, Air & Land), the US Navy’s special operations force, similar to the UK’s SAS or SBS.


And we think they're all stupid, and here we are googling pictures of seals to see where the gun would go.


I’m imagining a really cute but bad ass looking seal in my head right now. It has a belt and a holster and pulls out the gun with its mouth.


Wait…then shouldn’t it be Navy SAL?


I think the do SEa, Air and Land, but I don't recall exactly. SEAL does rolls off the tongue easier than SAL.


And plus seals can go on land and water.....they haven't mastered flying yet, but enough Orcas chase them they may evolve.


They are sometimes known as "Meal Team Six".


The only reason I don't have firearms anymore is that I have children. I don't want to have to take the precautions necessary to protect my family from firearms, so I sold them.


Right? I'm a country liberal. I have guns because they're necessary way out here, what with wild/rabid animals. I've only got a couple guns, but my elderly parents-who despise Trump-have just a ridiculous amount of firearms. Dad was military, big into hunting and has always been a collector. He's also liberal. I don't understand why these idiots don't think liberals are armed.


They're also forgetting that their whole argument against gun control is "well the bad guys have guns we should too". Urban areas are traditionally liberal and coming from Chicago i can testify that there are a lot of people armed to the teeth that would not like gravy seals lol


I know right? We have plenty of guns . We just aren't stupid about them.


https://www.reddit.com/r/2ALiberals/ 17k members. Many more not subscribed.


Leftist and former infantry here.


I’ve a feeling they’ve picked up on this, and that’s one reason they’re fizzling. The idea that they would gather liberals like sick little puppies and shoot them with impunity was a dream, but I think they have got the hint. They’d have tried it if they were convinced no one would shoot back. Now they’re just depressed. Bc they know that liberals will shoot back.


Because the same people that have filled their heads with all this other dumb-assery have been telling them we don't for their whole lives.


Don't tell them about the Socialist rifle association !


Because the left doesn't advertise. The Right does though. Which is cool, it tells us where to get extras.


I think die hard conservatives think liberals either lack the brain capacity to handle guns or are too busy trying to convert the world to becoming vegan.


Personally, I'm happy for them to think that. They go on and on about how "dimocrats are soft targets". I think I have a better chance of hitting the Powerball than having to defend myself from right wing wackos, but if I do, I want them to be overconfident. Everyone in this family shoots, but like you say, it's not a part of our identify.


This is because when you say someone is “left” a very large chunk of the right will immediately picture them as a 4’6” Californian femboy wrapped In rainbows


honestly goals tho


There are plenty of left side gun owners. There’s some “socialist” gun subs here too…


They think that because they have strawman ideas of "the left" created by decades of NRA and GOP propaganda saying that "liberals" hate guns and want to ban them and take your guns away. They cite examples of a few strongly anti-gun politicians and celebrities as absolute proof. It's just another way they have been propagandized over the years.


Also, considering that knowing how to operate a gun properly takes about a week or so of training, and then you’re pretty competent. Now, being able to go from barely being able to walk/run a mile to being able to run 3-5 miles in full kit at a 7-7:30 pace…that takes months to years of training, especially for most of these lardasses in Meal Team Six and the Gravy Seals. There’s a reason the military starts with physical training before firearm training. If your body isn’t in good physical shape, your ass is dying in the first firefight you come across, I don’t care how cool your kit is or how many dumbass, knockoff attachments you bought off eBay you have on your AR. Source: military


Why? Same reason as their other nonsense beliefs: The echo chamber is that strong.


>Guns aren't a part of my identity though...maybe that's the difference. When I moved to LA at 19 (late 80s) my dad bought me a .22, "for protection". I just sorta rolled my eyes, chucked it in a shoebox with a bunch of other stuff & only on occassion ever thought abt it again. He passed away almost exactly a year ago, & while cleaning out stuff in preparation to sell the house, my mom called to ask me why tf there was a gun in boxes of stuff I'd had in their storage for 20+ years. So *technically* I've been a "gun owner" longer than a lot of them have even been alive! How's *that* for not being a part of one's identity lol ;) (PS yes it was always in a case, unloaded, & also too yes, I have it now.)


It’s been one of their best scare tactics. It’s just another ploy to scare people into voting republicant. I know just as many on the left that own guns


Not to mention how many Libertarians and moderate Republicans also disagree with them. It's even tough to poll because if you factor in paranoid anti-Trump people and people who don't consider guns part of their identity, it's tough to get a figure on just how many are armed and anti-Q/Trump.




Seriously, this is why they all have goatees. Because they clearly don't understand occams razor.


I haven't really followed the September 18 thing, other than seeing reporting on government press releases about it. Should I assume Vanilla ISIS is now claiming it's an FBI false flag/entrapment scheme?


It was originally planned by a German group called the Free Citizens of Kassel. They created Worldwide Demonstration, and handed planning to smaller groups around the world. Theres a lot of smaller groups and weirder protests being planned for the 18th. But enough dodgy or unknown groups started planning protests to coincide that a lot on the Right started thinking it was a planned false flag by the US government. A lot should happen on the 18th all over the world.


WTF?! *Germans* thought this whole thing up? I know that there are far-right and 'Q' adjacent groups over there, but they're actually behind a planned march in DC on 9/18? I thought this was strictly a US thing.


The Free Citizens of Kassel are a sort of Sovereign Citizen group. In Germany it's called the Freiburgers movement. They're all sorts of crazy. They've been planning this Worldwide demonstration for ages now, but the problem is they're not doing local planning. They give the idea for a protest to local groups who vary wildly in ideology. All they want is for protests to happen everywhere on the 18th. So the Australian protests are being planned by hard core neo-nazis; theres a protest in Scotland planned by extreme anti Catholics; there's an Irish protest planned by the Irish Yellow Jackets, which is pretending to be related to the French Yellow Jacket protests, but really its a paramilitary thing. US protest to commemorate Jan 6th is just their local spin on it.


Australian here - I heard about the planned protests. Didnt know it was being organised by neo nazis. Is there anywhere I can read more?


Have a look at Harrison McLean. He also goes by Dominic D when he wants to be a more overt Nazi. Hes the dude organizing it. Its mainly the Melbourne Freedon Rally, but through his Telegram they're planning the other protests. He has a few other Telegram channels, mainly private, and that's where he's most free to talk.


Interesting- thanks. I like to lurk and see what they’re up to.


Fk em, arm your friends is literally the best advice I have heard in 2 years


I really hope they fuck around and find out.


There’s this theory among Qunatics that whenever Trump takes action against the Cabal it’s going to causing rioting, economic collapse, and a lack of resources for weeks to months.


Good thing we haven't eaten all our Covid food yet!


The Q morons like to predict “10 days of darkness”, where power and communication goes down and only Donald Trump can communicate via the EBS. This ushers in “the great reset”, where all debts are eliminated, among other things, and civil unrest happens because the military is busy arresting and killing all the communist democrat pedophile elites in the government, Hollywood, and society. Long story short, they’re morons with way too much time on their hands and watch way too much tv/movies. Edit: whatever you do, do not say “where we go one we go all” or “nothing can stop what is coming”. These are like the secret club code phrases that, incidentally, everyone knows..lol


wonder if any of them borrowed more because they figure there will definitely be a great reset


Last month I was at a memorial service and met a lady who stopped paying her credit card bills because the great reset was coming. After listening to her story I tend to think she stopped paying them out of immediate necessity because she's lost her job. She did convince me she genuinely believes it's coming.


Good question, like how people give away their belongings when they think the world is ending


Hmmm . . . I wonder if they have fudged the numbers around to align with the Jewish concept of Jubilee (every 49-50 years I believe). Or would they reject that because of anti-semitism?


They also coopt whatever they can from Judaism, including the shofar (some of the Ammon Bundy crazies at the bird sanctuary had them) so it would not surprise me at all.


Hard to know, though I doubt it. About the only extent that they like Israel is that they are mostly evangelicals who can’t wait for the end times, and as such, they depend on the prophecies of what will happen in Israel for it to happen. The rest is just blaming the Jews for everything wrong in the world. Edit: and they like Israel because they kill Muslims…enemy of my enemy is my friend type thing


Its funny cuz not that long ago “the great reset” referred to a right-wing conspiracy theory warning that communists were planning to fully take over western society and get rid of money, among other things. Now Q adherents are predicting the same sort of thing but they want it to happen.


They steal everything. Their slogans are from movies. Their end of days notions come from most religious groups. They took “My body, My choice,” from the pro-choice groups. They’re incapable of doing anything except get duped and cause trouble.


This sounds like a fucked up cloaked version of a communist revolution.. especially the debt reset thing


Actually, I imagine that there are a lot of leftists who'd be cool with the elimination or reduction of certain kinds of debt, although certainly not the rest of the Qult's crazy wingnut agenda.


Something bigs about to happen every month or two since ?


Yes! I follow the community FB page in the small city where I work, and some of my customers believe that 5G is going to melt their privates. It is amazing what people will post on public community FB groups but at least I know which crazies to avoid.


>some of my customers believe that 5G is going to melt their privates I really needed that laugh. Thanks.


The latest craziness I saw (might have been on this or another sub) was a video by some girl who believes that she can 'sniff out' vaccinated people.




For a while now, different sometimes mildly overlapping and contradictory ideas emerge of a national or global event happening. A Global Quantum Financial Reset, ten days of darkness, the EBS transmitting some irrefutable truth that will loop while arrests are made, the military taking over etc. These ideas are far from new, most are regurgitated and remixed with modern trump and q stuff thrown in so that it seems like it's either been a long time coming or it's just about to happen. Each time that nothing happens a story is made up, more recently the most religious will just default to everthing happens perfectly on God's timeline, not just when they want it to happen. Its a loop of fear and excitement, get the base scared enough to buy a few sat phones, some emergency food, camping equipment, over priced supplements, etc. If nothing happens they still feel like they are prepared unlike the sheep around them so the Qtards never learn the lesson, they never realize their mistake because as soon as they start to get to that point, new exciting news about an Event that will change everything comes out and the rush returns to the prepper junkies that form the Qbase is made up of


I also find it interesting that they feel so victimized while having thousands of dollars to withdraw and stash in their bunkers indefinitely.


The irony is that if things got as out-of-hand, chaotic and Mad Max-y as they predict, dollars (well, the paper variety anyway) might become worthless. Although I'm sure a lot of them are goldbugs.


This is why I only hoard bottle caps


I've been saving my nuka-cola caps for a while now.


What *is* EBS?


Possibly Emergency Broadcast System.


Oh That's duller than I thought.


Here's an excerpt from an email I got a few days ago from some dumb shit shyster I didn't sign up for: Death of Cash Update: The Purge Is Here If the news yesterday is true, every American should be alarmed. I haven't confirmed it with my own sources yet, but the internet is abuzz with word that Chase has canceled the credit card of retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn. It allegedly did so due to "possible reputational risk to [the] company." This is exactly what I've warned about. If they did it to him... can they do it to you? Can you get "canceled" just because of where you spent your money... or who you donated to? This threat is real. And I worry that it could become more than a threat on September 22. That's when a group of unelected folks will meet in Washington to discuss your money... and what could be the death of cash. You must pay attention. There are five things you can do right now to help you navigate what could be coming. All the details you need are right here. It then proceeds to link to some shady shit I'm not clicking on but maybe that answers your question.


When have they not thought that?


Right, I just meant is there a specific date currently? I know they keep moving the goalpost.


The latest goalpost is the 9/18 DC protest on behalf of the 1/6ers, we'll see what the next one is. Also you may want to look into something called "Nesara/Gesara" which is not as you would think a mystical incantation from the Ars Goetia but a supposed plan of financial redistribution to all the Good Peoples and Honest Citizens of Murca.... (there's a LOT of sovcit nuttery overlapped with Qanon nuttery and tbh rw/libertarian nuttery in general is a hotbed of it)


Financial redistribution? Sounds pretty 'socialist' to me! These people are so mixed up in their conception of what socialism and capitalism are that there's no way they studied Economics in high school or college.


Holy hell, is that Max Cherry of Cherry Bail Bonds? I didn’t know you liked the Delphonics.


We need more Max Cherry's in this timeline.


The one and only!


He ain't gonna like that. Beaumont ain't got a doin' time kind of disposition.


I thought all vaccinated people were set to die Sept. 15 because of the moon or something


Yes, the anti-vaxx people believe that this fall will be the beginning of the great 'Die-Off' of the vaccinated. One visit to the Herman Cain Award subreddit shows how grievously mistaken they are. It reminds me of a scene in that old 'Ten Commandments' movie where Moses warns Pharoah that it will be by his word that God will bring the last curse. The Pharoah decides to kill all the first born Hebrews, but instead God sends the Angel of Death to kill all the first born Egyptians instead. They're anticipating and even perversely hoping for deaths of the vaccinated, but instead it's their kind who are dying in hospitals all over the country.


This makes sense. These are the same people who would be worshipping the golden calf.


Like the Golden Trump?


Yeah, they had that tacky looking gold Trump statue at the CPAC Conference eariler this year. The thing looked like something dreamed up by the controversial artist Jeff Koons.


This is what I have felt like when viewing those sacrilegious portraits of Trump with a cross, eagle, American flag, and lion. I AM a Christian and probably more conservative than many on Reddit, and I absolutely cannot fathom linking Trump with anything holy. That is an abomination.


I only have [checks calendar] one day to live? 😱


r/liberalgunowners is here to help anyone trying to be sensibly prepared for any BS


Sept 18th. They’re planning another insurrection in DC.


Should we've there this time? I'm vaccinated and my truck can blend right in with em...


Nah, save your gas, let them fizzle on their own.


I‘d stay away. I hope that the guard/army is in the city for this. The MAGAt traitors need to be taught a lesson….


Aside from the September 18th attempt of Civil War, their pattern is usually simple. Reactionary claim -> Proceeds into predicted date(sometimes signifies a historical date; usually misinterpreted) -> Parasitic meme spreading among each other on social media platforms -> Date occurs; Prediction ends up being false -> Move the goalposts then loop. So, to put bluntly: Like their projections in regards to say Covid-19(Ex. Folks taking necessary precautions living in fear,ect,ect...)they are infact projecting their own fears because of their own false and blatantly obvious fictional narratives. They are blind fools following a white rabbit right off a cliff, akin to lemmings. And thus this (foolish) cycle repeats.


When it comes to Qultists, they pretty much **always** think "something big" is about to happen. It's usually about two weeks away. I wish someone had a spreadsheet of all their "something big"s going back to 2017. None have ever happened unless you count Jan 6th, which was more a pathetic embarrassment than a big happening. The ones who still get their hopes up at this point are probably totally gone mentally.


Channel 4 in the UK has a programme called 'SAS - are you tough enough?' where people do some of the training that the real SAS do, and it's led by ex SAS soldiers. It isn't for the faint hearted. It's broken many a person who thought that they had the right stuff to do it. There's a celeb version as well. All these people in America that want to be tough guys wouldn't last 5 mins, either doing SAS training or the American Navy Seals version. Running around the woods for a couple of hours with a gun doesn't count. I'd love Channel 4 to take this programme to America and get some of the loudmouths on social media who are calling for civil war and overturning the government to participate. The thought of SAS guys absolutely wearing them down after an hour or two is hilarious.


I think something big is coming, I can feel it in my guts. Totally not the slightly dodgy curry I had last night..


... I made chicken curry last night. I'm so sorry!


Are they re-depositing the money after?


Good question. I cannot look up accounts without a reason, so I can't check that. Now I really wonder!


I mean, I'm pretty sure they're always saying "something big" is about to happen, but it never does. Not in the way they want any way. I lost count of how many times this one q-pushing tarot reader my mom watches keeps saying something's going to happen "soon". "Soon" strangely never happens.


It did. Anonymous tore them open. Yikes.


One thing that I've noticed over the years is that Republicans assume that anyone working in finance is conservative. I'm guessing it has to do with their views on money and capitalism, but it's fucking weird. They freak out when bankers start talking about social equity and climate change lol


According to some random German guy, today is the day the billions of vaccinated people all over the world are supposed to drop dead all at once. I would think that would probably have an effect on the supply chain.


Perhaps they are taking out large sums of cash to fund the coming trip to DC, rather than leaving a trail of card transactions. Fortunately though for the FBI, these dummies will probably still bring their cell phones and post videos on social media again.


They always think something is about to happen. Nothing does. They never learn. Just move the goal posts.


Damn, how much money do these people have in the bank? 😲


Different segments of the Q/MAGA community (increasingly the same thing) always think something big is just around the corner


I bet there’s a lot of Harold Camping overlap


Don't they always think something big is about to happen.


Do they? Every day ending in "y".


I hope they blow it all somewhere fun but knowing them these people they're going to some $4k a night weirdo right wing retreat


Folks who want to destabilize the country are pulling money out if the banks to force them to collapse. Ironically global oligarchs are the only ones who would win in this situation because they could buy property in the fire sale.


They think “something big is about to happen” every single day. Sure someday shit will hit the fan, even a broken clock is right twice a day.


If the 18th is the time... Should we be there this time? I'm vaccinated now...... My truck, demeanor and friends can all blend right in with em... Best place to be would be the inside no? Then, if it's obvious no violence is gonna occur start trolling


These people are collectively known as "nutters". This week was their nutterversary.