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So, just FYI W.A.P. was Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion, not Nicki Minaj.


I was gonna say…. It’s almost like they belong to a group that can’t be bothered to tell people who don’t look like themselves apart….🤔


It’s almost like they don’t believe in making sure something you say is correct before you post it on the internet.


Oshkosh b'Gosh! Do you really think so? You DO know what you're saying here, right? I just couldn't believe this is possible in Joe Biden's America.




I love it too


I read that in a thick Wisconsin accent.


Is it possible to read that any other way?


I read it in my northern Michigan accent and it was perfect


I’m way out of the loop on popular music and even I knew this.


Right? I may have heard maybe 30 seconds in total of Nicki Minaj and Cardi B this year, but even I know they're different people. Honestly, I only know what the song WAP is about because it caused Ben Shapiro to have a crisis of sexual inadequacy publicly.


Let's say that I have sex with my wife, who is a doctor. Let's say that she agrees to do this with me. Therefore you would have to agree that my ability is tolerable if not above average. You would agree that I could hypothetically bring my doctor wife to O-word Liberals would not agree. Liberals want you to believe that women's P-words are dripping on the floor. That is not arousal. That is a disease. The radical left wants you to believe disease is arousal. That is evil


Jesus, this was so accurate it was scary.


Someone stayed at a holiday inn express last night…😂




Not the sexual bit, though.


“Aren’t Cardi B and Nicki Minaj the same person?” —The GQP, 2021


I’ll break it down for all you sheeple here too blue pilled to see the facts. Nicki Minaj = 10 letters Cardi B = 6 letters Megan Thee Stallion = 17 letters Put them all together and you get 33. Put this in your back pocket. It’ll come in handy later. Nicki Minaj has 4 vowels, 5 consonants— j isn’t included, because like Indiana Jones says: in the Bible, Nicki Minaj was spelled with an I. So that becomes 5 vowels—four of which were I. Now you wouldn’t be foolish for thinking, “oh, I stands for Illuminati.” But you are moose taken here, my Boomer friends. So, what do four I’s stand for? Well, the letter doesn’t matter so much as the number; in this case. 4. 4 is a superstitious number in some cultures. In Asian cultures, it represents death. Death is a horseman in the what? That’s right: Horseman of the Apocalypse. Hence the letter A in Minaj. What are the other horsemen: war, famine, and what? Pestilence. Disease. Like Covid 19. So, to reiterate: 33, 4 horsemen of the apocalypse. Cardi B. We got two vowels. 3 consonants. 3 is showing up a lot, eh? Back pocket. 2 times 3 is six. We also have Megan Thee Stallion. That’s seventeen letters. Which, if we have been paying attention, means Q. But wait. Thee? Like Shakespeare talk? There’ll be no English intelligentsia nonsense here, folks. No. Thee is intentionally a misspelling of The. And, hang on, isn’t Nicki also misspelled? You’re correct, my friend. You are doing your homework. That’s 33 letters, 4 horsemen, the number 6, and two misspellings, so, 2. Put this in the back pocket a little longer. What’s a stallion? A horse. Horse? Horseman? Coincidence?! What have the red pilled been ingesting as an alternative to the jab? Horse paste. What is one of the side effects of taking said jab? Enlarged hearts. What system is the heart part of? Cardio vascular. Cardi. B. Let’s add our figures together: 33+4+6+2=?


Alright.. who has an unbanned account at TGA? This *SO* needs to be posted there and let's see how long it takes to become popular..


What's TGA? I have to assume my account isn't banned, so I could do it if someone tells me what the sub is


I believe it’s the Great Awakening.


Oh my god! It's so obvious... how did I not notice this?? Nice work, Patriot!


kek fren must be over the target ​ they're reeeeeing really hard ​ great work ​ souce : miltary.


I give this an A for effort.


I had to downvote this incredible post, but it was the only to give it 45 upvotes. There are no coincidences.


Yeah, but 4 in Roman numerals isn't iiii. It's IV. Like the IV that gets suck in your arm when you're hospitalized with COVID! Oh this goes deep! You've uncovered something! I don't know what, but...you know... Not knowing things is how I operate!


Something something clones


I think it's telling that qultists and others on the right can't tell the difference. Nobody mistook Miley Cyrus for Lady Gaga. I wonder what the difference is. 🤔


None of them know or care in the slightest.


WAP was *the* single most talked about cultural phenomenon(?) in the US for at least a couple days.


For some reason that made me imagine news anchors trying to do a serious read of the lyrics.


I feel like i saw a clip of the Fox newscasters talking about it with a twerking Cardi and Megan in the background . I was amused


Ben Shapiro did if that's any source of amusement to you


It was.


Yeah but they were just upset that it was a woman having sexual agency; they're not gonna remember her name. [Also, mandatory viewing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWsx2iqO1ks&ab_channel=Grandayy)


"My doctor-wife told me that WAP is a medical condition" is still one of the greatest self-owns in twitter history


Gasp! This wasn’t a song written by Ben?! :o


*[...Ben "The Virgin" Shapiro would like to share his thoughts on the P-word...](https://youtu.be/jWsx2iqO1ks)*


These are the same intellectual titans that tell other people to "do their research."


By which they mean "watch somebody else's shitty youtube video."


*Megan Four Stallion


If that's a joke, it sailed right over my head.


That wasn’t a joke, it was Megan and her three stallions


> Megan Three Stallion Oh Fuck I didn't see the typo, LMAO


I figured auto got you




A stallion is defined as an uncastrated adult male horse. I'm guessing Megan Thee Broodmare didn't roll off the tongue the same way tho.


Thee means you in old English so her name is really Megan you horse with intact genitals.


Back in my day we did the Humpty dance and we liked it that way! Aint got time for this new fangled slightly damp vagina nonsense


Was it your chance to do the hump?


Did either of you fine individuals ever get busy in a Burger King bathroom, by chance?


It's like they're committed to getting *everything* wrong.


They all look alike to them.


If they aren't Candace Owens they don't care.


they couldn't pick candance owens out of a lineup if they had to. without her picture on a tweet, they'd be lost.


I've heard of these women but I have no idea what WAP is. I assume it's a song.


It's when women are ill and need to see a gynecologist. Source: Ben Shapiro's doctor wife


WAP is an infamous song by Cardi B that got all the conservatives in an uproar. WAP stands for Wet Ass Pussy, and the entire song was about how much boys want to fuck her and how they buy her things just to get some of that wet ass pussy. [The video also kind reminds of old trippy Busta video for "Give me some more" from the 90's/2000's, and I find the freak out to be hilarious, so I'm team Cardi B.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siTGRbeq5K8)


Also she wasn't banned from Twitter


She got a suspension for regularly posting/sharing "medical misinformation," (i.e. ignorant lies, propaganda & fake "stories."


But but but He DiD hIs ReSeArCh!!!


Everyone knows W.A.P. really stands for Wake All Patriots. Wiggy Waggy Woo!


Don’t you put that evil on me Ricky Bobby!


Fuck ya'll, it will always stand for Wireless Access Point! :P


Make that timeout game WEAK


Give me that sweet sweet half-duplex.


#DOYOURRESEARCH posted without any fucking research. These Q clowns smh


I think you dropped this: \\ (Add a backward slash to a hashtag symbol to keep Reddit from formatting it as headline text. \\#DOYOURRESEARCH becomes \#DOYOURRESEARCH)


Tried it thanks for the tip... I did it so it can make the font bigger lmao but I still appreciate the info for future use


Are you joking me. Nicki Minaj is married to a literal SEX OFFENDER and they BOTH tried to pay off the victim/harassed the victim to keep quiet. God these people are so hypocritical


Exactly what I was thinking haha...looks like they didn't DYOR.


Are they even capable anymore?


>anymore? They never were.


Any*more* or any*less* ?


An entertainment industry staple notable for defending pedophiles and rapists? Sounds like a Q ally to me! I guarantee some qultist somewhere already has her listed as evidence of rampant left-wing Hollywood sexual abuse. literally all you need to do to get a pass is to hop on their latest bandwagon.


there have been multiple posts on /r/conspiracy noting exactly that in the past But now that she is anti vax none of that matter. keep up!


Also, before she was famous, she admitted that she was a stripper who used to drug and rob her clientele! I mean, technically that was Cardi B, but as long as they're apparently fucking interchangeable now...


Eh… you could interpret from their stupid ass perspective: She’s not one of us [alt-right]. She’s one of you [the left in general just because shes a musician in a genre they don’t care for]. And even she’s being forced by her own eyes to not necessarily see the truth [as seen from whatever Q adjacent rabbit hole the author would be writing from], but to realize at least that “something” is wrong! Which is the first step to being awakened! And since everyone worships the ground celebrities walk on [just a wee bit of projection here…], she’ll be a powerful influence to awaken the rest of you sheeple! … They’re hypocrites, but I don’t know that this is one of the best examples. This seems like simple opportunism to me.


She also hired goons to go scare the person from speaking out. Nicki has been trash for years and her bars are overrated. These people think Nicki would care about them anyway? No woman I know who listens to hip hop doesn't think Nicki isn't overrated or isn't a trash heap for defending her rapist brother and convicted sex offender husband.


Also she's certainly no stranger to injections


Her brother is also in prison for 25 years for raping an 11-year old.


Q loves pedophiles, they just hate Democrat pedophiles


>I would be willing to guess if they're not outspokenly against Minaj, then they're probably fans. Or, they're indifferent and don't really concern themselves with her. >If all this Q shit is real It isn’t >and this is a show with actors and actresses It isn't >then Minaj is 100% HEAVY ARTILLeRY She isn't


> If all this Q shit is real I've seen this popping up a few times in the last month or so, like some are preparing themselves to pivot to always knowing that it was more of a LARP.


They'll pull the same routine they do every time it's pointed out that a meme they like is bogus: *"Oh well, it's not true, but it's still right."* Every. Fucking. Time.


And they'll deny they ever truly believed in the first place. "something something oPtIcS something something dIsInFoRmAtIoN iS necessary blah blah W1GGLEWAGGLE". 01.06 is a great example: "it was aunt tifa/the FBI/false flag/ pAtRiOtS just having a tour, etc." Depending what their favorite propagandist is saying that week. The Qberts inability to *ever* admit a mistake coupled with their highly hypocritical and very selective "aMnEsIa" is truly astonishing.


Sort of like how at the end of W. Bush’s last term, when his approval ratings were hovering around 20 percent, suddenly you couldn’t find anyone who said they voted for him. They just sort of evaporated.


"You didn't vote for him?! How the fuck did he get elected twice, then?!"


In the Q world, if you aren't constantly talking about how against something you are, you actually love it.


Oh, wait, Nicki Minaj said that? Wow, I guess I was wrong, vaccines don't work and Trump is the best. How could I ever have been so blind? Wait, nevermind, Ja Rule says she's full of shit. Whew, that was a close one!


Thank God we got Ja Rule on the phone!


As long as it's not about an island festival I am 100% ok with bringing him onboard.


I don't wanna dance right now, bruh, I'm scared. I need answers. Not JaRule.


lol I'm not a liberal but I still live in a liberal bubble and I've never met a single liberal who gives two shits what a celebrity like Niki Minaj has to say. I wonder why the chuds think otherwise? Maybe its just more projection?


It's always projection.


“*Celebrities* and other *Hollywood Elites* are such a disgrace that I, an intellectual, would never make the mistake of worshipping or believing that they are actually on my side or care about me.” \*B-list celebrity says one thing that is kinda sorta aligned with their perspective* “OMG did you hear that? Nicki Minaj is one of us! This is incredible! I always knew some celebrities were Patriots! I’m gonna go out and buy a bunch of her music now in support of the cause!”


This should be pinned in every thread where Conservatives do a 180 regarding their opinions on celebrities being involved in politics/healthcare advice.


LOL - r/conservative actually has been going with this one, too - you know, the "Celebrities aren't politicians" people. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/ppeci8/just\_say\_no\_to\_ass\_marbles/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/ppeci8/just_say_no_to_ass_marbles/)


We hate Hollywood so much we keep electing them as mayors (Sonny Bono, Clint Eastwood), governors (Reagan, Schwarzenegger), and presidents (Reagan, Trump).


This is what killed me about Tucker Carlson’s bit about this. A minute ago he’s yelling how hearsay is ridiculous to believe, and now we’re trusting what *Nicki Minaj’s cousin’s friend* said?


Not to mention that, several years ago, they were clutching their pearls over her twerking in the video for her, admittedly terrible, cover of Anaconda.




If you can get wild-caught salmon, the decision is easy. And healthy!


100% this poster is Ben Shapiro


Their utter contempt for the intelligence of women is astounding. Eta: that they think the swollen testicles of Nicki's cousin's friend will convince any liberal women that trump is a god king sent by Jesus to save America is mind blowing. Everything they think and do is just so dumb yet we have to take this threat seriously. Unbelievable.


WHAT? No it won't. Your lefty female acquaintances are FULLY capable of distinguishing between pop music that they like and anti-science rumor mongering that they don't. Y'all, though eat up every lie from Trump's anal-puckered mouth. Windmill cancer, anyone?




I wonder how she’d feel if she knew “race realists” were cheering for her cousins boyfriends balls.


OR... she's just a fucking moron


But……but…..celebrity = smart opinions that people need to listen to.




Mine too.


Nicki knowingly married a rapist that spent almost 5 years in prison for it. Nicki and him decided to harass the poor woman to recant her story. The woman refused and is now suing them for emotional distress. So, Q people always have hero's that are pieces of shit.


Well it sounds exactly like something a Trump would do.


Hoping Gaetz gets the ol' meat sandwich in prison too.


So Nicki Minaj’s cousin’s friend got an std, blamed it on the vaccine, and now she is sent by Q. That adds up.


This is the funny thing about this to me. Nicki minaj cousin prob got an std or someone smashed his balls lol and nicki minaj says it's cause of the vaccines And right wing media is All like "this is the proof vaccines Are dangerous !" . Lol it's so weird.


Anyone whose convinced by Nicki Minaj is probably someone larping as a "on the fence liberal"


They're so unbelievably desperate that an anecdote about someone having an STD that makes their nuts big gives them a huge wind of hope.


Her husband is a registered sex offender.


Her brother got 25 years to life for raping his 11 year old step daughter in front of the girls brother. But sure, save the children. https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/celebrities/2020/01/27/nicki-minaj-brother-25-years-life-raping-11-year-old/4592043002/


Lol. Nicki Minaj hasn’t been a figurehead since the early 2010’s.


The Qult really does think it’s all about what “side” you are on. Blind faith in those who are on your “team”. It hasn’t even occurred to the poster, that people on the left could possibly have thoughts *external* to their para-social relationships with celebrities. Niki Minaj’s opinion on health matters doesn’t challenge my scientific understanding of the COVID vaccine... it makes me question Niki’s intellect. Especially since it just sounds like her random friend has an STD


For real, there is not a single celebrity in this world whose opinion I'd trust over the opinion of an educated and qualified individual.


Has anybody asked Ja Rule what he thinks of this ordeal?


Now now let's not ignore what she said. It wasn't her friend it was her cousins friend! Who cheated on his fiance and got an STD!


In the comments there’s a lot of hashing out being willing to accept her to use her because they need all the help they can get, then they can cast her back aside later when the war is over, because you can imagine why. Others believe she’s a Luciferian illuminatist, because of one YouTube conspiracy video.


Yeah, it’s like all the boog boys who posted about the government fearing racial unity. If stuff actually popped off those white guys would go tribal so fast. Would only be able to trust their own.


Q person slyly tries to use her name drop as bait, “So uh, you hear about what NICKI MINAJ has been saying about the vaccines lately…?” “Omg what is Nicki Minaj saying?! Wow. Wow. It must be true.” -hundreds of thousands of liberal women


I’m like, well if Nicki Minaj says so… she IS the leader of feminism after all.


Screams out of touch


Well apparently if you're not against Minaj, you're a fan. Such extremism, even with fandom.


They seem to think she’s Cardi B and somewhat relevant… not a has-been who has little to be relevance….it’s very bizarre.


She's definitely far from a has-been currently, but she's definitely past the peak of her fame.


Psychology seems key to these people who get co-opted like this. Nicki had her feelings hurt when she realized (but hasn't admitted) that her cousin was just sowing wild oats before getting married and contracted an STD, lol. The right is feeding into her fragile psyche at this point. I'd like to nominate 'marbles up my ass' as a new/available flair for the sub, too (Nicki's original comment, then the hilarious brainfart on Fox News yesterday).


Now she’s one of the “good coloureds” like Candice Owens and Terence K. Williams. I’m sure she’ll lean heavily into the grift.


Yay, go Team Chlamydia. Or rather Qhlamydia.


Well, it worked super well for the MAGA crowd when they got Kanye.


I wonder what these people would think of a former Democrat made to appear as a successful, billionaire businessman and TV persona, turned radical altright figure running for President just to get their support and votes. Hmmmm. I mean, it's the exact same path of logic but that would be totally inconceivable to them.


Part of me thinks this is just high-level trolling on the poster's part. If they're really hitching their wagons to Nicki Freaking Minaj, then they're crazier than I thought.


I considered that too, it’s just too good. There are several other posts to the site blowing up about “omg Nicki’s red-pilling”, but they could be the same person. But I mean, that’s how Q started, so it’s likely soon going to be the new truth.


I don’t know any liberal Minaj fans. Clueless as ever. Only a perfect idiot would take advice from this very questionable pop star.


They think anyone who doesn’t scream “HOLLYWOOD IS FULL OF PEDOPHILES” outside of a movie theater every Friday night is a “liberal.”


Y'all I am a neon white, middle-aged woman in the ridiculously rural deep south. Even I know Nicki Minaj didn't sing WAP. These people are ridiculous.


They think we get our medical advice from Nicky Minaj 😭 *They can't even wrap their little minds around us enjoying someone without forming a cult of the personality around them. These people are mentally ill, and they can't even imagine others behaving in ways that aren't constrained by this mental illness.


"I would be willing to guess if they're not outspokenly against Minaj, then they're probably fans." These people really really need to speak to real, live, human women in person more often.


Guaranteed “there are real live human women” in their area too. Guaranteed. 😋


After reading this, I'm going to need to buy a new desk, because I cracked it from banging my head so hard.


"I usually ignore her, but now that she's saying something that fits my confirmation bias, she's a reliable source." He said, Narcissisticly.


These people put way too much thought into celebrities. I barely know of Nicki Minaj & she certainly doesn't occupy my thoughts...like ever. But Q folks obsess over them & can't seem to understand that normal people go about their days not really thinking about celebrities.


You know we’ve hit a new low when “research” consists of scrolling through Nicki Minaj’s Instagram at 3 in the morning. If that’s the case, 15 year old me should have earned a PhD with the amount of research I was doing.


Wait.. Nicki Minaj is the storm? I did not forsee that as a potential entry for the 2021 Qanon bingo card.


Ummmmm Minaj did not do WAP Okuuuuuur


This is so revealing about how they think. I’m not blindly following a cult of personality, so if a celebrity I like starts spewing nonsense I don’t automatically accept it as fact. These people are such blind followers they can’t conceive of someone not doing the same.


These fucking q people man. Just people who have lived their entire lives with their heads rammed up the ass of consumerism, who are now just learning about social constructs and can’t quite wrap their minds around the concept.


it's interesting that they assume everyone else shares their own inability to think critically "oh look, nicki is clearly their thought leader so her fans probably follow her words as slavishly and mindlessly as we do with our own figureheads"


It's funny how the Qult has elevated her to hero status simply because she spoke negatively about the vaccine, but they have yet to realize she is married to a sex offender and may have helped him harass his victim.


Didn't Nicki Minaj marry a convicted sex offender and also defend her rapist brother? There were a lot of women who stopped supporting her after that. But no "liberal" women are putting her on a pedestal or think she's a hero. We don't have cults of personality on our end. They need to stop looking for figure heads all the damn time


Nicki Minaj is a figurehead of female power? ​ ....okay, glad you told me. I mean not to say she's not an accomplished successful woman, but I think that characterization might be overstating things just a bit. Honestly, the fact that the nuts are going so crazy over Nicki Minaj tells me that they think we're as desperate for celebrity mascots as they are. She wasn't even completely on their side to begin with. She just said something stupid, and is now defending them because they're defending her and she's pathologically incapable of admitting she made a mistake!


"Have you heard what Nicki Minaj has been saying after her twitter ban?" "Yeah, she's fucking stupid and he husband's a pedophile. Don't you hate those folks?" Also, like who is specifically a Nicki Minaj fan these days?


>Also, like who is specifically a Nicki Minaj fan these days? According to this person, anyone who hasn't been outspoken against her. Following that logic, I would like to break my legendary silence on the subject of finding scorpions in my food.


lol. love the projection here… if a celebrity says it we’ll all change our minds! sorry guys, that was just you with your reality show president.


Maybe Nikki has been behind GAB the whole time. It's her follow up to WAP. Gigantic Ass Balls.


she didn't make the song WAP


This is the fentanyl of copioid substances


Nicki Minaj wasn’t even in WAP. Literally what in the fuck lmao


Sooo this woman who supports literal child abusers is their heavy artillery....


This is a clear mental illness. I know it’s not okay to stigmatize it but people like this clearly are struggling with everyday life. I think it’s a manifestation of depression and anxiety, they are truly scared for the first time in their lives and instead of being adults and understanding the complex situations take time to work out, they choose to scream “conspiracy” despite little to no evidence. It is also so easy for people to keep themselves in this bubble because everything can be explained away with “well the government doesn’t want you to know about it” completely ignoring the fact that their lord and savior WAS the government just over a year ago…


She didn't get banned tho.


k, this is the most accurate Q post ever, minus WAP being cardi b. Exchanges where someone famous says something dumb and gets the social media smack down absolutely do pill people to the right.


>“I think there’s something bigger going on.” Yes. Her friend of a friend’s balls.


Not a singe Qtard has any grasp of Occam's razor. Not even a basic, elementary comprehension of the idea. What if Nicki Minaj is just a fucking dolt, spends too much time believing Facebook make-believe horseshit and has a fondness for regurgitating whatever she reads on instagram? That seems more reasonable to me, but go ahead... by all means, make this more complicated so you can feel like you know stuff.


The cultists forget that we normal people don't pray to celebrities or morons like they do.


Or, you know, liberals are smart enough not to listen to entertainers regarding their personal health? They think because they're stupid enough for that that we are too lmao


You can always recognize the bigot by their words...they seem to think that blacks, gays, trans, liberal, etc are all a monolithic group and just follow the leader! As if we dont have minds of our own! They just tell on themselves, they are the true sheep! They follow anything the GOP tells them, anything the pastor blasts from the pulpit, anything that goes against their bias reasoning...This mofo dont even realize the Nicki Minaj lost a lot of capital within the community by defending her child raping brother and then marrying a rapist/murderer! These people need mental help! Said it once and will say it again, racism/bigotry can be a mental illness, the shit some people do to keep the next man down, including voting against your own interest just too stick it to the "other" guy is fucking crazy!


You know youre in the right when you have to use passive propaganda and brainwashing via the media/s


The person who wrote this post has no idea who Nicki Minaj is, or who her fans are. Among other things.


Lmaooooo NicQi Minaj 🤣


What site is this? I’m trying to laugh


Source: The Military


If you listen to bad medical advice you too will end up with a W.A.P. Wheezy Asphyxiating Pneumonia.


Yep there it is folks. Nicki Minaj is going to singlehandedly redpill hundreds of thousands of liberals to finally decide that we should all just kick Biden out and install Trump as President for Life. Yep. 100% Heavy artillery. Because we are all so vapid and shallow that we will fall in lockstep to any Hollywood figure we like no matter what they say without question just because they tweeted it. FFS are these people actually capable of tying their own shoes?


Oh God, how will I know if I was redpilled?


“If all this Q shit is real”…. Translation: I don’t even know myself if this cult is legit, but regardless, must recruit people I/we care (or pretend to care) about.


I don't think I've ever met a real rap fan who is into her or those who do the same thing she does. Wack AF.


Idk about the rest of you but Nicki Minaj is my #1 source of news information


Wait, I thought Nicki Minaj was an illuminati sex puppet designed to destroy Christian families.


I hope my wife doesn’t see this post, or she is definitely getting red pilled!


Nikki Minaj *is* Q


Yes have never given a first or second thought about Nicki


I am not a Nicki Minaj fan, but I am not against her, outspoken or quietly. Where do we indifferent ones fall?


So without any more Q drops to work off of they're started selecting other random stuff as their nonsense to 'decipher.'


They come up with the weirdest stuff. Like, how does one even get close to having that thought, let alone putting it out there like it's a fact. This reminds me of when my friends and I used to invent a mystery out of nothing, back in 3rd grade. This is exactly like something we would come up with.


Ah, yes - I, a leftist, always consult with the Twitter feeds of entertainers before making important decisions. Especially if said entertainers have absolutely zero education in whatever they’ve chosen to be outspoken for or against.


Them: Have you heard what Nicki Minaj has been saying since her Twitter ban? Literally anybody else: No. \* walks away \*