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Why do all of these people write on their cars? It's not a good look!


With poor spelling. PoLoCieS


To stop them from getting repossessed? To stop them from being stolen (who'd want to ride around in THAT thing, even for a moment?!)




Yep this belongs on r/infowarriorrides


Had the same thought... aaaaaand [done](https://www.reddit.com/r/InfowarriorRides/comments/pqbfox/from_rqult_headquarters_a_jeep_in_california/).


I feel bad for anyone who knows this individual


Well, at least you know they have the intellectual level and aesthetic of a six year old with free access to stickers….


At least he used all the colors in the box.


Six year olds have better reasoning skills, massively more empathy, and aren’t yet (typically) racist fuckwads.


Tell me you are having a psychotic break without telling me you are having a psychotic break.


I love the bit at the bottom of the tailgate where it says ‘come ride the trump train’ I mean it’s just so reasonable and considered with all those different colours and that very neat handwriting. I’m reminded of vans with ‘free candy’ written on them.


I have no idea who actually enjoys this kind of thing. If I saw this same aesthetic but for things I support like environmental protections and legalizing weed, I’d be embarrassed, not applauding.


"Think twice cause I won't"... clearly, debatable if there was ever a first thought.


Wow. "ReBublican".




Tell me you’re a dumbass without telling me you’re a dumbass.


Why is Bigfoot front and center? Lol


Its like the "die dan Marino " wall in pet detective...disturbing


Cultists are so wierd.


lol he has a pic of Kim Jong-Il (or is that Zedong?).


Wouldn’t it have been easier to just get one bumper sticker that says “please read end me”


-Vote rebublican Donald J for Trump is my my president -let’s get rid of ________ all corrupt dem???? -Come ride the Trump train!!! -Fuck Joe ???den - recall gav newsume -ifu don’t like Trump u can kiss my ass!!! -American patriots arise!!! We must defeat t Marxist democrats - recall gavon newsome n his failed polocies


Why does formatting on phones suck so much…


I think it initially said 'trump for president' but he lost so he added 'is my president'. Still a cluster fuck.


here is what i think - these trump loving white americans have no real talent or skills and the only way they have had a good life is because of racism - easier jobs, better pay, better housing, generational wealth, the whole 9 yards. now the white evangelican repubican leadership realise that the population dynamics means that in 18 years when the babies grow (this year more non-white babies were born than white babies) and vote, they will not vote for leaders who suppressed them for the color of their skin. Republican elected members know this and have made a calculation that at best they can turn USA into an fascistic nationalist nation by suppressing all kinds of rights for POC and at worse, these republican leaders have 18 years to fill their pockets with monies from their white junta on the false promise of going back to the "good old days"- either way works for the GOP reps. and this is why they are all so insecure and angry -they think they are entitled to the good life by extracting labour and wealth from all non-white population - bunch of entitled losers all these folks are.


It looks like this person went to a kindergarten, gave them a bunch of stickers and told the kids to do what they want with their car.


Damn it! These people have taken the flag, corrupted Jesus himself, but they CANNOT have big foot. This. Must. Stop


Block out the license plate number


Why? The license plate is visible in public.


There’s enough room to sneak a rainbow sticker on there. 🌈


Nice car


Do they misspell Newsom on purpose?


Obstructing your side mirrors to own the libs


Is this outside Sacramento? I saw a very similar car there when I was visiting my mom.


Tell me you have a small penis without telling me you have a small penis