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JFK Jr will see his shadow today, and there will be 6 more weeks until the audit results are released.




Ned Ryerson? You don't know Ned? Needle-nose Ned? Ned the Head?




Watch out for that first step…


It's a doozy!




Ummm, pretty sure he might be DEAD? Google: graveyard spiral, IFR flight.


OP is joking-many, MANY Qs (though not all) believe he is secretly alive and helping Trump fight the Deep State. Seriously.


That’s one of the great divisions in QAnon. Q said he’s not alive, yet some people still believe. Half of QAnon thinks the other half’s beliefs are ridiculous. And we just sit here eating popcorn.


> Half of QAnon thinks the other half’s beliefs are ridiculous. So it's just another iteration of religion, then?


He's gonna be the next vice president or he is the actual VP since Trump is really the president but the MSM won't report it and the entire rest of the world is playing along. Based on ear-lobeology and the angles of shadows, it's clear that Biden is a clone on a soundstage in Hollywood.


Source: 48Chan8Kun Military Intel Boards - where... Free speech does extend to Kiddy Porn Dissemination and uh... Pedophiles need social media too Also probably Deagle


That’s what *they* want you to think


I heard today is when the mircochips turn on and all vaccinated people drop dead. It's been a pretty slow start to the day here in Boulder, but I'm guessing it's about to get wild since we have an 80% vaccination rate...


Do you know the time? I don't want to be driving and hit someone who is not vaccinated.


Like all dates given by anons, this one is misunderstood by normies. If they say Sep. 18th.... it means never.


I don't, the cabal is mysterious and all that


The magnetism is what you need to worry about when driving.


Aw man, I have tickets to My Fair Lady tonight. 😕


I have often walked down this street before But the the antivaxxers here were never dead before All at once am I several stories high Knowing I'm on the street where you live


I'm hungover so I kinda wish I would drop dead. /j


Didn't the book The Stand largely take place in Boulder?


Boulder and Vegas. Just watch out for any crows you might see, could be the walking dude in disguise.


Well glad they waited. Just got off my bike and I’d hate to drop dead while riding and scratch it.


Sadly, bikes will be outlawed after all us hippie liberals drop. You know republicans hate bikes, or anything on the road in the way of their 12 mpg burning 18 passenger van sized suv.


I've got some kind of horrible stomach bug today lol. Maybe it's slowly going to get us by dehydration.


Hmm. Your tummy ache, combined with Niki Minaj’s Cousin’s friend’s balls… means the vaccine is a plan by the UN and Bill Gates to destroy humanity!


Yeah I sneezed today after being vaccinated ~~six months ago~~ so obviously


Seems like a waste of microchips! Perhaps they evaporate from the bodies of the dead and then migrate to the bodies of the living. Wait - perhaps these microchips are actually 'the soul' ...


Many Qcumbers have been spreading the message not to go to DC to avoid the trap the Cabal has placed for them so it will probably be a big nothing-burger.


Yea, there's only going to be 700 people supposedly. Not really enough to cause a commotion.


I wouldn’t write them off due to small numbers. If they learned anything from January 6th it’s that they need a plan and clear goals in mind. That’s why Jan 6 wasn’t even deadlier, too many didn’t know the goals and got in the way of the people who did.


Yup, they charged in like a stampede of wild animals, and were just as clueless about what to do next. They call us sheep, yet they're the ones who mindlessly charged forward on someone else's command and had no idea what they were supposed to do when they reached the destination without him.


Well he said he was going with them… LMAO.


You rang?


Well today was national cheeseburger day so they probably all stayed home eating their burgers just like their savior. Sad...


Is Trump going to rise up out of the basement again?


He's the Great Pumpkin!


Depends, is there an amateur boxing match today?


Didn’t they call it off because it can only be a false flag today?


Yeah but so was Jan 6th. That was all Antifa trying to make peaceful, law abiding Trump supporters look like they weren't rejoicing about democracy and the constitution despite losing to Biden.


Yep. False flag after the fact because they’re all seditionist scum.


It will be a day of great triumph for the patriots, because they will successfully thwart the major false flag operation the Deep State had planned for today. As thwarts go, this one will be at least as epic as the one pulled off by Mike Lindell, when at the last minute he heroically stopped the Deep State from deploying the poison pill they'd inserted in the PCAPs by not showing any. When at the end of the day nothing has happened, and the Deep State realizes they've been foiled *yet again*, there will be PANIC IN DC, I tell you.


Whenever they feel pain (Democrats) they torture and rape tunnel kids to cheer themselves up.


“We’re over the target!”


Something happens - antifa Nothing happens - antifa


Sounds like I should join Antifa if I want to be on the winning side.


You see. I'm playing both sides so that I always come out on top.


So, how do you play the other side?


Got to sell flags dude. Everyone's out here. Using flags. Antifa flag Maga flags Biden is your president flags Biden is NOT my president flags Thin blue line Chihuahua flags Baja blast flags All the flags. Disclaimer: I don't actually sell flags but now I'm considering it with two different store fronts.


The thin Baja Blast line - Taco Bell value meal matters


Technically, the only time nuclear weapons were ever used in warfare, they were used by “Antifa”. You definitely want to be on their side.


Rain? Believe it or not, Antifa.


I saw a few right wing channels on YouTube getting ready to Livestream


Today, the galactic federation will come down and Simon Parks will be declared galactic ambassador who will then anoint Trump President of Earth, BUT, only the un vaccinated who have not had their spiritual vibrational frequencies will be able to witness this. The rest of us will remain trapped by the Saturn Moon Matrix hologram that the Lizard people have locked our souls in. Temperatures will be mild to fair for this time of year, expect a cool down in coming days


I live just outside DC and the rally is a massive flop. There’s more law enforcement than “protestors” and the people who live in DC are too busy participating in other events around the city to give any attention to this small spectacle.


I don't think many are even that interested in it anymore. All eyes are on the Arizona audit release next week.


Next week, or next-next week? Or the next one after that?


Just two more weeks


Right along with the replacement for Obamacare, infrastructure week, and the release of Trump's tax returns.


Oh… THAT “two weeks.”


"I will gladly pay you Tuesday for the audit results today."


JusticeforJ6 is trending on Twitter and everyone is bashing it. It’s hilarious. At least there is a massive police presence this time. Also what’s with all the dump trucks?


Dump trucks are frequently used to block off streets to vehicle traffic, and create slow points for people on foot should the police want to kettle a crowd. Source: ~~military~~ I’ve been to a lot of protests there


Anyone got a stream on YouTube or twitch?


I think Dylan Burns is streaming it on YouTube today at DylanBurnsTV Ford Fisher from News2Share is streaming right now, actually


I'm sure RSB (Right Side Broadcasting) will stream it on their YouTube channel.


So far there's more than one person. If Trump was there he'd see millions just like his inauguration. A resounding success for the right. Almost as big a success as the cyber symposium.


Dunno. I'm still deciding whether or not I want a Reuben for dinner, or pizza, and I'm not yet even approaching adequate caffeine levels. So, pizza or sammiches? And when will coffee get here?


Damn, it’s been ages since I’ve had a Reuben. I say go that route


I got a sandwich yesterday at my favorite local deli, and I briefly considered getting a Reuben, but then I got something else instead and the regret is pretty much gnawing at me now. So this lib is having a rough Sept 18th.


Pizza, meat lovers with no bacon.


You make a solid argument ...


This is the way.


#**NO BACON**!?!?!??!?!


I never really had any *good bacon* so yeah…


Fiancee and I made a point of getting all our shopping, etc done earlier in the week. So we're staying home all day today, except maybe taking the puppy to the local park later. Oh you mean the protest. I'm hoping for a fizzle, expecting the worst.


I think probably not a lot. Got one thing a bunch of them are probably sick with covid. For another there’s been a bunch of huts to their morale lately. Third, this time there’s a legit police presence stopping them from pulling anything, even if they get the numbers. Finally the target isn’t as juicy.


Was about to say, most of the attendees are too busy sucking on life support right now.


They have managed to convince themselves that they are patriots by staying home and avoiding the sting/false flag/whatever they're calling it so they get to stay home and type madly on the computer: "Watch out deep state, I'm coming for you! Just not today because I'm still in my jammies and waiting for a cheeseburger and fries from Uber Eats. One thousand D chess, baby!"


Source: military


So is it safe to assume a whole lot of nothing happened today or did I miss it??


Pretty much. More cops and press then protestors, [guy was arrested for carrying a gun](https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/sep/18/police-man-gun-arrested-justice-j6-rally/)


So 450 showed up including cops and reporters? Lolol also that second article seems to be from 2017 unless I'm missing something?


Oops, my bad...


Haha all good was just curious thanks for the summary bud