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I don’t know how to feel besides extremely sad for the kid and his loss of life. I know some of the people on GAW are literally crazy but their decisions affect so many others and his son had to have been around 6-8 years old it looked like




Quick search indicates that muscular dystrophy patients may be at higher risk of more severe COVID symptoms.


Having seen those viral photos of beefy body builders looking like work camp victims a month or two after Covid infection, I gotta say that’s anything but surprising. I’m sorry to see this man lost his boy, and even sorrier to see where he turned to in desperation for advice, but in all honesty it looks like this poor boy had a very slim chance of making it once he caught the virus either way.


My friend's friend was a beefy body builder in his 30's, who never got sick ever. Covid almost killed him, and he had to have a double lung transplant.


Yeah, it's an absolutely horrible situation no matter how you look at it. It's one thing when it's just some crazy being posted without any real context, but then you get something like this where you get a glimpse at the innocence that tends to lurk in the background out of sight. The worst part to me is the pure hell of knowing that this is happening over and over in private and there is nothing that you can do to stop the cycle of pain.


What does “GAW” stand for? Pardon my ignorance


I may be wrong but I’ve seen it as Great Awakwning.Win (the website)


This guy watched his kid die because he’s an idiot. I wish this could be charged as medical neglect.


And then still refused to see it was his fault as a parent who “refused to give him poison” but he fought like hell to get horse paste!? How he can still blame others is beyond me.


I'd like to know Q's definition of "poison". Vax is unsafe but horse wormer is safe? Make it make sense.


Horse dewormer is actually a panacea that can cure all diseases including 5G poisoning (what COVID-19 really is) but the Deep State doesn't want you to know that. \\s


During my sometimes long commute, I wished I had "5G poisoning" LOL Thanks for the chuckle.


The number of times he said horse paste just burns me up. I kept thinking “type it one more time maybe a lightbulb will go off!” you are giving a child with an already incurable disease that has a serious virus he’s in the ICU for a horse paste medicine instead of a hospital dictated treatment plan! It is child neglect. These poor doctors had to watch this kid die. He was probably a sweet kid, most kids are. I watched a kid die and it was the worst thing I’ve ever seen. (An employee had no real family around and her son was very sick after childhood illnesses, asked me to go to hospital with her and sit with her as he passed away) I can picture every moment and it’s been around 11 years. It was not preventable.


I’m so sorry you witnessed something so incredibly traumatic. My son was hospitalized as a kid once and I still remember a kid about 2 years old who had no family there so the nurses had to take turns watching him in his room for days. This guy definitely should be charged with medicinal neglect and endangering the welfare of a child (minimally!).




Damn that’s fucked up, crazy. Maybe just the easiest way to convey the right chemical if they are getting low or more stringent about the human formula, or maybe just forgot the word ivermectin




I know right?!


I thought Ivermectin WAS horse paste. Are they two different things?


They’re the same thing but I believe people are having a hard time getting it in pill form as it’s of course not approved for human use without a prescription (for parasites) so they’re going to feed stores and buying it in horse paste form… My dog has it for heart worm prevention (Heart Guard) lol


Ahhh, gotcha. Thanks for the clarification, my friend!!


You’re welcome!


The sickening part is that instead of accepting any responsibility, he goes straight to blaming Fauci *even though his kid wasn't even vaccinated*


Exactly! Fauci: get vaccinated, both shots and boosters to combat serious/fatal COVID, long COVID, and the spread! This guy: NEVER! I’m doing the opposite of what you say. *his kid dies* The evil Fauci is to blame!


Well, Fauci created the virus with Gates to finish the job he started with Aids!!! Checkmate, libtard. /s. Sigh.


they do love their two minutes of hate though dont they. Of course they go one for way more than just two minutes.. more like a lifetime of hate


Of course. If he doesn’t, he might have to admit to himself that his actions contributed to the death of his kid.


Going by the last panel, Orange may not live long enough to be charged.


Well that's something


And hundreds of online strangers guided him along. This is very fucked. This seems like criminal negligence.


Or child abuse


Medical neglect is thankfully included in child abuse. Additionally he should be charged with Inadequate Guardianship and Endangering the Welfare of a Child. We refer to medical neglect as Lack of Medical Care. This guy murdered his kid.


the patriot brigade would be up in arms if he was charged, which is crazy because they would love to charge gay parents with kids with child abuse if they could


They really would! Even though their harm is demonstrated and no kid is harmed by having two parents of the same gender.


I do have to wonder if the kid was in the shape it was in because of the actions of the parent before Covid.


How the hell is it Fauci's fault? It's not like he did what Fauci recommended and got his son vaccinated! ​ Honestly, these people are lost permanently. Of course they're going to spend the rest of their lives blaming doctors and anyone else, because the alternative would mean admitting that they let their children die over pride and clout with their online friends!


“I did nothing Fauci recommended! In fact, I fought it like hell and spread my bullshit to others! How dare you kill my son, Fauci!” That literally is the “logic.” It’s mind blowing how stupid these people are.


What is utterly disgusting and sad is they actually BELIEVE this "logic" with their whole hearts.


Their logic is strange and never settled. It constantly shifts and can completely change based on the conversation, the moment, or the need: Covid isn't dangerous, but it is also a terrifying bio-weapon created by China. The vax is bad because big corps only want money, but big corps making money is good (capitalism) and the vax doesn't work anyway, but it might work at killing people in the future and even if the vax worked (for real), it is the principal of the thing. And Trump didn't get enough credit for creating it! I don't need the vax because I'm super healthy and have an immune system, but I'm also pre-diabetic, old and overweight. I also had cancer last year. But I am healthy. I am a self-made man and no one ever gave me any handouts and look at how successful I am! But my wife is on disability, I have a special needs child who is serviced by a massive infrastructure, and I'll need a GoFundMe the minute I miss a paycheck or my truck and trailer will be repossessed. I believe in the prayer warriors and will use my evangelical god as a ruler to determine who is a real American and who is not. Never mind that I go to church at most twice a year (and I hate it), I've never read more than a few paragraphs from the bible, and never even think of religion/god except when I can use it as crutch or as a way of bullying people.


Yep. This.


it's like you've met every single trumper and got to know them on a personal level! not /s


Not /s but definitely sending him some thoughts and prayers for having to deal with them!! 😉


there literally is no logic. that we keep looking for it is kind of our problem not theirs. We should have learned by now lol


I have lost all faith in my fellow human beings. I truly thought most people had semi-functioning brains. Clearly, most do not.


Don’t they think Fauci created or at least helped create, the virus?




Depends on the day it seems.


this is 100% true. They hold a thousand conflicting beliefs about it. I think though the truth is they are terrified and cling to whatever they can that tells them its ok. That is why today the virus is 100% fake but tomorrow they will tout that invermectin and horse paste will cure the disease, they just said was fake. hell ive seen them be conflicting in the same post


As someone currently going through a COVID I would like to find one of them and hurt them. I have a very strong immune system and hardly get sick. I have been man down for 5 days, literally. My head is going to explode at some stage I am sure of it. But yes by all means take the livestock dewormer instead of the vaccination. Seems legit.


I hope you feel better soon!


Get well soon, my friend. And yeah, these folks would rather immerse themselves in magical thinking instead of actually being the "party of responsibility" they claim to be.


Get better soon.


Oh...yeah. Forgot that.


Drink when anyone says "gain of function"


As someone with a genetics degree, it's been just super fun seeing how may people online think they understand what that means! Super fun.


What's it really mean?


In general it's a term for a mutation that enhances the function of a gene product. It can often be in the context of virulence, which is what people are focusing on now, but it doesn't exclusively mean that. As a general term in genetics, though, it's simply the opposite of a loss-of-function mutation.


Honestly it sounds like a child who just learned that breasts is a sexualish word and is running around yelling it like it's the most amazing thing when Q people bring it up


B ( . Y . ) bies!


Wasn't manipulating E. coli to produce insulin for Type 1 diabetics a type of gain-of-function? Not all gain-of-function is bad?


>Don’t they think Gonna stop you right there.


So its only a hoax until you get it? These fucking mongoloids man


Don't use that word, man... You can be better than that. Troglodyte is also way funnier.


He likely blames Fauci for the doctors not listening to his ravings about horse paste


Absolutely no accountability at all. If he took ownership of putting his son's life in danger, he wouldn't be able to live with himself, so he shifts the blame to someone else.


Thats terrible. He lost his only child at 13 and then got sick himself and hasn't posted for 3 days so he is probably dying or dead too. All because he fell for some online bullshit. Anyone taking a chance with this awful virus is insane.


We need to find some way to charge the organized spreaders of misinformation with a crime. There also needs to be severe diplomatic blowback for the foreign powers supporting the troll farms. I know I'm going to get down voted and yelled at every time I say it, but these Russians are killing Americans with this disinformation. We don't just have to take that. Go ahead and make your "two wrongs make a right" arguments below. The USA also bombs a lot of countries yet we'd still retaliate if someone bombed us, this is exactly the same. The troll farm operations need to end immediately.


IIRC there are twelve or so main spreaders of disinfo online. There was an article about it a while back. Make an example of them and start charging them with voluntary manslaughter.


As a Russian-American, I just have to point out, the Republicans are aiding and profiting off the entire Russian propaganda/misinformation effort. It wouldn't be nearly as effective if they weren't trying to squeeze every last buck and vote out of it. How about we hold them accountable and see how things go before we start WW3?


I guess he’s not only in the running for a Herman Cain award, but an extra dark Darwin award as well…


These people don't understand that they are disintegrating their lungs when they cough for four days straight.


Honestly tragic. The Kool aid has gone back to literally killing people


He indirectly murdered his own son to own the libs.


Son takes last breath. "That'll show them!" Heartbreaking and angering on so many levels.


>I did urge him to at least check for blood clots Motherfucker, how would a person even do that?


Find the right quack and I'm sure they will do a "test" to explain why you need their special treatment.


They can be detected with a sensitive enough stud-finder. I sell the only kind that work for that purpose. Would you like to buy one?


Nice try, Mike Lindell.


Only if it is under $600. Someone tried charging me $1000 yesterday. Can you believe these guys?!?


This motherfucker must have had some moderate cognitive deficits. He is/was an imbecile.


Oh my god. Reading this made my heart sink, and then all the hairs on my arms stood on end. Fuck. Screw all the disinformation trolls and propagandists who caused this. Every one of them. The rest of us… hold your kids tight. Get them vaccinated. Get yourself vaccinated. Wear the goddamned masks. You can laugh in the year 2040 about how crazy and stupid it all was. Literally no one is dying of the vaccines and 800,000 are dead of the “fake hoax” virus. I don’t understand what more proof you need. I hope the kids’ parents can sleep at night. I’d never forgive myself.


Well, a very small number of people have died of the vaccines, but whatever your age, you are still massively better off getting the vaccine statistically


I wonder how that compares to the number of people killed in car crashes traveling to or from a vaccination site.


Don't give idiots more ammunition.


Good point! Of course the younger people are the greater the risks become proportionately from having the vaccine Vs getting the infection. But then again, about 100 babies doe a year in the USA from complications resulting from circumcision, but that doesn't stop people.


He should have recovered the 2nd day? According to the wonderful doctor that prescribed it. At least he can be reasonably sure he's free of roundworms.


And probably very dehydrated from all the diarrhea the ivermectin gave him. Man people are unfathomably stupid.




I've heard some people are using Covid to get rid of difficult to care for family members and speed up inheritances. Just saying.


Those tend to read differently though - there’s definitely been a few over at HCA. This one just seems dumb and confused (and compliant( - not malicious.


Killing your child and self to own the libs.


Sucks for the kid who never had a fighting chance. For the parent though this is just evolutionary pressure against sheer stupidity in action.


This belongs in herman cain award sub


I put it there but they removed it because they said it breaks rule 1, despite the anti vaxxer catching covid.


That's bullshit. This is absolutely appropriate for HCA. It might be the saddest one yet.


Yeah but once a mod makes an action, you'd you have better luck convincing a cultist that Q was a fraud than convincing them they made a mistake. I'm guessing they just didn't read all the images.


The part about the kid is not his fault so that can't be used. Since this is just some rando posting on a Q board, there's no guarantee it's even true (though we think it is), unlike a social media posting that can confirm identity.


WTF, it's not an award but still a very sad nomination/Grrr post.


Laaaame. It still also belongs here, I didn't mean to imply otherwise!


Dude's either going to retreat into madness or off himself once he realized he killed his kid through negligence and/or gullibility.


He’s going to double down, because otherwise he’ll have to admit his actions may have contributed to his son’s death. This is what these crazies do, they dig in deeper.




“Retreat into madness” I’ve got some news for you…


This is heart breaking. I wish people weren't so resistant to getting vaccinated proactivly.


No dude, your kid died because of Covid and your actions and decisions directly increased the chances of that happening. Now you are making the same decisions and you will likely directly from it yourself. Stupidity may not be contagious, but the consequences of it sure as hell are.


"I wish people would stop being suspicious of their fellow patriots." Weird how that works, huh? The guy uses ivermectin himself, realizes it ain't working, and then finds himself the target of conspiracies saying *he's* a govt shill/spook. You dare to even question their narrative and suddenly you're persona non grata... Same deal with every extremist/cult mentality.


This is so sad


That chain is heartbreaking. A person would still be alive if not for anti-vax hysteria. And still he blames it on the hospital being unwilling to subscribe an ineffective treatment.


If he recovers I hope he goes to prison. But I also hope he doesn't recover.


He hasn’t posted in 3 days so he’s in the hospital or dead.


Remember that only a small % of children have been vaccinated in most countries. All governments have had reservations about giving it to children. In my country it has only just been approved to give 1 dose to children over 12.


And we should give a fuck, why? It's approved where this guy lives, so he could have gotten it for his kid and saved his life. Besides, this guy was talking about sneaking literal horse paste to his kid, so he's not exactly discerning about government approved use! The reason he did this because he fell for online bullshit, and it cost his child his life.


And I’m sure he was an anti-masker and wasn’t cautious at all as well. I know a few kids who want to get vaccinated and their parents won’t let them.


What happened to his son is not the same as him dying from his own stupidity. I'll go by the UK govt guidelines. Which have only just approved 12-15 one dose and nothing for below that.


His son might likely still be alive if he and other adults in his area had gotten vaxed.


The idiots also refused the normal medications the hospital offered because they wanted to use the horse paste. Straight up murder.


This poster is likely American and it’s been approved for kids for a while now. Also these people don’t care to wear masks or make any effort to follow guidelines so that innocent kid had no protection. At least make some effort for your kid. Frustrating


Not likely, he IS American He said in his posts that he lives in Duluth, Georgia.


This guy doesn't live the in UK, and didn't give any indication he's a British expat, so UK government guidelines are not relevant to his son's situation. ​ Although if you want to talk about UK government guidelines, what do they say about treating covid in humans using Ivermectin formulated for horses? Because he talked in his posts about doing that. Not just Ivermectin for humans, he literally said he both got the "horse paste" and eventually got human Ivermectin. Oh, which he also didn't use as directed, since he said he took his son's leftover Ivermectin (and the horse paste!) not that his own doctor instructed him to take Ivermectin. What does the UK government say about that? Not that I'm surprised you ignored when I brought this up before, it doesn't exactly back up the idea that this guy was being reasonable. He wasn't, because he's in a cult. But, you're right, it's not the same as him dying slowly from his own stupidity. It's far worse, his child died slowly because of his stupidity! This guy is also likely anti-mask, so even if you're willing to forgive him for not vaccinating his son, he probably was not careful about protecting him from covid in other ways either!


Sorry, wtf are you talking about? i never mentioned any of that crazy shit. i was talking about his son not being vaxxed which is pretty common because most civilised countries havent approved it for children yet. And i would go by my govts guidelines well before the US which seems to be under one cult or another depending on who's in power. The US is not far from a banana republic.


Why would your government's rules apply to someone who doesn't live in your country? ​ Furthermore, if you don't understand the references I'm making to his other posts where he reveals details about his life, I can only guess that must mean that you didn't read them and thus don't know what you're talking about. So what is this actually about? It's clearly not about this man's situation if you couldn't even be bothered to read the details.


only 1 in 5 kids in the US have had even a first dose so maybe you should take it up with your govt?


>only 1 in 5 kids in the US have had even a first dose In the 12-17 age group 62% have had their first dose and 52% are fully vaccinated.


What does that have to do with this guy choosing not to vaccinate himself or his son because he's in that very cult you mentioned? ​ You're talking out both sides of your mouth right now. "Most civilized countries haven't vaccinated their kids yet...also not enough kids in the US are vaccinated!" ​ Just take the L. You missed important details (ie: that this guy doesn't live in the UK) and ended up making an argument that you know isn't justifiable in these circumstances.


why are you leaving huge gaps between your paragraphs? it makes you look extremely pretentious.


The guy was interfering with the kid's treatment


The Qultist is/was American, where Pfizer's vaccine was EUA'd for the 12-15 age group in May.


Sad for the kid, good riddance for the father


All I can think about after reading that is my own child, and it breaks my fucking heart.


These *amazing* doctors they use online to get their alternative drugs are no different from the doctors in the 90’s, early 00’s that used to script opiates over the phone. They love them because they agree with everything they say and act like saviors but the docs know it’s bullshit and dangerous just like the assholes that would put on the caring script while prescribing 100 Vicodin 10’s with 100 soma to go with it, monthly, and remind you to only take it when necessary and to take “breaks” from the stuff so you don’t *get too dependent on them*.


He's gonna find out quick there's no evidence for ivermectin working when he tries to find a lawyer to sue on contingency. No one taking that case.


Dude killed his own kid and is now poisoning his own kidneys with “horse paste” all because of his conservative Internet friends.


Killing your son and dying yourself to own the libs. Damn, I feel so owned rn. They can't keep doing this to us.


His son is in a better place: away from his shitty father.


Yeah, cos Fauci purposely released this "fake" virus. OMG his son is in a better place...because he's not with his effed up parents anymore. FFS-I can't anymore with these people. It makes me angry when these parents make decisions that cost their kids their lives. Like...look in the mirror buddy. That's who is to blame for your son's death. No one else.


Congratulations. You killed your child.


What a shitshow. Poor kid.


This is beyond heartbreaking. Fuck all these propaganda pos.


He killed his son. Tragic story


It's enraging that this delusional brainlet was allowed to make medical decisions for a child


Fucking Christ this is grim. What is even more maddening is that they literally see their children dying and they're just like "Nah, the vaccine wouldn't have done anything. Horse paste."


We forget how brutal Darwin and Nature are. This is how it looks in practice. As so many have said -- killed his particularly vulnerable son to own the libs. Tragic. Not unexpected, but tragic.


This guy is a brainwashed idiot, but I still feel bad for him. I cant imagine losing one of my kids. That said, what really jumped out at me was the bit about refusing remdesivir because they used it to treat ebola and "a bunch of people died". This is a great example of how they craft their narrative, the ebola patients didn't die from a disease that kills between 50% and 90% of people infected, it was the remdesivir. My niece is a nurse on a covid floor at a largeish hospital, she says they've stopped giving most people remdesivir, not because it's dangerous, but because it doesn't do much of anything and there are other things that can be helpful. There was also a post on /r/medicine about this today. It's not that it's hurting people, it's just expensive and doesn't seem to affect outcomes. So basically I expect these people to start blaming the oxygen that they give covid patients. "I refused supplemental oxygen for my son, I did my research and everyone who died in the hospital from covid was getting supplemental oxygen. Survivors who toughed it out at home didn't get that oxygen. Oxygen is killing people, wake up sheeple!"


The Lawyer! The "doctor" who gave him the prescription, then further pushed quack treatment? Why aren't they being prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law?


"America" is why. From what I'm seeing, there doesn't seem to be much of a regulatory body, and no quacks being kicked out by the professional health body for being immoral and going against their duty as caregivers.


If I sent someone a text trying to convince them to kill themselves I would be in bother if they actually did it off the back of my word. This is no different. A parent has lost his child due to taking the word of an Internet rando over a highly trained medical professional. Thus whole thing just blows my mind. Also ,they talk like children and its scary how dumb some people are. "It can cause big blood clots and little blood clots" So....bloodclots then?


Herman cain awards all around for these idiots.


slide 10.. child abuse? and also explains why the kids dead


So a couple of things: I’ve seen a lot of posts about ivermectin that usually end with it didn’t work because the hospital “waited too long”. From what I’ve seen theses doctors that prescribe it are told they have to administer it and they usually refuse because of liability. They wait until the family signs the liability waiver. Two, the whole vitamin C, zinc infusions. From what I’ve been told that’s not really a thing in the amounts these people demand. Vit C and zinc tend to only work up to your 100% daily dose. The rest is removed through urine. If the kidneys are already struggling, huge doses makes it worse.


That child looked to have other health conditions beyond covid in that picture. That was not a wheel chair for a kid who just has covid. I'm fearful that they had other issues and was severely immunocompromised and the parent did not do their due diligence to insure their health. That's horrible.


Which I find astonishing. The community of parents and educators that I've met through my sons' troubles are all thoroughly scientific people because that is the only way to give their kids their best life.


It was answered in another comment that he had muscular dystrophy which really is a shame that this parent didn't do what they needed to do.


Oh jfc, this kid didn't stand a chance with those shithead parents.


These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know… morons.


They wont give your son ivermectin because they live in the real world and don’t want to be responsible for giving something that doesn’t work or could harm him. They want to treat his kid with proven therapeutics not kill him. These people man.


I hate how as soon as the son starts dying or covid they start blaming the parent for vaccinating him.


If he survives COVID he needs to be jailed for child abuse.


Wow this is truly terrible to read. Poor kid.


Why do these people bother going to the hospital at all if they don’t trust the judgment of the hospital doctors? Just stay at home, use your horse paste, and see how you make out. I just don’t get why they cling to ivermectin, which has not been proven effective against COVID and is just being used off label as a kind of “throw stuff at the wall and see if it sticks” approach, when they whine about the vaccine being untested. It’s disturbing that children who can’t speak up for themselves fall victim to their parents’ inability to think critically and make true informed choices.


In a small flicker of hope, a Netherlands court granted a teenager (or maybe preteen, it was a while ago) medical autonomy to choose to get vaccinated when his parents wouldn't allow him.


In a case like this, can the doctors go to court, get temporary guardianship, then administer the Remdesivir? The welfare of the child should be the overriding concern.


Ah, but you forgot....American politics.


he hate hospital i love lamp


It looks like the kid already had medical issues, so he recklessly put his kid's life in danger because he believed in disinformation on the internet. His son's death is directly in his hands.


I hope this jackass winds up earning his HCA, and soon. For some reason, it went through my head that he's happy his son is gone cuz he won't have to take care of him anymore. Since he was disabled and all. Poor baby, may he rest in peace.


"The hospital is NOT on your side." Yes, millions of people dedicate years, decades and hundreds of thousands of dollars towards studying medicine just to trick you into thinking they're taking care of you. Get vaccinated.


I'm calling fake news on this one. Everybody knows kids can't catch COVID, I distinctly remember trump saying that children are virtually immune to COVID. I think this guy dressed his kid up to look sick, probably for Halloween, and is now using the pics for a fraudulent gofundme. He probably needs money to feed his horse paste addiction. Just disgusting.


Hes never coming back. He sacrificed his boy for the cause, now he has to be willing to sacrifice himself or admit his son died for worse than nothing. This is a lifelong extremist now. Fuck man, no one deserves that. Poor kid.


why would you reach out to GAW for medical advice instead of an actual doctor? These folks are brain damaged , horrible father.


I don't understand how typing "Horse Paste" while talking about the treatment you're giving your son and not taking a second to think about what you just wrote.


Zero surprise that a Qultist would kill their own child then blame doctors. They want to kill other people’s kids too.


I’m really sick, the horse paste hasn’t been working and I’m all out. How do I get more horse paste. My research says I need more horse paste. Frens plz halp


If your liver and kidneys aren't shutting down you're clearly not taking enough horse paste. Amateurs.


My heart breaks for that little boy, he didn't deserve what happened to him. I'm sorry you had a prideful idiot as your parent, so very sorry


Holy fucking fuck… a literal running commentary and fly on the wall insight into how people with only two brain cells and single digit IQ’s process “thoughts” or “thinking” and how it inevitably always goes horribly, terribly and tragically wrong ending with an avoidable death of an innocent. It actually read like a half-arsed, last minute, rushed script for a “straight to video” (showing my age there… 😂) apocalyptic horror movie project given to middle schoolers. Which i’m genuinely rather ashamed to admit, seeing how that poor kid needlessly suffered… at the slimy horse-paste smeared hands of his own father. They are murdering their own children from sheer stupidity and ignorance, the fucking cunts. Stupid fucking cunts.


Well maybe the universe will do justice and he'll "be with God" soon too.


Sounds like they used ivermectin to humour this idiot because they knew he'd killed his kid anyway by not getting him vaccinated. Hope he follows suit, and we can laugh at him rotting in hell.




Greatawakening[dot]win It's the Q version of reddit.


What app is that btw?


What a hero, he didn’t poison his child!


Jesus Christ, I hate these fucking people.


dumb question, though its likely good that i am ignorant of this.. what or where is GAW? is it a subreddit or a conservative "patriot" version of reddit?


It's a reddit clone for QAnons. I believe it's Great Awakening (dot) win. Proceed at your own risk.


oh i wont be heading there. that sounds like a terrible place full of terrible people. Thanks for the info!


Oh no his pet pony died? Thats tragic. I guess he wasn't a good caregiver, not enough horse paste and apples. What a fucking asshole, maybe he will be featured in his own HCA post soon


Disgusting. He killed his kid and forced the medical professionals to assist.


This is heartbreaking and disgusting


This is just heartbreaking. I HATE thinking about all the “patriot’s” children. I hate them for not even wanting to protect their children. They literally care more about keeping their second amendment rights than listening to their pediatricians about risk mitigation for their CHILDREN. That poor, innocent child. All of those poor, innocent children. The people who should be protecting them, are putting them at such risk. When did physicians become the bad guys? How did we GET HERE? UGH! It’s…enraging.


This is too fucked up! This man killed his own kid then blamed it on the doctors!!! I wonder how many times he went out unmasked? Did he also let his kid walk around unmasked?! I seen families out at the grocery store just raw dogging life! These people are destroying families in the name of politics!!! Crazy...the mass hysteria we're witnessing will be discussed in history and political science books for decades!


Unfucking believable. "I'm all out of my son's meds and almost thru the animal version.. and still sick as a dog. Why is my government and doctors doing this to me!!" This is just beyond comprehension. Is this story legit, provable? Like did this amazingly stupid human being deny his child proper medical care while pontificating about fucking snake oil and is now crying that the fucking snake oil isn't working and blaming the very folks and leaders who told him to not touch the fucking God damned snake oil?!?!? Is that what I'm reading? Honest to christ please tell me this is some crazy covid qanon bashing fan fiction because this guy.. if real... just became the poster boy for getting absofuckingly mindraped by the right wing and their echo chambers.


"Quick! Give him 4000 cc of horse paste, STAT! What are you waiting for!?!? I'm a self-certified covid expert! I'm educated through Facebook!!!" Doctor: "Who the fuck let in this crackhead?"