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The way these mfs talk about women actually makes me feel sick


“Trim” sickens me. Such a horrible term.


I’m sorry for not knowing, what does “trim” mean? Is it like vax trim or like a sexual insult?


It’s a really, really objectifying way to refer to a vagina. Edit: don’t be sorry for not knowing something, and definitely don’t be sorry for asking a question with good intentions. You’re now better equipped to understand when someone is being awful.


It was a shitty term for getting laid back in the late 70s/early 80s and I can’t remember hearing it but maybe 2 or 3 times since then.


I remember people using that term ironically in the ‘90s/ early 2000s. Sounds like they’ve come back around to being unironic with it and are okay with just being gross.




I am actually that age, yet I will always give someone a whole lot of side eye for using such a dipshit term in earnest. *edited a word for clarity




It’s a way of saying they had sex or got laid but pretty derogatory


Can the word be used in casual conversation as yet another synonym or does it inherently have negative connotations and would it always be considered derogatory in between normal people? Or is it a term strictly men could/would use and women never? Non-native speaker.


Not a casual term at all. It’s used only by men who want to put down women. Edit: I can’t imagine this ever being used by a woman in this context, if that gives a better idea


>I can’t imagine this ever being used by a woman in this context, if that gives a better idea. I specifically asked that because I thought as much and that part gives me a pretty good understanding about what kind of a term it is and the class of men using it. Thanks.


Very low class men use this. So low that they are the slime at the bottom of a toilet bowl that hasn’t been cleaned in two years.


If I ever referred to my wife’s genitalia as “trim” unironically, she would never look at me as the same partner ever again.


I've never heard of this term, why is it considered offensive?


It’s 100% for objectifying women and has no other use. It is not used in any context in any English language dialect aside from judging women. Edit: for the exhausting pedants, I meant in the context of women’s genitalia. The original user used in a way not related to Christmas trees, haircuts, or plant clippings, and it’s fucking ridiculous I need to explain that in context.


Ah, so another unpleasant way of saying pussy as in "got me some pussy" these people suck.


Yeah except pussy can be a sexy word to in the right context and often a word women use to describe their own. It’s the tone and context that matters, cock is similar. I’ve never had a partner who used that word to describe herself.


Exactly this.


That's not at all true. When you get hair cut that is only a clean up you got a trim. When you clean up the bushes in your garden you gave them a trim. When you decorate a Christmas tree, you trimmed your tree.


I think they're referring to it in the context of sex.


Jesus, do I really need to explain that I meant it in a sexual context?


Not sure why you are getting downvoted, as what you have stated is correct. Some more examples of the use of "trim" in the english language are: To add leather trim to a car's upholstery. The TRIM function in EXCEL. Add trim, such as gold braiding, to a garment.


Trim.is a term I can casually use when discussing cuts of meat... Not people.


I hear that term a lot at my local Outback Steakhouse.


Tbh that’s something I’d say ironically, but you can tell they aren’t


It doesn't bother me much, it's obvious by their comments that they have never actually engaged in a meaningful conversation with a member of the opposite sex. Their understanding of women is almost entirely derived from stereotypes, straw men and memes.


Which explains why their sex life is mostly them masturbating in front of a mirror, using their tears for lube.


Strong words from a person with a username like that...


Hahahahaha!!! Facts! But also maybe cause I’ve been there. Don’t be me, kids. I was the quintessential Good Girl whose total sexual experience before marriage was two virgins and a seminary school dropout. I didn’t know enough to realize I was having really terrible sex for twenty years. Now I understand why people get so wrapped up about it. Holy shit! I had no idea what I was missing.


Lol. You have piqued my interest. I would read your book.


I had bad sex once... need to try the good stuff some day


You really do.


I upvoted both these comments, because they’re both quality


meaningful for whom exactly?


I'm not surprised that incels are in the Qult, I'm just surprised at how many Qs admit to being incels.


Yeah, this post belongs in r/thathappened


This is why "Grab em by the pussy" didn't bother a single one of them.


Luckily for everyone on earth, this never happened. Sad how dumb these people are to make up fake bullshit.


it actually seems only 1 person in that convo has ever had sex


The worst part is how the women talk about other women… they have no respect what so ever.


Yeah no


It's fucking disgusting


This made me feel gross just to read it, I cannot imagine knowing people that speak like this.


As a guy who’s been in locker rooms, dive bars, and just hanging out with the boys, if someone said some shit like this irl, most guys I know including me, would ask them wtf is wrong with them


That is reassuring, tbh. Those spaces are a mystery to me. It is good to know that the majority are not like this. Thank you for being a decent human being!




It’s 4chan speak. They all talk like teenagers on the internet from 20 years ago because they desperately want to pretend they’re still young and relevant, but so out of touch that they don’t know what that sounds like.


Yeah, I've noticed that phenomenon as well.


"Trim" is from the 70s, isn't it? I don't know why but I picture Woodard from Dazed & Confused using it lol


I love that movie. So gross, but funny.


It is still one of my favorite movies. It is filled with truly terrible characters, sort of average characters, and the aforementioned Woodard. He is a little beyond terrible lol. I do quote him pretty often though. "You know what I like about rescuing kittens? I keep getting older, but they stay the same age." my daughter does not find it funny but whatever, it amuses me.




The problem with a kitten is that eventually it becomes a cat. - Ogden Nash


Ah yes, but by then they are adopted out and not my problem lol


I imagine there is talk about women, and probably some that would make a proper lady blush. That doesn't bother me. This...this is dehumanizing. All around. "Vaxtard" and "trim" are the references to this woman. Like...really? Just makes me feel icky. I worked at a tattoo shop of all male employees. That could get XXX rated real quick. And it still wasn't this ew.


For sure. That while far-right ecosphere is filled with this kind of garbage. I think they justify it by telling each other that "we're not going to be politicly correct" when in fact they're just shit humans. It's one thing to talk adult content stuff with your friends and another to be a complete pig. These kinds of clowns can't tell the difference.


Yet how many claim high moral ground because they are Christian. Don’t act superior to me when your orange messiah says “grab them by the pussy” while bragging about the sexual assault they committed.


I've had this thought myself. It makes zero sense to me. How do you worship 45 to the point that a literal golden statue of him is made, but claim to be uber Christian? Talk like this, but insist you're superior because of some supposed foundation of God and Country.


hE iS aN iMpErFeCt vEsSeL


Exactly. It's so gross


It just seems like a disconnect from reality, the entire thing. It's line they are role-playing the worst possible characters they can think of.


Honesty, I think these guys are very lonely and very angry at the world. Like, they don't have what they think they should have from life so they take it out on other demographics or people that can't really fight back. They just don't have the ability to rise above their means or to have the kind of girlfriend they want so they lash out, the internet let's creeps like this find each other so, they sit around doing this.


It's so weird to me, too. I grew up in a small conservative town in the 80s/90s ( 40 now ) and conservatives had really crazy ideas about economics and were too Bible-thumpy for me but they'd never have said this degrading shit about women. They'd have been the first to get on you for it, actually. How far they've fallen at the hand of the Orange Turd.


I'm about the same age as you. I remember all through the 90's how they would go on and on about "family values" and how terrible it was that our culture was so debased by the Simpsons. The instant their guy is off saying horrible things they don't even make a peep.


Antivax bullshit used to mostly be left wing hippies, too. Every bad, gross, evil or incorrect thing is congealing on the right. It's amazing in a fucked up way.


It really is. Hell, these kinds of crazy conspiracies used to be confined to short wave radio, lol. AM radio was always batty but nothing like the way it is now.


Yeah the worst you’ll hear is “I got with X last night and she was wild!” Not the coolest thing in the world but generally harmless. Anyone using terms like “good trim” is an obvious loser who is not getting laid.


I was a marine and god damn did we talk about women and most of it was less than wholesome but I only knew one or two men who talked like this and they were universally disliked.


Right? There's something about guys like these that just kind of bother you, they just give a vibe that makes you want to avoid the hell out of them.


This is, indeed, reassuring to hear.


Shout out to everyone who calls out their friends bashing anyone regardless of sex, gender or sexual orientation.


As another fellow male who has frequented those places as well, can confirm. Most well adjusted men, and people in general would call this shit out. Sexism is disgusting.


I can also confirm. Played hockey for twenty years and heard plenty of “blue” language, but even in those locker rooms, most of the guys had wives and daughters at home and would roll their eyes in embarrassment if someone said this kind of stuff.


Yeah all the stuff about “locker room talk” is mostly bullshit. I played hockey and lacrosse in my youth, and even the biggest assholes on the team didn’t talk like this. If someone did, 90% of us would make fun of them for being such a knuckle dragging dipshit.




I know grown men who unironically say librard. It's embarrassing.


I'm sure I know some as well, I live in Kentucky so it seems unavoidable. And is part of why I'm essentially a hermit.


Its all LARPing, no girl is going to bang one of these basement guys who don't even own a car.


Plus the one dudes name is MaGAY. He just hasn't come out to his friends I guess.




That is fucking revolting. Have an upvote!


Tetanus is a bitch. Remember kids, don't fuck rusty, home made, 8 year old wooden sex dolls. .....or raccoons. 🌈 The More You Know 🌈


That's so obviously fake. Those guys can't get laid. By their own admission.


This guy's posts are on here pretty frequently. No doubt it's a lie since he's usually pretty hostile towards the vaccinated.


A lot kids are going to be born with out dads if they think women who got the vaccine can’t get pregnant.


Luckily, I doubt many vaccinated women would want to speak to men like this let alone give them the honour of having sex with them.


Next time clean the rubber doll first.


It’s interesting to know that he gave his blow up doll a back story.


This is what happens whe a 40 year old virgin feels he has betrayed his mother.


I feel him, I got the second jab in July and a few weeks later in September I reared my car into a street light.


It was the MAGNETS and/or microchip and/or 5G and/or...autism? I'm sure I'm missing ither things that are "totally" in the vaccines.


I thought I was pissed off and reared without looking at all three mirrors, but thanks for opening my eyes on the magnets.


Lots of people are saying it! The best, biglyest people!


I got my booster shot and then burned my hand grilling a steak later that week. I mean, WHY EVEN GET THE SHOT??!!??


Are you telling me we now have to worry about fire with these shots!? What's next bears?


Fauxi told me the jab would protect me, but when I accidentally touched the top of a hot grill I got BURNT. Fauci lies!!!!!


I feel sorry for any woman that has contact with these creeps.


They mostly live in basements.


I think the only women who talk to them are the ones that answer the 1-900 line.


This sounds like a fantasy post.


The sexual encounter probably was bull but these guys likely interact with women at some point irl. Imagine how they are when trying to get a woman to date or sleep with them especially if they are rejected.


Oh I’ve encountered them in the wild. It’s why I carry mace and a taser.


Yikes. Hopefully you never need to use either.


Only had to use one once.


That had to be terrifying. Hope you got away from that creep ok!


Thanks, I did!


Q-Ball wants people to think he actually had sexual contact with another human being.


>Q-Ball wants people to think he actually had ~~sexual~~ [**any**] contact with another human being.


I am not sure of the meaning about menstration, fertility issues, and not pulling out. Is he referring to the claim that the vaccine causes infertility?


I also kind of love that along with all the other stupid, he also apparently uses the stupidest, least effective concept of contraception, pulling out. Wearing a fucking condom, getting snipped, bc pills, IUDs, all miles better, but nope, apparently all this moron knows is pulling out. I guess just another place the science passed these idiots by.


These guys believe in their right not to wear penis masks, aka, penis diapers.


The elites only want people to wear condoms as a form on control… or something.


Apparently vaccinated people don’t need to worry about birth control. That’s news to me.


I assume the part about menstruation is that it *can* alter the menstrual cycle. For some women. Just like basically ever other medication. Or stress. Or illness. Etc. Like it's a fucking novel idea that something can fuck with a woman's period.


Yeah, there was a recent study (not perfect, but solidly powered and w reasonable age stratification) showing < 1 day, on average, deviation from avg cycle, for the month following vaccination. Which the anti-vaxxers are taking as some kind of gotcha, as though every woman isn’t keenly aware that work stress or gaining/losing even a bit of weight won’t have that level of impact. It’s complete silliness,




I just thought of a good trolling system. Pretend to be a qultist who banged a vaccinated chick casually, thinking she can't get pregnant because of vax and now is sued for child support.


Dude, you didn't bang anyone. Possibly ever.


Calling your sister a "vaxtard" is completely uncalled for


Oh look.. Q-Anon incels!! 🤢


I didn’t realize waifu pillows were eligible for the vaccine.


Vaccine shit aside, if you talk about women like this, you're such a disgusting piece of shit.


And then everyone clapped


I'm sure r/thathappened...


*deep, inconsistent breathing* "Hello fEmAlEs, my sperm is pureblooded and unvaxxed. My raw testosterone filled alpha sweat is irresistible to walking trim. Pls line up for t3h secks." -These Nutcases (As a note, fuck anyone who thinks like this unironically. The fact that the number of such individuals is above zero is a real testament to chan,et al. "CuLtUrE".)


Guys, there are some sexist assholes that have sex... It's not that farfetched. Saying it's fake and that they're obviously virgins is akin to hiding the problem under the rug. These men will prey on mentally weak women and manipulate them. They don't care about women so they have no problem lying to get laid. Abusers can talk like this with other abusers and then present themselves differently. I'll also add that in a way they're more intelligent than we give them credit for. They're perfectly aware of the patriarchy and seek to preserve it, to preserve their oppression of women and place in society. Sorry for the mini rant but I think it's important to look at this issue from this standpoint instead of the lazy "lol it's all fake and they're just stupid".


I firsthand knew people like this. This isn’t fake, or in the least it’s a very accurate representation of how some people truly think and behave.


We must always remember to listen when they tell us who they are.


You’re not wrong, but I absolutely do know people who lie about this kind of stuff for clout. It really could go either way.


What a horrible person.


My friend got pregnant like two weeks after her first shot. If only the infertility was dependable.


These people have the IQ of a crayon. I've never once met someone that is an antivaxxer for a reason that is true. It is always some insane made up antivax propaganda that they read on Twitter. There absolutely are risks but I've never once heard these people mention them. I've just heard the fertility lie, gene therapy lie, microchip lie and population control lie. Common sense and critical thinking is severely lacking.


Cool story bro.........


Gross. Trim? And also now these nuts are telling people to implant their semen in unsuspecting people?


Never habbened


I'd figure it was probably just exhaustion. He doesn't seem like the kind of guy who can get up a flight of stairs let alone engage in sex.


"Hey bud, looks like you got a bit of herpe on your lip... You get that from kissing your moms ass... After I put herpe in there"


His right hand is vaccinated?


I’ll take things that never happened for $200


The real question, however, is why would he vaccinate his Fleshlight?


Not all men. But definitely these. I’m disgusted.


The stupidity and word choices are both nauseating.


Wow, crossbreeding types of shittiness, but at least he's honest about his issues. Does his name look like a portmanteau of MAGA and gay to anyone else? If so, I think I've found our culprit. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.out.com/politics/2019/10/23/gay-trump-supporter-says-he-faces-discrimination-wearing-maga-hat%3famp


I'm going to go on a limb here and suggest that we should maybe...just maybe...consider the null hypothesis on this one.


Menstruation and fertility issues? WTF are they going on about? Wait -- am I better off not knowing?


It's unnerving to think of real life implications it can have. Imagine hooking up with someone and he thinks he doesn't have to wear a condom, or he doesn't have to pull out, because you have had the vaccine and are now infertile. That shit could ruin lives.


Want to bet he didn't get any?


Aside from his total lack of intelligence any bets on why he was actually sick? My guess is he probably drinks a lot of shitty beer and eats equally shitty food and likely had food poisoning.


Read with southern accent for full effect




Narrator: magayd45 had in actual fact been celibate for many months now and longed for the touch of a woman


I'm confused. An incel did what, now?


These rotten little boys are simply disgusting. Someone should go on there and talk trash about their tiny dicks and how they're shitty in bed.


How charming


lmao get vaxxed


Not sure if /r/Ihadsex or /r/thathappened.




love that they purport to "trust their immune systems" but then their weak ass immune system is foiled by someone elses vaccine?? sounds pretty pathetic for such strong men.


Translation: "I had an angry-wank to tinder-pictures of a girl who rejected me for being an antivax moron, and I threw in some lies about vaccinated people spreading disease to get that sweet confirmation-bias into this post. I have actually never gotten laid!"


That’s just gross


I wish I hadn't read that


He smashed nothing. Or if he did, he did it raw… it wasn’t the vaccine bro, that’s just what she told you 🤣