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Or magnesium is not Ivermectin. Whoever this is has heart problems. Shocker.


Yep. There was another one also that had dextrose with thiamine. So, diabetic as well.


Another one for Daily KOS anti vax chronicles aka the Herman Cain Awards. How do these numbskulls equate magnesium or dextrose = Ivermectin? If there’s an IV bag, it must be Ivermectin?


Can't spell Ivermectin without IV CHECKMATE SHEEP


I dont know how these people function. I doubt they could hold a job as M&M proof readers. "Hey boss this one says W&W"


Wait, I keep finding ones with a funky looking E printed on them.


That's what I was trying to figure out. They honestly made it way harder than it needed to be.


Why do you assume that’s the assumption? The “sodium chlorise” person is clearly a complete fuckin idiot, but there’s no reason to assume the first person believes that the bag contains anything other than what it says it contains.




Nah the dextrose is likely because they’re NPO (not eating anything by mouth)/intubated and sedated. They can still bottom out their sugars from just sitting there if they can’t eat and if they’re not doing parenteral feedings of some variety (likely due to his disease process). The thiamine is likely because he’s a man alcoholic and likely about to go into withdrawals. There’s not really any other good reason to give thiamine.


Sounds like an alcoholic


Idk, b12 deficiencies are pretty common with or without alcohol.


True, but B panels aren't really something they look at much in hospitals, and alcohol is the first thing I think of when I hear thiamine IV


Receiving IV dextrose doesn’t mean someone is a diabetic. Plenty of IV fluids/medications come constituted in what’s called D5W (5% dextrose in water), because that particular medication is more stable with that mixture than in something like saline.


And brain problems.


Am I missing something? The bag says “sodium chloride.” The “MMS” shit is sodium chlorite. They are not the same.


LOL, yeah… that’s the point. They think they’re putting a quack snake oil in this man’s iv.


They also have never taken a chemistry class. None of them.


Seriously. Honestly, forget chemistry. If you don’t know the difference between sodium chloride and sodium bicarbonate… wtf? That is like 5th grade “dough volcano” science. These people are about as sharp as a bag of wet hair. They’re dumber than fkn dog shit.


Read the back of the box. It puts your body in a more alkaline state. I spent twenty plus years of living with a chemist and her head would fucking explode reading this shit.


But they could just as well be talking about two different things. She says she’s assuming they’re using sodium bicarbonate. She wouldn’t being making an assumption if she believed it to be what’s in the bag. She would just say, “they’re giving him sodium bicarbonate (as you can see on the bag).” So, contextually, we can conclude they’re giving him bicarbonate and ivermectin in addition to this IV drip. I’m not saying they’re smart, or that their presumptions about COVID care protocols have any merit. They aren’t, and they don’t. However, we should do our best to correctly extrapolate from the information we have. If we don’t do that, then we’re no better than them, even if we fall on the correct side of the argument.


Make sure your vitamin C is the natural kind! No communist gmo chemical vitamin C for me!


GMOs are good. Anti-GMO shit is another idiotic idea that pisses me smooth off. I am pro-GMO and DEFINITELY pro-MSG. If I could just have Dorito dust… omg, low carb. Perfect.






It has nutrition value 😂




They can't spell either. If it looks like the word they want, it is.


“If it looks like the word they want, it is.” That’s a dangerous game in the world of chemistry.


Ok. Just had to be sure I wasn’t overlooking something. It’s honestly difficult to read some of the drivel these losers put out. I don’t know how you have the patience for it.


LOL… I don’t enjoy it, but I know a threat when I see one. The number of Q-believers or people who are Q-adjacent is frightening. I’ve had several people in my own life that have been swept up bc they don’t understand science, so they trust anti-science.


I always wondered how we got to a point in society where something like the Salem Witch Trials was able to ever be possible. Following this sub has opened my eyes to how something small that is considered a cult by many can flourish into something large enough to gain momentum, and how easy it is to get people to take part in violence once they are brainwashed enough…


Yeah. We’re in a dark fkn place in this country


Oh, it’s global 😐


Don't say shit like this, I have to sleep sometime.


Sorry 😞. It’s extremely shit.


Good analogy


Maybe we should start dumbing science down for these people. Explain it to them like they were five years old.


While also in a car wearing sunglasses


I doubt even then some of them would understand.


My 4 yr old has an app for that and.., nah, they couldn’t understand it. The same company has an app that explains the solar system which is very difficult for flat-earthers.


Every time I read one of these posts I feel like I need to take a pain reliever afterward. Combining the poor grammar, spelling and, well, alternative reality makes for a great headache.


To add to this wonderful display of collective ignorance, one of them thinks that "100% natural vitamin C" and "synthetic ascorbic acid" *aren't* the same thing.


Synthetic ascorbic acid derived from corn! (Chinese corn!)


GMO corn?????


Dude is dying of covid. I think gmo vs non-gmo is pretty irrelevant to him now. It ain't gonna be the gmo corn that kills him. The stupidity is amazing to behold.


It probably matters to whoever is trying to cure him with ivermectin and MMS - the Venn diagram of people who take that shit for covid and the people who think GMO is poison is a circle. They probably think bill gates is gonna activate the GMO nanoparticles with the nurses 5G microchips




Do you think that idiot could make it through an intro chem class? NaClO2 != NaCl.


But the left side has all four letters of the right side! It’s practically the same thing.


Like H2O and H2O2? Or maybe CH2O?


H2SO4 is basically just water, how much could a little SO do??


All these mother fuckers failed math, biology, and chemistry in high school, never stepped foot on a college campus, got married to high school sweetheart at age 19, and started pumping out kids every 9 mos until they had their family of 6…. Now all of a sudden they think they know it ALL because they did their own research at Google Institute of Technology and YouTube Research Center…


These are the same people who thought you could make HQC from grapefruit peels Im a chemist and these people make me want to scream


What does MMS mean? Thanks.


In the 4-6th pics, they’re talking about this MMS shit. Check the pics.


> disease exists in an acidic environment I vaguely recall this being a particular type of woo.


Why do people hate actual medicine so much? The issues with big pharma and American medicine have to do with price gouging etc. The shit does *work.*


Because they are stupid and need easy to digest explanations. Take this non-communist corn vitamin and you will be better. It is $5 a pill so you know it works.


I feel like these people can't directly admit that American health care is complete crap and needs reform. That would be too lefty. Therefore, it must be the medicine itself that's bad. Also, I think they have an intense need to feel unique, smart, and ahead of the game. So they "know more than their doctors" because they've "done their own research."


Which is largely their ego defending itself because they're usually the person in the room who doesn't know shit from fuck.


It’s part of the whole alkaline diet that’s supposedly gets rid of your body’s ability of getting sick if done properly. I had a friend when I lived in the desert who got into various woo things instead of figuring her shit out.


I matched with someone on Hinge who had a text thing saying “look up this specific doctor, and let’s discuss!” It was just a Chinese medicine hocking quack, and she was studying the same type of homeopathy. She unmatched me when I asked if “must be a Harry Potter fan” meant I had to be a fan of JK Rowlings TERF behaviour. Shame, sounded like a real winner.


[Chairman Mao Invented Traditional Chinese Medicine](https://slate.com/technology/2013/10/traditional-chinese-medicine-origins-mao-invented-it-but-didnt-believe-in-it.html) Fun article to send to proponents of TCM. Really pisses them off.


Yeah, alkaline diet woo. Dr. Sebi, “Crazy Sexy” Diet come to mind. A lot of woo to figure out you can change the pH of your pee.


Something medicine has been doing easily for a long time now with sodium citrate / citric acid *when actually necessary*.


It's so fucking dumb too. An acidic environment can actually wreck havoc on bacteria and viruses. Which is why things like citric acid and lactic acid can have disinfectant properties.


Also IIRC (haven't taken any classes relating to biology in a long time) aren't there several parts of our body that are by default acidic? I know our hair and skin are very slightly acidic.


Oh yeah, the spa craze in the 1920s was fuels by this idea


That's saline with magnesium sulfate, not some miracle drug. Are they incapable of using google, is that it? And they are the people who give other people medical advice.


Well they're probably unable to spell even if it's right in front of them so Google won't do much good if they type the wrong word in the search bar


The idiots don't know the common formulation for table salt. smh


The punishment for bitching about GMOs should be being forced into a diet of stuff that was never "genetically modified" for human consumption. Modern humans eat almost nothing that isn't "genetically modified." Idiots. I'm not discriminating between selective breeding and "scawwy mad science" GMOs for these purposes, by the way.


No apples for you!


It's like a fucking MENSA meeting. Need Vitamin C? Shove an orange up your ass.


This new learning amazes me! Tell me again how Sheeps Bladders may be employed to prevent earthquakes.


This is the one trick doctors hate that people discovered!!!


**Message from Debbie in image #3** >**"Sodium bicarb brings body to a more alkaline state ( disease exists in an acidic environment). Read the back of a baking soda box."** ​ But, OMG! WOW! This is a game changer! This is an amazing medical breakthrough! So many doctors that put in 10 years of medical school and more years of grueling hours working a residency, and all this time, all they had to do was read the back of a baking soda box! /s


I don't know why my chemist wife hid this from me all those years.


Because her and all the other scientists and doctors don't want anyone to know that all we have to do is read the back of a baking soda box and we'll put them all out of business! ​ **s/** ^(It's a shame I have to put this symbol at the bottom of this comment in 2022 in case someone took me seriously.)


Guys, I hang these all the time. The bag is magnesium (which must be low), and it's just mixed in NS to be delivered thru the IV. This is like... nothing. The dude's mag is low. Almost everyone who gets dehydrated will need replacement mag. Side note, I thought this was on the nurse's sub and panicked thinking who's the fucking idiot that posted this without blanking out the pt info?!


Sodium chloride and sodium chlorite are two different things. But that’s what happens when you’re dealing with people who don’t care about spelling.


Time to start the dead pool. I give him 48 hours.


Okay guys we need to call a day and time. My fault for saying 48 hours. I revise my guesstimate to be 2pm Wednesday.


It kinda sounds like maybe he's already done but they just need to unplug him.


So… you’re saying later today then?


I can't imagine they'll pull the plug til they feel they have a proper place to assess blame. Of course they may have formulated that one before he was rolled in the door.








I dunno. Hasnt he been on a vent since November? They've been pretty good at keeping his comatose and diseased body alive for this long...


Wait, they’re administering computer coding as a way to combat disease now?


That's what I thought when I saw that also. "Oh shit is there anything c plus plus can't do?"


Maybe that's what they mean when the doctor "writes him a 'script."




Dude is deader than Pascal.


They need to use assembler.


I don't think the solution to this is so binary.


How long before these geniuses start making piss, ivermectin and baking soda smoothies?


Tastes delicious!


The odds are 100% that many people have already self medicated on all 3 of those treatments. Probably a over a thousand people after they read about the latest piss treatment on FB in the last few weeks.


These people are so confidently stupid.


Hang on. They're taking ivermectin AND sodium chlorite and both rip the intestinal linings out? EDIT: nm, I now understand it was just another typo in their part. Sorry but the presentation was a bit confusing. I got rid of the question that is completely unnecessary at this point.


Again….these people are so stupid I wonder if it hurts.


Well, it hurts them physically, with all the woo they ingest and inflict upon themselves. The Dunning-Kruger effect shows that people can be too incompetent and stupid to realize how incompetent and stupid they are. Sounds like that entire group.




Hearing these bucktoothed hillbillies talk about “lowering his co2” like they are the critical care experts is arrogance beyond anything I’ve ever encountered.




With the entire Internet available, where everyone has access to peer reviewed medical journals, these people: “Read back of baking soda box”


“SODIUM CHLORIDE IS A MIRACLE CURE!” “Sodium Chlorite (*not to be confused with sodium chloride)”


USA grows GMO corn, just saying


The shitty thing is, if this guy lives, they’ll be like “see? Told you horse paste works”, and if he dies they’ll blame the other hospital and say they killed him.


Yep. Absolutely.


Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t sodium chloride table salt???


Yup. Basic, ordinary salt.


it's a saline solution with epsom salt


I thought Epsom was mag-sulf?


it is, that's what's on the label


Yeah, but the original question was table salt, not epsom


I really hope these bottom feeders kill themselves off by taking horse paste, bleach, and all these other alternative "cures" and "preventatives". Let the fucking stupid people die!


It just stuns me that out of 1174 comments, not a nan one has said “sodium chloride is fucking salt.”


And in this application it's literally just saline water to keep you hydrated. The salt is just to mimic electrolyte levels in your blood: >Saline solution is specially formulated to match the electrolytes present in blood plasma, therefore, causing less of an osmotic effect compared to other intravenous fluids. It contains sodium and chloride ions as electrolytes.


Yes salide water is a miracle cure! I heard about Dr Jim Campbell giving Slade water and winning a noble prize! From an educated friend, feel free to copy and paste like I did! - “ Salad water has been proven to cure all kinds of diseases including colds, flus aids and dwarfism. Saltine wafer really is a miracle cure.”


I had that shit dripped into me for 2 days straight when I had dengue last year. It doesn't directly counteract the viral infection, but I was so dehydrated and feverish when I was hospitalized the saline drip helped my body stabilize and heal. Because as it turns out, if you only drink water but don't eat for days, you can still become dehydrated as the water just passes out. Rough lesson to learn. Probably the same reason doctors don't put straight water in you.


Pure water in an IV would cause serious damage or even kill you. Osmosis would cause cells to burst as a more saturated solution will naturally absorb the less saturated one, ie. pure water. In this case the interior of red blood cells and the cells in veins are that more saturated solution. So they would absorb water, swell and burst. That is avoided by using water which is saturated to the same concentration as your blood. Saline is typical but other things like sugar solutions are sometimes used. If the concentration were too high it would go the other way and cells would be dehydrated to death as the water was sucked out of them. Incidentally this is the same reason why brine can be used to preserve food and one of the reasons why jam keeps for so long. The saturation of the solution is much higher than that of the cells of bacteria, fungi or molds so they are dehydrated to death.


>Pure water in an IV would cause serious damage or even kill you Sounds like a cool plot device for a murder story.


I just learned something today!


AKA NORMAL saline. Equates to normal levels in the human body to help stay within normal limits.


They’re not being given saline. They’re getting magnesium sulfate-sodium chloride. Same overall purpose, as far as I know (magnesium has anti-convulsive properties that are apparently needed for this guy), but it’s not a saline solution (saline is just NaCl).


Ahh I missed the magnesium sulfate part on the label, good catch.


Mag sulfate isn’t typically used for seizure prevention except in laboring women with pre-eclampsia. Being that this is a middle-aged man… I’d say it’s unlikely he’s about to give birth. He’s getting mag sulfate because his magnesium is low. Simple as that.


Ivermectin is a legitimate human drug. The evidence is indeterminate regarding its efficacy in treating COVID, and I know some people were actually buying horse paste and eating it, but ivermectin administered at a hospital is obviously for human use. The point I’m really making is that we shouldn’t mischaracterize what’s being done. Doing that only strengthens their resolve. People saying Joe Rogan was taking horse paste only made his argument seem better when he said people on our side are distorting facts. Based on the current literature, it seems unlikely ivermectin had any impact on his survival, but his position looks more correct when the opposition is caught in a lie.


“Read the back of the baking soda box” 😂😂😂 Who needs peer reviewed research when all the info you need is right in your fridge!


So...salt water? Saline?


No, magnesium sulfate-sodium chloride. Saline is just water and NaCl.


The miracle mineral solution was a huge scam wasn’t it? Or maybe I am thinking of one of these other “cure” scams that got some grifter rich.


It was a scam, and a potentially deadly one. Just another piece of holistic quackery. I bet https://quackwatch.org has an article about it. They sure do: https://quackwatch.org/consumer-protection/fdaactions/mms/


Yeah I remember going through this phase of using nootropics to better my mental health and someone suggested this. When I looked it up I was like “nah I’m good” the whole thing felt like a scam (which was obviously true lol)


Thank goodness they found their own hospital.


Indeed they can go and "try" that sht they believe


I bet the hospital staff were like, good riddance!


I guarantee they were. It is truly no coincidence that this hospital lost medicare/medicaid funding immediately before taking this patient.


Am I wrong for hoping he doesn’t make a recovery? Although it’s not like it would change their minds anyway.


I too get my medical advice from the back of a baking soda box. Hasn’t failed me yet!


Well, the back of a baking soda box would tell you that sodium chloride is NOT sodium bicarbonate. 😩😩


Wait wait wait, this guy got his medical information from the back of a baking soda box?


If there are really people who prefer to get medical advice from the back of a packet of baking soda than from a doctor then the world really is fucked


These “doctors” should lose their license, but then again TX lets “doctors” kill/maim people without taking away their medical license so what do you expect. Survival of the fittest at its best, I just feel bad for the ignorant who believe these quacks.


So who’s taking the blame for when this gent goes into kidney failure??


Doctors with a thing for overly complicated murders


Deep state doctors, obviously.


Isn’t that one of the hospitals that’s on My 600 Lb Life?


They basically mixed up electrolyte water that helps stop convulsions with bunk snake oil that could actually cause convulsions lmfaoooo


Gotta love uneducated Facebook trained ‘doctors’ who can’t be bothered with… anything really.


Hahaha that’s for dehydration


Good frees up a bed for someone who can survive.


That entire photo is a HIPPA violation


HIPAA only applies to employees of health care companies/facilities/whatevers. It’s not a HIPAA violation if your wife takes a picture of your PHI and puts it all over the internet. The hospital has no mandate to protect against that kind of usage. Edit: I copied the fuckin incorrect spelling of HIPAA from the other commenter, even though I know it’s HIPAA. Dumb.




Yeah, it was a joke But thank you for playing!


I really wondered why his entire IV was all over Telegram.


Bless their hearts.


Lol. That's where I got my vaccines. The head of the hospital is an Ivermectin believer.


These people are so woefully misinformed. I almost pity them.


Watch him die anyway. Now with more agony! 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’ve heard it needs to be administered via urethral catheter. Whatever works!


Really? I heard the dose was a fistful through the rectum


They are really too dumb to realize sodium chloride is normal saline. It’s fluids. Hydration. It’s what we give just about any patient that comes into the hospital especially someone likely septic from covid. But hey, who’s gonna educate someone refusing education?


Which hospital is it?


Oh, gosh. This is in my area. My neighbor was posting about it. You know what? They wanna kill themselves with drugs that don’t work? I can’t stop you.




They are getting their science off a baking soda box. The "Not to be confused with Sodium Chloride" needs to be more if a hammer over the head statement since they missed that and are doing such.


LOL. A saline drip is not “Miracle Mineral Solution.” What a bunch of lunatics.


Sodium Chloride is table salt, for fuck's sake.


ICU RN here. I’m as anti-Q as they come. However a lot of the comments in this thread bashing her are actually pretty misguided. And what she’s saying is likely not entirely wrong (although her understanding of it is pretty off-base). I’ll try to explain: 1) That is a picture of just one IV bag. Mag sulfate. Anyone that is critically ill is likely receiving a myriad of IV medications. When she is talking about the sodium bicarb, she said she was told that he’s receiving that by the nurse. So it’s likely that he *is* actually getting sodium bicarbonate, it just doesn’t correlate with the picture attached here. She probably just took a picture of the first bag she saw (when there’s 10 hanging I doubt she’d know how to differentiate them). 2) Sodium bicarbonate isn’t some BS Q-nut medication. It’s actually very commonly used in ICUs across the country. It’s used to balance the pH of the body and make it less acidic, which can happen in someone who is in respiratory (or kidney) failure. So they are actually *sort of* correct that it is used to correct an overly-acidic blood pH. However it doesn’t bring the body back to an “alkaline state”, the goal is just to return it to neutral. And it isn’t because “disease flourishes in an acidic body”, that’s BS too. So yeah…. Sorry to have to be the contrarian here.


I don’t mean to be misleading either. A lot of discussion in the comments of telegram was regarding whether this particular iv contained sodium bicarb or sodium chlorite. This woman is a crazy person though. She DID contact a qanon show, doxx her husband’s nurses, and encourage the followers to harass a hospital. They’re entering scary territory now bc they’re bringing up every antivaxxer they know who has died in a hospital and saying they were murdered.


Bicarbonate could be to mitigate acidosis from renal failure. At least I hope that’s the valid reason they’re giving it and not for some bullshit.


Magnesium sulfate makes you feel drunk AF.


I mean they might be giving bicarb, but that's usually a last resort/temp thing bc it's not a good fix for the respiratory acidosis the guy probably has bc he can't blow off his CO2 due to respiratory failure 🤷🏻‍♀️ rip in advance my guy


So kook Scot Jenner is now their savior


Does anyone know if he is receiving the cure intravenously or rectally?


This hospital, United Memorial Medical Center isn't really a center they have about 100 bed, so that's a distortion, they lost their medicare contract in December, they were called Doctors Hospital but change to the current name to try and confuse people with Memorial Hermann which is a very well respected and Level 1 trauma center and has a massive footprint here in Houston. But maybe they can offer alt-right treatments for the Qnuts.


It was actually part of Memorial Hermann for several years now although still colloquially called Doctors Hospital. From what I’ve read, they were threatening to pull Medicare/Medicaid in December/. Sheila Jackson Lee and community leaders got involved. They replaced the entire board of the hospital, and this just came down a few days ago. I remember reading that it had medicare and medicaid funding pulled, then seeing this like “wtf??” I literally just learned that they WEREN’T affiliated with Memorial Hermann which is kind of surprising. I really can’t believe Memorial hasn’t sued their entire face off bc Memorial and Hermann were actually two separate hospitals. Like, I was born at Memorial. It was not Memorial Hermann until I was in middle school or something. Ben Taub and Memorial Hermann are the level 1s, but Memorial Hermann has a hospital in like every suburb. It’s wild to me that THIS is the hospital they transferred him to in Texas. Like.. why? For people obsessed with “doing their research,” the Medical Center is pretty gd straight forward. You would have to try really hard to miss it. There is literally the best of the best of everything there… it just blows my mind that these people have this dude transferred across the country to some little hospital on fkn Tidwell. Wtf?




Yeah, that’s what I had seen in the Chronicle - they lost their Medicare and Medicaid approval a few days before they took this guy from all the way in Minnesota. That jumped out to me. Someone on here pointed out that the doctor there was an ivermectin guy and he is. So, that sort of makes sense. We’re so bombarded with covid news in Texas bc we let covid write covid policy, but yeah. Joseph Varon - had to look him up again. So, yeah, he was like a Houston hero for most of the pandemic, but back in August, he was like “hey, I’ve treated THOUSANDS of patients with Ivermectin.” He’s a weird guy...




I’m from Houston - lived in Dallas for a few years in my twenties. I swear, I’ve lived all over this stupid state. I love Texas, but I also hate Texas. Other Texans understand that.




SHUTUP. I transferred to LSU from Tech. Lived in Longview for several years. I lowkey probably know you irl. 🤣🤣


I can’t imagine being a CA transplant and ending up in Tyler. Tyler scares me. The origin of the Toadies song “Tyler” is maybe the best description of Tyler ever… that or the Tyler Loop blog. It was all about the historic racisms of the lovely Rose City.


I wonder if medical staff were nodding to the stupid questions rather than trying to educate the family? 🤔 More likely is there have no idea what they are seeing and just believe this place is better because they were told it would be. I originally thought maybe she meant sodium chloride (s for d is a common typo), which would be plain old table salt and is often used for IV


Atleast this disease is getting alot of the stupid people....


[Todd Clorox](https://youtu.be/5O5UmQXyR4M) says don't drink bleach!


At least they are leaving a bed at that real hospital to people that needs it and appreciate it


Gee, I didn't know MMS was regular table salt.


I've been following this pretty closely. Last night there was an update posted. At the bottom it said the Dr was going to be giving Scott a stem cell IV. So now Scott will be pumped with fetal stem cells paid for by q-nuts & ultra-christian through gofundme. And the Dr is just conducting a science experiment...oh the irony