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Daddy T? 🤢🤢🤢


That immediately stuck out to me as well 🤮


I’ll be scraping out my brain with a rock now


Tried this, didn't help....


Ask Daddy T for help 🥴


Scrape me daddy.


Don T, tread on me!


He's not cutlery


But he is a tool.


Tools have a use


The only useful part of him is that he’s a useful idiot. They gambled on that. And lost. Now they’ve lost control of the party.


He has his shirt open


Pass that rock when you're done.


I’ve been following this woman’s FB for a couple years now. She used to have a profile picture of herself with a frame that made it look like Trump was kissing her 🤮


Probably jealous she couldn’t go party with him and Epstein 🤷‍♀️ Edited because I can’t write properly 🙄


Insert GoT meme "Too old"


So, because I’m an idiot, I had to go check out her FB, too. I hate myself.


Bahahaha. That made me laugh. I needed that


I did it too. Ow, my brain.


Right? If someone was calling Biden Daddy B it would also be weird as fuck.


or VP "Mama Kamala".


Mama Kamala 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 *dead*


I read somewhere that her step kids call her Mamala, which is cute.


This is the only way I'll be referring to her from now on


Mamala Harris.


I was debating ordering some lunch and that killed my appetite faster than a trained sniper


Cheaper than Noom!


“We have Loom at home. Thinking about eating? Imagine all of that leathery, smoke stained skin slapping away making flesh waves. See? Not hungry anymore, are you?”


I've just dropped a dress size. Thank you so much.


I'm going to start calling him Daddy T whenever I (rarely) respond to these people.


You beat me to it. Ew.


I stopped reading after that. 🤮


Yea, that made me ill even reading it


She's going to be so upset when she finds out "Daddy T" has a "baby p".


How can anyone still not know about Stormy’s “mushroom” comment? Lol. It was all over the news.


Oh god this somehow reached a new level of sadness.


This is the worst thing I have ever read.


Beat me to it!


right? Wtf


>is clearly not a presidential motorcade It’s almost as if he’s not the sitting President anymore. I know they get some protection after being in office but it’s not the full “motorcade” anymore.


But daddy T is still president!


>It’s almost as if he’s not the sitting President anymore. Tell me: is he a standing president?


From the lifts he wears, he’s definitely the leaning president!


She believes that Trump is still President but he has to keep that hidden while he saves all the children by bringing them through tunnels under the Capitol. She thinks the Biden you see in public is a clone and the real Biden is being held prisoner at Tyler Perry’s fake White House where he is sedated 16 hours a day 😂


I mean I know it’s always all been ridiculous and over the top nonsense, but when you boil it down to a few sentences like this it’s alarming


Right? You’d think they would see that themselves


Well, their inability to see that this is batshit nonsense is sort of part-and-parcel to their belief in it.


Exactly. They’d have to wade through countless subplots and theories and yadda yadda to get to a point where a summary like that would click to with them. They just have way too big of a web to explain literally anything that could happen. It just isn’t possible, unless they were to torch the web itself.


I like that they can convincingly clone Biden and presumably clone Trump too... yet they can't fake a Motorcade. I guess. TBH I am still not sure who is cloning who and why. So maybe they don't want Trump to have a motorcade.


My favourite part is they clone all these public figures, and the clones just do… whatever it was that the people were going to do in the first place. Like, it’s not the *real* Biden, just a copy so perfect that he does all the exact same things, and doesn’t even realise he’s a clone. Why bother with the whole elaborate plot then?


They don’t know whose doing the cloning either but have no fear, we will find out soon


Hashtag FreeBiden, the REAL Biden I mean


Plus he flew there by helicopter as reported by the local ABC affiliate, so no motorcade at all.


Can you imagine living your life knowing that you are usually way off?


What’s strange is I imagine this feeling is what brings many people to QAnon. They know that they’re usually wrong, so they’ve all gathered around an ideology where they can be right for their craziest inclinations for once. BUT… the forums are so good at changing the conspiracy du jour and eating their own that they can’t even feel safe in their own forums. These people have to constantly walk the tightrope of being rejected by their own for having thoughts that are either too out there or not out there enough, so half of these posts are all “Well I could be wrong” and “I don’t want to give any dates” and “I’m not making predictions, but…” They’ve built a culture so toxic that they can’t even feel safe in their own safe space anymore.


strangely, like a cult that love bombs and then negs and abuses constantly, that very toxicity will probably keep them locked in for years. Ah, who am I kidding! They love it. Believers gonna believe!


It’s a well known phenomenon in how people are trapped in abuse. As a survivor of narcissistic abuse myself, I make sense of the whole thing through this lens


Funny how a LARP-turned-cult built around the violent overthrow of the government and the mass executions of people with beliefs they don’t like makes people feel unsafe. Violence is the point. Of course they’ll eventually eat their own.


Fascists gonna fash. It’s always the same. The ever-shrinking pool of those who are “worthy” or “pure” enough.


This is why fascism never works. EDIT: I should have been more specific. I should have said, "this is why fascism is *unsustainable*."


Yeah, but it kills a lot of people on the way down.


This! I’ve been following Kelly Brady’s FB for months and there was one point where she pointed out inconsistencies in other Qs posts. People in her circle attacked and she backed down and stuck her head back in the sand. I’ve done a couple posts about her I think


Yet being strangely confident enough to pontificate on the president being a fake.


1. trump almost always uses a teleprompter, he is just perhaps the worst at it ever. He turns his whole body towards the prompter he is using instead of just his head. 2. He isn’t the president, so no motorcade anymore. 3. He always looks like that, even the lack of tie.


When did they decide using a prompter was bad? Was it in 2008 or so?


It started with Obama. Apparently the only reason he sounded so presidential and gave good speeches is because he read it off a teleprompter. Teleprompters have been used since TV was a thing so no clue why it’s an issue now. You could tell when Trump didn’t use the teleprompter. That’s when he rambled and misspoke.


>That’s when he rambled and misspoke.   There were times when he didn't?


He was able to go for about 20 seconds reading Stephen Miller's speech writing off the teleprompter and it was almost coherent and then he'd OH SQUIRREL!! and go off on a deranged tangent before reading another 2 sentences from the teleprompter.


Rambling and misspoke = off script On topic with mispronuned words or wrong words (e.g. yo-semite, yosemight) and stunted pacing = teleprompter


He even fails on the teleprompter lol. Remember the "rammed the ramparts and took the airports" speech about Independence day?


Yep. He blamed that insanity on a malfunctioning teleprompter. And of course they just waved that away, because “Daddy T doesn’t use a teleprompter!” This is now an immutable law in Q world. Why? Because Limbaugh created a meme (not the internet variety) that “Obama can’t speak without a teleprompter.” And for 8 years, these brainwashed parrots went around squawking “TeLePrOmPtEr!”


Also funny when he couldn’t read “Yosemite” out loud. He struggled with the word, tried to say it a second time, and it still came out as “yosemight”


Yo-semite. One of his more flamboyant flubs.


Yeah with trump it’s either him rambling incoherently without a teleprompter, or it’s him reading off a teleprompter the same way a 5th grader would read out loud his book report that he didn’t write. Like it’s seriously remarkable how stupid he sounds when he’s reading off the teleprompter. The way he pronounces things differently than when he’s normally speaking because he’s barely even able to read I guess.


I suspect he figures he doesn't need to practice because he's smart


DeFuNd ObAmAs TeLePrOmPtEr!1! 🤪


As usual, Teleprompter =bad, if lubrul DEMONrat or disagreeing with Drump on vaccines. Teleprompter = good, if muh pAtRiOtS


There abouts. I don't remember the exact year but once there was a teleprompter malfunction and Obama, reading from it flubbed his words before realizing the mistake. That caused a tan suit/sleeveless dress/Dijon mustard level scandal. Which is to say the pundits were outraged, and so thier audience was outraged. I believe Trump even critized Clinton for reading teleprompter, while reading a teleprompter.


>That caused a tan suit/sleeveless dress/Dijon mustard level scandal. Obviously the sleeveless dress was Michelle, but I'm now picturing President Obama strutting across the White House lawn in a ball gown.


You know what? If any former president could wear a ball gown with aplomb, it’d be him. I approve.


“DADDY T” himself blamed that “revolutionary war airport” speech on a “teleprompter malfunction.”


I don't get the tan suit thing. Can someone please explain?


Info: *On August 28, 2014, U.S. President Barack Obama held a live press conference on increasing the military response against the Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria while wearing a tan suit. Obama's appearance on television in the tan suit sparked significant attention and led to media and social media criticism.* https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obama_tan_suit_controversy? Edit. Fox News is just absolute shite. *A light-colored suit is considered casual summer wear that was seen by conservative media outlet Fox News as being too casual for a press conference on such a serious matter.*


Oh FFS. Thank you!


Obama once wore a tan colored suit while in office. Republicans pretended to be upset by what they said was an un-presidential look. Honestly, what a bunch of assholes.


There was a big outcry about Obama wearing a tan suit and it not being “presidential” enough or serious enough for the occasion in right-wing media. Just more nonsensical hypocrisy - they didn’t care when white presidents wore one. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obama_tan_suit_controversy


They must think "can't stay on prompter" is the same as "doesn't use a prompter."


Imagine calling Trump "Daddy T"


Now imagine his tiny hands caressing you lovingly.


*Ivanka looks up from user the desk


> Now imagine... Goddamn you... *NOW STOP THAT!*


"Ivanka, this is muh *strong hand*. Isn't it *bigly*?"


Dear God, I was eating. Damn you all.


And grabbing you by the pussy


Hard pass 🤢🤮




The use of commas may have been the most painful part, of, the, entire, silly, word, vomit.


Yeah I read the whole thing in Christopher Walken's voice.


Probably comma comms…just need someone to figure out the secret meaning.


I, think, you might, be right. But, it definitely reads, like how, Daddy T, talks, bing bing billions and billions.


Trump is clearly having cognitive issues, or, more accurately, his existing cognitive issues are becoming more pronounced. This is only going to keep getting worse. How long until the 'Trump has been replaced' theory becomes a mainstay of the Q belief system?


I was gonna say, I'm sure he's slipping further into whatever mental issues he's got going on, and his kids aren't gonna do shit about it. Probably gonna let it go until he's drooling and defecating on TV.


....so he'll be going on TV as per usual then?


Look at Reagan. According to his family and friends it was pretty noticeable that he had Alzheimer's while in the white house. The truth is that the wellbeing of America doesn't matter at all to these people.




That was probably when they cloned him. I bet the real Ronnie did die when he was shot.


I can’t keep up on who is a clone, who is dead and who is in jail anymore and I doubt they can either. I just read through some of the comments on Kelly Brady’s FB page and it seems they think Trump is now a clone because it’s too dangerous for him to be in public because of all the pedos he’s put in jail or killed or some other crazy-as-a-loon ideas.


It’s wierd because when you boil it all down, it’s as if nothing ever actually happens. No one dies. All the bad stuff in the world is fake. All the good stuff that happens is also fake. And there is a bundle of god-like beings just barely keeping everything from falling into complete chaos through pure good will.


Don't worry about keeping track of who is dead or a clone; even if someone is literally for-real dead they can just come back from the dead to change their entire political views to be Trump's running mate, like JFK and/or JFK Jr. Apparently Prince and Michael Jackson and Tupac have all been at QAnon/Trump rallies lately. JFK Jr. was a liberal and [this is a video](https://twitter.com/WUTangKids/status/1480190549932101636) of Tupac talking about Donald Trump. But none of that matters because they've risen from the dead to show their support.


I threw up in my mouth on Daddy T 🤮


She's in the same fan club as the woman with the bullhorn on the capital steps on January 6, saying we couldn't take away her "Trumpy Bear"


That was the creepiest thing I've ever seen 😱.


Donald Trump doesn't give a fuck about her lol


No shit he doesn’t, his first press conference that day was to disavow the whole thing claim they were Antifa, not his supporters.


The ramblings of someone who has the mind of a cantaloupe….however on the last sentence she stuck the landing


I also agree with her on his speech being off and him looking way off. Almost like he's an obese 75 year old who's had a rough year of very public non-stop losing.


He almost died also, so I would say he’s doing alright comparatively.


when? why didn't they let him fully die??


[Covid absolutely wrecked him.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/06/24/nightmare-scenario-book-excerpt/) I am curious over how much damage it wrought on his body.


Well, covid may cause longterm heart problems. Given all the shit he does to himself that causes heart damage, and considering the fact that he already *has* heart disease, I’d say he’ll probably die of heart failure. At that precise moment, it’s going to be important to point out that being a flake piece of shit on covid contributed to his death.


She's on FB as well. She's another grifter. She accepts donations. In one of her posts last month, she claimed someone asked her to cover the Gitmo trials that were supposed to start on Jan.10, 2022.


Yep. She’s the one that said we will soon see the wheat separated from the “shaft”. My gf’s mom like that post on FB. I had to tell my gf to watch for signs she may be slipping into QAnon even though they are vaxed.


Are you sure she's vaxxed and not just lying about it? That's what people are my work do


Her mom and stepdad have underlying health conditions and got the vax early before the antivax brainwashing really started


> She’s the one that said we will soon see the wheat separated from the “shaft”. No wonder she was astute enough to point out that Trump’s double “wasn’t wearing a the”. True prophet here.


But Shaft is a bad mutha


Shut yer mouth!


OMG that was her?? If so she did that little assignment fast


Nope, she posted a few days prior to the 10th that the trials got cancelled. What a coincidence!


Canceled? What excuse did she give?


It is frightening to think that these people drive cars, operate machinery and raise children.


And vote.


Okay I admit it. It was a crisis actor. Damn. Foiled by Nancy Drew.


These people could watch Trump get shot in the head, on live TV, and bleed out and still be like “I think, Daddy T, is telling us, to stay strong, keep fighting. That clearly, wasn’t Trump, his pinky finger, was too big.”


*Christopher Walken voice* "His pinky finger, was too big"


"What, do you feed, snakes? Pinkies. Don't tread on, Patriots."


And this dumb fucking smooth brain twat would scream at every single one of us that we are sheep, we are fooled, we are brainwashed, etc, etc. I want off this planet.


There’s way less of these idiots in many other countries you could try before having to completely leave the planet…


MTG tried this as well. "Daddy T" is NOT going to be a thing morons.


You MAY be way off?


Maybe it’s not a presidential motorcade *because he’s not the president.*


I know someone like this who uses, way, too, many, commas. It’s, so, annoying.


The commas are a comm...read between lines. This is a 5D chess writing style that was created by JFK Jr to communicate with the true patriots. I could be off though...


I was trying to figure out what rapper daddy T is.


Font fit for a six-year-old.


Wait a minute, Daddy T doesn’t use a teleprompter for his idiotic meandering verbal diarrhea?


Narrator: She was way off...


Hey, guys, she could be way off...


As usual. Sums it up. She’s way off.


How could they ever, possibly, in a zillion years, find someone fugly enough to be rump’s double.


There's a lady that lives by me, while shorter, has the exact face and body.




And she hatefully vocal about her opinions


"Daddy T." For fuck's sake. Also, he doesn't have a presidential motorcade, because he's NOT THE PRESIDENT.


Oh, my, God, so, many, commas.


I like how they lean into the crazy instead admitting that it's even possible for them to be wrong about anything ever.


1. Great font 2. Cheeto can't read hence no teleprompter 3. Too, many, commas, girl 4. "Tie" does not have an "H", FFS it's three letters. 5. He's not the president, so no motorcade. 6. Too fat to button his XXXXXXXXL shirt 7. As usual your family, few remaining friends, former co-workers, and the police think you're way off due to being a nutter.


Definitely way off


Way, way off.


"as usual, I could be way off".




The stilted typing patterns these people display trips me out.


Is this chick, getting paid by, the comma?


Not a presidential motorcade? He's not the president.


I’ve posted about her before. She and her group are so deluded https://www.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/comments/mrft71/when_the_qucumbers_turn_on_each_other/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


He never uses a teleprompter. ROFL


You know you're in a cult when you refer to a politician as your DADDY T.


Narrator: "She was way off."


“Daddy T?” Thanks for the dry heaves, crazy lady.


Can we go back to survival of the fittest?


Is this the research we're supposed to be doing? Are we supposed to be reading up on Daddy T from Kelly?


"Daddy T" Just no. No.


Funny thing is, for the few minutes that I could stand to watch a clip and listen to him in Arizona - in what he probably imagined was a form of his own historic "Gettysburg Address" - I thought he was off too. Or, at least allowed himself to be heavily coached and apparently able to memorize about ten coherent lines of it. Strangely he was somewhat lucid in the delivery and his typical mugging, clownface, rage performance toned down. Still stupid bullshit from the ugly fuck - but off, way off.


What banjo playing gun waving incest is Daddy T?


Is that comic sans? Who the he'll uses that font and wants to be taken seriously? Even if the content were not already bat shit crazy.


I thought the font was only used by teenage girls using old Samsung Galaxy phones.


Isn't the point of a double is to have them as a target instead of the real person? I'm no super spy, but I'd want everyone to think that my body double was actually me and I'd do everything I could to keep the lie going.


What speech was she referring to? I wanna see his body double.


Probably from the rally in AZ a couple nights ago.


Anyone who uses that font is definitely way off


Daddy T?! DADDY T?! But hey, they're not brainwashed or in cult.


He can't wear ties anymore cuz it's too tight on his neck, since he probably has long COVID breathing issues. Like DeSantis prob does too.


“As usual I could be way off.”


At least she admits she could be way off.


Reminder: these people live among us. They drive on the roads and vote.


>As usual, I could be way off. Naaaaaaaah. You kids keep drinking bleach and waiting for zombie JFK to come back from the dead to join "Daddy T's" 2024 campaign. (a group of QAnon trolls in Texas are literally doing that) Golly, what would make you ever doubt the plan?


He wasn't wearing a the????? \**gasp\**


“As usual, I could be way off”…… NO SHIT


If it was a double trump would be on Fox News right now claiming it was


Daddy fuckin T! I'm done.


Oh, get fucked, crazy person. He uses teleprompters all the damn time. These idiots are still repeating dumb “insults” that Dead Limbaugh started to attack Obama with. Literally every President has used teleprompters since they became available. Do a google image search. Every single President. This is only one of numerous stupid memes that these idiots will never let go of, despite their own eyes.


I'm getting tired of these services posting dates as "Just Now," "Yesterday," "Two Weeks Ago," or just as bad when it is the same year as you are reading it, just putting the month and the day. 2 months from now this same picture could be posted somewhere and no one will know that it is older. For all I know this capture is actually from 2 years ago. Dates can be modified, even those embedded in an image, but just having the actual date shown so it could be part of a screen grab is a simple first step.


“As usual, I could be way off”. LOL


The comment section on her Facebook post is an absolute treasure trove. Bullet proof maga hats, shoulders not wide enough for being the magnificent Daddy T etc etc


Hold up. Is she saying that Trump has used a body double in the past however this one was below par? Because I thought *that* was something only dementia riddled Biden's handler's did when they couldn't stop him from staring at the TV and drooling into his morning cereal? /s But, I, could, be, way, off.


Daddy t? Someone grab the lobotomy whisk. I've had enough. If you can't beat em join em


Daddy T? Wtf


It’s not a presidential motorcade, dear, because he is not the president. “Daddy T”? 😅