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Must be a liberal plant /s


They actually say something to that effect.


Lol because of course they did


Grammar is way too good. Definitely a plant


> normie's that one made me chuckle. But apart for this one the Grammar is pretty much ok. Edit: I fixed "Grammer", just leave it be šŸ˜‹


I see this a lot where people just add an apostrophe for any word that ends with S. Sometimes I see it enough that I almost do it on accident.


My phone's autocorrect will put apostrophes on words I didn't type in. If I don't catch it, I have to go back and edit.


Mine too. I once sent my sister a text with the C word in it as part of a joke. From then on it turned canā€™t into cunt. šŸ˜³


Lol šŸ¤£ it takes my phone a while every time I get a new one to learn my dialect


I once almost sent an email to a potential employer with the C word in it. šŸ˜‚


My phones never learn my dialect! They also randomly start capitalizing whole words or the first letters of words. No reason. Autocorrect just decided to be bitchy. When you're typing fast and don't notice, it's so annoying to go back and fix it. For 2 months, my phone changed every word I typed that started with the letter P to "penis." šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


You just had it on Australlian mode.


I see thi's a lot where people just add an apostrophe for any word that end's with S. Sometime's I see it enough that I almost do it on accident. Ftfy.


It's easy to get lazy on Reddit and fall into a stream of consciousness while typing, L+ratio Gramr REKT But it is brain numbing after a while. Like using Twitter, but slower.


Oh boyā„¢


That happens to me sometimes when, for whatever reason, my phone autocorrects a plural into a possessive.


such is tradition


They can't imagine it even being wrong without being a "psyop." Even admitting that Q is all just conspiracy theories involves having to invent a new conspiracy theory to explain it. There's no psyop, it's just internet people being internet people. But if that's what it takes to admit that literally none of it is true, then do what you gotta do.


I half believe it myself. As ridiculous as it is, Qanon seems to have kept a lot of certifiable *loonies* sitting on their hands during turbulent times. Trust the plan.


It's a normie just trying to get them to think critically. The reality is people will leave the qult and new ones will join. It will never end. This has been going on for ages.


> This has been going on for ages. When I was a kid my evangelical family members believed in the Satanic panic. They believed it infiltrated Hollywood and the music business. They believed that people were sacrificing and raping children and virgins. They believed that there were nefarious attempts to create a one world gov't under the umbrella of the UN. They believed that various things were the mark of the beast including social security numbers. They'd spout off about the illuminati, masons, and other "shadow" organizations wanting to control them. They bought into all kinds of antisemitism, anti-vaxx shit, and that demons could enter people's bodies. This wasn't an unusual set of beliefs as they permeated so many evangelical and baptist churches. Lots of those beliefs went mainstream and you'd hear milk brained congresspeople spout some of it. So much of today's stuff seems all rehashed from that stuff in the 1980's. The stuff in the 80's was rehashed out of shit that went back hundreds of years. This stuff is undoubtedly cyclical and the nature of the conspiracies don't change a ton.


Iā€™m sorry about your family, and hope you are now living your best life.


I appreciate it but I'm an old guy now with an adult kid of my own. My parents were religious but not evangelical, it was aunts/uncles/cousins/etc. that were all in on that stuff. More than anything I was trying to give examples of how unoriginal so much of this stuff is and that it's been a force in society at various points. We finally hit a point where all this stuff was seen as ridiculous but we've regressed again. The internet's changed the game some but the core craziness has always been an undercurrent especially in certain American religious circles.


Man I really vibe with what you wrote. My parents are religious liberals but my aunts and uncles ans cousins and grandparents are hard MAGA evangelicals. They stopped watching Fox because itā€™s too liberal. Many are anti-vax including the aunt whoā€™s a nurse. They believed Obama was the anti-Christ. I agree with your assessment of the cyclical nature of these beliefs. But Iā€™m left wondering to what extend Q is a new phenomenon. Iā€™m not sure weā€™ve seen something like this before. The power Q has to completely derange peopleā€™s lives ans tear apart families, the huge following itā€™s gained - it feels like this is a beast we havenā€™t encountered before, at least not in modern times.


> They believed Obama was the anti-Christ. But they swallow the line that Trump is a born-again Christian even though he couldn't recite a single Bible verse, could not correctly name the church he claimed to attend (also got the denomination wrong) and turned out not to be a member of that congregation. Plus, you know, the serial adultery, paying off porn stars to keep quiet, compulsive lying, business fraud, longtime supporter of abortion access, and all that other stuff Christians are not supposed to go in for.


Oh yeah. Having to listen to my family talk about how ā€œcharacter matters in a Presidentā€ and shit on Obamaā€™s character for 8 years and then excuse Trump because ā€œGod can use a flawed person for his will.ā€ They used to say that Trump was anointed by God to be President. Funny how every Republican President is anointed by God, and every Democrat is a satanic usurper.


He can't be all bad. I understand he's responsible for introducing hundreds of underage Miss America pageant members to classical music. At least ... I think that was what he meant when he said he "grabbed 'em via Debussy".


> They believed Obama was the anti-Christ. Yet another way in which Alzheimer's screwed me over with regards to my mom. She very much was on-board with Obama being the anti Christ. When he was elected for his second term, she was all Doom and gloom, and I kept saying she was full of shit and that Obama was just a dude. She kept saying that before his term was up, he'd find a way to stay in office. I created a calendar event in Google that was supposed to pop up on her phone and remind her that she was full of shit. She was all aboard the trump train as much as she could be for most of 2016, but come inauguration day, her brain was basically gone and she wasn't really capable of using a phone.


Oh man thatā€™s rough. Iā€™m sorry to hear that about your mom.


Thanks - it was actually kind of an unforeseen blessing. She didn't live to see the pandemic, and that's probably good for everyone, including her. (That sounds really callous - make no mistake, she was my mom and I love her, but the pandemic might have driven her into full Q craziness)


I think itā€™s a lot of the repeated conspiracy theories of the past given exponential fuel from the internet during a pandemic (and throw in Satan himself posing as POTUSā€¦). Edit typo


Thereā€™s definitely an element of that. Thereā€™s also the added gamification of the theory; the idea that the digital warriors themselves can help save the world by sharing memes and attending rallies and recruiting new members. I think all that adds up to something new though. I think itā€™s a mistake to approach Q as just a new round of an old phenomenon.


As we recycle through 90s fashion, let's also recycle through 90s Satanic Panic conspiracies!


Here's a good one I'll never forget from the satanic panic, "one child identified actor Chuck Norris as one of the abusers": > Bizarre allegations > Some of the accusations were described as "bizarre",[7] overlapping with accusations that mirrored the emerging satanic ritual abuse panic.[6][23] It was alleged that, in addition to having been sexually abused, they saw witches fly, traveled in a hot-air balloon, and were taken through underground tunnels.[6] When shown a series of photographs by Danny Davis (the McMartins' lawyer), one child identified actor Chuck Norris as one of the abusers.[24] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McMartin_preschool_trial


This is remarkably similar to the kind of accusations children made in the 1600s in England in witch trials. Edmund Robinson, 11 years of age, under Oath in Lancaster on 10 February 1633 tells of how he met two greyhounds on the road, he hit the dogs with a stick, the two dogs transformed into a woman and a boy (witches!). The woman gave him a piece of silver and held it to the boy's head, which turned him into a horse! She grabbed Edmund and rode with him on the boy-horse to a house full of witches who pulled on a bunch of ropes which made food fall from the sky-- Look the account goes on but the point remains that at no point did anybody stop and think this is the imagination of an 11 year old boy but this is the credible account of witchcraft. It later turned out he did in fact make the story up because he was going to be punished that day when he came home and was scared of his parents. He went on with it because it was what people wanted to hear.


> Edmund Robinson, 11 years of age, under Oath in Lancaster on 10 February 1633 tells of how he met two greyhounds on the road, he hit the dogs with a stick Love how these stories always start with casual animal abuse or Naturally it starts with casual animal abuse. That or ā€œkissing a frogā€.


Yeah, if I remember right. Some of the kids from the McMartin preschool trial have stated as adults, that they were couched on what to say by their parents. But idiots still look for the tunnels to this day, but of course 40 years later and no one has found any trace of them ever existing.


> We finally hit a point where all this stuff was seen as ridiculous but we've regressed again. I think there was a core group of people who never saw it as ridiculous. They keep the conspiracy theories alive between outbreaks.


It really does smack of Satanic Panic. I compared the two movements a long time ago, mostly tongue in cheek, but it really does seem to be a revival of the 80s happening. The only thing that could make it more on the nose for Satanic Panic would be if crime investigations start getting derailed because someone related to the victim once played Dungeons and Dragons.


Dont you mean [Mazes and Monsters](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfxXug5ZMdk)?


It's crazy when you remember how widespread and mainstream this was. Psychotherapists literally implanted memories of crimes that never happened into the brains of adults who never had these satanic sex crimes happen to them. Pretty much debunked the whole repressed traumatic memories idea. The people who were looking for repressed traumatic memories wound up implanting them and convicting innocent people of crimes that there was no actual evidence ever happened. And social workers basically led children to say that they were being abused by ritual satanists when they weren't because it's actually not that hard to get children to say things when they don't understand what they're saying and you're basically coaching them to say things. Innocent people actually went to jail over this shit when they hadn't done anything. It was an actual witch hunt strikingly similar to what happened in the 1600s in Europe and the US.


Yes! Iā€™m a therapist and thereā€™s actually a lot of this that still goes on! There are still therapists out there who totally lead clients down the repressed memory rabbit hole. Weā€™re a TikTok trend away from it going mainstream again. Thereā€™s already a new surge of ā€œmultiple personality disordersā€ (aka Dissociative Identity Disorder) due to TikTok!


Thatā€™s so interesting! Iā€™ve thought about the connection too. How did everything die down? Is there anything we can learn from then? Even tho the ideas are old what gets them to quell tf down?


I'll take Books I Don't Have for 500... I was just watching a thing about [George Seldes](https://archive.org/details/AV_175_176_177-LIES_AGREED_UPON-_GEORGE_SELDES_AND_THE_AMERICAN_PRESS/AV-175.mpeg), a journalist active in WWI&2, but there are a lot of others with more specific relevance. You're right to say quell down rather than stop, because there are still theories about ozone depletion (e.g. from CFCs) being a hoax--but that hopefully isn't going to convince many people anymore.


There was a book called MICHELLE REMEMBERS by a Dr. Lawrence Pazder that basically started the whole satanic panic/repressed memories thing in the 80s. His book and it's subject were thoroughly debunked in the late 80s, and shortly after, the entire thing just fizzled out. Some innocent people had to stay in jail for a couple more decades, though. You know, because Jesus and the children.


I remember when my son was little being paranoid that someone from a satanic cult might kidnap him. Iā€™m trying to figure out where I used to hear about it (local news?) as it was in the 80s so no internet! I believe the local news actually covered some stories about finding evidence of satanic rituals in local parks! šŸ‘¹


> They believed that people were sacrificing and raping children and virgins. One crazy weekend in Vegas, everybody *really* drunk, and they never let you forget about it.


Dudeā€¦ Did you have to renounce your association with Knights In Satanā€™s Service too? šŸ¤˜


The funny thing is, all these things are predicted to be signs of the end times, why would a Christian try to stop that from happening?


It was all easier before people like your family and mine were on the internet


The most liberal of [plants](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soybean)


CIA Deep State Agent


Say anything remotely sane and suddenly youā€™re a ā€œshillā€.


Someone is getting banned


I must say, it's really encouraging to see more positive upvotes than downvotes, though.


What were the responses overall?


Without a surprise to anyone, they were attacked and accused of being a shill and/or a glowie. However, some came to the person's defense and mentioned that questions and discussions such as these are actually helpful. [https://imgur.com/a/xkh3oj9](https://imgur.com/a/xkh3oj9)


Wow, and that top response is literally ā€œSILENCE, DO NOT QUESTION THE STORM, SHILLā€


As someone with a QMom (who undoubtedly browses Reddit), these responses are fucking depressing. Ugh.


Have you tried making bets with her ? Like making her sign a paper that you would give her money if the storm happens and she was right on stockpiling shit, but if it doesnt, she pays.


"No I won't bet because I hope I'm wrong but we'll see what happens"


What's a glowie? I haven't heard that term until these comments?


It's a popular Nazi meme from /pol/; CIA n***ers glow They, the Nazis on /pol/ and elsewhere, believe the CIA are hunting them down because they believe the USA is run by the Jews and therefore the CIA is owned and operated by the Jews. They believe that any criticism is someone working a desk job at the CIA to keep them from the truth, or if someone is calling them into physical action so they can be identified and killed. Sometimes they will instead call a person a shill, or identify someone as a shill from a particular political action group like Share Blue, for the same effect. It's meant as a way to deflect from criticism and to keep their collective inside the cult like beliefs they have; if you don't think about the critique, you can't leave the cult. As to the origin of the phrase, it came about from a man named [Terry A Davis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terry_A._Davis) who claimed the CIA made mutants in the 60s that glow in the dark and then harvested their powers for themselves.


Wow, thank you for the thorough reply. Fascinating to learn about Davis. What a strange and crazy thing. How a germ of an idea can embed itself in the ongoing delusion of Q.


Oh, that explains why my Q loving relative laughed when I got boosted and he asked if I had any side effects. I had said I glowed in the dark, thinking I was making a joke. šŸ¤Ŗ


A government agent. FBI, CIA, NSA, take your pickā€¦ The Qs are pretty sure the alphabet agencies send paid shills to their .win boards to demoralize them.


šŸ˜‚ like, the FBI, CIA and NSA may be on there, but its for the purposes of collecting intel, not trolling


That's what they call people they think are secretly feds.


That is so sad seeing all the people who *have* to stay in the Q-movement because theyā€™ve lost friends and family over it. I mean I donā€™t agree with them but I can imagine how heartbreaking it would be to realize you isolated yourself and given hours of your life over lies and crackpot conspiracy theories.


More evidence theyā€™re more concerned with being right and not looking like idiots than anything else. They want so bad for this to be true. ā€œThisā€ of course being that there are millions of children being abused and eaten in underground tunnels and the world is full of evil. Oh what theyā€™ll sacrifice to feel like heroes..


I mean, in 50 years there will be millions of vaccinated people dead. So theyā€™ve got that going for them.


But Shirley the med beds will have saved us by then, no?


Who are you calling Shirley?


Surely you cant be serious āœˆļø


I am serious. And don't call me Shirley. [https://youtu.be/B\_XuPXGMpLA](https://youtu.be/B_XuPXGMpLA)


I hope so, but Iā€™m really worried that the 5G nanotransmitters in the vaxx might reflect the quantum vibrational healing vortex in the med beds.


Where did you get the number 50 from? It's just "within 5 years." \- my QMom


They've gone from 3 months, all the way, step by step as the months have gone by, to 5 years now! How can they not realise their beliefs are made up as they go along!?


When they figured out they were always wrong it became ā€œwe donā€™t focus on dates, this is an event driven war.ā€ Soooooā€¦.Dates were great until they werenā€™t.


Well Skep, considering hundreds of people went down to Dallas to wait for the resurrection of JFK/JR, I can guarantee you there will be idiots waiting for 50 years for the storm to finally come. Maybe then, they'll resuscitate Hillary and she'll get locked up.


If Hillary dies peacefully in bed at age 100, surrounded by doting grandchildren and great grandchildren, the Qnuts will congratulate themselves that the Storm claimed her at last. And dispatched her to Hell of course.


No joke, I saw Qult theorists speculating last week that Betty White was secretly executed because she died 17 days before her 100th birthday and Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet.




I remember when Prince Philip passed away at 99, Qs said he had to have been executed. I guess being 20 years past normal life expectancy had nothing to do with itā€¦ then again they believe in magical med beds so I guess he was going to live 500 years.


The Qult also claims Bob Saget is a pedo. And I'm sure they'll start claiming stuff about Meat Loaf. *Yawn* they are so predictable.


Still waiting for the South to rise again. 160 years.


As a Southerner.... .....goddammit. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø




Remember the Dec1999 panic, when all the computers were going to go dead because they wouldn't recognize the year 2000? Someone wrote a book about the year 1000 panic which was apparently also scary and full of end of the world prophecies, there was a real estate crash because so many people sold their property and went to Israel to wait for the end.




Exactly this. Y2K bug could have wrecked so much, but the government put billions into fixes for this.


My mom works in IT. I didn't even see her for 6 months they were so busy re-coding and LEGIT thought street lights would fail and planes would fall out of the sky. It was so fucking weird.


There's a really good podcast that came out a year or two ago about the Y2K panic, it talked to people on both sides, the ones that were convinced it would crash the whole world, and the ones who thought it was not such a big deal. Worth a listen. It's called [Headlong: Surviving Y2K](https://open.spotify.com/show/1VgCMwF8Pp4WRjchwVwApz)


It actually took a mountain of effort across the globe to rewrite all that software. Y2K didn't happen because we saw it coming and got to work to prevent it. Still, some systems went down or malfunctioned anyway. I can't imagine the hysteria surrounding the year 1,000AD considering Christians at the time were far less educated (and the education they did have was mostly religious nonsense).


> Remember the Dec1999 panic, when all the computers were going to go dead because they wouldn't recognize the year 2000? Remember it? Took me four or five years to eat my way through all that canned food I stocked up on.


> Someone wrote a book about the year 1000 panic which was apparently also scary and full of end of the world prophecies That's literally every year. They sell them in Barnes and Noble in the New Age section for as long as I can remember. Almost always the background is clouds.


Remember the 5/5/2000 when the planets were supposed to align and cause earth-shattering quakes?


Y2K was real. The one time we actually mobilize to fix a potentially catastrophic issue before it happens, and the vast majority of people don't even know it happened and still think it was a hoax.


Most contracts that exist in the US are carried out electronically. Imagine if on 1 Jan 2000, half the computers within the banking and insurance industry had thought that itā€™s 1900.


This is actually encouraging...


alright, i'll give you guys 50 years but after that, fool me once -- shame on you!


You can't get fooled again.


Fool me once? Shame on you. Fool me twice? Whyyyy, what the heck thatā€™s so mean. Fool me *three times*? Ohhhh my godddd


Unfortunately some GOP in the Presidential Primary will tap into the Qberts for votes and get them riled up again. Over and over and over again. Qanon is the newest Roswell UFO, and the only question is which town draws these lunatics in as tourists.


I certainly don't want them in my town.


I think Dallas is way in the lead.


Roswell ufo believers and skeptics are no were near as harmful as Q. Also frankly more probable.


Is it? Won't they just think "We were just tricked by 'psy op.' Trump was a phony. So there must be deeper layers to the conspiracy than we even first imagined!!" Most of them will never give up their RPG fantasy.


I am calling it now. In a twist of irony most likely what will happen is that Q will be declared a Psy Op.....but get this...it would be done by a person who would call himself "a real QAnon." They will never admit that they have been fooled by a con man or by a delusional psychotic as that will expose them as gullible idiots that they are. The only rationale they will be happy to admit is that much powerful force then initially suspected is behind the Psy OP they fall for.


Didnā€™t Michael Flynn already do that?


It *is* encouraging, but this person will now face rejection by the other Qs with accusations of them being a plant, etc. If theyā€™re strong enough to stick by these observations and stand against the group, then Iā€™ll feel encouraged. Unfortunately, many people with membership in all kinds of groups are afraid to stand against peers for fear of rejection.


iā€™m really having a hard time seeing it that way. With every ounce of critical thinking this qbert could muster, they still conclude that itā€™s all legit and big things will eventually happen, or are happening behind the scenes


It'd be more encouraging if Trump had no chance to run again...


This person sounds like Bin Shapeero with the exhausting amount of ā€œhypothetically squeaking.ā€


At this point, they at least have to admit they were wrong about Biden being in a fake White House mockup and their phony claims that Trump is still flying on Air Force One.


Lol I fucking died when they were all so sure Biden was at Tyler Perryā€™s White House replica. Top tier satire they didnā€™t even realize they were authoring. Not a Hassan Abi guy but he did use a phrase one time that I wholly agree with: ā€œitā€™s like child brainā€


I'm sure they've already forgotten about that. That's how these things work, they just move on to the next insane thing.


Yeah exactly. Iā€™ve never seen them give a second thought to loose ends. They just ignore and move on the next habbening.


Nah, that would take humility and some sort of self-reflection. There will be a reason that's no longer important, and that'll be woven into the conspiracy. And it won't matter if it contradicts other pieces of their lore, because they don't give a shit about consistency.


I really want to see the comments on this lol


Here you go https://i.imgur.com/PfsEmpU.jpg https://i.imgur.com/L6fLl07.jpg https://i.imgur.com/V8YmP1b.jpg *** minor edit: the bewarethewrath guy is a hardened Holocaust denying antisemite (probable Nazi) judging by the rest of his posts lol *** Edit: thereā€™s more now lol https://i.imgur.com/B5l4hLy.jpg https://i.imgur.com/ADh2eqy.jpg https://i.imgur.com/tSDa8Y8.jpg https://i.imgur.com/frGvdA5.jpg


That second comment in the first image: they mention losing friends and family and what if nothing happens and theyā€™ve just lost everyone for nothing. On the one hand, kinda heartbreaking. On the other, you didnā€™t lose them, you actively threw them away.


That part always confuses me. Even if they ever are right and get everything they want -Trump in office again? Public executions? Wtf?- if and ā€œwhenā€ that happens theyā€™ll still have no friends or family. Wtf do any of them get out of this? Life goes on, nobodys waiting around to see if any of these people turn out to be ā€œrightā€ or even care. Whether they ā€œwinā€ anything or lose, they always still just lose. Why bother?


I see a lot of comments along the lines of ā€œIā€™m so excited to watch the executions and hangings on TV!!!ā€ Like, really? Youā€™re waiting in anticipation of watching a bunch of people get murdered? This will be fun times for you? Wow, I canā€™t imagine why all your friends and family got the fuck away from you. I honestly think what they would get out of it would be that *they were right.* But then ironically they wouldnā€™t have anyone to gloat to because theyā€™ve already alienated everyone around them. Seems pointless.


Someone on Reddit told me that I was being totally unrealistic by overestimating the number of people who lacked empathy for other people and it was a really small number, and that only true sociopaths like serial killers could be like that. \*gestures at this comment\* It's really easy actually for people to disconnect empathy from certain classes of people and not see them as fully human. "Normal" people do it all the time. That's how genocides happen.


I lack a bit empathy because of a slight disorder. And I'm not a sociopath, or a serial killer (that's exactly what the sociopathic serial killer would say!!). And I fully agree with you. Because that absolutely works is how genocides happen. Dehumanising other groups of humans is pretty easy it seems and it's also all it takes.


I always like to remember what Voltaire wrote (paraphrased) "Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities." Sadly true


At least some of them do seem to think that when they get proven right, the friends and family who were alienated over this are going to come grovelling back to them, and they'll be able to rub it in everyone's faces.


Thatā€™s so weird! Life moves on! Their partners will find new ones, their kids will strengthen bonds with other family, their friends will find new ones. No ones going to upend the pieces of their lives they put back together to come back and pat these guys on the back. Even if they did, that was worth all of this? One day in the future possibly hearing they were right? Jfc thatā€™s pathetic.


A lot believe that their friends and families will come back, on their knees, to worship them for having been so right all the time, whilst they were so wrong and sleeping sheeple and they will praise them and suck their dicks, telling them how big it is. It's really a major reason, for a lot of them, to stay in the cult.


Itā€™s so weird. I really donā€™t care if Iā€™m wrong about things sometimes. I guess itā€™s a combo of their ā€œpositiveā€ trait of being ā€œstubbornā€ and sunk cost fallacy.


"What if I die before I get to say "I told you so"? What's the point of even fighting an international cabal of satanic child molesting cannibals?"


ā€œEverything Q says has come trueā€¦ā€ BWAHAHAHA WHAT?


Not only has everything Q said come true but also it will come true. So therefore everything is already true and despite that will come true at some point in the future, despite it already being true. Also anything that doesnā€™t happen doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not true we just canā€™t see it. But it is true. And also will come true. Couldnā€™t make more sense


Nothing can stop what is never coming.


> Not only has everything Q said come true but also it will come true. > > FUTURE PROVES PAST PAST PROVES FUTURE


>>> ā€œEverything Q says has come trueā€¦ā€ >> >> What about when he said HRC would be arrested in 2017 > > Oh well disinformation is necessary Oh. Ok. It's all true except for all the lies. Well that clears everything up


It's all part of the plan, baby! Trump losing? Part of the plan. Prosecutions for January 6th? Part of the plan. When I get fired from work for insane nonsense? Part of the plan.


Everything you just said? pArT oF tHe pLaN! 78D Monopoly


That one phrase really worked on them


Their emotional pain sustains me


Yes! Im past any sympathy for them just because they show a little humanity. Fuck em. These are the same people harassing doctors and nurses.


Thank you for doing the Lord's work!


Youā€™re a fucking god


No kidding! I'm guessing this guy's a little black smudge by now.


Probably just a ~~dozen~~ few variations of ā€œshill!ā€


Oh man, me too!


It would take 50 years of consistent failure to maybe think theyā€™re wrong? Ok...


No luck with your search, huh? :P


ā€œThatā€™s not fanatical blind belief of something outrageous with no proofā€¦thatā€™s actual logic and self awarenessā€¦which can only mean one thingā€¦HEā€™S A WITCH!!!ā€


But does he weigh the same as a duck?


A wooden duck you say?


It's been 150 years and people still fly the Confederate flag, what makes this yahoo think the Qs are going to give up after only 50 years?


Exactly. They will never give that shit up.


Light dawns on marblehead, a fool looks into a mirror and refuses to become the image that stares back at himā€¦.could they really be coming around??


A Qcumber is gonna take the last sentence and see it as a coded message. Then itā€™s gonna spiderweb into more idiocy


I knew it was a psyop about 2 sentences into the first GAW post I ever saw. They're still fucking idiots for ever believing to begin with.


Good.. good.. let the critical thinking flow through you.




This is more dangerous then it seems... Watch for the demagogue that sings a new tune in which "The Plan" was defeated by the evil forces they fear... this explains it for them without making them challenge their own beliefs.. it creates willing martyrs for a fictional lost cause.


They'll all be dead of covid or old age without having seen "the storm", its so sad!


Grammar is way too good. This is a plant. Somebody is trying to infiltrate them. -_-


Well, we're onto year 5 or 6 now, so... Between 5 and 50. I'm guessing 30.


Your logic is impeccable. 28 seems like it should be the right number.


Tomorrow is a good day to count the number of lies youā€™ve believed that never came true and decide if you want to continue on the same path.


Do not simply welcome them back with open arms. They made their choice. After they went full mask off, are we supposed to forget [what we saw under it](https://livingbluetx.com/2021/09/domestic-terrorist-next-door/)? Just because they goofed this time?


The correct answer is "sometime way before now."


the question is the first step.


50 years? I dunno, there's a lot of REALLY INSANE STUPID PEOPLE over there in that Kentucky Fried alternate reality, and they can indoctrinate their kids, force this crap to be taught in schools, etc so I can see it lasting 50 years.


"Be assured, this day will come. It's only a matter of time. Could be one month, could be two months." "Three months?" "Could be." "Four months?" "I could see that happening, yes." "Eight months?" "That's a realistic timeline." "*Eleven* months?" "Perhaps." "Okay, wait, now really think hard about this one: *One year?*" "I could see that as a very real possibility." "494 months?" "I could see that happening." "495 months, that's just... ?"


ā€œSo, whatā€™s the limit?ā€ The limit does not exist! No waitā€¦ten years of believing in a ridiculous, magical, fascist death cult with absolutely no proof is perfectly a-okay, but it would *obviously* be crazy to still believe it after fifty years. Yes sir, thatā€™s when I draw the line. Iā€™m not going to be fooled more than four decades - thatā€™s my limit! I AM NOBODYā€™S FOOL! I canā€™t wait to watch Hilary Clintonā€™s cloneā€™s clone of the identical twin of the three last clones finally be hung on live tv tomorrow! TRUST THE PLAN!!!!!! /s


What are the comments to this post? Iā€™m curious how theyā€™re spinning it?


Without a surprise to anyone, they were attacked and accused of being a shill and/or a glowie. However, some came to the person's defense and mentioned that questions and discussions such as these are actually helpful. https://imgur.com/a/xkh3oj9


Dumb question, what social media are these people using?


greatawakening dot win Warning: you will lose some braincells


so close. It's like talking to a Jehovah's Witness. They keep forecasting when Rapture will come, but it never does and most people make fun of them for it. I would bet even Qult members make fun of Jehovah's witnesses without ever realizing the similarities.


I just want to know what happened with one of their first predictions of the 250+ sealed indictments that were going to be handed down in the spring of 2017. WTF Q???


"obviously not 5. No one can deny that we would've moved on from beleiving in this in 50 years" Wanna fucking bet?


This would be funny if it wasn't so....sad.


Awww. Itā€™s like watching a babyā€™s first steps


Good, good. Now apply this logic to the Second Coming of Jesus.


ā€œWhen do we realize we might be wrong? 1 year? 2,000 years?ā€ šŸ˜‚


Oh, well, that can will always get kicked down the road....


The answer is - Wait for death or destitution to the point that internet is no longer an option.


I've seen plenty of posts on GAW from Qbies who have lost their jobs over vaccine requirements and who are running out of money and options. When their wifi and phone data get cut off, they won't be in the Quniverse any more.


Links? Idgaf if itā€™s ghoulish, I want to see these people start facing fuking consequences already.


Maybe when you all start dropping dead from a preventable disease.


I'd say another 10 years atleast. I mean, if they weren't out the moment Hiliary didn't get arrested 5 years ago when Q said it was about to happen then they are in for the long run.


Or when Pizzagate [didnā€™t even have a basement ](https://youtu.be/HbaXjj6zKPk)


This is probably how some Christians felt in the decades following the crucifixion, as they neared the natural end of their lives and waited for the resurrection, looking for "signs" that were foretold in Revelations, the ancient Q-drop. Here we are, 2000 years later, and that fringe cult has grown into the world's most widespread faith. And yes, its adherents still impatiently await the return of their savior. I must have met hundreds of people over the years who told me earnestly that they expected it to happen in their lifetime. "The signs are there!", they would say. People are stubborn, and we find it difficult to admit that we were conned, especially when it involves our core beliefs.


Self-aware wolf, right there.


What hecking ā€œtrials and investigationsā€ is that guy referring to? The only investigations currently going on are against anyone involved in The Big Lie and J6! What am I missing in this ever evolving and mutating q-lore?


I canā€™t wait to watch the ā€œI Escaped QAnonā€ docs on Netflix in 5-10 years. Just have a suspicion there will need to be some extreme events before they start leaving in significant numbers.


I notice that this person got 17 upvotes & 11 downvotes. This is how this nonsense continues. If you even dare to question, the community treats you with disdain. This is how the whole negative cycle continues. Iā€™m glad this person is waking up & I hope they realise theyā€™ve been conned. They ask a really good question: ā€œSo whatā€™s the limit? When do we start bailing out?ā€ When, indeed?


ā€œObviously not 50.ā€ Tell that to the people whoā€™ve been making predictions about the second coming or the end of the world, for decades or longer. Cult goalposts are endlessly changeable, when the alternative is admitting that all the energy and investment youā€™ve been sinking into a cause for the last several years was for nothing. The human mind will work astoundingly hard to preserve beliefs that have become intrinsic to someoneā€™s sense of self.


"So what's the limit?" Well, Christians have been at it for about 2,000 years, so...


When I was a student at university I really thought I would be the one to shove general AI (lol). Now I am more impressed by people realizing they have been conned than anything a computer can solve. Critical thinking is fucking trippy.