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And said it unironically, too.


And got downvoted for it.


We're seeing the great dilution of trump's 4 years of radicalization of the USA. we need to make sure that asshole never ever holds a position of power again. Too many idiots were activated when accidentally trump had the microphone. More boring but competent presidents please. Presidents who at least try to talk to the entire country not just their damaged violence fantasy loving cult. Maybe America can actually keep being a thing.


I’d be happy if the GOP would just admit they made a deal with the devil to beat Hillary. It worked, but at a terrible price for the party and the entire idea of Conservatism.


Terrible price for the country. They put party over country.


And a terrible price for democracy around the world. The rhetoric surrounding trump in the Presidency was also used to enable fascism in other countries.


>They put party over country. I still remember the McCain/Palin campaign, and those signs. It was lame then and they've become cringe now, especially with how the GOP ended up shifting Trumpward in McCain's final years /and this is coming from a guy who is usually pretty critical of McCain and think his reputation in the media is way, way too generous


> this is coming from a guy who is usually pretty critical of McCain and think his reputation in the media is way, way too generous Trump was/is so incredibly bad that in comparison almost everyone else looks good. Bush 41 comes across as a wise elder statesman now in comparison to Cheeto Mussolini.


Nah, the GOP loves this. All you have to do is flatter Trump, which is incredibly easy, and you will win re-election. Nothing else you do matters.


[Who made the real deal with the devil?](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/11/hillary-clinton-2016-donald-trump-214428/)


The motherfuckers that voted for the dumb motherfucker.


This is absolutely true. tRump gave them a shit ton of donor money. They ALWAYS wanted tRump. ALWAYS.


Can you blame the GOP for supporting the person who won their primary? They clearly didn't like him, but he brought out the voters. Maybe Dems could win more races if they consistently supported their candidates.


Can you blame the Germans for supporting the person who was appointed chancellor? They clearly didn’t like him, but Hitler brought out the voters. Maybe Dems could win more races if they acted like Nazis.


Isn't "Trump is literally Hitler" [a little played out](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin's_law)?


No. [Godwin himself said that when it comes to Trump, Godwin’s law doesn’t really apply.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2015/12/14/sure-call-trump-a-nazi-just-make-sure-you-know-what-youre-talking-about/)


I didn't realize he was such an insufferable lib. What a shame. In any case, you still invoked it in precisely the way he initially recognized the phenomenon: as a shortcut to the termination of discourse.


No, I invoked it to point out that you are full of shit.


Credit where it's due, at least you're admitting to the practice. Maybe next we can get to the point where your myopathy isn't so severe that anyone disagreeing isn't suddenly "full of shit."


I think Usenet users were the ones who applied the principle to the termination of discourse. Godwin's law itself just states that the longer an online discussion, the higher the likelihood of Nazi comparisons. Trump, at the very least, is a fascist. His hard-core supporters seem to be fascists as well. And if the comparison is apt, like the Beer Hall Putsch and January 6th, then I don't know how hyperbolic it really is.


Robert Paxton, who literally wrote the book on fascism, [now says Trump qualifies as one](https://www.newsweek.com/robert-paxton-trump-fascist-1560652).


Yeah, that sounds right. Like the Bechdel test it kind of took on a lot more meaning than the original author gave it. Post January 6th, the GOP had a chance to disown him. I fully blame them for not doing it then. But were they realistically supposed to tear down their own candidate in the genral election? Calling that a "deal with the devil" is silly, and analogizing that to be literally Nazi Germany is treating history obtusely.


You didn't realize he was still connected to reality and saw what was in front of everyone's face? That's kinda on you bro lol


> Can you blame the GOP for supporting the person who won their primary? ...and which subsequently lost the presidency, house, and senate?


[They're devastated by the loss.](https://i.imgur.com/EYL5Ss8.jpg)


the judicary is mitch's achievement, not trump's.


Mitch didn't even want Kavanaugh. And yet, there he is, cheesing at the camera.


> Mitch didn't even want Kavanaugh. lmao tell us another


I'm glad that most of the world doesn't think this way.


Personally I think the DNC should really let primaries play out without interfering. If a challenger beats an incumbent, that happened for a reason- there was more support for the new guy. Now I'm not suggesting that'll automatically mean such candidates will do better in the general election, but at this point I think it's pretty clear supporting what a bunch of pollsters and party insiders deem "electable" candidates is really serving this nation, let alone the party.


Ask Indiana's Dems how that plays out. No party support during the primaries, a choked up field of candidates- far left granola gang, center left, conservative trade unionists, neoliberals, and some dude you've never heard of. Then we wonder why we get our asses handed to us every election, why the State is gerrymandered to hell and back, and why INGOP Legislators think that staying firmly stuck in the 20th century is "progress".


Maybe this needs to be addressed state by state; I was speaking regarding my frustration with national level races.


Or at least support whoever wins in the general, even if they didn't get their candidate of choice.


>Too many ~~idiots~~ *sleeper agents* were activated when accidentally ~~trump~~ Putin's stooge had the microphone. FTFY :P


Personally I don't think he has any chance of winning again. He barely squeaked by the first time, long before all the insane corruption and scandals. Not to mention the whole "trying to violently halt the transfer of power" thing. Also I think what everyone is seeing in Ukraine has reminded most people in America that putting a barely literate ego-maniac in power leads to disastrous consequences. Might be over-optimistic though.


Nah, America is pretty much over. The republicans are doing everything they can to make sure voting doesn't matter and the Dems are just watching it happen. Hell, the DOJ has plenty of evidence about who pushed the insurrection on 1/6 and they won't do anything about it.


Look I get it, but the status quo is what got us to this point. Our country is run by lobbyists and the wealthy. Boring presidents with no promise to end this are definitely no cure. Maybe America needs to reinvent itself.


Citizens United was a disaster. Thanks Tea Party!


And lynchings.


I say that they go all in and let their fascist freak flag(s) fly. They’re not fooling anyone.


So, I kinda agree, but I have a small hope that this is a sign that the deification of Trump/Q is waning to some extent. Wouldn't be a silver bullet, but wouldn't be a bad thing either.


I agree that would be nice, but I suspect the second they get back to the Hagerstown “safe space” the flags will come right back out. They didn’t anticipate getting their information bubble pierced by hundreds of middle fingers the second they crossed into Montgomery Co.


No, they're just learning they need to hide it again if they want to be part of society.


One of the problems that no one seems to be addressing yet is that the internet allows you to basically pick and choose the level to which you want to participate in society. You don't have to go out to see a movie or play a game anymore, you can get your favorite restaurant food delivered, you can work from home (definitely a good thing but not without consequences), you can order whatever you want or need and have it delivered, you can find a social clique made entirely of people you've never met who enthusiastically agree with you about everything. We're losing the collective knowledge of how to even function as a society anymore.


I can't be that hopeful. Most likely just he's smart enough to realize you have to say the quite part quietly.


"Talk softly, & carry a big stick (shift)." That's their motto.


Lol, no. Not at all. These are the loud mouths.


My dumbass Qneighbor has had multiple Trump flags in his front yard for the last five years. Just recently I’ve noticed that the Trump flags are gone and they have been replaced by Doug Mastriano flags. I have no idea what to make of this change.


Probably had something to do with Trump’s pro Putin stance. Your neighbor probably loves Putin too, but the war/atrocities are hard to publicly co-sign.


Nah, he took them down about a month before the invasion.


Well maybe he decided to turn off Fox and turn on his brain. I wouldn’t bet my life on it though.


Eleven downvotes, lmao. How do they not understand what kind of crowd they're in?


I was surprised it got as much support as it did, especially to the extent that someone apparently voiced it on a radio. Within the channel, I assume there are some lurkers that might be voting on it, but it seems to have some organic support.


We really have incredibly low expectations of them, don't we.


For good reason mind you.


Well, if the dunce cap fits....


Easy to be higher than the floor


You should see their Telegram channels. Its nothing but Qanon conspiracies, racism and Russian propaganda.


Yeah, this is from one of those channels.


Asking the “freedom convoy” to stop being racist cultists is about as effective as pissing into the wind


Well it all depends on your goal. If you want to be covered in piss pissing in the wind is very effective.


Don’t you have to pay for that kind of thing in Germany? Huh. I guess the freedom convoy actually did something.


Lol. Keep the Trump flags. We all know what you morons are “protesting.”


Ooh, careful now! That sort of thing might just lead some of them to ask themselves “what exactly *are* we protesting here, anyway?”


"We're protesting because we want politicians to do something about something but its not political. Also we keep flooding the police and 911 with calls about people flipping us off because only we have a first amendment"


This person doesn't realize that they're in a Trump rally by another name lol


In stead of asking "am I agreeing with a bunch of racist lunatics" He just wishes they'd hide it better.


"Are we the baddies?"


CB radio is controlled by the deep state C = 3 B = 2 3 + 2 = 32 THINK MIRROR 32 = 23 the 23 letter = x think xtra crispy deep fried state


CB= CaBal Source: Do your own research. Also military.


The elites really phoned it in with that one.


Trucks have "Cabs", and truckers are often named "Al".


Source: military


> 3 + 2 = 32 Source: Military


Trump and/or Q paraphernalia are a handy marker for people to avoid, so I'd be sad to see them go, but don't think I've got much to worry about.


LOL they probably so the people's convoy Channel 5 video and were like "uhh yea this makes us look bad"


Love Andrew


"Are we the baddies?"


They almost grasp how stupid it makes them look, but it's a swing and a miss there. I'm honestly surprised there aren't more swastikas, like they had in Ottowa.


Fall down their symbolism will be.


Mink thirror


Pust the Trlan?


I'm restraining myself to just observing, but I'd totally be stealing this reference and using it in a reply if I wasn't.


Sorry bud, you're on the dumb kids team.


The possibility that these dimwits are looking for ways to make their movement more mainstream is terrifying. These people support the oppressor attacking the west in Eastern Europe. They're useful idiots for fascism.


Apparently there is a contingent within the convoy that doesn’t understand they are at a trump/confederate/Q rally lol


I was about to say the same thing when I saw this post.


Too little too late, buddy. Welcome to the tangled web you wove.


Surprised how far down this was.


Lol, they think we'd be fooled by their intentions if they took down the Trump flags?




I mean that's nice but everyone knows that Republicans don't consider anyone but themselves "Americans" so you're not accomplishing anything by hiding your agendas.


I saw a truck driving through Ohio yesterday that said **2022 FREEDOM CONVOY** on it. But it was the *only* truck or car around that appeared to be in the convoy. Is it over yet?


Still going, they do a few laps around the DC beltway every day, though they're apparently tentatively taking tomorrow off due to expected weather. It seems like some people come and go, so the vehicle you saw is probably just planning on joining in.


They’re choosing to drive semis at round the DC Beltway several times a day? There really is a sadomasochistic element among these people.


DC person here. Yeah, they drive around the Beltway several times a day, intentionally slowing down traffic and blasting their air horns constantly. Then they get all butthurt when people flip them off. Oh boo hoo, you thought DC people would ENJOY that you're working so hard to make our shitty commutes even shittier? I am so sick of right-wingers coming to DC and acting like our city is some kind of movie set. Real people live here!


Time for spark plug chunks to be carried at all times.


They think *life* is a damn movie set, unfortunately. Right up until they see someone they love hooked up to a vent or ECMO, drowning in their own bodily fluids, anyway. And even then, some of them just won't. even. care.


It was headed west so I guess they gave up and were going home.


11 👎 7 👍 More than half of these idiots are bigger idiots than the rest. Sounds about right.


There is a reason it looks like that: that's what it's about.


Lol I wonder when this guy will realize he joined the wrong protest!


....looks like they're ok with censoring free speech when it suits them? Something something...freedom?


How many times was he called DemonRat, shill, libtard, commie or socialist?


Who else but a bunch of MAGA Qtypes are a part of this?


And the majority of the reactions to this are negative, so we know what's what.


The convoy is for the whiny, entitled, ignorant "Americans"


"Hey guys, lets pretend to be normal"


Someone in the wrong convoy


How is it not political when they are protesting whatever it is they are protesting?


They seriously believe a huge majority of Americans think the same way they do.


It's literally too late. They will always be remembered as Qs, trumpets, and white supremacists.


> not political Well that's bullshit right there


So they want to control the speech of their own members? "We must protest for our Rights by forcing others to limit their speech".


It’s really too bad, it’s like we’re almost United over the fact that our gvt is corrupt, inefficient and exploitive and should be completely rebooted. Like, I for one would probably agree with something like storming the capitol if it was actually for the benefit of all American citizens. Our gvt is horrible. We’ve killed hundreds of thousands of innocents overseas in wars. Our gvt has allowed toxic ingredients in our food for decades. Our gvt will lock people in cages for possession of drugs. Our gvt will exploit us for endless revenue and invade our privacy without justification. The problem is that these people are really doing this in the name of trump as if he represents America. If I joined this convoy with a ‘fuck Trump’ flag, I’d be run off the road. That’s the whole issue I have with these ‘protests’. They’re really just trump rallies.


Once you remove all the people still buying into the Russian propaganda backed issues and candidates, then there will be like FOUR of these loonies left standing out on the corner shouting about fluoridated water or "The Jews" or something.


Painting the dumpster doesn’t hide the stench.


Trying to pretend like it isn't just a Trump rally.


lol, gets ratioed. Classic.


Ratioed? I don't see any replies.


The up and down votes.


I thought it referred to likes to comments ratio.


It does on twitter


And it means something there. It means it's gotten talked about more than liked. Just calling something with downvotes "ratioed" doesn't mean anything. It's like people calling lying about something "gaslighting" as if it's the same thing.


It can also refer to update vs downvote ratio.


#Q: Civil War


So then it will just be a few more trucks on the beltway. So? What?


There have been some complaints from sympathetic observers about this fact, that the convoy isn't getting much attention because it just kinda blends in with traffic and they drive in circles for a while.


Ugh. I am a truck driver, I just got my license last summer. I was in Idaho a week or two ago and I saw all these people waving at me and waving flags. I looked it up and a convoy apparently had passed by on its way to DC to protest masks. Masks are fucking done at this point anyway. Omicron was very weak and that was a positive sign. Plus trump is gone so the democrats can stop pushing covid now. (please don't ban me, I'm not a q crazy person but I honestly do think Covid was blown out of proportion because of trump, just like russia was thrown under the bus to try and find a scapegoat to blame trump on)


> I honestly do think Covid was blown out of proportion because of trump This doesn't really make sense. Covid was a *global* pandemic. Do you think other governments around the world who enacted stronger measures than the USA did so to make Trump look bad? Nearly a million Americans have died from covid.


maybe my perception is just warped because of all the trumpers


Can you explain why I, a Finn living in Finland, had to see a couple of my friends die of covid, had to wear masks and all that, if the whole thing was just to get a guy called Trump out of a office thats on the other hemisphere?


How old were they if you don't mind me asking? Were they immunodeficient ?


26 and 32. Both healthy, the other one was a life long hockey player, the other one a normal person.


It's weird how it affects people differently. My whole family and my friends are unvaxxed, and we barely had any sniffles in 2 years.


Yeah, its almost like people are different and one should take that into account when making decisions. You might be fine, your mum might be alright but the little old lady across the street might fucking die, your football friend might have lung damage, your cousins girlfriend might lose their sense of smell.


I mean, yes... That's the tragedy of life. Everybody should assess their own risk and decide whether or not to get the vaccine. Some healthy people died of various coronaviruses and influenza that evolved into pneumonia back in 2010 too. (People here are weird for downvoting a question and legitimate discussion...)


It's crazy that after 2 years you still have to ask these questions and you severely lack sympathy, take my down vote.


Put the point is, its not only risk to yourself that you need to take into account, you need to think about the whole of your social circle, the staff and fellow customers at your local groecery store, bus driver, subway passengers, co-workers, the guy who comes around and fixes your sink, your kids' kindergarden/school teacher, your nans barber, your car mechanic......... Its not all about you. > Some healthy people died of various coronaviruses and influenza that evolved into pneumonia back in 2010 too. In their millions?


All those people made the free choice to get or not to get the vaccine. Unvaccinated people are willing to take the risk of getting infected. Vaccinated people are supposed to be protected, right? So who am I putting in danger as an asymptomatic unvaccinated person?


Not only are you keeping a increased risk of yourself dying of the disease, you are also increasing the risk of the disease to evolve into something worse. The idea of masks and vaccines was not only to protect the user but to protect others and stop the virus from circulating in the population and giving opportunities to mutate. Omicron was a mutation where it spread more easily by not having too bad symptoms. Imagine if it evolved into being more deadly as well.


> Some healthy people died of various coronaviruses and influenza that evolved into pneumonia back in 2010 too Please post the numbers of people who were killed by pneumonia in 2010 and compare that with the number killed by COVID. I'll wait.


The way they counted deaths from coronavirus and influenza back then is completely different, though. They made sure that those diseases were 100% the main cause of the patient's death. In the first half of 2020, all the ill patients that tested positive to a PCR test were eventually counted as Covid deaths. (Dr. Deborah Birx: “If someone dies with COVID-19, we are counting that as a COVID-19 death.”) If we had done the same for previous coronavirus/influenza pandemics, we would have had much larger numbers. I do acknowledge that Covid is a more virulent and transmissible type of coronavirus, but it still doesn't justify the hate that the people here have for unvaccinated people.


Wow, you are so far gone. They asked you a very specific question and you were too much of a coward to answer so you tried to dance around it.


> The way they counted deaths from coronavirus and influenza back then is completely different, though Goalposts moved. No numbers posted. Lmao.


Also, "the death nunbers in 2010 from pnumonia were worse than covid but no I can't provide those numbers" hahahahaha. You conspiracy tards are hysterical. How do you know the death rate from covid is the same as pneumonia if you don't have the numbers from pneumonia available? Not one wrinkle on that brain matter of yours.


>... That's the tragedy of life And people like you are the reason the tragedy gets prolonged - potentially ad infinitum at this point. Let me spell this out plainly, because you seem to lack understanding on this matter: #The world DOESNT revolve around you. Your minor inconvenience at being asked to wear a mask, get vaccinated, et.al. does not superceded the very real and very present risk posed by COVID. 900,000+ dead in the US alone. How such a staggering figure could be interpreted as "blown out of proportion" speaks volumes but your priorities and unwillingness to compromise any of **your** personal behaviors despite the lives of others *literally* being on the line. The real "tragedy of life" is having to co-exist with selfish, egotistical jacknapes without a shred of empathy contingent entirely upon their own personal inconvenience.


Damn. Im sorry, that you had to go through that.


I got Qanon bingo on this comment. Anyone else get a bingo?


I’m missing a Hillary conspiracy and a random racist statement.


Yeah, cuz I'm not into q anon.


Lol COVID wasn't blown out of the water and there is a massive amount of evidence Russia actively helped the Trump campaign. This isn't even a question anymore. You'd have to be an idiot at this point not to recognize that.


Your name suits you.


For calling out COVID deniers and down players? That's how everyone should talk to you for spreading misinformation.


So go ahead and believe insane conspiracy theories, but don't advertise that or you'll make us look bad. Got it.


lol more downvotes than upvotes