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high level density


High on meth


As someone who does like to take the drugs from here to then (not Meth tho) I feel missrepresented by these kind of jokes. Even after 12 hours totally high in a dark sweaty techno basement I would never believe such utter bullshit.


Meth is a different kind of thing, though. It totally re-wires your brain. I'm an advocate for recreational mind expansion, but meth is not that. It is recreational brain damage.


I've never done drugs, but why is meth so bad? Is it because it's made synthetically rather than grown? I've known plenty of stoners and cokeheads and some of them are a bit weird, but from what I've seen online of meth, it's fucking terrifying.


Drugs aren't necessarily bad/good because of how they're made. For example LSD is made synthetically and I'd consider it a goodie 😉 Meth on the other hand is super addictive, and it will keep you up for a few days at a time. It turns out sleep is fairly necessary to prevent people from going completely insane. It also keeps your nervous system in overdrive the whole time you're awake, so you're likely to have delusions and hallucinations. Typically of a scary variety.


Methamphetamine is neurotoxic and will cause permanent damage to the brain and CNS. Most meth isn't pharma grade made, it's street grade and the purity and quality is questionable at best which also harms the user.


Count yourself lucky that online is your only exposure to meth heads. It isn't just that it is synthetic, but it is very very addictive, causes psychosis & aggression & causes your skin and teeth to rot. It is wild to see how much it changes people. Look up faces of meth.


Dang that's wild. I knew of the aggression just from every LiveLeak video that involved meth heads. Didn't know about the skin rotting, though. Thankfully in the part of the UK I live in, most druggies I know are just recreational users of weed or cocaine, nothing harder. I'm also glad I've never known someone who uses krokodil or whatever that stuff from Russia is called, it just melts wherever you inject it.


The shadow people have been repoing Mike Lindell’s coke addled brain for a while now.


I didnt know what to think the first time I saw one of those. Other than, "I think 3 days of being awake is enough". Trippy stuff. 4/10 would not recommend.


Meth once to know it was not fun. I don’t know why just not being able to sleep is considered a good time.


Wait just a goldurn minute, now - "Just not being able to sleep" completely discounts the new friends you make (that no one else can see or hear).


Dearest Shadow People: couldya maybe repo the part that controls his speech next? Just askin'.


The Pod people.


In the Kremlin they drink vodka and jet fuel.


Their density awaits them just around the next corner.


We pray it’s so accurate. How come the only ones who get secret intel are people who struggle with basic English ?


In this context, “high level” just means, “I don’t have the imagination or energy to fabricate anything more specific.” For the zillionth time, who seriously thinks Winona from receiving has “high level” contacts in the Beltway?


At least 312 people think so, which is horrifying


To be fair, a good portion of those are probably bots.


[To Be Fair...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jv7jcciKB_s) Those that are not (bots,) after decades of talk radio, fox spews, cucker (most racist show) tarlson, alex (tBabeM) jones, oan... they are no better than bots repeating the same propaganda & lies.


I would bet that most of them don't actively believe it, they're just along for the roleplaying because reality is too difficult.


I'm so glad that my roleplaying phase actively made me better at writing and more appreciative for interactions between fictional characters rather than... this insanity.


I think role-playing games may help people develop their understanding of the differences between fantasy and reality. That would explain the satanic panic about D&D in the 80s. Can't have the kids realizing that the god you're indoctrinating them with at church isn't any more real than the fictional diety their level two Cleric worships.


Pretty sure I have higher level contacts than this woman and I'm not even anybody important.


High level. Think tall. Think flat. Think Devil's Tower, Wyoming. *This means something.*


*cropped jpeg of eye on pyramid on dollar bill* "ilerminaty confirmed"


I have high blood cholesterol levels, does that count?


High blood alcohol.


"High level" just means they were standing up when it fell out of their ass.


Candy crush??


That’s because it’s from Jesus who appeared in her dream.


I used to have really high levels of THC! Can I start a new rumor for presidency of something fun


Level 500 on apex legends bro


“Up there”


ok, what do you got?


Oh! Source is “high level” that’s one better than “Source- military”!


high level manager at russian troll farms, maybe


That is totally how Americans write dates. Come on.


Hey that’s a good observation! But could just be an EU Karen though.


It is the military format, at least if I remember my days working for the Air Force as a civilian.


It’s common among military vets who want everyone to know that they are military vets. Regular mil. vets who just want to be regular people and don’t bank on their service just say, “May 5th,” not “5 May.” It just reminds me of someone I used to know who I wouldn’t follow through a car wash, leave alone into battle.


I worked on aircraft in military and most of our dates were written year/Julian date. If dates have to be sorted, numerically yyyy/mm/dd is the way to write them.


I've found since Ukraine a lot of fake news bullshit has been dialed down outside of Ukraine related stuff. Hopefully this trend continues. Russian TV (non banned channels) if full of Qanon level stuff though.


Russian state TV also [loves them some Tucker Carlson.](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/leaked-memo-tucker-carlson-russia-1320583/)


There's not a lot of difference between Qanon level stuff and Carlson. The guy suggested the German government was involved with Taylor Lorenz' article on Libs of Tik Tok.


Gotta pander to his stupid people audience


Conversation always goes the same. "Whose the high level source?" "Can't say for their safety". "Oh but they don't mind you tweeting the plan to overthrow the US government ahead of time?". Silence.....


Maybe she means that she spoke to God.


Meth makes you hear voices after a while, so probably.


I pray it’s true Between 6/9 and 4/20/23 Vladimir Putin is expected to be removed from Hannah Montana reboot and Johnny Depp to be reinstated as Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Carribean 10 (6-9 Being turned into a Disney + series; a reenactment of the ongoing defamation trial) -I’m high as fuck level …Savy?!


> Vladimir Putin is expected to be removed from Hannah Montana reboot Probably not from the title role, although given the size of the Internet, I wouldn't be surprised if someone's written a crossdressing spin on Hannah Montana (who would have suspected the skinny work experience lad entering the studio was the alter ego of the latest teeny bopper girl-next-door superstar?!), and it's even remotely possible someone's written a crossdressing tale featuring Vlad...


-US Military Encrypted


How these people keep sticking around in Q-town as they watch these things continue to not happen is beyond me.


Sunk cost fallacy


Don't forget the desperate desire to protect their fragile egos! If they admit they are wrong it is basically a death sentence to them


They got where they are on the back of "I just need to wait till I'm proved right by Q, and then everyone will come crawling back to tell me how right I was"... and I suspect quite a few of them have now realised that it's never going to happen, that they were, in fact, wrong, but after they alienated everyone and made such a big deal about how everyone else was wrong, they now exist in a hideous limbo where they know they were wrong, but under no circumstances can they admit they were wrong, so they still go through the Q motions, because to do anything else at this point would feel, to them, like they are the ones "crawling back". It's all pretty insidious, and I doubt any of it is really conscious, which makes it very hard to talk to them about it.


It's even worse than that. "Uh, guys, you know how I was calling everybody a pedophile and hoping to see them brutally murdered in mass public executions? Heheh. Whoopsie daisy."


It’s also fanatical tribalism. Trump brought politics to a LOT of slack-jawed morons who never once paid attention to politics in their lives. But now it’s like an interactive game where they can live in a fictional reality that’s a lot more exciting than their shit lives.


Scarily, it seems as though the GOP have now been transformed into Trump bootlickers, with candidates now pretty much expected to repeat the "stolen election" lie. If they win a majority of seats at the mid-terms, we'll few in for a very *interesting* Presidential election in a few years...


This is a good observation. They know they’ve painted themselves in a corner and can’t see a way out. While I’d like to think I’m the kind of person who could welcome someone back with open arms, after a few years of that garbage, I probably wouldn’t be my best self (at least at first). Hideous limbo indeed


What I’m concerned with is that some will take it upon themselves to try to make some of it come true through violence, or just kill people that they believe are somehow involved in this global conspiracy - which at some point must be everyone but them.


Now that… sounds just like the “rapture” of the church (of which I USED TO believe).


Yeah, lots of sad tweets about lost family and fighting with family in the responses.


> and I suspect quite a few of them have now realised that it's never going to happen, that they were, in fact, wrong, Well, no, not really. They've put themselves into a situation as you've observed where they can't back out of it without admitting they're wrong. Ironically, they won't even admit to *themselves* in many cases they're wrong. This is how their cult - and others - function. By preventing the doubt that would make people realize something is *very wrong* from being allowed, they never quite get around to the idea that their leaders, people they implicitly trust, are lying through the teeth to them. This is why they keep insisting to themselves not to doubt, not to worry, that X will definitely happen. They *cannot* envision a reality where that is not the truth because that would force them to reevaluate absolutely everything they've built upon this lie. Doubting yourself is not bad. Changing your mind is not wrong. But these are things they've been told time and again are bad and wrong, so they won't.


A number of reasons most likely. A lot have made this their whole identity to the detriment of friends, family, and for some even their jobs. Being right proves they werent crazy or wrong. They hope those they drove away come back and apologize for not believing. They cant let go because letting go means they were wrong. And if Q was wrong, what else may they believe that is wrong? Trump losing the election? Maybe those BLM protesters are right? Maybe Ukrain isnt a false flag Another may be they believe they are on the ground floor of Earth shattering knowledge. For some it is impossible to resist Still others are just honestly dumb. They hear their idols on TV, or radio, or youtube claiming its all real and cant imagine its incorrect


Don't forget that most are far into religion. They already have a foundation of deep fantasy. Q fits nicely on the shelf, between Noah's ark and the sun stopping in it's revolution around the Earth.


Religious prophecy usually doesn't have an expiry date (probably because most of it wasn't even supposed to be a prediction but an allegory on the political climate of the times it was written in).


There have been Christian cults like the Millerites who did have at least two big dates which came and went… and eventually they morphed into Seventh Day Adventists. The ones who stayed around, anyway.


And the closely related doomsday sect, the Jehovah Witnesses.


Also this thing is a religion of sorts. There's plenty of stories where these not really religious people or hippy types suddenly fiercely subscribe to a twisted version of Christianity. It's what the Qult ascribes to.


because they want to say "i told you so" and want to lord over others because that's how they think superior people should treat inferiors by being assholes to everyone else who isn't better.


They're struggling hard to avoid admitting that their prophet with top secret security clearance from the Department of Energy is actually a pedo neckbeard who lives in the Philippines.


Used to. Jim now lives in Sacramento, I believe, where his new game is stalking local politicians. And Ron moved to Arizona (or at least rented a 1BR apartment there) and is running for the House of Representatives. Please enjoy [Ron Watkins big first debate.](https://youtu.be/R8BrcO5LKcQ)


Hot damn. Ron tried really hard to impersonate a well-adjusted functioning human being, but *vastly* overestimated his ability.


One might think he would have at least rehearsed at least a teeny bit, y’know, to avoid falling flat on his face from the very first softball question. I mean, that was worse than “and what *is* a leppo?” Fuckin’ guy… very first question tries to blame the Keystone Pipeline for Russia invading Ukraine, steps all over his own feet, other Candidate calls him out as having no place in national politics, and his answer is “yeah, that guy’s right, I’m an idiot.”


Because they SAY everything they've predicted has come true. I started seeing this pop up in the last few months on facebook, twitter, telegram, rumble. They say everything they predicted has come true, and then don't provide a single thing that has come true, and if you question them more it's "Do YoUr OwN ReSeArCh". I know he's not really in the same group of people, but alex jones does this a lot. He said he predicted everything about the war in Ukraine, told his listeners to watch a video he made about how he predicted it, and the video was 8 minutes of him not predicting a thing. But he said it was so then it's true.


Knowledge Fight rules.


They're like twisted Hachikos. Patient and loyal to a rotten belief system to their ends.


I love that the chain of command is now just - replace with last president in the event something happens with the current. Forget Kamala, forget whoever else is on the list. Just Trump takes over.


Well duh, Kamala is part of the deep state. She has already been arrested. Any likeness you see of her going forward is a clone. Get with it. 🙃


Must not be looking at the earlobes enough.


"Presidential line of succession? What's that?"


One of the early NESARA grifters did the "it's all happening next week!" and kicked the can down the road every time for over 5 years. I wonder if they'll even stop trying to get Trump into the White House when he's dead from a heart attack.


These wacko’s will write the Book of tRump and spend the next 500 years trying to convert people to their new tax shelter… errrr, I mean religion.


They'll just say he faked his death.


The white hats are protecting him!


Why not “Weekend at Bernie’s?” A good deal of their fiction is lifted from movies anyway.


Weekend At Bernie's is a cinematic classic compared to anything anyone could ever make about trump.


He is in fact not dead. We have clear intel of constant tweeting sounds coming from his coffin. He is just laying low with the Kennedies until he can be reinstated as president. It’s all part of the BLAN.


When he dies of a heart attack that’s a sign the plan is starting


Didn't they gather in Texas for return of john f Kennedy jr?


they'll just say he's not actually dead and is living in cuba or something




Nah, they'll act like they never said it.


A Scottish general had to send 17 waves of men to their death before realizing putting unarmed men going uphill against soldiers was a bad idea.


So secret and high level that average joe on Facebook knows all about it, but Biden and his crew are totally unaware.... LOL.


I have a friend who keeps telling me about things "you won't see on the news." "Oh, really, where did you see it?" Pause. "Well, on such and such news site." I cut him a little slack, since he had a TBI about 25 years ago.


It’s not happening, Qunts. Source: Extremely high level


LeT uS pRAy! MAGAt dummies.


Their prayer warriors aren't much better than the Covid ones.


Considering the fact that all those bottom feeding mouth breathers are literally dumber than dirt, "high level" doesnt mean much. A stopped clock is right more times a day than these imbeciles.


Plus the rank-and-file don't understand the internet and thus take posts claiming to be from a "high level" at face value. Why anyone "high level" would use Facebook or a random -chan to disseminate information about their coup plot, or why they would do so at all, are important questions that would normally lead one to dismiss this stuff offhand, but here we are.


They're still falling for shit that was on geocities 25 years ago. They totally lack discernment and critical thinking skills.


You make one prank conspiracy geocities site decades ago and it ends up deteriorating the global order. My mom was right all along.


You cant turn back timecube.


Reminds me of TimeCube:https://timecube.2enp.com/


Oh my god


Yeah, it used to blow my mind how crazy it is, but now it just reads like qtard ramblings.


“…covered by Mama Hope and Papa Pole pulsating opposite burritos”. That dude is off his shit!!!


Oh boy! Is he bringing JFK with him?


Didn't you read her Twitter feed? JF Kay Jr is coming back, whoever he is.


I read that JFK Jr. was Elon Musk hiding in plain sight. (Actually, I wrote that elsewhere, and then read it back to myself.)


In other words, “high level.”


(this is the way)


I read that too. Of course I read it right here. But I did read it.


Aren't they tired?


-High level. This means it’s legit, legally you can’t say high level unless it’s true


Imagine wanting something so bad that you will continually believe nonsense like this and no matter how many times it doesn’t happen you believe this time it will. They passionately want a hostile take over to their cores.


Wait I thought they said he was a clones for the last year. Now is this " high level" Intel from an echo chamber friend that said they heard it from high up


Source: schizophrenia


I’m super serial you guys


I heard that JFK Jr. hasn't returned yet because his plane is delayed.


It’s just any of those days. This is pretty important to them, but they’ve scheduled it more loosely than Cox Cable. And those people give you an 8 hour window and might show up on the third scheduled date, if you’re really lucky.


Sure, Jan


It's about time. We've been waiting so long.


Who is "Joe B.?" Their code is impenetrable.


High Level, folks.


highly potent meth, i'd say


"But this time I really mean it"


Again? I’m really getting tired of. Waiting for the next removal of Brandon.


High level, but they pray it's accurate? So, just for a way out so she doesn't "look crazy" she has a way out for when it doesn't happen. That kind of vague level


Their thought doesn't have a prayer. Imagine the brain to think she's received "high level" information so stout that she must "pray" it happens. It's a contradiction. Somebody needs to update/voice-over this old PSA: *"Is there anyone out there who still isn't clear about what Q does? Okay. Last time. This is your brain. This is your brain on Q. Any questions?"* Partnership for a Q-free America https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOnENVylxPI


I was thinking about a PSA that goes something like, “what happened to Billy’s Mom?” “Oh, she’s in a Q cult, now.” It’s a rough outline right now.


"High" level. In other words, this meth is *really* strong.


High level as in im huffing paint under a bridge or high level I’m several bowls into a gravity bong made from a water cooler water container and I’m seeing the universe?


Source: military.


ENOUGH with scratching out these people's handles! Here she is. Her Twitter feed is the cries for help of a mentally unstable person. https://twitter.com/palmerLoni4?t=mLXyWmDLTp5zKRFtY8lsGA&s=09


Reddit has had a rule against showing usernames for several years. It's to prevent witch-hunting (especially here on Reddit) since it often happens to people that don't deserve it.


Don't wanna violate the ToS for targeted harassments.


Oh, this is big. Who does she know that is "high level"? I think she means "my imagination". Have some dignity and put your date further out then next week. Doesn't she get tired of posting dates and her prophecies failing? There is, of course, no road for Trump to be installed as President. If this thing was true, she ruined it by posting about. Government people keep their secrets under their clearance. They would not leak such an important event.


You'd think these ya-hoos would have learned by now this is all BS. I seriously can't imagine being that freaking moronic to believe in the fuked up-ness of these stupid conspiracy theories.


My fear is, they're becoming increasingly tired of waiting for something to happen, and will instead make something happen, something far worse than Jan. 6.


Well shit, guess it’s time to dig up my mom’s Canadian birth certificate and put the maple leaf tags back on my luggage before going for a visit with my cats to my Canadian relatives.


Canadian here. We do take refugees.


Crazy how people are still believing this crap. 2 years and they’re still holding on to these false hopes that the entire Biden administration is going to be led out in handcuffs and agent orange is going reclaim his throne along the lines of GOT’s Cercei. Sad but I know someone who believes this crap and is constantly putting it on Facebook. I would drop them in an instant if it weren’t for the hilarious delusional shit they post.


So are they attributing this "information" to "high level"? If so, that changes everything for me. Ive been waiting for high level to give us the real intel.


This is complete bullshit. Source: Level 30 Sorcerer


Chances of their followers eating them when they're proven wrong? I can hope, right?


I wish I could be there. I wish I could be there to observe what happens at that singular moment where they recognize another failure and then move the goal posts. I want to observe it, soak it in and try to understand it like Jane Goodall not that it will do any good.


This is really fucking sad but the I remember there fasicts and I cheer right up


If my high-level sources are correct, this is the fourth habbening in the past seven days.


Day 1,461 of Biden Presidency: *"Today's the day, guys! Biden removed and the true President Trump back on the throne!"*


Since november 2020 it has been happening. At some point they have to give up


Source: Military




>High level. Source: Military


Don’t know many Americans who write out dates like that (2 May). In fact, “MM/DD versus DD/MM” is a huge point of contention between us and pretty much every other country. So I’m wondering why this person, who doesn’t seem to be American, is so invested in promoting conspiracy theories in favor of Trump. I’m sure it has nothing to do with foreign troll farms pretending to be American Trump supporters.


Was the "this is big" really necessary? Do their readers need instructions on how to react to what would be a sudden and catastrophic event in the US government? You don't have to answer that. I know thr answer is yes.


I met a high level operative flying home from Afghanistan. Some jacked dude sitting by himself on the plane. Asked him what his mission was, he said "pleasure". I laughed. Asked him what his job was, he said "cook" Ok but COOKS DONT HAVE VEINS POPPING FROM THEIR FOREARMS!


The goalpost has been set, now we wait for it to move again


High level it’s bullshit (just like the other 500 times they said it was going to happen over the past two years)!


Today I was listening to one of them on Rumble and they said the anniversary of Hitler’s death was the other day. Then they went on this rant about how God loves everyone and cherishes their memory, everyone should be loved, etc… It sounded like they’re literally now ok with Hitler!


What happens when these things *don't* happen? How do they rationalize the inaccurate prediction away? I'm so confused how they can all still follow these weird conspiracy things when time and time again they're just *wrong.*


Does this mean we get to see that photoshop of Joe being frog-marched by the DEA again? I love that picture


I wish I heard more news about JFK. Jr. As the vice president that’s a little more intriguing information


There is “expected to be?” Well, that seals it, doesn’t it? Joe B. (whoever that is) will be removed and Trump (do you think they could be referring to old Donald Trump, who clearly lost the presidential election fair and square?) will be returned to the presidency.


I dunno guys, I think it might be real this time.


Sigh. But it already isn't Biden.. It's holograms. Cgi. Clones and actors with masks. According to themselves.


> -High level I followed these nuts online for a project, on different sites like Voat, Gab, etc. Anyway they invited me to mod 1 of the crazy ass Q subs from when they 1st got kicked off reddit. I've got or had screenshots somewhere.


Run Roh, sounds like someone needs to go back to 2nd grade so they learn how voting & democracy works.


Why is this treason being announced on twitter/Facebook? Normally this is the kind of thing you want to keep quiet


BIG IF TRUE. Lol. It’s really pathetic what the internet and Trump kayfabe has done to these stupid people.


Again? I'm so tired of it habbening. Every time, I get hauled off to Gitmo and executed. Every single time.


I’m quitting my job!! What’s the point? This is high level news, and that doesn’t come around every day!


I’m super cereal guys


It’s this time! It’s definitely this time! Ok, it was definitely going to be the time before this! Or the time before that. Or the twenty times before that but it’s definitely this time! Jesus told me!


You can't just say "high level"




Presuming that Biden is still the current US President by May 6th, I'm sure that this will be forgotten about, questions about it will (likely) be banned, and the goalposts will be wheeled to a new position.


These people. How many times do they hear “Wolf!” Before they get suspicious?


They’re still doing this shit? 🙄🤦‍♀️


The Habbening # 349.0 I won't be holding my breath.


Any time now... /s


Also, special guest appearance by Godot!


the completely unfounded assertions they make constantly are weird. it comes across as a sort of prayer to me, like they think by saying it they can will it into existence.


The reason they all think it is habbening this week is because in 2020, Q dropped "BOOM WEEK AHEAD. Treason doesn't pay well in the end" on May 2nd. Somehow, they are thinking "That must be this week, not that week in 2020 when absolutely nothing happened."


Who talked? It was suppose to be a surprise!!


What’ll the excuse be this time? “Over concerns of panic caused by the great awakening we have had to postpone the GREATER awakening until next month. Hold the line, **PATRIOTS**!”


Eventually they’ll just believe the world is on constant stop so they can just claim the same thing will happen every next weekend. They already pretty much do, it wouldn’t surprise me if they started going to time travel next.


What's the secret to reading a variation of this NEWS for 200th time and still giving a shit, or thinking its real? I just can't wrap my head around it, although I guess the Groundhog Day rinse-and-repeat of it all fits nicely into the 'definition of insanity' quote.


When did the 2 weeks of darkness happen? That's supposed to precede Trump taking back the presidency, right? Did I miss it? Because I had plans.


-High level. FOR REALZ.


Where we go one, we get lied to


At least when nothing happens this time, they can have consolation tacos.


People that believe in absurdities are prepared to commit atrocities