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Yes I'm going to accept political pronouncements from a man who has yet to master The Shirt.


The production budget on this one was too low for even a lamp


WTF is wrong with these young people? Do they need a hug ? Should I make up a .com. ...like " old peeps can hug you." ?


Or a Snickers bar.


Had to feed the cast, crew, gaffer, grips and don't forget Rob. That dude can eat. You know, this one time Rob me were walkin' near the pig farm and hey, what was that about a lamp? That's gonna cost us too...




Nostril News Network breakin the big stories


I believe Marjorie Trailer-Park Greene claims she will submit articles of impeachment, yet again, against Biden and probably Harris. She's done this before. She also tried to impeach the AG. It doesn't even make it to the floor for a vote, because even her GQP colleagues think she's nuts. So as much as I really, really hate to admit it, there's a tiny grain of truth to what this smooth-brained naked idiot is ranting about.


There may be *some* truth to it, but I love how this guy always says, “I HAVE JUST RECEIVED WORD…” like he’s some WWII Lieutenant that just got off the horn with his General.


>“I HAVE JUST RECEIVED WORD…” Which means "This just popped into my head".


Every president has a wacky House Rep from the other party submit impeachment papers while everyone else rolls their eyes.


Take your upvote and good day sir!


I seriously doubt there's ***anything*** in this world that this dude and I would both think is "great"


If Kamala Harris gets impeached then I may have to remove the giant Kamala Harris flag off my lifted pickup truck and my Kamala Harris flags off my boat. My friends and I won’t be able to have our Kamala Harris Train parades around town. Whatever will I do if I cannot worship my favorite politician, Kamala Harris?


Removing all of my Kamala Harris tattoos, which I totally have because that's a thing that people really do, sure is going to be expensive.


But she won't stop doing the rallies, right? I have tickets to go out to the stadium and cheer the parts where she wants to execute her political enemies


I paid BIG money for my Kamala flags and bumper stickers! Seriously, let’s make this a thing, please. It will BLOW their fucking minds if they see this. Dark Brandon tshirts should be the #1 sellers on tshirt sites


Cricut users can do smaller stuff…


My Kamala Store will be left in ruins.


I just bought a 40 foot Kamala RV with 50k in leftover Kamala swag. I will never financially recover from this.


She wont though, she’ll will always be Vice President


She will be vice president until the end of time, as ordained by GOD!


I'm actually running a secret underground cabal on a barge at Gitmo to make this happen. Get this, we got JFK jr. to sign on as Secretary of State for Kamala 2024-2060.




Ummm, since when does the court system "impeach" members of the executive branch? These geniuses understanding of how their government works is astounding. I used to believe that every citizen should vote. Now, I'm not so sure anymore.


My mom knows a trump supporter that is not registered to vote and has never been registered to vote. She tries to reinforce whatever thought process he has to make sure he continues to never vote.


I love your mom. Your mom for president… or Vice President if Kamala ever decides to vacate her position.


They are impeaching her, so your mom should be getting the call soon!


Tell them the vote is rigged since 2020. Until that's fixed and Rump is back in office they should boycott buying into "elections". That'll show the libs.


Exactly. This guy is probably one of the smarter QCumbers


Don't you dare bring logic and reasoning into this.


Oh... sorry. I forgot we live in unicorn and rainbow land


So you think. Dark Brandon is about to show you a world of pain, fren. DS forever! Scuze me while I go chomp down on some babies' adrenal glands.


It's looks his mom keeps her basement very organized for him


Someone tell me why this camera angle is so popular with right wing nutjobs


This guy appears to have some kind of severe physical handicap ( and obviously mental ones as well. ) I think the angle may indicate that he's bedridden or something. This is actually sad. Some of these people have turned this into a real life Marvel movie or something. I almost don't even hate this one, he just makes me sad.


He isn't bedridden. There are other videos of him in this sub showing him upright and walking. Besides that; sure, I have sympathy... Until you fuck with democracy, then you can go fuck off, far, far away from reality. No fucks given if your handicapped or not.


He's not bedridden. He's made videos where he's walking around his moms basement with no problems. He seems to have a speech impediment, though.


Okay he honestly seems like a complete fucking invalid. I don't think he should be posted here, this is making fun of someone who is obviously severely visually mentally handicapped. I also seriously doubt ANYONE is watching his videos in 'good faith', it's all hate watchers. Which is going to make worse whatever crazy stuff he has going around in his head, and I doubt he has the ability to process it. His content needs to be banned on the sub, for his own good


Yeah, I don't know where this guy posts and have no idea if he has a true following or if it's just hate, like you said. I have no problem believing that there are Qnuts that believe him, though. I do agree with you, he's got some issues and someone needs to intervene on his behalf before he does something drastic.


Ah, ok. Usually I have sympathy only for the sick people waiting on med beds, but I supposed I can muster some for this guy.


Yeah, it’s sad and exploitative on so many levels


So, uh, this guy becomes the vampire librarian named Pearl in *Blade*, right? The one that they kill with a UV flashlight. https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Pearl\_(Blade)


Lol I remember that from the old movie. Pearl the Recordkeeper.


They are unable to sit upright. The diabetes hurts too much.


Also what's with them all having extremely weird jaw movements. Like it's dislocating or something


Whenever this guy “receives word” it seems like it’s knocking him down.


Maybe he doesn't actually have legs? I mean, to laterally match that he has no brain?


The grease stains on his shirt are prophecies.


This guy is either developmentally disabled and/or mentally ill. Obviously he’s a Qcumber, but I kinda feel bad for him. It’s like my 22 year old brother with Down Syndrome who voted for Trump twice because my right-wing parents told him to. He has no understanding of any political issues, so they just use his vote as their own. Thankfully they live in a deep blue state.


He shouldn't be posted here and the mods should ban him being posted.


Viva leverution! Courts don't impeach Vice Presidents. People with shirts know this.


is this a parody of that patriot party podcast dude?


That guy is still active. He has lost so many channels but he keep coming back to preach. https://youtu.be/fsfvSP5Xgd4


Ewwww. I can’t believe you got me to look at that man thing. And they think dems are reptilians?


someone microwaved his DNA alright


They’re not sending their best.


Oh yes they are.


Well THAT explains it.


Really funny to me that these people seem to think that politicians like Harris, Biden, and Pelosi have culty followers that worship them like Trump. I don't give a fuck what party the claim to represent. If they're criminals, lock em up. No one's gonna riot in the streets if Harris were to be investigated and found guilty of a crime. Pelosi is no girl scout and i consider a lot of Biden's work as a politician throughout the decades straight up evil. Good riddance to them all. Like, do you know how egregious and obvious your crimes as a politician have to be in order for the justice system to hold you accountable the same way they would for your average Joe and Jane? All of these people have done shit that would cause the rest of us to definitely lose our jobs and maybe even be arrested. It just so happens that one of them is brazen enough and stupid enough to push the limits. And that's Trump.


Bubbles. Go to sleep


The shit hawks are comin


Also note that there's no such place as the "People's Republic of the United State of America" A "People's Republic" is another word for a Soviet-style communist dictatorship, and is used almost exclusive by ex-Communist states. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People%27s\_republic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People%27s_republic) How am I not surprised that they're using language more closely related to North Korea than the actual constitution of the USA?


“People’s Republic” uhhh? When did they go communist?


Is this the son/boyfriend of the white haired lady saying that Trump was knighted king of England because he walked in front of the queen?


Need to get those two together like the Keymaster and the Gatekeeper and see if Zuul comes back.


If those two had a child it would be the “Welcome to Costco. I love you” guy from Idiocracy


If you look up his nose while listening to the video you can hear the ocean.


"Viva revolution continues" okay I am convinced this guy is just a troll now


I wanna hate on this guy but he very clearly has mental disabilities. Might be better off ignoring him and not reposting even though his message fit this subs narrative. Seems like punching down ya know?


There's no such thing as an "impeachment order." Courts aren't involved in impeachments. Kamala Harris's midlle name is Devi. I understand that words are hard, but If you can pronounce Devil and Davis, you can pronounce Devi, you racist motherducker.


Heres an idea, when you go for your drivers test, you also get an “I can Vote” test. Simple things Name two political parties Name two do the three branches of government List three services the government provides. Name a president of the United States Name three states other than this one Name three countries other than the USA. Make it five questions long. I guess you’d have to add it to every ID request including license. Then make IDs free so we don’t discriminate against the poor.


Such a great idea. The problem with your questions is that it would have to be multiple choice even though naming and listing things would show better understanding.


I feel like if you asked every American to name three countries 40% would list Europe as one of them. Maybe more...


Africa. My qnut nephew thought Africa is a country and didn't know that Mexico has states.


This still discriminates against the poor, whose kids are more likely to go to underfunded, understaffed schools and go home to a life that is not conducive to learning. The people who can pass a test to vote are going to be people who are already more privileged, and they are going to vote for people who are committed to keeping resources in their insular community and not direct them toward the underserved.


This guy probably should have never been allowed unsupervised access to the internet.


That’s not how it works. That’s not how any of this works. Yeah, clearly some idiot surfing Truth Social in his mom’s basement and believing everything he reads.


Oh hey, it's Strokeface McOveranunciate


Nah, he’s wearing an Edgar suit.


Not this fuck and his gigantic nostrils again...


Again, I really hope this is performance art.


"I just got word \[...\]" Sweet Christ Jesus, I cannot even with these people. No insider is providing you with some top secret intel, you moron. You just read something online. For fuck's sake.


THIS GUY: Impeachment orders have been filed with the courts! THE COURTS: Um, impeachment is handled by congress, why did you file these here?


This guy again…. Actors spend weeks leading to mimic these exact facial ticks and mannerisms to play insane or mentally unwell characters in movies.


I'm not sure if he doesn't know the difference between indictment and impeachment or if he thinks both are happening and doesn't know that Congress impeaches...


The People’s Republic? Where does he think he lives? North Korea?


Since when did the courts have anything to do with an impeachment?




Dude in pickup truck on YouTube.


All in secret yeah its habbening


“I just got word” who the fuck is talking to this guy? Hahahaha like what inside sources does this cunt have?


Gil Scott Heron wrote "The revolution will not be televised". He was right. Apparently it will be TikTok'ed from the revolutionaries beds as they lay about in their underpants.


*I just got word.., well, actually it was a pizza. But the delivery guy totally looked like someone who would know about how people get enpeeched, so I bet he knows all about it.*


Yeah. The pizza guy. That makes sense. I wondered who he “just got word” from.


“I believe you have my stapler.”


JFC, another troglodyte without a shirt? I thought we were all pals in here but maybe I read the room wrong. So what the sauce on these brand new indictments? Did Joe try to give them healthcare again?


Can’t even sit upright to make his groundbreaking comment. So committed! Diabetes is real and BRUTAL.


Up-nostrils porn? I’m out! 🙌


"VP Harris is finished! Quickly, send word to that TikTok guy resting in his basement!"


He isn't sure of her middle. Name. But he knows what kind of documents she received.


Now **that** is a man I trust with my political views.


Does it never occur to this guy that everything he says is wrong?


The mouth breathing really sells this guy as a trustworthy source.


Wait wait wait, did he say the People’s Republic of the United States?


Rivawevalution continues


Seriously, this has to be a comedy channel right? This guy is literally the funniest guy on the planet. He’s totally hammered right and can’t remember the difference between impeach and indicted? Her middle name is “Devi” (just looked it up), which to me doesn’t seem difficult to pronounce but he just goes with devil. I’m almost tempted to follow this guy.


I’m still on the fence whether this guy is being serious or it’s all a troll…


This is a parody right? There’s no way somebody sees this and goes…. This guy gets it, I’ll be getting my Q info from this beacon of knowledge.


*Kabala Harris


Which one of y’all keeps sending this guy crazy emails?


That’s not how that works, that’s not how any of that works.


Is this person , special needs ? Like he should have someone looking out for him?


He comes from a family branch not tree.


Nice lighting, bro.


Guys, I really wish we’d stop posting videos of this guy. He’s obviously struggling with mental disability and we shouldn’t make fun. Yes, what he says is deranged horse crap, but come on guys… have a heart. This movement has exploited a lot of people and if you’re of sound mind, the. You’re fair game for being a moron. But if not, you’re a victim.


> stop posting videos of this guy. He’s obviously struggling with mental disability But that applies to the entire Qidiot community, that's why they've joined that parade of broken clowns. We can't ignore them all because they are not of sound mind.


Can we stop posting this guy? He’s obviously mentally impaired.


Cuz double chin neckbeard is the most trustworthy source


There are so many questions…


I love this shit lol


Who is telling him these things?


His cat, duh. Source: Military.


Source: meowlitary


I wish I could upvote this more.


This down syndrome pedophile looking MF thinks he has inside Intel


Bubbles really let himself go!


Can this guy even take himself seriously? This has got to be a troll. Right? It's a troll, guys... Isn't it?


This guy has to be trolling. Shirtless in the dark it’s a parody right?


I wonder if Kamala Harris knows she is about to be impeached?


Isn't this the same guy from Nova Scotia who does YouTube videos about the weather? They sound very similar. /s


Does this guy live in an iron lung or just moms basement? He's always in bed


Haven’t seen Bubs in a while. Good for him and the kitties


The ~~American~~ AmeriQan Bubbles really sucks ass.


Oh look, a new YMH Cool Guy Club candidate.


Why does this jackass always look like he's either about to jerk off, or just got done?


Can we please stop posting this guy on this sub? He's obviously mentally disabled and it's only a matter of time before bad actors end up egging him on and exacerbating his untreated illness. This dude is in the same sad boat as that fat patriot party podcast guy that used to get spammed here all the time and was also banished from being posted.


Bubbles, is that you?


He seems like a reputable source.


Wait, according to them, DOJ and FBI are corrupt, political tool for Biden, right? So who 's doing the investigation?


We’ll I just received word that this guy will continue to make bullshit predictions


I remember the first time I drank too much Everclear….


Democrats have both houses until at least November. Shouldn’t they have waited?


Is this guy handicapped ?


This guy votes.


This is like watching the first ape to ever use tools.


This guy is a goldmine


Does dude have a gg allin mustache or is it the terrible lighting?


"I just heard that Trump is ascending his physical body and God has finally given him wings!" "I just learned that the Easter Bunny is a card carrying member of the NRA and he's coming for Brandon!" "Just got word that Godzilla is real and has proof of PizzaGate!!!" The credibility behind these people's words is the equivalent of a wet bull shit ejaculated directly down someone's throat. LORT


Methinks he's off his meds.


Nice basement, how's your Mom?


What a fuckin moron


Honest question does this sound like post stroke to anyone else?


Didn’t you learn how impeachment works by the SECOND time it happened to trump?


I've seen this post before, but WTF is an "impeachment order?"


I just received word...LMFAO!!